Maurice Frank

Maurice Frank co-founded the English magazine Exberliner and now co-writes the newsletter 20 Percent Berlin. 


Maurice Frank co-founded the English magazine Exberliner and now co-writes the newsletter 20 Percent Berlin. 

The German conspiracists yearning for a king

Maurice Frank

11 Jul 2024

The key to Germany’s survival

Maurice Frank

24 May 2024

Germany’s car industry has a libido problem

Maurice Frank

24 May 2023

The end of Germany’s open borders

Maurice Frank

16 May 2023

German conscription doesn’t make sense

Maurice Frank

31 Mar 2023

Poland’s futile bid to be Ukraine’s saviour

Maurice Frank

20 Feb 2023

The truth about Germany’s levelling up

Maurice Frank

31 Jan 2023

Germany is in denial about Ukraine

Maurice Frank

20 Jan 2023

Has East Germany given up on the West?

Maurice Frank

05 Dec 2022

Denmark is a Right-wing paradise

Maurice Frank

28 Oct 2022

Germany’s arrogant pacifism

Maurice Frank

12 May 2022

How war radicalised Germany

Maurice Frank

07 Mar 2022

Angela Merkel was no saint

Maurice Frank

06 Dec 2021