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Sir Jeremy Farrar becomes WHO’s Chief Scientist

New WHO Chief Scientist Sir Jeremy Farrar.

December 14, 2022 - 7:10am

The World Health Organisation announced yesterday that Sir Jeremy Farrar will become its new Chief Scientist, beginning the role in Spring 2023. He succeeds Soumya Swaminathan, who stepped down from the position last month.

Currently the Director of the Wellcome Trust, Farrar was previously a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), the body chaired by Sir Patrick Vallance and Professor Chris Whitty that recommended the use of several lockdowns to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as an appointee to the expert advisory committee for the UK Government’s Vaccine Task Force.

In the early weeks of the pandemic Farrar, a former professor of tropical medicine at the University of Oxford, wrote on Twitter, “China is setting a new standard for outbreak response and deserves all our thanks.” In February 2020 he was one of 27 scientists to publish a statement condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that Covid-19 does not have a natural origin”. A paper in Nature Medicine, written by a group of professionals Farrar had helped to convene, concluded: “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”

However, in emails sent earlier that month, the scientist expressed doubts about “Wild West” research being carried out in Wuhan, and by extension the idea that the lab leak theory could be easily dismissed. In one missive to Anthony Fauci, the chief medical advisor to the US President, Farrar said, “My guess is this will remain grey unless there is access to the Wuhan lab — and I suspect that is unlikely.” 

Farrar resigned from his SAGE position in November of last year, having advocated for more stringent measures than the government. He has since claimed that we have “moved on too quickly” from Covid, and fears that there is a “non-zero” risk that the virus could mutate into a more serious disease.

The Wellcome Trust has a financial endowment of £38 billion, up from £15 billion in 2013 when Farrar joined as Director, making it Europe’s biggest philanthropic research funding body. The charity has pledged to spend £16 billion by 2032 to “advance scientific discovery and take on the world’s most urgent health issues”. Having developed the foundation significantly during his time there, Farrar now moves to the WHO, where he has previously chaired vaccine committees. 

An outspoken figure during the coronavirus pandemic, and initially a vehement public opponent of calls to investigate a possible laboratory origin for the virus, Farrar’s appointment to such a senior position at the UN body is unlikely to be universally welcomed, regardless of his private reservations. Whether he will now more readily consider dissenting voices on medical issues is bound to be a matter of great interest to observers around the world.

is UnHerd’s Deputy Editor, Newsroom.


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Steve Murray
Steve Murray
1 year ago

On the same day that it’s announced scientists have for the first time produced a surplus of clean and potentially unlimited energy through nuclear fusion, we have the news that this dinosaur is being given a profile which could allow him to cause potentially unlimited damage to our freedoms, based upon arrogance and insularity.
Science is absolutely wonderful. Some scientists are absolute fools.

Ethniciodo Rodenydo
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

Sorry to disappoint you but the fusion claim was fraudulent

Steve Murray
Steve Murray
1 year ago

Far from being disappointed, i’ve made it my business to be as informed about the fusion process as possible. My point was based upon a positive scientific endeavour which still has a very long way to go to fruition, as opposed to a negative endeavour seeking to control and manipulate populations.
So, sorry to disappoint you, but your sorrow is misplaced.

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

The Biden administration is simply bigging up what is essentially quite a trivial advance. Anything to distract attention from the bloody laptop.

Ethniciodo Rodenydo
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

I discussed it with my son who is about to compete his doctorate in Physic. He explained to me the slight of hand used to wilfully misrepresent the results.
My response to him was so this means fusion is 50 years away.
He said you can add another 50 year to that.

Ian Stewart
Ian Stewart
1 year ago

Your son with a PhD! Wow we’d better listen to that expert!

Ian Stewart
Ian Stewart
1 year ago

Your son with a PhD! Wow we’d better listen to that expert!

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

The Biden administration is simply bigging up what is essentially quite a trivial advance. Anything to distract attention from the bloody laptop.

Ethniciodo Rodenydo
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

I discussed it with my son who is about to compete his doctorate in Physic. He explained to me the slight of hand used to wilfully misrepresent the results.
My response to him was so this means fusion is 50 years away.
He said you can add another 50 year to that.

