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The biggest threat to Western economies isn’t Israel-Palestine

The aftermath of Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip on 19 October. Credit: Getty

October 20, 2023 - 10:10am

When Hamas attacked Israel, analogies to the 1973 Yom Kippur War were quickly raised. But while the military and intelligence failures that preceded this war brought back bitter memories of the complacency that preceded the earlier conflict, the comparisons don’t stretch to the economy. 

The 1973 war triggered a global recession that devastated Western economies, ending the quarter century-long golden age of rapid growth and rising incomes. But today, to judge from the price action in the markets, war in Israel has barely moved the needle. 

Immediately after the Hamas atrocities, government bonds rallied as investors rushed to the safety of US Treasury paper. But the rally didn’t last the week, interest rates resuming their relentless upward march. Meanwhile other haven assets that normally rise during periods of global anxiety, like the yen and gold, have barely budged. Even oil prices, which rose a few dollars due to supply concerns, are still well off the highs they set late last month.

It would seem investors are saying, “nothing to see here folks.” That’s partly down to the changed geopolitics of the Middle East. The region’s governments are expressing public fury at Israel’s response, but in large measure this is simply a way to tamp down the anger of their publics. Several of them have improved relations with Israel, have no interest in war, and in private would be just as happy to see the tail end of Hamas.

Not the Iranians, of course, who sponsor Hamas and the Lebanese Hezbollah militia. But while Iran makes noises about joining the war, it doesn’t have an obvious interest in doing so. The current situation, with Israel unsettled, suits it just fine. War with Israel and its US ally, on the other hand, would devastate Iran at a time the Islamic regime is already battling internal disorder. 

Barring a massive escalation of Israel’s operation, such as a wholesale occupation of Gaza, this tense stability will likely endure. It’s precisely to forestall such an operation that Western leaders, led by Joe Biden, have been taking turns tying up Benjamin Netanyahu with their visits. 

Either way, the world economy has changed a lot since 1973. It’s much less dependent on oil than it was then, especially in the West. Between the reduced energy intensity of our economies and the progress of decarbonisation, household and corporate budgets are much less sensitive to energy prices.

But that doesn’t mean Western economies don’t face difficulties, which events in the Middle East could exacerbate. Economies are slowing, and will continue to do so. Inflation, however, remains stubbornly sticky, and even a small uptick in energy prices could help slow the recent disinflation we have seen. So interest rates look set to keep rising, and that could eventually cause asset markets to crash

But none of that results from the war. It’s the result of a continued unwinding of a decade of cheap money, that was then worsened by austerity, and whose combined effects aggravated economic imbalances while doing nothing to stir sluggish economies back to life.

A rising oil price could now further complicate the task of Western banks in bringing down inflation. But most of the mess they have to clean up is the one for which they and their governments were responsible. Things could still get ugly, regardless of how events play out in Israel. But whereas in 1973 the threat to Western economies came from distant lands, today the danger is home-grown.

John Rapley is an author and academic who divides his time between London, Johannesburg and Ottawa. His books include Why Empires Fall: Rome, America and the Future of the West (with Peter Heather, Penguin, 2023) and Twilight of the Money Gods: Economics as a religion (Simon & Schuster, 2017).


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Stephanie Surface
Stephanie Surface
11 months ago

The biggest threat to our economies is Net Zero.

D Walsh
D Walsh
11 months ago

I agree, when energy prices are low the economy grows faster, when oil prices are higher we are all just sending money to OPEC

Efficiency +Nuclear energy is the way

Stephen Walsh
Stephen Walsh
11 months ago

“Between the reduced energy intensity of our economies and the progress of decarbonisation, household and corporate budgets are much less sensitive to energy prices”. Ha! The cost of electricity, heat and transport dictates how competitively economies can make things, and much money consumers have left to buy other stuff. The price of renewable energy, on which, thanks to “decarbonisation” mandates the West increasingly depends, is highly correlated to the price of gas and oil.

Steve Murray
Steve Murray
11 months ago
Reply to  Stephen Walsh

Yes we know that… but the author was making a comparison with the situation in the early 70s. It would’ve been useful for him to have provided some supporting facts and figures, but he may well right.

Last edited 11 months ago by Steve Murray
Wim de Vriend
Wim de Vriend
11 months ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

Yes, too many undocumented generalities.

Stephen Walsh
Stephen Walsh
11 months ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

Well, for example, the UK government has just procured 3.7GW of renewable electricity capacity at a wholesale price of £72/MWh, index linked and guaranteed for 15 years. But the offshore wind sector failed to bid and is lobbying for prices £20 – 30 / MWh higher than this. These prices would have been unimaginably high before the era of “cheap and abundant”green energy, but it is what UK consumers and businesses will be committed to pay – on top of the price for upgrading the electricity system for more renewables and for expensive back up generation capacity when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow. Western economies may have “decarbonised” since the 1970s by outsourcing manufacturing and steel production, but are still exposed to higher energy prices to the extent that these are absorbed in the cost of products they now import back.

Last edited 11 months ago by Stephen Walsh
Susan Grabston
Susan Grabston
11 months ago
Reply to  Stephen Walsh

Much worse than the 70s. 70s inflation and 40s debt levels. Fiscal dominance as governments hurtle towards sovereign debt crisis. Financial repression dead ahead.

Alex Colchester
Alex Colchester
11 months ago

Meanwhile other haven assets that normally rise during periods of global anxiety, like the yen and gold, have barely budged

err… gold rose 10% in two weeks. Inconvenient to your thesis, I know, but that is a massive move.
Things are just getting started.

Last edited 11 months ago by Alex Colchester