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Will Kemi Badenoch be the new Boris Johnson?

The future queen over the water. Credit: Getty

October 4, 2024 - 7:00am

It probably won’t be clear for a day or two whether or not this week’s Conservative Party conference actually shook up what has so far been a long but unexciting contest. Triumphs and tribulations that seem significant on the inside may not filter out to the rest of the country — or even to the Tory membership.

One candidate who had a trying few days was Kemi Badenoch, embroiled in a row over maternity pay and with polling suggesting Robert Jenrick is closing the gap with her among members.

Yet on Wednesday afternoon it was she who received the loudest early cheer when the four leadership hopefuls delivered their speeches in the main hall. The enthusiasm of her grassroots supporters seems undimmed, even as a torrid media cycle reinforced the concerns of some MPs about how she would perform as leader of the Opposition.

That gap between members and MPs is the central problem of Badenoch’s campaign. Nearly all available polling forecasts her to win the final round, which is decided by membership votes. Yet it isn’t clear that she can reach that stage. Jenrick currently leads the pack for MP nominations, and there are more than enough votes on the One Nation side of the party to put either James Cleverly or Tom Tugendhat in the final.

Should that happen, it will be Badenoch’s responsibility. The MP rounds are a vital round of the process, ensuring that the leader is acceptable to the Parliamentary party and insulating the Tories against their own version of Jeremy Corbyn.

But they could still provide a dilemma for the new leader. Whoever wins is going to inherit an incredibly difficult brief, and getting the Conservative Party fit to contend for office in 2029 is going to involve confronting some unpleasant realities. The mood might have been oddly buoyant in Birmingham, but the membership’s appetite for unpleasant medicine has not yet been tested.

If the new leader becomes unpopular, which is entirely possible, it would be deeply destabilising to have an alternative candidate waiting in the wings. A candidate, say, whom polling suggested would have been the members’ choice, had they been given her as an option. Just think back to Boris Johnson, who loomed over both his immediate predecessor and successors while cultivating broad Conservative support.

Badenoch’s leadership campaign might — almost certainly wasn’t, but might — have been calibrated for this outcome. She largely sat out the first half of the contest, and has sternly refused to be drawn on anything resembling policy.

Her pitch to Birmingham this week had the same broad outline as Jenrick’s, but without the detail. Where he listed five broad areas of focus and a scattering of specific policies to flesh them out, Badenoch promised a bold and comprehensive audit of just about everything — and nothing in particular.

It’s a canny line, given the selectorate. It’s easy enough to say that in office the Tories “talked Right, but governed Left”; much harder is confronting why that happened in the first place. Conservative MPs have been at the vanguard of resistance to constructing everything from homes to prisons to pylons; taxes and immigration kept climbing to fund public spending such as the winter fuel allowance, a payment to the wealthy which Badenoch supports. What’s more, there was a relative lack of attention given over to housing in her speech — despite her holding the post of Shadow Housing Secretary.

Badenoch thus risks falling into exactly the same trap as other recent Tory leaders, from David Cameron onwards. That is: turning easy homilies about lower taxes and a smaller state into concrete cuts to spending and red tape, and translating headline commitments on immigration into gruelling combat with powerful vested interests and the Treasury.

None of that matters, however, if she doesn’t win. Instead, Badenoch might be well-positioned to pose as the party’s “queen over the water”, with her own power base primed to attack whoever becomes Tory leader. If that happens, she’ll always be ready to remind anyone who’ll listen of the grand — if hazy — prizes the Conservatives might have won.

Henry Hill is Deputy Editor of ConservativeHome.


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Ian Barton
Ian Barton
7 hours ago

I understand why the author did it, but to see mention of the corrupt, arrogant, smug and talentless snake-oil selling Cameron – in the same sentence as Badenoch’s name – was horrible.

Last edited 7 hours ago by Ian Barton
General Store
General Store
1 hour ago
Reply to  Ian Barton

If she chooses Tory leadership over real change, then actually she’s exactly in that mould. They are a busted flush. We need REFORM – because the self-righting Tory gyroscope will take any of these would-be leaders and re-make them in the image of Sir Humphrey….or whoever constitutes the Mandarin class in the party. The only exception to this was Churchill, and that was only because of the war. The real problem is that our war is a slow simmering, cumulative, death by boiling. We are those frogs. And the only viable response is for someone to kick the pan off the stove. Badenoch leads a faction of frogs who are vaguely aware of the bigger picture. But she’s in the pot.

