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How many people are actually trans?

Trans identities were found to be overrepresented among students. Credit: Getty

January 6, 2023 - 6:00pm

According to census data just released by the Office of National Statistics, 262,113 people in England and Wales have a gender identity different from their sex registered at birth. That’s around 0.5% of the population.

What this data actually means, however, is harder to grasp. We know that 47,572 people identified as ‘trans women’ and another 48,435 identified as ‘trans men’, but they are in the minority. There were 30,257 non-binaries (sex breakdown unknown), 18,074 with some other gender identity, and a whopping 117,775 who gave no specific gender identity. 

But the usual suspects soon show up on the geographic map. Non-binary people account for around 0.06% of the population overall, but hotspots include Oxford (0.25%), and Cambridge (0.26%). In fact, the data serves to illustrate where students live. Why are there so many non-binary people in Gwynedd (0.09%) and Ceredigion (0.23%), yet so few in Carmarthenshire (0.04%) and Anglesey (0.03%)? It’s perhaps no coincidence that the universities in North and West Wales are in Aberystwyth and Bangor.

Similar patterns show up for ‘trans woman’ and ‘trans man’. If this data shows anything, there is a fad going on among younger people that is passing their elders by. The concept that we all have an innate gender identity that is fixed and immutable is maybe just that — an idea without foundation.

What was most surprising for me was how many people answered the question, “Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?” It was voluntary, but only 6% left it blank. I found it difficult to answer. I might be transsexual – hormones and surgery have changed my body profoundly and irreversibly — but I don’t identify as a gender: I am simply me. In the end, I said “no” and indicated “transsexual” in the write-in box. I am therefore one of the 18,074. Most of my generation and above said “yes”. But is that an acknowledgement of a gender identity, or were they simply going along with what they thought was expected of them? We don’t know.

What this data does show, however, is that a significant number of people identify as transgender. We are not the vanishingly small group that was once suggested. For example, prior to the implementation of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 it was estimated that there were just 5000 transsexual people across the whole of the UK; now there are over 50 times as many transgender people in England and Wales alone.

But these groups are not the same. Transsexualism is a psychological condition that can be treated with drugs and surgery. Anyone can identify as transgender, and it appears that far more people are now doing so. The implications for society could be profound. The Scottish Parliament has just passed a bill that would allow Scots to self-identify their gender — and hence their legal sex. In effect, they have taken a process designed for transsexuals and opened it up to a group considerably larger. A group that may well do what previous generations did — grow up, find work, get married and move beyond the folly of youth.

The ONS plans to release more detail later in the year, focusing not just on sex and age but also on ethnicity and religion. And it is that latter one that really interests me. I’m willing to bet that the correlation between the Jedi Knights and the people who identify as transgender is off the scale.

Debbie Hayton is a teacher and a transgender campaigner.


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Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago

This article really begs the question – why does the media, technocratic and political elite spend so much time, effort and resources gnashing their teeth over the trans issue.

Even if 1 in 200 people are trans, which I find unlikely, this is a vanishingly small percentage of the population. And although we should respect the rights of the tiniest minority, and treat them with respect, the resources and policy devoted to trans issues is mind boggling.

Addressing real problems like housing, deindustrialization, inflation, immigration and foreign affairs, takes hard work and requires a bit of political courage.

Instead we yammer on about trans issues, pronouns, online harm, and a bunch of garbage that means nothing to anyone. Strange times indeed.

Debbie Hayton
Debbie Hayton
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

It’s astonishing. I want to see the full data that the ONS has promised later in the year. I do wonder how much of this is linked directly to students and others in their late teens and early twenties.

Andrew Horsman
Andrew Horsman
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

It’s almost as if the security and intelligence services of a hostile nation state were trying to pollute our politics, distract, manipulate, and divide us, and weaken our liberal democratic body politic and economy, in order to further their bosses’ commercial interests and their authoritarian grip on domestic power that they are – rightly – paranoid about losing.But obviously that couldn’t possibly be happening, it’s all too far fetched, you’d have to be absolutely batty to believe it.

Debbie Hayton
Debbie Hayton
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Horsman

If a hostile power wanted to disrupt our society and – thinking about Scotland – even break up the UK, transgender ideology would be one way to do it.

Max Price
Max Price
1 year ago
Reply to  Debbie Hayton

Already happening.

Max Price
Max Price
1 year ago
Reply to  Debbie Hayton

Already happening.

Julian Farrows
Julian Farrows
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Horsman

Transgender ideology seems to have its roots in an ancient-world entity known as the Divine Androgyne, usually represented as a horned god both male and female:

The Blog of Baphomet

It’s a concept that has always been around but has become increasingly popular in recent years. There was even a temple built several years ago in Detroit:

Decoding the symbols on Satan’s statue.

The statue plus the children sitting at its side in the BBC article above also bear a striking resemblance to this scene:

Church of Satan Lauds Library for Hosting Five-Horned ‘Killer Klown’ Drag Queen at Kids’ Storytime

It is no secret that modern-day statists hate Christianity and are doing everything in its power to abolish it even allying themselves with other disparate groups. This Guardian article is very telling in its hatred of Christianity; even more so the comments of those who post below it:

Devil’s advocate: are satanists now the good guys in the fight against the evangelical right?

