Andrew Tate is an aspirational misogynist. Ian Maule/Getty Images

In 1989 David Duke, former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, was elected to Louisiana’s house of representatives. At college, he had marched around campus in a Nazi uniform; by the time he was running the Klan in the Seventies, he was enforcing besuited respectability on the white-supremacist group’s members. He banned them from using the n-word in front of the press, and was careful to be seen in the clothes of an aspiring politician rather than the white robes of a Klansman. He also admitted women. When he won office, the Los Angeles Times wrote that Duke, then 38, had “humbled the media by putting distance between himself and ideas he had advocated for 20 years”. Its horrified report of his election concluded: “Duke, with his blond hair, dark moustache and articulate delivery, was as cool as the other side of the pillow — a perfect media candidate.”
Duke’s election was an embarrassment for the Republican Party and was viciously opposed by its mainstream members. He had, however, successfully co-opted the aesthetics of that mainstream. Now, this dynamic is at play in the Republican Party once more, except this time those in power have discovered an unprecedented tolerance for extremists. Duke was quickly hustled out of political life, the centrist machinery cranking up to eliminate a poisonous anomaly. But in Donald Trump’s second term, the courting of those with extremist views has become not only accepted, but an asset.
The ultras need not hide anymore. Americans have surpassed the age of the “perfect media candidate”, of crisp suits and Persilschein; what they want now is a firecracker whose madness and badness is well and truly on display. This is how they ended up with the leader of a government department doing a Nazi salute, something Duke would never have dared — but with this new crop of Republican livewires, the volatility is the point.
Duke’s ascension had much to do with race — he stood in the dystopian-sounding District 81, where 99.6% of the population was white and many resented the black population of nearby New Orleans. Trump, conversely, was elected by a broad sweep of Americans, surprising commentators with his victory across racial lines. This time around the biggest zealots are the misogynists, and the divide is between men and women.
So much of MAGA is about reclaiming masculinity, dusting off a Mussolini-esque credo of virility crumpled by decades of feminisation. In practice, the population of the White House mirrors the generic high school cafeteria. Trump’s MAGA superpower is based on his embrace of three distinct “crowds”: the jocks, the nerds and the bullies. These are no easy alliances: Trump himself represents that first class, the winking American patriarch surrounded by blonde women and strapping men. His brand of masculinity is a departure from the patrician, family-man Reaganism; here is a president known, to put it generously, for his red-bloodedness, who has been caught on hot mic bragging about grabbing women “by the pussy”, and who told an Apprentice candidate that her offer to drop to her knees to beg judges would “be a pretty picture”. His is a Seventies sleaziness, that of an executive who gooses secretaries — and despite his advancing years and, well, job title, it shines through undimmed. So it is that he compliments Britain’s prime minister on his “beautiful wife”, adding that he is “very impressed” by Victoria Starmer. Props, dude — how’d you bag that! Trump, you see, is the quintessential jock.
But even jocks must sometimes associate with nerds. For the freakish excrescences of Silicon Valley, Elon Musk and his teen hacker henchmen at DOGE, have proved generally useful to Trump. These unsexy, unslick, and unelected neurodivirgins are the alleged brains behind the operation. But perhaps these bucktoothed mathletes might fail at slashing departmental spending. They might instead make a complete hash of it, as happened during Musk’s toe-curling admission that DOGE had “accidentally cancelled” Ebola prevention initiatives as part of USAID cuts. But Trump’s assumptions about Musk within the mythos of the American high school make sense: accounts of Musk’s actual schooldays draw him as a member of the chess team, thrown down staircases by popular kids, put in hospital by the beatings of bullies. He makes a strange bedfellow of the macho MAGA crowd, one might think — but his presence makes sense when seen through the lens of Trumpian masculinity.
Burnished by their sudden importance as titans of social media, the nerds can for the first time bag all the babes and kudos they might once have dreamed of. Musk, a pronatalist father-of-14 with a herd of babymamas, has been linked to Talulah Riley, Grimes, Amber Heard and many more besides. His first wife, Justine, wrote in 2010 that she had been his “starter wife”; he told her, on their wedding day, that he would be the “alpha” in their relationship, and later that if she was his employee, he’d sack her. He banned teddy bears for his sons once they turned seven, and later on, he fathered twins with a mutual friend while the surrogate (who else?) was pregnant with his and Grimes’s third baby.