Steve Murray
Steve Murray
1 year ago

Far from being disappointed, i’ve made it my business to be as informed about the fusion process as possible. My point was based upon a positive scientific endeavour which still has a very long way to go to fruition, as opposed to a negative endeavour seeking to control and manipulate populations.
So, sorry to disappoint you, but your sorrow is misplaced.

Stephanie Surface
Stephanie Surface
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

Fusion energy is still far away becoming our limitless demand for energy. If you dig deeper into the research, not just read news paper articles…

Last edited 1 year ago by Stephanie Surface
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

Sorry to disappoint you but the fusion claim was fraudulent

Stephanie Surface
Stephanie Surface
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

Fusion energy is still far away becoming our limitless demand for energy. If you dig deeper into the research, not just read news paper articles…

Last edited 1 year ago by Stephanie Surface
Steve Murray
Steve Murray
1 year ago

On the same day that it’s announced scientists have for the first time produced a surplus of clean and potentially unlimited energy through nuclear fusion, we have the news that this dinosaur is being given a profile which could allow him to cause potentially unlimited damage to our freedoms, based upon arrogance and insularity.
Science is absolutely wonderful. Some scientists are absolute fools.

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago

They literally don’t care if you’re good at your job – just carry water for the establishment. If you’re well connected and you can raise some money, all the better.

Terry M
Terry M
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

They are afraid of upsetting their Chinese overlords.

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago
Reply to  Terry M

When the virus first appeared the majority of US virologists were convinced it came from the lab. Within a month they weren’t. Now why would that be?

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago
Reply to  Terry M

When the virus first appeared the majority of US virologists were convinced it came from the lab. Within a month they weren’t. Now why would that be?

Terry M
Terry M
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

They are afraid of upsetting their Chinese overlords.

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago

They literally don’t care if you’re good at your job – just carry water for the establishment. If you’re well connected and you can raise some money, all the better.

Andrew Horsman
Andrew Horsman
1 year ago

Is this the point at which the WHO “jumps the fish” and loses whatever credibility it has got left? It’s all or nothing for them now isn’t it: either their crackpot megalomaniacal plans miraculously come off, or the whole thing goes down in flames. There must be a strong chance that Farrar will never get to actually take up the role, given how rapidly the Narrative is collapsing and how quickly people are becoming increasingly aware of the seedy business that he was a big part of.

You can’t bury the truth forever, Jeremy, and remember: you can’t be a Chief Scientist in Geneva AND a defendant in The Hague at the same time.

There must some very, very frightened decent people at the WHO right now, who can see what’s happening to their irredeemably corrupted organisation but who feel powerless to do anything to stop it. If I were in their shoes I would resign and come clean now, while I had the chance. It is not going to be pretty if and when it does come crashing down.

J Bryant
J Bryant
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Horsman

Don’t be so sure this guy’s appointment is a dead letter. It’s worth remembering most of the developed countries of the world are in the process of ratifying an agreement that gives the WHO authority to set global health policy in the event of another pandemic. It’s not clear whether the agreement has any teeth and is enforceable, but once the WHO pronounces on the next pandemic (assuming there is one) how many governments will take the political risk of ignoring its advice?
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but watching this type of appointment makes me ask if I should be more conspiracy-minded.

Andrew Horsman
Andrew Horsman
1 year ago
Reply to  J Bryant

Absolutely. They probably know deep down that the whole thing’s an enormous anti-liberal edifice that, even if they managed to create it, wouldn’t survive contact with reality for very long. But they have no Plan B, no other “way out” that allows them to save face in public and maintain whatever dwindling self-respect that they might have left, so they just keep going. And they must be terrified of the criminal prosecutions they know would be coming their way if the whole thing tips over. If they appointed someone honest with integrity to that position that might hasten their downfall so they appoint a crook like Farrar instead. I’m not a conspiracy theorist either but I have read enough of the documents on the WHO’s own website to know that what they are attempting is in effect an anti-scientific, anti-human coup at the global level. It’s not a conspiracy insofar that the collaborators in this coup are not being especially secretive about their plans. They are probably under the delusion that they are doing the best thing for mankind and that is what makes so virulently dangerous.

The pandemic treaty is indeed a frightening prospect, and Tedros has already said that the next “pandemic is “inevitable” (my best guess is they will declare one in autumn 2024, after the treaty is signed in May 2024 but ahead of the US presidential election, if they allow that to actually happen). For me it is a question of when it will all crash down and not if. It’s possible that future historians might point to the (attempted?) appointment of Farrar to this position as the tipping point at which a sufficiently large minority of people became aware of how rotten the whole enterprise is. But maybe not. Only time will tell.