Of course, much of the article above appears to be pretty tongue-in-cheek, but isn’t that the way most movements by the modern left are started? First by denial, then ridicule and scorn, followed by outrage and denunciations of bigotry.
I would posit that more transgender children aren’t being born, but that this ideology is being normalized in universities and metastasizing down to children at all levels of education including kindergarten:

Being You: A First Conversation About Gender (First Conversations)

It is unclear as to why this ideology needs to be taught to young children. Why is it so important that very young children need to be taught to be comfortable about being around men in dresses? What is the actual purpose of this beyond some form of grooming?

Liam B
Liam B
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Horsman

There is some truth in what you’re saying. Russian troll farms are a real thing. However, I’m sure their impact pales into insignificance when you look at our main stream media which is obsessively woke.

Debbie Hayton
Debbie Hayton
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Horsman

If a hostile power wanted to disrupt our society and – thinking about Scotland – even break up the UK, transgender ideology would be one way to do it.

Julian Farrows
Julian Farrows
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Horsman

Transgender ideology seems to have its roots in an ancient-world entity known as the Divine Androgyne, usually represented as a horned god both male and female:

The Blog of Baphomet

It’s a concept that has always been around but has become increasingly popular in recent years. There was even a temple built several years ago in Detroit:

Decoding the symbols on Satan’s statue.

The statue plus the children sitting at its side in the BBC article above also bear a striking resemblance to this scene:

Church of Satan Lauds Library for Hosting Five-Horned ‘Killer Klown’ Drag Queen at Kids’ Storytime

It is no secret that modern-day statists hate Christianity and are doing everything in its power to abolish it even allying themselves with other disparate groups. This Guardian article is very telling in its hatred of Christianity; even more so the comments of those who post below it:

Devil’s advocate: are satanists now the good guys in the fight against the evangelical right?

Of course, much of the article above appears to be pretty tongue-in-cheek, but isn’t that the way most movements by the modern left are started? First by denial, then ridicule and scorn, followed by outrage and denunciations of bigotry.
I would posit that more transgender children aren’t being born, but that this ideology is being normalized in universities and metastasizing down to children at all levels of education including kindergarten:

Being You: A First Conversation About Gender (First Conversations)

It is unclear as to why this ideology needs to be taught to young children. Why is it so important that very young children need to be taught to be comfortable about being around men in dresses? What is the actual purpose of this beyond some form of grooming?

Liam B
Liam B
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Horsman

There is some truth in what you’re saying. Russian troll farms are a real thing. However, I’m sure their impact pales into insignificance when you look at our main stream media which is obsessively woke.

Peter Johnson
Peter Johnson
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

It is because there is a whole industry of gender professors, equity and diversity consultants whose livelihoods rely on there being a battle to fight. The reality is that being gay is boring. The gay marriage wars are over – no one cares if you are gay. So the trans issue gives all these people something else to bang ion about all day. They are probably targeting children because they know it will create a backlash that lets them play victim.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter Johnson
Brian Villanueva
Brian Villanueva
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter Johnson

They’re targeting (sexualizing) children because they want sexual access to children. Don’t overthink it. It is exactly what it appears to be.

Brian Villanueva
Brian Villanueva
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter Johnson

They’re targeting (sexualizing) children because they want sexual access to children. Don’t overthink it. It is exactly what it appears to be.

C 0
C 0
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

I believe in biological realities, the most obvious being that humans can’t change sex, hence I don’t recognise ‘trans’ identity, and especially because of the manifold consequential attacks upon women and children. The trans movement has clearly demonstrated it’s used as protective umbrella for rape, other sexual assaults and paedophilia. Most egregious of all is position of the state, whereupon the judicial system allows trans identifying men to attack women in prisons and manipulative men to perform intimate care upon vulnerable children/women. I’m appalled by current thinking and hope to see a complete reversal.

Katja Sipple
Katja Sipple
1 year ago
Reply to  C 0

Thank you, C0. I agree with every single word.

Katja Sipple
Katja Sipple
1 year ago
Reply to  C 0

Thank you, C0. I agree with every single word.

Brian Villanueva
Brian Villanueva
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

Because it’s not about treating “trans people” (whatever that is) with respect. That was a red herring from the beginning.

It’s about demonstrating their power by forcing you to regurgitate obviously absurd things as truth.

It’s about separating children from parents so that they may be remade as atomized, alienated, consumers.

It’s about huge medical companies creating lifelong medical patients whose bills will be covered by insurers, SSI, or Medicaid.

It’s about our ruling class wanting to have sex with children. This is the hardest one for people to acknowledge, but powerful men (and women) have always prized sexual access to the young. They’re turning uber-educated college students into a new class of court eunuchs.

Respect was never part of the plan.