But he is no Andrew Tate; if manipulative, he is not honest about it, and this is no harem. Tate would not be caught telling an interviewer he was a “fool for love”. Instead, Musk is a romantic technocrat — that aforementioned mutual friend was not a lover but a woman, Shivon Zilis, in need of a sperm donor; “He really wants smart people to have kids, so he encouraged me to,” she told Musk’s biographer. “I can’t possibly think of genes I would prefer for my children.” Though Musk’s borderline incontinent fecundity might seem threatening to the conventional American family — modelled by Vice President JD Vance — it also helps his case as a nerd doing the popular kids’ homework.
On Trump’s other flank are the school bullies, of whom Andrew Tate is surely the meanest. Tate and his brother Tristan flew to Florida on 27 February after being released from house arrest in Romania, where they are accused of human trafficking, with Andrew also accused of rape. A video of a 25-year-old Andrew which purports to show him whipping and sexually abusing a girl — reports about her age vary — has resurfaced on X since his arrival in America; outrage has been expressed, but nothing, predictably, has been done about it. Tate’s MAGA links go way back: Musk restored his banned X account upon taking over the website in 2022; Trump’s son Donald Jr has referred to the brothers’ Romanian arrest as “absolute insanity”; the Tates’ lawyer responded to a question about whether the President had personally helped in their release by saying: “Do the math. These guys are on the plane.”
The Trump administration’s covert courting of the Tates is not just about them. It’s about a vision of violent masculinity — specifically of the self-made man, who climbs to the top on a pile of women’s bodies. The Tates embody this aspirational misogyny. Trump’s own track record has been conveniently forgotten, but let’s not forget that he has himself been found guilty of sexual assault. His defence secretary, Pete Hegseth, agreed a financial settlement with a woman who accused him of rape in 2017; Trump’s initial choice for attorney general, Matt Gaetz, was alleged to have “regularly” solicited prostitution, including from an underaged girl.
These are not coincidences: yes, gross men like company — but the implicit sanctioning of woman-hatred and abuse under the guise of swaggering machismo holds appeal for a generation of disenfranchised young men who feel hard done by with feminism and who split the Gen Z vote in November. These boys live in the ambient world of the podcast bro, with which Barron Trump encouraged his father to engage during his campaign. Almost all of the MAGA men, including Trump, Musk, and Tucker Carlson, have appeared, for instance, on the “Nelk Boys’” Full Send podcast, a prank channel-turned-Right-wing commentary hub. The show had Andrew Tate on last week, who bragged that “I would be in a jail right now” if Trump hadn’t won.
Just like David Duke, bringing in Tate from the cold legitimises repressed hatreds in voters, who feel vindicated in their resentment of a group (then, black people and Jews; now, women) by the presence of someone who has acted on that resentment in the most explicit and baroque way possible before shaking hands and smiling with the mainstream once more. Duke’s election is now looked upon as a dark period for the Republican Party; the MAGA associations with Sieg-Heiling Silicon Valley dork Musk and probable sex trafficker Tate may one day be viewed in the same way.
The alliance between the jocks, nerds and bullies of Trump’s new court may prove shaky. Elon Musk and Andrew Tate are dynamic disruptors of the type often seen in the early, anarchic stages of authoritarian regimes. But though united by “alpha” compulsions and trails of victimised women, they are not a natural union by any means. Either should expect a long knife in his back when he is no longer useful to Trump.
Until then, we must settle for the fact that we have lowered the accepted standards of public life beyond comparison, in service of a vision of masculinity which we know is already having real-life, and often fatal, consequences for women. The most frightening thing about this new crop of Trump-supporting men is that, rather than burying their radicalism in suits and euphemisms, they flaunt it — dog whistles have become overt provocations. MAGA machismo is about the spectacle of chaos and domination, a truly fascist vision of man. These acolytes’ raw unpredictability is their strength: it means nobody can look away.
A better article than I expected, based on Poppy’s usual output.
Whatever their virtues, Trump is unpleasant and Musk is odd. Tate is simply repellant; it’s not clear what he brings to the party.
Still, we should ask: how did it come to this?
And the answer, of course, is the extreme, in-your-face woke authoritarianism of the globalists who captured the Democratic Party, along with countless other parties across the west.
If the Democrats had been a bit less obvious in their desire to destroy America, Trump would never have been President.
Best comment here. Nobody is saying these guys are saints. But have politicians in charge ever been expected to be saints? They are always sleazy. We just vote for the sleaze that can take us in a better direction than the previous sleaze.