What is now needed though is grassroots, bottom-up pressure on politicians across the world to take back control and withdraw from the WHO.

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago
Reply to  J Bryant

We all convince ourselves that what’s good for us must be good for the world. That’s why we need more democracy, not less.

Andrew Horsman
Andrew Horsman
1 year ago
Reply to  J Bryant

Absolutely. They probably know deep down that the whole thing’s an enormous anti-liberal edifice that, even if they managed to create it, wouldn’t survive contact with reality for very long. But they have no Plan B, no other “way out” that allows them to save face in public and maintain whatever dwindling self-respect that they might have left, so they just keep going. And they must be terrified of the criminal prosecutions they know would be coming their way if the whole thing tips over. If they appointed someone honest with integrity to that position that might hasten their downfall so they appoint a crook like Farrar instead. I’m not a conspiracy theorist either but I have read enough of the documents on the WHO’s own website to know that what they are attempting is in effect an anti-scientific, anti-human coup at the global level. It’s not a conspiracy insofar that the collaborators in this coup are not being especially secretive about their plans. They are probably under the delusion that they are doing the best thing for mankind and that is what makes so virulently dangerous.

The pandemic treaty is indeed a frightening prospect, and Tedros has already said that the next “pandemic is “inevitable” (my best guess is they will declare one in autumn 2024, after the treaty is signed in May 2024 but ahead of the US presidential election, if they allow that to actually happen). For me it is a question of when it will all crash down and not if. It’s possible that future historians might point to the (attempted?) appointment of Farrar to this position as the tipping point at which a sufficiently large minority of people became aware of how rotten the whole enterprise is. But maybe not. Only time will tell.

What is now needed though is grassroots, bottom-up pressure on politicians across the world to take back control and withdraw from the WHO.

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago
Reply to  J Bryant

We all convince ourselves that what’s good for us must be good for the world. That’s why we need more democracy, not less.

J Bryant
J Bryant
1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew Horsman

Don’t be so sure this guy’s appointment is a dead letter. It’s worth remembering most of the developed countries of the world are in the process of ratifying an agreement that gives the WHO authority to set global health policy in the event of another pandemic. It’s not clear whether the agreement has any teeth and is enforceable, but once the WHO pronounces on the next pandemic (assuming there is one) how many governments will take the political risk of ignoring its advice?
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but watching this type of appointment makes me ask if I should be more conspiracy-minded.

Andrew Horsman
Andrew Horsman
1 year ago

Is this the point at which the WHO “jumps the fish” and loses whatever credibility it has got left? It’s all or nothing for them now isn’t it: either their crackpot megalomaniacal plans miraculously come off, or the whole thing goes down in flames. There must be a strong chance that Farrar will never get to actually take up the role, given how rapidly the Narrative is collapsing and how quickly people are becoming increasingly aware of the seedy business that he was a big part of.

You can’t bury the truth forever, Jeremy, and remember: you can’t be a Chief Scientist in Geneva AND a defendant in The Hague at the same time.

There must some very, very frightened decent people at the WHO right now, who can see what’s happening to their irredeemably corrupted organisation but who feel powerless to do anything to stop it. If I were in their shoes I would resign and come clean now, while I had the chance. It is not going to be pretty if and when it does come crashing down.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago

Tory MP alleges ‘cover up’ of Covid vaccine inflaming heart arteries in bombshell claim (msn.com)
On the covid subject just seen this, more of this needed. Come on tory backbenchers. Keep going. Get this guy more press.
Quote: He said: “It has been brought to my attention by a whistleblower from a very reliable source that one of these institutions is covering up clear data that reveals that the vaccine increased inflammation of the heart arteries’
Quoting Richard Smith, the former editor of the British Medical Journal, he said: “Research misconduct is rife and not effectively been tackled. Something is rotten in British medicine and it has been for a long time.