Last edited 1 year ago by Brian Villanueva
Katja Sipple
Katja Sipple
1 year ago

That part of their plan is not working in my case. I will never believe nor will I utter that men can turn into women or vice versa. XX and XY chromosomes are in every single cell of the body, and thank God that cannot be changed. We are living in Absurdistan, but I for one refuse to cave to the ridiculous pressure. It starts with the silly pronoun game; if one cannot tell by looking at me and listening to me what I am, then I truly cannot help that person nor do I want to be of assistance.
The sentiment that it’s about sexual access to the young seems sadly quite logical to me.

Brian Villanueva
Brian Villanueva
1 year ago
Reply to  Katja Sipple

From your name, I’m guessing you may be familiar with Havel or Solzhenitsyn. Is there really no pressure point that could be exerted on you to make you say “men can get pregnant”? Your professional license? Your home? Your children? Are you really that willing to live not by lies? Because most of us aren’t (including me.)

Brian Villanueva
Brian Villanueva
1 year ago
Reply to  Katja Sipple

From your name, I’m guessing you may be familiar with Havel or Solzhenitsyn. Is there really no pressure point that could be exerted on you to make you say “men can get pregnant”? Your professional license? Your home? Your children? Are you really that willing to live not by lies? Because most of us aren’t (including me.)

Katja Sipple
Katja Sipple
1 year ago

That part of their plan is not working in my case. I will never believe nor will I utter that men can turn into women or vice versa. XX and XY chromosomes are in every single cell of the body, and thank God that cannot be changed. We are living in Absurdistan, but I for one refuse to cave to the ridiculous pressure. It starts with the silly pronoun game; if one cannot tell by looking at me and listening to me what I am, then I truly cannot help that person nor do I want to be of assistance.
The sentiment that it’s about sexual access to the young seems sadly quite logical to me.

Debbie Hayton
Debbie Hayton
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

It’s astonishing. I want to see the full data that the ONS has promised later in the year. I do wonder how much of this is linked directly to students and others in their late teens and early twenties.

Andrew Horsman
Andrew Horsman
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

It’s almost as if the security and intelligence services of a hostile nation state were trying to pollute our politics, distract, manipulate, and divide us, and weaken our liberal democratic body politic and economy, in order to further their bosses’ commercial interests and their authoritarian grip on domestic power that they are – rightly – paranoid about losing.But obviously that couldn’t possibly be happening, it’s all too far fetched, you’d have to be absolutely batty to believe it.

Peter Johnson
Peter Johnson
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

It is because there is a whole industry of gender professors, equity and diversity consultants whose livelihoods rely on there being a battle to fight. The reality is that being gay is boring. The gay marriage wars are over – no one cares if you are gay. So the trans issue gives all these people something else to bang ion about all day. They are probably targeting children because they know it will create a backlash that lets them play victim.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter Johnson
C 0
C 0
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

I believe in biological realities, the most obvious being that humans can’t change sex, hence I don’t recognise ‘trans’ identity, and especially because of the manifold consequential attacks upon women and children. The trans movement has clearly demonstrated it’s used as protective umbrella for rape, other sexual assaults and paedophilia. Most egregious of all is position of the state, whereupon the judicial system allows trans identifying men to attack women in prisons and manipulative men to perform intimate care upon vulnerable children/women. I’m appalled by current thinking and hope to see a complete reversal.

Brian Villanueva
Brian Villanueva
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

Because it’s not about treating “trans people” (whatever that is) with respect. That was a red herring from the beginning.

It’s about demonstrating their power by forcing you to regurgitate obviously absurd things as truth.

It’s about separating children from parents so that they may be remade as atomized, alienated, consumers.

It’s about huge medical companies creating lifelong medical patients whose bills will be covered by insurers, SSI, or Medicaid.

It’s about our ruling class wanting to have sex with children. This is the hardest one for people to acknowledge, but powerful men (and women) have always prized sexual access to the young. They’re turning uber-educated college students into a new class of court eunuchs.

Respect was never part of the plan.

Last edited 1 year ago by Brian Villanueva
Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago

This article really begs the question – why does the media, technocratic and political elite spend so much time, effort and resources gnashing their teeth over the trans issue.

Even if 1 in 200 people are trans, which I find unlikely, this is a vanishingly small percentage of the population. And although we should respect the rights of the tiniest minority, and treat them with respect, the resources and policy devoted to trans issues is mind boggling.

Addressing real problems like housing, deindustrialization, inflation, immigration and foreign affairs, takes hard work and requires a bit of political courage.

Instead we yammer on about trans issues, pronouns, online harm, and a bunch of garbage that means nothing to anyone. Strange times indeed.

Dog Eared
Dog Eared
1 year ago

Had it been more than a marginal trend in my youth there’s no doubt in my mind I would have identified differently since it would have annoyed the hell out of my parents.

Tom Scott
Tom Scott
1 year ago
Reply to  Dog Eared

An Interesting point. How many identify as just anything, as a way making a rebellious statement, rather than being a common or garden male or female?

I increasingly however, come across questionnaires giving these multiple options, thereby eliciting stats whether Iwish it or not.

I’ m not sure what conclusions can be drawn from blank responses, however it obviously provides researchers and authors with material to work on.

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
1 year ago
Reply to  Dog Eared

indeed the urge to irritate your parents and other elders is strong hence goths Emoos and other assorted identities produced by the young.

