July 22, 2024 - 7:15pm

→ The end of American monarchy

In exiting the presidential race on Sunday, Joe Biden appears to have brought to a close an era of political dynasties.

This November will mark the first US presidential election without a Bush, Biden or Clinton on the ticket, either as a presidential or vice-presidential candidate, in 48 years. The last time these names weren’t in play was 1976, when Jimmy Carter won the election.

We salute the President for returning the Oval Office back to the American everyman. Oh wait, there’s another Kennedy involved…

→ Starmer and Corbyn spar over Gaza

Old buddies Keir Starmer and Jeremy Corbyn had an opportunity to chat today for the first time in the new parliament. Independent Corbyn, whom Starmer chucked out the Labour Party, asked the Prime Minister whether he would call for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and the West Bank and end the UK’s arms supply to Israel.

Starmer gave a vague response about conflict resolution and the true causes of migration. “The prospect of a ceasefire is there,” he said. “I’m urging all parties to take that opportunity.”

Corbyn wasn’t too pleased with the answer, responding: “I asked Keir Starmer if his government would end the supply of arms to Israel. He refused to answer.” Good to see there are no hard feelings…

→ UK Green Party squabbles over Biden withdrawal

These days, simply saying something nice can come with a political cost. The co-leader of the UK’s Green Party, Carla Denyer, felt this keenly today as she was forced by the pro-Palestine wing of her party to apologise for the statement she made about President Joe Biden.

Shortly after his announcement that he would not run for president in November, Denyer posted a statement saying: “I wish President Biden well and thank him for his many years of public service. This cannot have been an easy decision for him. [It] is a true sign of leadership.”

Denyer then faced criticism from a Green Parliamentary candidate who called her post a “horrendously bad take”. Commentator Owen Jones added: “Joe Biden has armed and facilitated the mass slaughter of innocent people.”