Last edited 1 year ago by B Emery
Lesley van Reenen
Lesley van Reenen
1 year ago
Reply to  B Emery

Who is Maria Caulfield who responds with nonsensical emotional bumph. Couldn’t continue reading.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago

So she is a contraversial figure apparently on abortion. She was pro brexit I think, pro lockdown too as far as I can make out. Can’t find any obvious big pharma links tbh from her background it seems unlikely.
Honestly, although I don’t agree with her response I think she’s given a pretty standard response and the only one they could really give for now, they have to balance the accusations to a degree. Quote:
She added: “It is important to put on the record that the Covid vaccine is safe and we have some of the highest safety standards in the world. ” ie: shit we told everyone it was ok let’s keep that line as long as possible, it was the Conservatives that approved them you see, now this Conservative is telling them they were wrong. Awkward.
This has the potential to cause a right ruckas, the stats in the article say an increase in cardiac arrests in Israel of 25% in one age group. The scope for vaccine injury claims could therefore potentially be massive surely. Her response is the standard main line nobody panic job. I would imagine the people bridgen is going after will do all they can to squash it though obviously.
This part from the first article I shared:
‘sent out non-disclosure agreements to his research team to ensure that this important data never sees the light of day’
They need to get that data disclosed ASAP.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago

So she is a contraversial figure apparently on abortion. She was pro brexit I think, pro lockdown too as far as I can make out. Can’t find any obvious big pharma links tbh from her background it seems unlikely.
Honestly, although I don’t agree with her response I think she’s given a pretty standard response and the only one they could really give for now, they have to balance the accusations to a degree. Quote:
She added: “It is important to put on the record that the Covid vaccine is safe and we have some of the highest safety standards in the world. ” ie: shit we told everyone it was ok let’s keep that line as long as possible, it was the Conservatives that approved them you see, now this Conservative is telling them they were wrong. Awkward.
This has the potential to cause a right ruckas, the stats in the article say an increase in cardiac arrests in Israel of 25% in one age group. The scope for vaccine injury claims could therefore potentially be massive surely. Her response is the standard main line nobody panic job. I would imagine the people bridgen is going after will do all they can to squash it though obviously.
This part from the first article I shared:
‘sent out non-disclosure agreements to his research team to ensure that this important data never sees the light of day’
They need to get that data disclosed ASAP.

Robert Hochbaum
Robert Hochbaum
1 year ago
Reply to  B Emery

“It has been brought to my attention by a whistleblower from a very reliable source..”
I’m not saying this whistleblower is lying. I have no idea. But, people need to start having the courage to go on the record and produce documents backing up their claims. This use of anonymous ‘very reliable sources’ troubles me. I live in the US and have come to distrust anonymous sources and whistleblowers. Show me proof of your claims and I will back you. But, I’m done giving too much weight to claims like this. Show me proof. Have the courage.
Trump did a lot of this. He threw out a lot of garbage then stood back and said, “I’m not saying it’s true! I’m just pointing out what other people are saying!”
It would trouble me greatly if someone showed up in the world accusing me of crimes – not directly, mind you – but by citing a whistleblower from a very reliable source.

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Hochbaum
B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago

There’s nothing to say this won’t come out on the next few days, it’s likely to be way down the tabloids, watch out for it. It’s unlikely a Conservative mp and ex edititor of the bmj would put their necks on the line for nothing.
From the original article I shared:
‘Promising to offer “cold hard facts”, he said that since the rollout of the vaccine there has been “almost half a million yellow card reports” of adverse effects on the public.’
Sounds like that backs up the fact a large number of people have had side effects. So more legitimacy for the whistle blower.
Quote the article again:
‘ He also noted research which showed a 25 percent increase in heart attack and cardiac arrest calls in 16-39 year olds in Israel associated with the first and second doses of vaccine and not associated with Covid infection’
Also backs up the fact the vaccine might cause cardiac problems. Also adds to the legitimacy of the whistle blower.
It is not unusual for whistle blowers to remain anonymous in certain circumstances, especially if they still work for the organisation.