Sue Frisby
Sue Frisby
1 year ago
Reply to  Dog Eared

Me too. It’s a great way at the moment to be a fashionable rebel. Lots of cool ways to dress and visually express yourself that stand out and announce you’re not one of the crowd. It’s politically cool too – at the moment. It has much in common with other youth trends of the past.

Zeph Smith
Zeph Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  Dog Eared

That is likely one motivation among several.
Another which I believe is fairly common in some schools is to be part of the cool kids who get special treatment, rather than being labeled an oppressor and made to feel guilty. It’s one way that a white kid who is being taught to hate white people can easily reinvent themselves and join the club. For example, I recently heard of a school where there’s a special school-funded pizza day which white students cannot attend – unless they claim to be LGBTQIA+.
If schools were officially valorizing Goth culture with special perks, praise, and attention, and treating non-Goth kids as if they have a lot to apologize for (but cannot ever be forgiven), would it be a big surprise that a lot of kids would discover that they are Goth?
So how costly is it to become LBGTQIA+? Just tell everybody that you are trans or non-binary, or perhaps LGB. In those schools, this will enhance your social status, with little downside. But what about creating conflict elsewhere?
For kids who WANT to upset their parents (as you reference), they can do that (with full support from teachers, counselors and administration). But not all kids want that drama. So the schools will hide it all from the parents, which serves (intentionally or not) to make it a low cost option to escape from being the bad guys. And your “need” to hide it makes you an even more sympathetic victim, raising your position on the oppression hierarchy.
You don’t have to go on puberty blockers, or anything else. You can still date as you wish, as an NB. And if you don’t do anything irreversible, you can easily desist later – gender fluidly resuming your original sex if that suits you. Of course, if you have too deeply entrenched yourself in an LGBTQIA+ “community”, THAT will have a real cost.
I’m not discounting “upsetting your parents”, but I think there may be other payoffs with an even broader appeal.

Tom Scott
Tom Scott
1 year ago
Reply to  Dog Eared

An Interesting point. How many identify as just anything, as a way making a rebellious statement, rather than being a common or garden male or female?

I increasingly however, come across questionnaires giving these multiple options, thereby eliciting stats whether Iwish it or not.

I’ m not sure what conclusions can be drawn from blank responses, however it obviously provides researchers and authors with material to work on.

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
1 year ago
Reply to  Dog Eared

indeed the urge to irritate your parents and other elders is strong hence goths Emoos and other assorted identities produced by the young.

Sue Frisby
Sue Frisby
1 year ago
Reply to  Dog Eared

Me too. It’s a great way at the moment to be a fashionable rebel. Lots of cool ways to dress and visually express yourself that stand out and announce you’re not one of the crowd. It’s politically cool too – at the moment. It has much in common with other youth trends of the past.

Zeph Smith
Zeph Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  Dog Eared

That is likely one motivation among several.
Another which I believe is fairly common in some schools is to be part of the cool kids who get special treatment, rather than being labeled an oppressor and made to feel guilty. It’s one way that a white kid who is being taught to hate white people can easily reinvent themselves and join the club. For example, I recently heard of a school where there’s a special school-funded pizza day which white students cannot attend – unless they claim to be LGBTQIA+.
If schools were officially valorizing Goth culture with special perks, praise, and attention, and treating non-Goth kids as if they have a lot to apologize for (but cannot ever be forgiven), would it be a big surprise that a lot of kids would discover that they are Goth?
So how costly is it to become LBGTQIA+? Just tell everybody that you are trans or non-binary, or perhaps LGB. In those schools, this will enhance your social status, with little downside. But what about creating conflict elsewhere?
For kids who WANT to upset their parents (as you reference), they can do that (with full support from teachers, counselors and administration). But not all kids want that drama. So the schools will hide it all from the parents, which serves (intentionally or not) to make it a low cost option to escape from being the bad guys. And your “need” to hide it makes you an even more sympathetic victim, raising your position on the oppression hierarchy.
You don’t have to go on puberty blockers, or anything else. You can still date as you wish, as an NB. And if you don’t do anything irreversible, you can easily desist later – gender fluidly resuming your original sex if that suits you. Of course, if you have too deeply entrenched yourself in an LGBTQIA+ “community”, THAT will have a real cost.
I’m not discounting “upsetting your parents”, but I think there may be other payoffs with an even broader appeal.

Dog Eared
Dog Eared
1 year ago

Had it been more than a marginal trend in my youth there’s no doubt in my mind I would have identified differently since it would have annoyed the hell out of my parents.

Steve Elliott
Steve Elliott
1 year ago

Shouldn’t we distinguish between people who are ‘fully’ trans and those who just say they are trans. Fully trans means they have undertaken surgery and take hormones, like Debbie here. This seems like an honest position to take. The others are, I don’t know the word, let’s say fake trans.

Ian Barton
Ian Barton
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Elliott

It would certainly help in policy making.
Self-ID is a ludicrous concept – one which the Scottish people will learn to regret.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ian Barton
Arkadian X
Arkadian X
1 year ago
Reply to  Ian Barton

A lesson I would rather not have (let alone my daughters).