This cannot be said often enough. Tragically although predictably, I’m not hearing the slightest dawning of self-awareness from the left that the rough beast Trump’s second coming is All Their Fault. We must keep pointing it out until they get it. They have no right to complain about anything he does until they realise it, say it publicly and often, and get their woebegone house in order. I am no victim of TDS. I find him odious on a personal level but, politically, my jury was out on him until he casually threw international security and trade under the bus. His behaviour towards Canada is especially alarming. But, democrats and woke lefties, this is all on you. You did this. Admit it and start out on the long road to redemption.
Interesting- alienate allies, tariffs on countries that help us make cars, concessions to Putin before negotiations start, destroying the VA…hard to believe all the things Trump is doing to strengthen America.
On the other hand, women won’t be encountering men in their changing rooms, or for example the boxing ring, anymore, and their children won’t be encouraged at school to make lifestyle choices that involve bits of their anatomy being chopped off.
And free speech is making a long overdue comeback.
If this is ‘truly’ fascism then it’s a pity we didn’t think of it earlier.
Except that any dissent from the MAGA creed is as scarce as ever within the Republican House and Senate. Not because there’s no dissenting thought and legitimate concern about overreach, but because freely outspoken dissent has been met with silencing efforts, and exile from office. If you like this brand of authoritarianism so far, just stay tuned.
Dissent in progressive circles from PC language and conformity is North Korean.
The thing is that dissenting thought and criticism of Trump is allowed. An American can say really quite nasty things about the leader of the US without getting a knock on the door or potentially going to jail (see the Ricarda Lang case in Germany).
That the careerists around Trump choose not to openly disagree with him in order to advance their own material interests might be less than optimal for the free exchange and flow of ideas, but it’s not reflective of a lack of free speech as such.
Not in public. They are in near lockstep and I don’t think you can successfully argue otherwise. It’s rather hard to stay in servile deference given how often Trump changes his mind, but most manage to do so. Putin has enjoyed a remarkable rehabilitation and Zelenskyy a major falling from favor already, largely based on Trump personal impulses.
It’s simply a silly piece to be honest.
But their children will be encouraged to lie through the teeth like the great leader Trump?
Oh dear, the author actually believes Musk did a Nazi salute. I can’t believe this unhinged tripe was published.
Agreed. She also mentions the ‘p***y-grabbing’ legend, a silly remark made over 10 years ago on a late night light-entertainment programme. Such comments make the whole article difficult to take seriously.
Added: if p—y is allowed in the article, why is its spelling censored in comments?
Because you are now all good with the p*ssy grabbing?
post hoc ergo proctor hoc
Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought that he said it on an ‘open’ mic (he didn’t know was on) in the street.
Honestly I’m shocked. I can only assume she’s someone’s little sister or cousin, such a poor article.
Are you seriously saying that Musk didn’t give a Nazi salute?!?!
Brah, we all saw it!
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
You cultists have really gone down the rabbit hole, haven’t you?
^^ example above of shrivelled brain leftist suffering from severe pareidolia ^^
It’s all the Prosecco he drinks.
They aren’t coming “from the heart” when they pretend otherwise. What did his frenemy Steve Bannon do a bit more recently. Before long, this mincing evasiveness will be over with—in one direction or the other.
Victor were you sleeping?
Bottom line: Elon can do math, Poppy can’t. Talent has reward. That is what the CRT woke cult hates. Hierarchy. All people care not equal. Sorry Abe. Actually, Abe knew that. But he was a clever pol.
Elon Musk is a white South African of the apartheid era. That being the case, he has probably been doing Nazi salutes since he was a toddler.
Interesting prejudices. Please note thst the former Bantustans are much better off than the’mixed’ areas.
Unherd has lurch3d to the left recently. I wonder why?
Why can’t we have articles about men written by men? This piece comes hard on the heels of Monday’s talk about What Men Want, also a female speaker. If it were the other way round and a series of men were writing articles about women, their virtues and vices and what they want, I’m guessing the female readers would be up in arms. As a mother and grandmother of men (and also a straight woman back when I had the energy and interest in such matters), I admire masculinity. I think it is vital to humanity. Both masculinity and femininity have their strengths and weaknesses. IMHO what we should be concentrating on in both cases is the distinction between virtue and vice. The world needs GOOD strong men. But then it needs good generally.
Here’s one:
“Why can’t we have articles about men written by men?”
You are describing almost every piece of writing ever written in the whole history of literacy. Pretty funny – thanks
I think you’re mansplaining:-)
“Trump’s MAGA superpower is based on his embrace of three distinct “crowds”: the jocks, the nerds and the bullies.”