Robert Hochbaum
Robert Hochbaum
1 year ago
Reply to  B Emery

I hope you’re right. If not, this will just be another nail in the coffin of my willingness to trust anyone claiming to have information from anonymous sources, or to be the one person who claims to speak THE truth in the face of lies. In this era, I find it hard to find anyone to trust. I wasn’t always this way. But, from Russiagate to Dr. Fauci and Co., to what may or may not have happened in Wuhan, my willingness to trust without actual people standing up and presenting documentation is at an end.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago

I’m not claiming I’m right I’m just saying if this mp went public yesterday with this, it would normally be followed by the rest of the story soon after, I have no idea what will actually happen. The guy did present some evidence to back up the whistle blowers claim, you’re kind of missing the point, unless the whistle blower comes forward with the data then that part is a non story anyway. But if your interested in following this stuff it’s certainly a development legitimate enough to keep an eye on.
I’m not trying to nail your coffin shut.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago

I’m not claiming I’m right I’m just saying if this mp went public yesterday with this, it would normally be followed by the rest of the story soon after, I have no idea what will actually happen. The guy did present some evidence to back up the whistle blowers claim, you’re kind of missing the point, unless the whistle blower comes forward with the data then that part is a non story anyway. But if your interested in following this stuff it’s certainly a development legitimate enough to keep an eye on.
I’m not trying to nail your coffin shut.

Robert Hochbaum
Robert Hochbaum
1 year ago
Reply to  B Emery

I hope you’re right. If not, this will just be another nail in the coffin of my willingness to trust anyone claiming to have information from anonymous sources, or to be the one person who claims to speak THE truth in the face of lies. In this era, I find it hard to find anyone to trust. I wasn’t always this way. But, from Russiagate to Dr. Fauci and Co., to what may or may not have happened in Wuhan, my willingness to trust without actual people standing up and presenting documentation is at an end.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago

There’s nothing to say this won’t come out on the next few days, it’s likely to be way down the tabloids, watch out for it. It’s unlikely a Conservative mp and ex edititor of the bmj would put their necks on the line for nothing.
From the original article I shared:
‘Promising to offer “cold hard facts”, he said that since the rollout of the vaccine there has been “almost half a million yellow card reports” of adverse effects on the public.’
Sounds like that backs up the fact a large number of people have had side effects. So more legitimacy for the whistle blower.
Quote the article again:
‘ He also noted research which showed a 25 percent increase in heart attack and cardiac arrest calls in 16-39 year olds in Israel associated with the first and second doses of vaccine and not associated with Covid infection’
Also backs up the fact the vaccine might cause cardiac problems. Also adds to the legitimacy of the whistle blower.
It is not unusual for whistle blowers to remain anonymous in certain circumstances, especially if they still work for the organisation.

Dougie Undersub
Dougie Undersub
1 year ago
Reply to  B Emery

You’ll find that a severe dose of Covid is much more damaging to one’s heart.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago

I am working on my ‘articulate and measured’ form of response, as the poster below somewhere brilliantly put it. Calm.
That’s just your opinion.
If you have evidence that compares covid cardiac damage to the covid mrna vaccines cardiac damage, comparing numbers affected, affects on different age groups etc. then I could start to take you seriously. Looks like some of the data you might need…… is subject to non disclosure. Hmmmm.

Robert Hochbaum
Robert Hochbaum
1 year ago

You may be right.

But, just what is a ‘severe dose’ of covid? What is my likelihood of having a severe dose? My list of risk factors for ending up hospitalized are near zero. So, my chance of getting heart damage from a virus that will most likely just make me ill for a few days is probably near zero.

The critical point for me is that it’s my right to assess my risks of ending up with health issues related to either the virus or the vaccine. When public health experts like Dr. Fauci admit that they fibbed a bit for my own good regarding things like herd immunity, the effectiveness of masks, the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines to prevent spread of infection, etc., they lose credibility. Fauci recently referenced the need for blending ‘the science’ with political concerns.

I will never believe another thing that man says and I’m pretty reasonable. I like trusting experts when it comes to things I am not knowledgeable about. But, if they came back later and tell me they lied to me for my own good, that’s a problem.

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Hochbaum
B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago

I am working on my ‘articulate and measured’ form of response, as the poster below somewhere brilliantly put it. Calm.
That’s just your opinion.
If you have evidence that compares covid cardiac damage to the covid mrna vaccines cardiac damage, comparing numbers affected, affects on different age groups etc. then I could start to take you seriously. Looks like some of the data you might need…… is subject to non disclosure. Hmmmm.

Robert Hochbaum
Robert Hochbaum
1 year ago

You may be right.

But, just what is a ‘severe dose’ of covid? What is my likelihood of having a severe dose? My list of risk factors for ending up hospitalized are near zero. So, my chance of getting heart damage from a virus that will most likely just make me ill for a few days is probably near zero.