Arkadian X
Arkadian X
1 year ago
Reply to  Ian Barton

A lesson I would rather not have (let alone my daughters).

Sue Frisby
Sue Frisby
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Elliott

I agree. What Debbie does is distinguish between transsexual and transgender.

Steve Elliott
Steve Elliott
1 year ago
Reply to  Sue Frisby

Thanks Sue, I didn’t pick that up. It would be useful if they distinguished the two groups in the numbers and it’s important. It has always seemed to me that a man who identifies as a woman but keeps his p***s and testicles is being dishonest and deceptive like someone carrying a concealed weapon.

Sue Frisby
Sue Frisby
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Elliott

The more I think about it, the more useful it would seem to be, Steve. Mary Harrington wrote an article about ‘transmaxxers’ –
 ‘a subculture of young men who embrace trans identities not because they believe they were ‘born in the wrong body’ but simply because they can, and because they think it’ll make their lives better’
That seems quite a different group to those who go through with operations and hormones.

Zeph Smith
Zeph Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Elliott

Many young people, with gender dysphoria (which can be real) or just wanting to enhance their position in the oppression hierarchy, are aware that the surgery is imperfect, and may cause decreased or lack of sexual pleasure and various medical problems. Also infertility, which they may or may not care about yet.
For them, it’s rational to stop short of surgery.

Sue Frisby
Sue Frisby
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Elliott

The more I think about it, the more useful it would seem to be, Steve. Mary Harrington wrote an article about ‘transmaxxers’ –
 ‘a subculture of young men who embrace trans identities not because they believe they were ‘born in the wrong body’ but simply because they can, and because they think it’ll make their lives better’
That seems quite a different group to those who go through with operations and hormones.

Zeph Smith
Zeph Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Elliott

Many young people, with gender dysphoria (which can be real) or just wanting to enhance their position in the oppression hierarchy, are aware that the surgery is imperfect, and may cause decreased or lack of sexual pleasure and various medical problems. Also infertility, which they may or may not care about yet.
For them, it’s rational to stop short of surgery.

Steve Elliott
Steve Elliott
1 year ago
Reply to  Sue Frisby

Thanks Sue, I didn’t pick that up. It would be useful if they distinguished the two groups in the numbers and it’s important. It has always seemed to me that a man who identifies as a woman but keeps his p***s and testicles is being dishonest and deceptive like someone carrying a concealed weapon.

Ian Barton
Ian Barton
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Elliott

It would certainly help in policy making.
Self-ID is a ludicrous concept – one which the Scottish people will learn to regret.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ian Barton
Sue Frisby
Sue Frisby
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Elliott

I agree. What Debbie does is distinguish between transsexual and transgender.

Steve Elliott
Steve Elliott
1 year ago

Shouldn’t we distinguish between people who are ‘fully’ trans and those who just say they are trans. Fully trans means they have undertaken surgery and take hormones, like Debbie here. This seems like an honest position to take. The others are, I don’t know the word, let’s say fake trans.

Arkadian X
Arkadian X
1 year ago

I’m willing to bet that the correlation between the Jedi Knights and the people who identify as transgender is off the scale.

I made a similar comment on the Spectator and a helpful commenter told me that about 112,000 people said in 2011 that Jedi was their religion. Given that the order of magnitude is very similar, I do wonder whether there is a correlation here. (And why don’t we have a Jedi church in every town, along with Jedi holy days and Jedi official celebrations?)

Last edited 1 year ago by Arkadian X
Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
1 year ago
Reply to  Arkadian X

A Jedi flag for councils to show how woke they are by displaying it.

R Wright
R Wright
1 year ago
Reply to  Arkadian X

May the farce be with us.

Malcolm Knott
Malcolm Knott
1 year ago
Reply to  Arkadian X

I don’t think so. I identify as a Jedi Knight which is just my code for ‘Please stop collecting meaningless statistics.’ I am a million miles away from identifying as a girl.

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
1 year ago
Reply to  Arkadian X

A Jedi flag for councils to show how woke they are by displaying it.

R Wright
R Wright
1 year ago
Reply to  Arkadian X

May the farce be with us.

Malcolm Knott
Malcolm Knott
1 year ago
Reply to  Arkadian X

I don’t think so. I identify as a Jedi Knight which is just my code for ‘Please stop collecting meaningless statistics.’ I am a million miles away from identifying as a girl.

Arkadian X
Arkadian X
1 year ago

I’m willing to bet that the correlation between the Jedi Knights and the people who identify as transgender is off the scale.

I made a similar comment on the Spectator and a helpful commenter told me that about 112,000 people said in 2011 that Jedi was their religion. Given that the order of magnitude is very similar, I do wonder whether there is a correlation here. (And why don’t we have a Jedi church in every town, along with Jedi holy days and Jedi official celebrations?)

Last edited 1 year ago by Arkadian X
R Wright
R Wright
1 year ago

There is a significant difference between ‘identifying as’ and ‘being’. I expect 9 in 10 of the 0.5% are fairweather trans, mostly teenage autistic girls who spent too much time on Tumblr reading fanfiction. The other 1 in 10 might actually suffer badly from the curse of severe dysphoria. Fads and fashions rise and fall. I just hope that the bandwagoners don’t sterilise themselves in the name of it.

