Jenny McCartney

Jenny McCartney is a journalist, commentator and author of the novel The Ghost Factory.


Jenny McCartney is a journalist, commentator and author of the novel The Ghost Factory.

The fall of France’s sacred monsters

Jenny McCartney

13 May 2024

Kate is not your drama queen

Jenny McCartney

28 Mar 2024

Sinn Féin’s hollow Hamas stance

Jenny McCartney

22 Nov 2023

Russell Brand’s sexual apocalypse

Jenny McCartney

18 Sep 2023

Northern Ireland’s dangerous future

Jenny McCartney

18 Apr 2022

Is hate always a crime?

Jenny McCartney

22 Nov 2021

The dangers of Twitter

Jenny McCartney

29 Jul 2021

Women are being erased

Jenny McCartney

23 Jun 2021

The IRA’s hunger for martyrs

Jenny McCartney

05 May 2021

The Marie-Antoinette in Downing Street

Jenny McCartney

30 Apr 2021

Ulster’s lost boys turn violent

Jenny McCartney

09 Apr 2021

Can Jordan Peterson bring order?

Jenny McCartney

02 Mar 2021

Drugs and the Celtic dysfunction

Jenny McCartney

29 Dec 2020

Will anyone ever say ‘sorry’ in Northern Ireland?

Jenny McCartney

04 Dec 2020

The making of a modern martyr

Jenny McCartney

30 Nov 2020

What the West gets wrong about consent

Jenny McCartney

07 Sep 2020

Up the workers: how Covid reset society’s values

Jenny McCartney

19 May 2020

Inside the dangerous world of the ‘true believers’

Jenny McCartney

27 Feb 2020

Sinn Féin’s triumph is a victory of forgetting

Jenny McCartney

11 Feb 2020

The Kafkaesque nightmare of British justice

Jenny McCartney

30 Dec 2019

Should England be embarrassed by Brexit?

Jenny McCartney

11 Dec 2019

Don’t let Brexit become the next Troubles

Jenny McCartney

23 Oct 2019

How Weinstein silenced everyone

Jenny McCartney

24 Sep 2019

The Kafkaesque nightmare of British justice

Jenny McCartney

07 Aug 2019

Don’t call it poverty porn

Jenny McCartney

11 Jul 2019

The woman who haunts the IRA

Jenny McCartney

26 Jun 2019

The Sixties seer who warned of wokeness

Jenny McCartney

24 Apr 2019

Who takes advantage of disadvantage?

Jenny McCartney

04 Apr 2019

Why has the diversity debate left white working-class boys behind?

Jenny McCartney

25 Dec 2018

Books that unveil the beauty in life’s bleakness

Jenny McCartney

19 Dec 2018

How rival extremisms are firing up Britain

Jenny McCartney

12 Oct 2018

Six essential summer reads

Jenny McCartney

24 Jul 2018

Can history help us redefine our ‘national interest’?

Jenny McCartney

11 Jul 2018

Victimhood culture will tear us apart

Jenny McCartney

18 Jun 2018

The noise of victimhood culture has drowned out the plight of the poor

Jenny McCartney

11 Jun 2018

Peterson, Corbyn and the rise of the kidult

Jenny McCartney

29 May 2018

This era of hysterical certainty does women no favours

Jenny McCartney

14 May 2018

How social media is creating dangerous legal precedents

Jenny McCartney

01 May 2018

Why has the diversity debate left white working-class boys behind?

Jenny McCartney

23 Apr 2018

How come the misogynistic Frankie Boyle is so acceptable now?

Jenny McCartney

09 Apr 2018

Under-reported: Women who live in terror of potentially deadly domestic violence

Jenny McCartney

31 Dec 2017

He was an IRA killer but turned against terror. Sean O’Callaghan’s extraordinary life had moral courage at its heart

Jenny McCartney

25 Aug 2017