Despite the Labour Party’s inconsistencies on women’s rights and the trans question, some gender-critical Labour-sceptics are voting for the party anyway. UnHerd columnist Kathleen Stock told Times Radio today that, despite not trusting Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer who has “flip-flopped around like a fish”, she will “vote Labour, much to the horror of many of the gender critical women around me, because I can see that there’s bigger issues than this one”.

Fellow UnHerd writer Julie Bindel may reluctantly vote for Starmer: “If I don’t spoil my ballot, which I am sorely tempted to do, it will have to be Labour.” However, many women on the Left still feel politically homeless. Writing in UnHerd this week, Joan Smith outlined why she had resigned her membership: “The party has taken an inexplicable decision to treat women, who make up half the population, as less deserving of attention than the tiny proportion who are transgender.” Can Labour be trusted on women’s rights? They might need to give David Tennant the cold shoulder first…