Best of 2020

Our favourite pieces from the last year of UnHerd

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Can Ireland survive the new cultural revolution?

BY Angela Nagle / 6 mins

The woke have no vision of the future

BY John Gray / 7 mins

Liberals rarely defend liberalism

BY Peter Franklin / 6 mins

Why sexual empowerment screws women

BY Mary Harrington / 6 mins

How knitters got knotted in a purity spiral

BY Gavin Haynes / 7 mins

Brexit: was it worth it?

BY Ed West / 6 mins

Why I had to leave The Guardian

BY Suzanne Moore / 25 mins

Given my time again, I wouldn’t choose journalism

BY Sarah Ditum / 9 mins

Did anyone predict coronavirus?

BY Tom Chivers / 9 mins

Harry Potter fans need to grow up

BY Sam Leith / 4 mins

Which epidemiologist do you believe?

BY Freddie Sayers / 5 mins

The inconvenient truth about transwomen

BY Debbie Hayton / 6 mins

The danger of safetyism

BY Matthew Crawford / 8 mins