The critical point for me is that it’s my right to assess my risks of ending up with health issues related to either the virus or the vaccine. When public health experts like Dr. Fauci admit that they fibbed a bit for my own good regarding things like herd immunity, the effectiveness of masks, the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines to prevent spread of infection, etc., they lose credibility. Fauci recently referenced the need for blending ‘the science’ with political concerns.

I will never believe another thing that man says and I’m pretty reasonable. I like trusting experts when it comes to things I am not knowledgeable about. But, if they came back later and tell me they lied to me for my own good, that’s a problem.

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Hochbaum
Lesley van Reenen
Lesley van Reenen
1 year ago
Reply to  B Emery

Who is Maria Caulfield who responds with nonsensical emotional bumph. Couldn’t continue reading.

Robert Hochbaum
Robert Hochbaum
1 year ago
Reply to  B Emery

“It has been brought to my attention by a whistleblower from a very reliable source..”
I’m not saying this whistleblower is lying. I have no idea. But, people need to start having the courage to go on the record and produce documents backing up their claims. This use of anonymous ‘very reliable sources’ troubles me. I live in the US and have come to distrust anonymous sources and whistleblowers. Show me proof of your claims and I will back you. But, I’m done giving too much weight to claims like this. Show me proof. Have the courage.
Trump did a lot of this. He threw out a lot of garbage then stood back and said, “I’m not saying it’s true! I’m just pointing out what other people are saying!”
It would trouble me greatly if someone showed up in the world accusing me of crimes – not directly, mind you – but by citing a whistleblower from a very reliable source.

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Hochbaum
Dougie Undersub
Dougie Undersub
1 year ago
Reply to  B Emery

You’ll find that a severe dose of Covid is much more damaging to one’s heart.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago

Tory MP alleges ‘cover up’ of Covid vaccine inflaming heart arteries in bombshell claim (msn.com)
On the covid subject just seen this, more of this needed. Come on tory backbenchers. Keep going. Get this guy more press.
Quote: He said: “It has been brought to my attention by a whistleblower from a very reliable source that one of these institutions is covering up clear data that reveals that the vaccine increased inflammation of the heart arteries’
Quoting Richard Smith, the former editor of the British Medical Journal, he said: “Research misconduct is rife and not effectively been tackled. Something is rotten in British medicine and it has been for a long time.

Last edited 1 year ago by B Emery
Peter Francis
Peter Francis
1 year ago

Even today, I am still fuming about that letter in which Farrar pretended that Lab Leak is a conspiracy theory. Lab Leak may be right or wrong, but either way it has nothing to do with conspiracy: it simply implies a c**k-up followed by a cover-up.
People like Farrar think they are being awfully clever playing “the long game” and sucking up to President Xi, despite these little glitches like the pandemic. Unfortunately, that is just the sort of person WHO think they need.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter Francis
Peter Francis
Peter Francis
1 year ago

Even today, I am still fuming about that letter in which Farrar pretended that Lab Leak is a conspiracy theory. Lab Leak may be right or wrong, but either way it has nothing to do with conspiracy: it simply implies a c**k-up followed by a cover-up.
People like Farrar think they are being awfully clever playing “the long game” and sucking up to President Xi, despite these little glitches like the pandemic. Unfortunately, that is just the sort of person WHO think they need.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter Francis
Lesley van Reenen
Lesley van Reenen
1 year ago

No doubt the progressives will be clapping. See how cynical I’m becoming.

neil sheppard
neil sheppard
1 year ago

It’s difficult not to be.

neil sheppard
neil sheppard
1 year ago

It’s difficult not to be.

Lesley van Reenen
Lesley van Reenen
1 year ago

No doubt the progressives will be clapping. See how cynical I’m becoming.

Ben M
Ben M
1 year ago

Meanwhile as Farrar is appointed, what is not in th news is (another) Parliamentary debate on covid – thankfully John Campbell has broadcast it
UK Parliament debate – YouTube
Mr. Andrew Bridgen MP

Janet G
Janet G
1 year ago
Reply to  Ben M

Thank you,Ben M, for the link to the Parliament debate. Something of a break-through I hope.

Janet G
Janet G
1 year ago
Reply to  Ben M

Thank you,Ben M, for the link to the Parliament debate. Something of a break-through I hope.