Really disappointed to see in UnHerd this New York Times-ish, Norman Lear-esque, Washington Post-adjacent slander on ordinary American men, by far the largest group of the mass of MAGA voters who put Trump back in the Oval Office. Men who simply love, support and protect their families enormously outnumber these exhibitionist anomalies.
The consistent character-bashing of Trump voters is stale at this point.
Some good points in here but mostly buried under a lot of the usual empty rhetoric and outlandish assertions.
“…the leader of a government department doing a Nazi salute” – Sigh. No he didn’t, we’ve been through this.
“…unsexy, unslick, and unelected neurodivirgins … bucktoothed mathletes…” – You mean the ones who design, build and maintain all the tech that allows you to spend your whole life online, Poppy? Bit insulting, that.
“…we have lowered the accepted standards of public life beyond comparison” – Really? Well, I dunno about you but I can think of plenty of instances where standards have been quite a bit lower just in the last 100 years.
Once again; there are LOTS of legitimate criticisms to be made of Trump and his administration, and when misogyny rears its ugly purple head in government, we, as women, need to know about it. But falling back on lazy cliches and hyperbole doesn’t add very much to the conversation.
OMG i think i echo the comments below – though i only read the first few! – Look at the number of women in DJTs household, cabinet and media crew. There is something to say about poisonous misogyny and misandrism, some of which overlaps with the MAGA movement and DJTs back story but this piece is not it. This is a serotonin crash rant and competely misses the point that trans and islamist misogynists make these pick up artists look like 70s feminists. Praps the writer would like to have another go in a few days once her brain chems settle down?
I stopped reading at “Nazi salute.”
Yes, it was abhorrent, wasn’t it?
At no point in this rambling, incoherent, conspiratorial drivel of an article did you say anything that resembled a rational thought. I award you no points and may Science have mercy your soul.
I am looking forward to the article (possibly by Andrew Tate) “The Tree Tribes of Woke Wimin”
How long will I have to wait?
Maybe Kyle Clifford will write it for you. I’m sure you approve of his attitudes toward women and he’s going to have a bit of time on his hands.
Is he as hate filled as Julie Bindel?
Thanks for the Billy Madison reference sir
This is bullshitartistry at its finest.
Says he who rips his shirt off to protest!
Where to start from all of that.
I get the impression that Poppy feels the Trump administration is a threat to women. Which is odd when you consider their stance on the trans debate. But let’s put that to one side.
Unfortunately the frankly bizarre world of the last few years including open borders, trans bloody everything, corruption, media activism etc has led us all to a world where psychos like Mr Trump & Co seem like a good idea.
And that’s on the political class of BOTH sides and the frankly shockingly bad media who have created that situation where that’s occurred.
Create a world where an admiral is openly promoting trans in the military and you can expect a backlash.
Leave the back door open and let the world in. And yes you can expect the populace to say f@&$ that!
Are they all misogynists? Maybe. Are the left any better? Definitely not.
I concur. Poppy has painted a very one-sided picture. Her distaste for ‘the man’ gets in the way of a measured take. I know most modern/liberal women absolutely abhor Trump. I also understand that none of these guys are saints. Guys in politics and big business tend to be like that. I don’t know much about the Tate affair but I can say this: everyone has skeletons in their closets. If there’s a current instance of wrongdoing/harassment of women or if there’s actual proof of trampling of women’s rights or misconduct, I would be interested in knowing and perhaps change my view. Roe vs. Wade was one such instance for me but Vance’s clarification on the GOP’s stance was enough to mollify me.
She’s a liberal like all the writers seem to be. She’s not marriage material and the “Nazi salute” is BS. You can find photographs of left wing politicians doing that.
I always knew Poppy was a wrong’un even though she largely stayed out of direct political commentary. Honestly I’d be embarrassed if I heard such an ignorant and uninformed insight at a table next to me in a coffee shop.
Firstly, no Musk didn’t do a nazi salute, anyone with a functioning brain cell can see that so why bother even trying to convince us? Secondly, most people would argue that the extremists are the people who wanted to shut down free speech, let men into women’s changing rooms and sports, and welcome millions of illegals across the border.
Finally, you are honestly insane if you think that Trump is about to get Andrew Tate on the team, the man is a toxic fool, but he’s also an American citizen who was being held on trumped up charges without bail. Musk is a free speech absolutist, he reinstated thousands of accounts and it in no way means he advocates Tate’s message. Your arguments are so disingenuous it’s disgusting honestly.
What an unpleasant and malign individual this Poppy Sourby seems to be. Surprised she made it onto Unherd.