Nick Cullen
Nick Cullen
5 hours ago

I attended both the set piece sessions with the candidates. In the interviews with Christopher Hope James Cleverly was the star performer, which was a surprise. I think he also came top in the set piece speeches but was matched by Kemi who has the best vision for what the Party needs to do and what issues are facing the country. Jenrick is polished but for me at least, uninspiring and would be the wrong choice for leader.
Tom Tugenhat is another polished performer and would make a great Foreign Secretary but lacks the ability to excite an audience and by extension the electorate.
On balance I am backing Kemi who would be a fresh face for a tired and damaged Conservative brand. She is not the finished article but has the next few years to grow into the role. I also think the left would struggle with how to deal with her.
I do hope the MP’s give the membership the chance to vote for her.

Caradog Wiliams
Caradog Wiliams
3 hours ago
Reply to  Nick Cullen

We definitely don’t want polished which is another word for ‘more of the same’. The Tories have to realise that people will no longer vote for polished. Action is perhaps the real word.

Neil Turrell
Neil Turrell
2 hours ago
Reply to  Nick Cullen

If they don’t (your last point); my dream scenario is that she leaves for Reform! Fat chance I know, but one must entertain some hope.

Andrew Martin
Andrew Martin
1 hour ago
Reply to  Nick Cullen

I agree, the Conservatives should give Kemi the role but as I have said before all MPs have to behave themselves, no snouts in troughs etc. The Leftist Blob is so powerful now both in Institutions as it is in Media, they have the ability to torment the Conservative Party to destruction.
I’m not really sure how they will dismantle the Labour client state Quangos to produce a small state but one would expect unemployment rise significantly.

Francis Turner
Francis Turner
1 hour ago
Reply to  Andrew Martin

At least she does not have a beard…

Santiago Excilio
Santiago Excilio
48 minutes ago
Reply to  Andrew Martin

Many of the quangos are the result of legislation, much of which should be repealed and along with that the quango would disappear.

Dougie Undersub
Dougie Undersub
1 hour ago
Reply to  Nick Cullen

Cleverly just hasn’t got the inner steel to force through the revolution that is needed in the Party and the country. He was a limp nobody as Home Secretary.

Nell Clover
Nell Clover
7 hours ago

Badenoch is a reminder that “diversity” was always a trojan horse for left-liberal politics to weave itself into every part of society. Here we have potentially the first black Briton with a shot of becoming PM and the diversity grifters in the media and Tory HQ are silent.

That the diversity grifters are not lionising Badenoch suggests one of two things:
1. Badenoch really is not of the left-liberal set, or
2. Badenoch is an unknown quantity to herself and others and has stayed aloof of embrace the party machine in Tory HQ.

The more right-leaning of the selectorate are mindful of the Liz Truss example. PMs are easily removed these days if the establishment decide so. There’s no point associating with and choosing a candidate that the political machine will work to eject, so there is absolutely no chance of a consensus-disrupting candidate being elected leader of the Tory Party. That makes this election an irrelevance. And the complete lack of public interest in the election shows it is an irrelevance.

Last edited 7 hours ago by Nell Clover
General Store
General Store
1 hour ago
Reply to  Nell Clover

Which is why I will be voting for REFORM

Ian Barton
Ian Barton
7 hours ago

I think Mr Hill is probably right with the hunch that Badenoch is expecting the next opposition leader to fail to get the Tories electable by 2028, so not offering hostages (or should I say “sausages”) to fortune at this time makes perfect sense.

Last edited 7 hours ago by Ian Barton
Ben Jones
Ben Jones
5 hours ago

Badenoch would do well to sit this one out and win next time.

General Store
General Store
1 hour ago
Reply to  Ben Jones

And we would all do better if she jumped ship and joined Reform.