Ben M
Ben M
1 year ago

Meanwhile as Farrar is appointed, what is not in th news is (another) Parliamentary debate on covid – thankfully John Campbell has broadcast it
UK Parliament debate – YouTube
Mr. Andrew Bridgen MP

David Slawson
David Slawson
1 year ago

Prof Farrar’s role in not only silencing but cancelling scientists who suggested that Covid-19 might have originated in and escaped from a Wuhan laboratory is an event of huge shame. That he should act against all the principles of science throws into doubt his suitability for high scientific office.

David Slawson
David Slawson
1 year ago

Prof Farrar’s role in not only silencing but cancelling scientists who suggested that Covid-19 might have originated in and escaped from a Wuhan laboratory is an event of huge shame. That he should act against all the principles of science throws into doubt his suitability for high scientific office.

1 year ago

Anyone recall VIDKUN QUISLING?*

(* Hint: Not a Viking Hero.)

Justin Clark
Justin Clark
1 year ago

You beat me to it Charles.
Here is The Quisling, having served his foreign master, now hopes to gain his ultimate place. All at the expense of his own people.

1 year ago
Reply to  Justin Clark

Perhaps he suffer the same fate as the original?

1 year ago
Reply to  Justin Clark

Perhaps he suffer the same fate as the original?

Justin Clark
Justin Clark
1 year ago

You beat me to it Charles.
Here is The Quisling, having served his foreign master, now hopes to gain his ultimate place. All at the expense of his own people.

1 year ago

Anyone recall VIDKUN QUISLING?*

(* Hint: Not a Viking Hero.)

Fredrich Nicecar
Fredrich Nicecar
1 year ago

So pleased that comments here are measured and articulate because I am fuming and would doubtless break all sorts of protocols with my response.

Fredrich Nicecar
Fredrich Nicecar
1 year ago

So pleased that comments here are measured and articulate because I am fuming and would doubtless break all sorts of protocols with my response.

Mary McFarlane
Mary McFarlane
1 year ago

Talk about looking after their own …

Mary McFarlane
Mary McFarlane
1 year ago

Talk about looking after their own …

Ray Mullan
Ray Mullan
1 year ago


Ray Mullan
Ray Mullan
1 year ago


Rob Baldock
Rob Baldock
1 year ago

Another “Expert” “fool”. He supported the Chinese…so perhaps his appointment to the Chinese supporting WHO should come as no surprise.

Rob Baldock
Rob Baldock
1 year ago

Another “Expert” “fool”. He supported the Chinese…so perhaps his appointment to the Chinese supporting WHO should come as no surprise.

Tyler 0
Tyler 0
1 year ago

God help us.

Tyler 0
Tyler 0
1 year ago

God help us.

Peta Seel
Peta Seel
1 year ago

What very little bit of credibility the corrupt WHO had left has now gone up in smoke. Whatever they say, the opposite will be true.

Peta Seel
Peta Seel
1 year ago

What very little bit of credibility the corrupt WHO had left has now gone up in smoke. Whatever they say, the opposite will be true.

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago

The deal currently being negotiated that allows the WHO to dictate national pandemic policies is another reason we desperately need de Santis to win in ’24

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago

The deal currently being negotiated that allows the WHO to dictate national pandemic policies is another reason we desperately need de Santis to win in ’24

Jerry Carroll
Jerry Carroll
1 year ago

Why was this montebank promoted to another level of incompetence? Parkinson’s Law needs no further proof.

Jerry Carroll
Jerry Carroll
1 year ago

Why was this montebank promoted to another level of incompetence? Parkinson’s Law needs no further proof.

Tom Bergerson
Tom Bergerson
1 year ago

Isn’t the Wellcome Trust funded bigly by Bill Gates? So this is more of the very evil Gates crowd moving around to destroy humanity?

Tom Bergerson
Tom Bergerson
1 year ago

Isn’t the Wellcome Trust funded bigly by Bill Gates? So this is more of the very evil Gates crowd moving around to destroy humanity?