Last edited 1 year ago by robertdkwright
R Wright
R Wright
1 year ago

There is a significant difference between ‘identifying as’ and ‘being’. I expect 9 in 10 of the 0.5% are fairweather trans, mostly teenage autistic girls who spent too much time on Tumblr reading fanfiction. The other 1 in 10 might actually suffer badly from the curse of severe dysphoria. Fads and fashions rise and fall. I just hope that the bandwagoners don’t sterilise themselves in the name of it.

Last edited 1 year ago by robertdkwright
Steven Somsen
Steven Somsen
1 year ago

It is so typical of our times that if you have a feeling you don’t fit with your biological sex that you want to fix it, solve it, instead of exploring and living the challenge. Why do I feel like I feel, what is underneath? As Faulkner says, ‘the heart in conflict with itself’, that’s where life get’s interesting and deeper knowledge of self is to be had. Our society is so immature: we easily hand power over to experts and big pharma instead of facing the life we are given. And our leaders facilitate this.

Steven Somsen
Steven Somsen
1 year ago

It is so typical of our times that if you have a feeling you don’t fit with your biological sex that you want to fix it, solve it, instead of exploring and living the challenge. Why do I feel like I feel, what is underneath? As Faulkner says, ‘the heart in conflict with itself’, that’s where life get’s interesting and deeper knowledge of self is to be had. Our society is so immature: we easily hand power over to experts and big pharma instead of facing the life we are given. And our leaders facilitate this.

Gerald Arcuri
Gerald Arcuri
1 year ago

Abraham Lincoln once posed this question to his listeners:
“Suppose we call a tail a leg. How many legs does a dog have?”
Several people replied, “Five”.
Abraham Lincoln, correcting them said, “No. A dog has four legs. Our calling a tail a leg does not make it so.”
The whole “self-identifying” gig, along with being a modern malady, and a fraud, is an exercise in making a giant category error. Call a tail anything you want. It won’t change the tail. And don’t ask me to call it one.

Gerald Arcuri
Gerald Arcuri
1 year ago

Abraham Lincoln once posed this question to his listeners:
“Suppose we call a tail a leg. How many legs does a dog have?”
Several people replied, “Five”.
Abraham Lincoln, correcting them said, “No. A dog has four legs. Our calling a tail a leg does not make it so.”
The whole “self-identifying” gig, along with being a modern malady, and a fraud, is an exercise in making a giant category error. Call a tail anything you want. It won’t change the tail. And don’t ask me to call it one.

John Riordan
John Riordan
1 year ago

“Similar patterns show up for ‘trans woman’ and ‘trans man’. If this data shows anything, there is a fad going on among younger people that is passing their elders by. The concept that we all have an innate gender identity that is fixed and immutable is maybe just that — an idea without foundation.”

This rather jars with the justified scepticism apparent in the rest of the article. If, as the author predicts, the people identifying as transgender (as opposed to being medically-diagnosed transsexuals) then grow up and leave the follies of their youth behind, doesn’t that rather emphasise that there is indeed an innate gender identity immutably linked to one’s sex?

Last edited 1 year ago by John Riordan
Jules Jules
Jules Jules
1 year ago
Reply to  John Riordan

The answer to your question is no it doesn’t. What it means is that people at some point in time identify as the opposite sex and then cease to do so. It indicates the opposite of what you say viz that there is no innate and immutable gender identity linked to one’s sex.
There is also date to suggest that many non-trans people do not have a strong sense of gender identity i.e. there is not a sense of feeling like a man, or woman. Instead there is just a sense of being a particular person, having interests, preferences, desires.

John Riordan
John Riordan
1 year ago
Reply to  Jules Jules

“The answer to your question is no it doesn’t. What it means is that people at some point in time identify as the opposite sex and then cease to do so. It indicates the opposite of what you say viz that there is no innate and immutable gender identity linked to one’s sex.”

What they’re doing is asserting that their gender is not their biological sex during a time when they are experimenting with their identity generally, and then once they’re finished experimenting, admitting that actually, it is. This shows the opposite of what you’re claiming here.

“There is also date to suggest that many non-trans people do not have a strong sense of gender identity i.e. there is not a sense of feeling like a man, or woman. Instead there is just a sense of being a particular person, having interests, preferences, desires.”

I think this sounds like an attempt to eject from the debate the concept that being a human being of either sex and knowing no other experience but possessing no explicit internal conflict either, is in fact what most people call “normal” in this context. It is therefore wrong to interpret this as evidence that the internal state of a typical human being is somehow available to be redefined in the manner implied by your line of reasoning.

Or in other words, the “sense of being a particular person, having interests, preferences, desires” while being either a biological man or a woman, is a state of being that simply accepts one’s gender as being the same as one’s biological sex and without this causing any of the extremely rare internal identity conflicts that characterises transsexualism.