This is how they ended up with the leader of a government department doing a Nazi salute,
Who is this leader? Surely this is not one more regurgitation of the talking point accusing Musk of doing this, not after numerous pictures of all sorts of dems striking the same pose appeared.
Why are you defending Musk’s Nazi salute? Are you a Nazi? Are you a Nazi sympathizer?
Dog whistles?
Well at least they are not dressing up as dogs at furry conventions
It helps that Poppy mentioned David Duke. It is a reference so far removed from contemporary opinion that we can safely ignore the rest of this piece. I stopped finally after the claim that Elon gave a Nazi salute.
I’m going to stop giving money to Unherd. This is crap.
Unfortunately I had to stop reading at “Nazi salute.”
This is a basic intelligence test going back years, accusing someone waving at a large crowd of doing a “Nazi salute.”
I have in front of me pictures of Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, George W. Bush, and Taylor Swift giving the exact same crowd wave. Of course Musk wasn’t doing a Nazi salute, no intelligent person could possibly conclude that.
So sorry, I did enjoy much of your writing, but I can’t take seriously anybody who really thought Musk was genuinely giving a Nazi salute by waving to the crowd.
I have never stopped reading an Unherd article in the middle until now, but when I read of ‘a Nazi salute’ I knew the writer has a loose grip on either reality or the truth. I’m of German descent and have watched some movies. I know what a heel-clicking Sieg Heil looks like. I’m not sure Musk does, and he certainly didn’t do one. There’s enough that’s going wrong without making stuff up.
This picture misses the tens of millions of women who voted for Trump. Evidently, misogyny internalizes at alarming rates.
Young women less so which is the foundation of this writer’s perspective on the current Zoomer/Millennial battle of the sexes.
Young college educated women still voted for Kamala, though not overwhelmingly. I suspect this writer is of the LA/New York persuasion though, so deep blue.
I stopped reading at N-zi salute.
I have here in front of me pictures of Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Taylor Swift, and George W. Bush giving the exact same wave to a crowd.
Sorry, but I can’t take seriously someone who thinks Elon was actually giving a N-zi salute. Catching someone freeze-frame with their arm in that position has been a sophomoric trick for years.
Shame, I did enjoy much of your writing.
My goodness. Someone needs to get this young lady her medication.
I think “medication” maybe the issue – you could always tell with the Julie Birchills and Lisa Carvers (writer NOT C&W artist) when they’d been on a run. – Darkened room , ambient music and cannabis with a higher CBD than THC content could help?
If this were describing a government run by women it would be sexist.
I mean if she doesn’t like them why did she lower the standards?
“neurodivirgins”. 10/10 for effort.
Musk likes trolling which is why he produced a futurist spin on an Italian F-scist salute. But there’s no point returning to the N-zi narrative which was a problem for the beginning of 1st term rather than this one.
However, there is an ever-current issue with online and offline misogyny which is worth highlighting in terms of how it’s expressed by different groups. The fact that young male and female voters are now diverging in terms of the value system they take from their education may only deepen this problem. Young guys with immature attitudes may argue that the presence of ‘woke female graduates’ justifies their mentality.
Anyone for GYNARCHY?
I am looking forward to the article (possibly by Andrew Tate) “The Tree Tribes of Woke Wimin”
How long will I have to wait?
You think Tate is literate?
Until Tate learns to read.
It looks like I have been shadow banned again
Me too, I hate it. Usually Unherd are very good for leaving comments up, I hope it’s not a change in policy.
I’m really disappointed that Unherd have deleted my previous comment calling the author’s opinion ignorant and uninformed, which it clearly is. If calling someone’s efforts at branding Elon Musk a nazi is enough to get a comment deleted what are we even doing here?
Of course Trump is absolutely not a real jock, just a wannabe – those pesky bone spurs, remember ?
Very stylish piece of astute commentary.
I think there may be some more nasty male types malingering in this new order – the mobster; the theocrat; the oligarch; the fascist. All wending their oblique way to be at the table and avoid being on the menu.
But as the character Bart asks in Blazing Saddles: “Hey, where are the white women at?”
There are dark threats all over this new regime. This article shows clearly the threat to women. Are all the women silenced or do they prefer to be silent? It’s a bit of a mystery. But i suppose where are all the men also?
First female chief of staff. Lots,of women in the, cabinet. I find the comments,on here as absurd as the article. Tate? Who he? David Duke? Huh? Well lets remember that Democrat Woodrow Wilson was a member of the KKK, and George Wallace was a Democrat too. Both JFK and Clinton really loved women a really polite non sexual way.