Jane Brown
Jane Brown
1 year ago

All the epidemiological evidence suggests that the virus originated in a wild animal and was passed on to humans at the Wuhan Market. No evidence has been presented to suggest it was a lab leak.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane Brown

That’s not entirely true, what has happened is there’s some ‘evidence’ for both, but no actual confirmed origin still. More info, any fringe covid nerds this pro publica report is worth a read, lays out very well why we still have no answers, they look at all the lab leak evidence, serious job, they originally released it then had to pull it and take stuff out because the Chinese apparently said they had ‘mistranslated’ stuff. Must have been good.
Quote: . An interim report, released on Thursday by the minority oversight staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP), concludes that the COVID-19 pandemic was “more likely than not, the result of a research-related incident.”
Was covered in the guardian here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/nov/03/lab-leak-theory-report-propublica-vanity-fair-is-it-reliable, the article says:
‘The boring truth is that we’ll almost certainly never really know what happened, because the Chinese government isn’t going to let western intelligence agencies rummage around their virus labs. They wouldn’t allow that if they were covering up a lab leak, but they wouldn’t allow it if they weren’t covering up a lab leak either – the sharp deterioration in the US-China relationship simply means there isn’t going to be a thorough cooperative inquiry.’

Last edited 1 year ago by B Emery
Tyler 0
Tyler 0
1 year ago
Reply to  B Emery

Surely that “boring truth” is only true if it WAS a lab leak. If the origin was in nature then that origin could be traced and explained, as the origin of other viruses have been, in China, like SARS1.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago
Reply to  Tyler 0

Wasn’t drawing conclusions mate just shared the guardian article because its where I came across the pro republica report, original poster said it categorically wasn’t a lab leak, I was pointing out that’s not even the accepted narrative any more. Obvs guardians not picked a side, but it doesn’t deny the lab leak theory.

Andrew Martin
Andrew Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  Tyler 0

It is interesting to note That classic SARS and MERS were far more deadly viruses than SARS CoV 2 but were controllable because their infectivity was poor. They did not have that special cleavage site as did any other Coronavirus which is found on the current virus.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago
Reply to  Tyler 0

Wasn’t drawing conclusions mate just shared the guardian article because its where I came across the pro republica report, original poster said it categorically wasn’t a lab leak, I was pointing out that’s not even the accepted narrative any more. Obvs guardians not picked a side, but it doesn’t deny the lab leak theory.

Andrew Martin
Andrew Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  Tyler 0

It is interesting to note That classic SARS and MERS were far more deadly viruses than SARS CoV 2 but were controllable because their infectivity was poor. They did not have that special cleavage site as did any other Coronavirus which is found on the current virus.

Tyler 0
Tyler 0
1 year ago
Reply to  B Emery

Surely that “boring truth” is only true if it WAS a lab leak. If the origin was in nature then that origin could be traced and explained, as the origin of other viruses have been, in China, like SARS1.

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane Brown

The virus contains a DNA feature which is not found in similar artefacts in nature but which has been successfully introduced into them by researchers.

A Willis
A Willis
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane Brown

You wouldn’t be posting from China, by some chance, would you, ‘Jane’?

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane Brown

That’s not entirely true, what has happened is there’s some ‘evidence’ for both, but no actual confirmed origin still. More info, any fringe covid nerds this pro publica report is worth a read, lays out very well why we still have no answers, they look at all the lab leak evidence, serious job, they originally released it then had to pull it and take stuff out because the Chinese apparently said they had ‘mistranslated’ stuff. Must have been good.
Quote: . An interim report, released on Thursday by the minority oversight staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP), concludes that the COVID-19 pandemic was “more likely than not, the result of a research-related incident.”
Was covered in the guardian here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/nov/03/lab-leak-theory-report-propublica-vanity-fair-is-it-reliable, the article says:
‘The boring truth is that we’ll almost certainly never really know what happened, because the Chinese government isn’t going to let western intelligence agencies rummage around their virus labs. They wouldn’t allow that if they were covering up a lab leak, but they wouldn’t allow it if they weren’t covering up a lab leak either – the sharp deterioration in the US-China relationship simply means there isn’t going to be a thorough cooperative inquiry.’

Last edited 1 year ago by B Emery
Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane Brown

The virus contains a DNA feature which is not found in similar artefacts in nature but which has been successfully introduced into them by researchers.

A Willis
A Willis
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane Brown

You wouldn’t be posting from China, by some chance, would you, ‘Jane’?

Jane Brown
Jane Brown
1 year ago

All the epidemiological evidence suggests that the virus originated in a wild animal and was passed on to humans at the Wuhan Market. No evidence has been presented to suggest it was a lab leak.