Santiago Excilio
Santiago Excilio
55 minutes ago
Reply to  General Store

And if she doesn’t get the leadership that’s what she should do

Santiago Excilio
Santiago Excilio
4 hours ago

Will Kemi Badenoch be a chaotic, priapic, anarcho-bohemian libertine?



Last edited 4 hours ago by Santiago Excilio
andy young
andy young
1 hour ago

What a pile of absolute pus. Badenoch sticks out like a sore thumb among the neutered mediocrities we see everywhere in politics.
We’re in a fight. The entire West is in a fight & she’s the kind of girl I want on my side.
There is no alternative.

Graeme Laws
Graeme Laws
48 minutes ago

If she doesn’t make the last two the party is dead in the water. She may not be perfect but her heart is in the right place, and she is a scrapper at the despatch box. We need a leader of the Opposition who, day in and day out, can attack this venal, nasty, incompetent Government. Kemi is the best person for that job and she is supported by a majority of the membership. Denied of the chance to cast a vote for their favourite, where will they go?
Come to that, where will Kemi and her MP supporters go. Maybe a trickle of defections to Reform? The latter need to sort out their Trussite economics, but most of their platform makes a lot of sense.

Nick Faulks
Nick Faulks
1 hour ago

Kemi needs to position herself so that when the Conservative Party’s ship is finally sunk, she doesn’t go down with it.

j watson
j watson
1 hour ago

Unfortunately Kemi had her Andrea Leadsom moment with at least 2 gaffes that whilst possibly good ‘red meat’ for the membership would make MPs fear her judgment lacking – attacking pregnant Mums and saying chunk of civil service be locked up. And apparently she was a little less open to interview than the other candidates, probably indicating further gaffes would have occurred had she been.
She’s drunk the Kool-Aid a bit on the deep state meme too, or at least doesn’t mind playing that card to try and gain favour. It’s a bit of a problem for the Tories – ‘I may have been in power and been ineffectual after all my performative twaddle, but it’s not my fault we didn’t find a way to implement my slogans’. It’s a form of Right wing Woke-ism – failure to take any responsibility or self reflect.
Shame as did quite like her, Shame too for Labour as would have been better for them her brittleness only became more apparent when she was Leader. Tories may well gain late some sense and pick Cleverly as best poss at the moment. With luck they’ll go with Generic and his hand waving and Special Forces are committing crimes brainwave.
As regards Bojo comparison – let’s give Kemi some credit, she’s not a congenital liar.

Dougie Undersub
Dougie Undersub
1 hour ago
Reply to  j watson

She was attacking excessive business regulation, not pregnant women. Doh!

Andrew R
Andrew R
27 minutes ago
Reply to  j watson

“She’s drunk the Kool-Aid a bit on the deep state meme too…”

You made that up. There is no “deep state”, there is a useless, wasteful bureaucracy and a vampiric “third sector” leeching off the taxpayer.

Last edited 26 minutes ago by Andrew R
Robbie K
Robbie K
7 hours ago

I thought highly of Badenoch until I was informed that her campaign is supported and funded by climate change denier Neil Record, chairman of the ‘global warming foundation’. This swivel-eyed loon should be nowhere near the party.

Matt M
Matt M
7 hours ago
Reply to  Robbie K

I believe the correct term is “Global Warming Sceptic”, not “Climate Change Denier” which sounds pejorative.

Robbie K
Robbie K
1 hour ago
Reply to  Matt M

Dr. Benny Peiser of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, amongst other things said in this letter: “It’s extraordinary that anyone should think there is a climate crisis.
div > p:nth-of-type(3) > a”>https://www.steamboatpilot.com/opinion/letter-to-the-editor/letter-no-climate-crisis-why-imperil-our-electrical-system/

Matt M
Matt M
37 minutes ago
Reply to  Robbie K

Surely “climate crisis” is just advertising spin. You can be concerned about the impact of industrial processes on the environment whilst still being sceptical about forecasts based on models and about proposed solutions based on those forecasts.

Rob N
Rob N
7 hours ago
Reply to  Robbie K

Hadn’t heard that. If it is true that means she is even better than I had thought. Come on Kemi.

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
6 hours ago
Reply to  Robbie K

The GWF are not climate change deniers. They’re just people who question whether gesture politics that have no impact on the problem but pauperise working people are appropriate.