“compliments Britain’s prime minister on his “beautiful wife””
He said the same about Brigit Macron – it’s obviously a wind up, Poppy.
You wouldn’t think this publication was called Unherd when you run down the homogenous commentary beneath this article.
I’m thinking of starting a brand new publication for them all – I think C***S Like Us might be the title but i’m open to suggestion from this benighted mob.
I’m willing to set it up in order to lead you all away from this publication which is supposed to be for people who can think for themselves. Honestly, you’ll be in a better place.
The misogynistic absurdly normalized state of most UH subscribers is so loud as to be rancid in its bellicose hubris
What the terrified writer cant admit is that all of the men he childishly classifies are smarter, probably harder working, and far richer than he is. Outside looking in? Loser
For all his wealth, I don’t think that Elon Musk could be said to be an “Alpha”. Maybe he could in the “walled garden” that is Silicon Valley, but his prominence in the world generally is solely due to the fact that he is Trump’s “pet nerd”.
It’s a shame Andrew Tate’s release was too late for the innauguration; Zuck and he could have squared off for the rights to look down Lauren Sanchez’s dress.
This is waayy overanalyzed.
The MAGA is simply a counter revolution against the self annointed Global Elite who attempted a power grab through DAVOS, United Nations Agenda 21, and Neo Marxist cultural DEI, ESG and critical theory.
They are losing, thank God and Trump.
“So much of MAGA is about reclaiming masculinity, dusting off a Mussolini-esque credo of virility crumpled by decades of feminisation.” this 2020-level standard issue false equivalence is enough to want to cancel my unherd membership.
Fatal consequences,for women? Au contraire. Women and children need,fear no longer the,trans menace, in sports and,in prison .
So there’s a pro male backlash. You only have yourselves to blame for it.
The Venn Diagram of “Jocks” and “Bullies” is closer to a single circle than the article implies.
A lazy article relying on the usual stereotypical views of Trump world. Meanwhile the world has moved on.
It’s a funny sort of National Socialist who indefatigably champions Israel, and has Jewish grandkids, but Poppy never lets incoherence get in the way of her Sloan Ranger ramblings.
Trump says outrageous things, to clearly very prim and proper people, and often processes his thoughts out loud. This is perhaps a discipline issue.
But he also governs as a moderate Republican, as Reagan did, which is something of a relief after the Biden Administration, who acted as if our federal budget was a titanium credit card with a debt limit of infinity plus one.
A considerable amount of feminism is hateful and unfair, Poppy. The majority of women, even, dislike it. The majority of men find it, at least in its most recent form, to be grossly unequal, ill informed, and incomprehensible.
But feminism’s dark sides are likely invisible to the solipsistic.
This is how they ended up with the leader of a government department doing a Nazi salute – Stupidity in its best
It’s ok to give the closed fist Communist salute though, isn’t it?
This is not going to go down well with the incel Trump worshippers around here!
They would love to repeal the 19th amendment, their place is barefoot and pregnant, and submitted. In many ways maga men are like Muslim men.
Trump is losing his momentum; spending his political capital on un-productive associations with repellent people. He started off so well (seems like months ago) with Rubio, Bondi, Gabbard, Noem, Zeldin, etc.
Hegseth’s accusers didn’t get much traction and now he, just like Rubio and Vance, has turned out to have more of what it takes then most people expected.
But Musk is trouble and the more we hear about him the more repellent he seems. His digital posse is made up of under-aged, binary-brained devotees of the Singularity, that most voters wouldn’t want in their house. Tate’s mean schtick is part-and-parcel with the narcissistic gender nonsense that everyone just wants to bury. And he is, in every way, far more repellent then the rest of the angry boy-men that inhabit the internet.
There’s still one more election; the mid-terms in ’26. If the Dems bounce back and re-take one or both Houses of Congress most of Trump’s agenda will not happen. He’ll be remembered as a flash in the pan.
So it’s time for him to clean house.
Good article. Needs saying. Pathetic men may fall into the categories of jocks, nerds and bullies, but pathetic remains the commonality.
And day after the life imprisonment of Tate fanboy Kyle Clifford. That’s where this apology for masculinity ends doesn’t it.
The comments are exactly as I predicted! No surprise there – i know what you people are going to say ling before the thoughts have formed in your tiny brains!
its particularly amusing to see the more indoctrinated still claiming that Musk didn’t do a you-know-what salute.
Nazis live in your breakfast cereal.