I make the point to recognise that transsexuals, who often undergo expensive, permanent and life-changing surgery, do so because they very much do possess an internal conflict that absolutely cannot be handled by the act of asserting different pronouns and wearing the clothes of the opposite gender – it goes much deeper than that and has to be dealt with through fundamental irreversible change. The very fact that such a conflict can happen, though rare, does actually contradict your claim that internal gender orientation is not a serious identity distinction – the depth and intractability of the transsexual internal conflict could not exist otherwise.

If a person doesn’t experience this then his/her gender, as an internal identity, matches his/her biological sex. The case where a person isn’t bothered either way about occupying one of the two traditional social gender roles doesn’t mean anything other than that they live in a tolerant and open society which permits them to live as they please (which I as a libertarian applaud, in case you’re wondering), and it certainly doesn’t mean that sex and gender are a spectrum rather than binary polar states.

Last edited 1 year ago by John Riordan
John Riordan
John Riordan
1 year ago
Reply to  Jules Jules

“The answer to your question is no it doesn’t. What it means is that people at some point in time identify as the opposite sex and then cease to do so. It indicates the opposite of what you say viz that there is no innate and immutable gender identity linked to one’s sex.”

What they’re doing is asserting that their gender is not their biological sex during a time when they are experimenting with their identity generally, and then once they’re finished experimenting, admitting that actually, it is. This shows the opposite of what you’re claiming here.

“There is also date to suggest that many non-trans people do not have a strong sense of gender identity i.e. there is not a sense of feeling like a man, or woman. Instead there is just a sense of being a particular person, having interests, preferences, desires.”

I think this sounds like an attempt to eject from the debate the concept that being a human being of either sex and knowing no other experience but possessing no explicit internal conflict either, is in fact what most people call “normal” in this context. It is therefore wrong to interpret this as evidence that the internal state of a typical human being is somehow available to be redefined in the manner implied by your line of reasoning.

Or in other words, the “sense of being a particular person, having interests, preferences, desires” while being either a biological man or a woman, is a state of being that simply accepts one’s gender as being the same as one’s biological sex and without this causing any of the extremely rare internal identity conflicts that characterises transsexualism.

I make the point to recognise that transsexuals, who often undergo expensive, permanent and life-changing surgery, do so because they very much do possess an internal conflict that absolutely cannot be handled by the act of asserting different pronouns and wearing the clothes of the opposite gender – it goes much deeper than that and has to be dealt with through fundamental irreversible change. The very fact that such a conflict can happen, though rare, does actually contradict your claim that internal gender orientation is not a serious identity distinction – the depth and intractability of the transsexual internal conflict could not exist otherwise.

If a person doesn’t experience this then his/her gender, as an internal identity, matches his/her biological sex. The case where a person isn’t bothered either way about occupying one of the two traditional social gender roles doesn’t mean anything other than that they live in a tolerant and open society which permits them to live as they please (which I as a libertarian applaud, in case you’re wondering), and it certainly doesn’t mean that sex and gender are a spectrum rather than binary polar states.

Last edited 1 year ago by John Riordan
Jules Jules
Jules Jules
1 year ago
Reply to  John Riordan

The answer to your question is no it doesn’t. What it means is that people at some point in time identify as the opposite sex and then cease to do so. It indicates the opposite of what you say viz that there is no innate and immutable gender identity linked to one’s sex.
There is also date to suggest that many non-trans people do not have a strong sense of gender identity i.e. there is not a sense of feeling like a man, or woman. Instead there is just a sense of being a particular person, having interests, preferences, desires.

John Riordan
John Riordan
1 year ago

“Similar patterns show up for ‘trans woman’ and ‘trans man’. If this data shows anything, there is a fad going on among younger people that is passing their elders by. The concept that we all have an innate gender identity that is fixed and immutable is maybe just that — an idea without foundation.”

This rather jars with the justified scepticism apparent in the rest of the article. If, as the author predicts, the people identifying as transgender (as opposed to being medically-diagnosed transsexuals) then grow up and leave the follies of their youth behind, doesn’t that rather emphasise that there is indeed an innate gender identity immutably linked to one’s sex?

Last edited 1 year ago by John Riordan
Gerald Arcuri
Gerald Arcuri
1 year ago

No one IS “trans”; it’s a completely made-up delusion, a fantasy.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gerald Arcuri
Gerald Arcuri
Gerald Arcuri
1 year ago

No one IS “trans”; it’s a completely made-up delusion, a fantasy.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gerald Arcuri
Sue Frisby
Sue Frisby
1 year ago

I wondered what you meant, Debbie Hayton, by not identifying as a gender and simply being you. I imagine that’s common amongst young people at the moment but if you decide to go through the whole process of sexual transition isn’t that because you want to be as much a woman as possible? Does that not mean you feel female or want to feel female? Or does it mean that as a transsexual you don’t identify with either sex?

Arkadian X
Arkadian X
1 year ago
Reply to  Sue Frisby

I asked Debbie more or less that very question in one of the comments and the answer was (if I understood it correctly) is that Debbie is a man but like to *present* as a woman.

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
1 year ago
Reply to  Arkadian X

Yes, Debbie is as entirely sane as anyone who suffers or suffered autogynophilia can be. Debbie sticks to the truth rather than promotes fantasy. One of our “top people” as Bridget Jones might put it.

