David Mamet

Why Trump will win in 2024

January 21, 2024
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Pulitzer Prize-winning writer and director David Mamet has, in his own words, gone from a Hollywood veteran to “the hermit of Santa Monica”. Celebrated for his plays American BuffaloGlengarry Glen Ross, and Speed-the-Plow, Mamet has dedicated his formidable energy to the culture war raging in La La Land.

To mark the publication of his memoir, Everywhere an Oink Oink, Flo Read spoke to Mamet about the death of storytelling, antisemitism in America and his zeal for Donald Trump. You can watch the full video above.


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UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
4 months ago

Zero pushback on Mamet’s fantasy politics. I gave up at his untethered shilling for Trump. Nearly every damn thing he claimed about him is proven to be factually inaccurate, at best, out and out lies, at worst: the border, the Middle East, the economy, Trump’s politics have been showed to be mostly gesture politics with little or no substance beyond that. As for “energy independence” … yes, at the price of the climate. Do we really want a president who wants nothing to do with the global move away from fossil fuels, who wants to “drill, drill, drill” for oil, even in protected landscapes. A president who scrapped hundreds of environmental protections for water, air and land. And all of that is before we get to the fact he’s is a proven rapist and cereal sex criminal. And, if you think he’s good with the economy I suggest you google, “Trump’s failed businesses”.
Mamet is a sad old boomer. He’s that guy giving off at the end of the bar who you want to avoid at all costs.