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
1 year ago
Reply to  Arkadian X

Yes, Debbie is as entirely sane as anyone who suffers or suffered autogynophilia can be. Debbie sticks to the truth rather than promotes fantasy. One of our “top people” as Bridget Jones might put it.

Arkadian X
Arkadian X
1 year ago
Reply to  Sue Frisby

I asked Debbie more or less that very question in one of the comments and the answer was (if I understood it correctly) is that Debbie is a man but like to *present* as a woman.

Sue Frisby
Sue Frisby
1 year ago

I wondered what you meant, Debbie Hayton, by not identifying as a gender and simply being you. I imagine that’s common amongst young people at the moment but if you decide to go through the whole process of sexual transition isn’t that because you want to be as much a woman as possible? Does that not mean you feel female or want to feel female? Or does it mean that as a transsexual you don’t identify with either sex?

Phillip Arundel
Phillip Arundel
1 year ago

”To be top 0.5% in 2020, a household needed a net worth of $17,557,208.’‘ (the 0.1% is $43,000,000, and goes parabolic from there)

The political power the population with $17 million plus must be a large amount; the top 0.5% of wealthiest in USA – but it is totally dwarfed by the power of the 0.5% who are trans. An odd world.

Phillip Arundel
Phillip Arundel
1 year ago

”To be top 0.5% in 2020, a household needed a net worth of $17,557,208.’‘ (the 0.1% is $43,000,000, and goes parabolic from there)

The political power the population with $17 million plus must be a large amount; the top 0.5% of wealthiest in USA – but it is totally dwarfed by the power of the 0.5% who are trans. An odd world.

Alphonse Pfarti
Alphonse Pfarti
1 year ago

Another excellent article. I am reminded of George Melly’s various memoirs, when homosexuality was the thing for public schoolboys and Oxbridge types. They got away with it because they were rich. Most, for whom it was an affection rather than their nature, grew out of it and moved on.

Alphonse Pfarti
Alphonse Pfarti
1 year ago

Another excellent article. I am reminded of George Melly’s various memoirs, when homosexuality was the thing for public schoolboys and Oxbridge types. They got away with it because they were rich. Most, for whom it was an affection rather than their nature, grew out of it and moved on.

Michael W
Michael W
1 year ago

It said only 48000 actually identified as trans men and a similar number trans women only about 0.08% or 0.16% combined. There were non binaries too but most of the 0.5% were the not specified who might have just been people that refused to answer the question. So the headline that 0.5% don’t identify with their sex is definitely misleading.

Michael W
Michael W
1 year ago

It said only 48000 actually identified as trans men and a similar number trans women only about 0.08% or 0.16% combined. There were non binaries too but most of the 0.5% were the not specified who might have just been people that refused to answer the question. So the headline that 0.5% don’t identify with their sex is definitely misleading.

Gordon Black
Gordon Black
1 year ago

 “Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?” If the answer is “no”, then you are a trans man or a trans woman: any other claim is just sophistry. This author is obviously a trans woman who claims to be a synonym of trans woman!

Gordon Black
Gordon Black
1 year ago

 “Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?” If the answer is “no”, then you are a trans man or a trans woman: any other claim is just sophistry. This author is obviously a trans woman who claims to be a synonym of trans woman!

Thomas Bengtsson
Thomas Bengtsson
1 year ago

Take a look at the last PISA results and some things are pretty clear. The top three nations in Europe, with the highest scores, Finland, Estonia and Poland, have other interest and hobbies than these silly games.

Kids living in working family societies just don’t get mentally screwed as we do (in my case Sweden), and pedophilia is harshly judged.

Also “ironically” I’ve never heard of “trans” within the immigrants from MENA countries and Pride festivals are kept as far as possible from these neighbourhoods, where they, according to the left, are mostly needed.

Thomas Bengtsson
Thomas Bengtsson
1 year ago

Take a look at the last PISA results and some things are pretty clear. The top three nations in Europe, with the highest scores, Finland, Estonia and Poland, have other interest and hobbies than these silly games.

Kids living in working family societies just don’t get mentally screwed as we do (in my case Sweden), and pedophilia is harshly judged.

Also “ironically” I’ve never heard of “trans” within the immigrants from MENA countries and Pride festivals are kept as far as possible from these neighbourhoods, where they, according to the left, are mostly needed.

cara williams
cara williams
1 year ago
cara williams
cara williams
1 year ago
Ian Howard
Ian Howard
1 year ago

I’m 57 and answered Jedi so I think the religion one would be more likely atheist or twin-spirit something 🙂 But as ever a well written article.

Paul Boire
Paul Boire
1 year ago

This profound cult of insanity is simply the logic of divorce, abortion, sodomy and other “liberal” beliefs and acts arriving at their logical expression. We have separated human sexual acts and their actual reality or nature from our cult-ure. To advocate for the above is to accept the meaninglessness of sexual behavior beyond orgasms and therefor the meaninglessness of our actual bio-logic. Pope Paul VI got laughed at inside and outside the church for his insightful rejection of the PILL and artificially disabling a natural human power. And we have indeed killed the west along with any sanity in our laws of course.