'Bringing people together isn’t always a positive move.’ Jack Taylor/Getty

Simon Schama’s latest television series, Story of Us, raises a number of awkward questions — beginning with its title. The series reflects, among other things, on the divisions in British society and the role of culture in trying to heal them. But is British history really as coherent and continuous as the word “story” suggests? And who, exactly, is “Us”? Does it include, for instance, Northern Irish nationalists who live under British sovereignty but don’t consider themselves British at all?
Like most bien-pensant liberals, Schama seems to assume that divisions are a bad thing, which is surely untrue. Some forms of discord are certainly to be regretted, but others aren’t. Low-paid workers who strike against companies which could easily pay them more stir up trouble, and so they should. The alternative to such conflict is consensus, which means that working people meekly accept what they are given, which may mean in turn that they find it hard to eat and keep warm at the same time.
Conflict worries people like Schama because it undermines social unity. But no society has ever been fully unified, and not all societies need to be. All civilisations have been marked by the clash of opposing values and feuding life-forms. It wasn’t, for example, as though there was a coherent entity known as the British nation which began to fall apart not long after the first immigrants arrived on its shores. Immigrants have been arriving on our shores for centuries, including the British. It’s true that the idea of unity begins to gain ground with the rise of nationalism, but nationalism as a full-blooded ideology isn’t much more than a couple of centuries old. Even when you think you’ve achieved a state of concord throughout the realm, bits of the nation can suddenly revolt or drop off, as Ireland did early last century.
When there has been cohesion between rulers and ruled, it’s often enough because the latter have been too weak or intimidated to fight the former. Two hundred years ago, when poets and politicians were praising the spirit of unity which sprang from pride in the Empire, Britain was effectively a police state, equipped with draconian laws against those who stole a hen and dedicated to muzzling dissent and free speech. A little later, the Victorians lived in constant fear of revolution. In the early 20th century, the government sent gunboats into the river Mersey with their guns trained on a potentially seditious Liverpool.
In none of this did culture matter very much. Like many liberal intellectuals, Schama overestimates its political clout. In fact, a lot of the finest literary culture of the early 19th century — from the prophecies of William Blake to the ferocious polemic of Shelley, the satire of Byron and the essays of the magnificent William Hazlitt — was dedicated to attacking the autocratic state in Westminster, not to healing the wounds of the nation. The dream of culture as a unifying force emerges only later, in the work of authors like Matthew Arnold and T.S. Eliot. In the early decades of industrialism, social and political antagonisms were too raw for the intellectual fantasy that something known as culture could spirit them away. Poetry was not the answer to Peterloo.
Why should anyone have imagined that it was? There was, in fact, a reasoned case behind this apparently fatuous claim. The idea was that social strife was real, but largely superficial. It concerned our material, everyday, less-than-glamorous selves, while beneath this surface lay spiritual resources which everyone shared at some incomparably deeper level, and which could be given the name of culture. Culture was now beginning to usurp the role of religion, which had run into a whole range of problems from the age of the Earth to the corrupt behaviour of the churches. If the arts were important, it was because they encapsulated these elusive spiritual resources in palpable form. In the case of literature, you could even hold them in your hand. The arts were the refuge to which the creative imagination had migrated, driven out of everyday social life by the rise of a philistine industrial capitalism. By the time we reached the 20th century, there would be plenty of commentators for whom this was pretty much the only place where human value was to be found.
The problem, however, was that this idea of culture went rather too deep. It seemed to suggest that actual social differences — being a woman rather than a man, or a landowner rather than a window cleaner — didn’t really matter. And this was rather more convenient for men and landowners than it was for women and window cleaners. As long as culture brought us together in spirit, we could remain the mutually hostile, vastly unequal people we actually were. Culture seemed to make all the difference, and yet to make no difference at all.
In this sense, too, it bore a resemblance to religion. It represented a common ground on which we could meet purely as human beings, suspending for a magical moment whatever divided us. But this made our common humanity seem unworkably abstract and impalpable. It by-passed our concrete differences rather than working through them. In any case, culture was hardly a common ground in reality. On the contrary, its distribution throughout the population has always been strikingly unequal. In this sense, it was less a spiritual consensus than a field of contention. The culture of the court and the culture of the folk had never exactly constituted a unity.
There were other problems as well. For one thing, it was hard to believe that poetry and painting represented the acme of civilised existence, not least when you looked at the louche careers of more than a few poets and painters. For another, was there really no value to be found outside the arts, in sexual love, human community, the rearing of children, political transformation? Despite its elevated pitch, wasn’t this flight to art a desperately alienated view on the part of privileged men and women too dissociated from the everyday world to see it as anything but uniform and banal? The concept of “the masses” would soon emerge, which as Raymond Williams points out in Culture and Society is simply an external way of seeing most other people. I’m not part of the masses, and neither are my friends or family, but everyone else is.
This raises another issue. Along with the idea of the masses came the notion of mass culture, not least with the birth of the mass-circulation newspaper. From the last decades of the 19th century to around 1920, there was a major expansion of the popular press. Newspaper owners were reaping the benefit of educational change, which had brought to birth a literate but not highly educated mass readership. By 1900, the recently founded Daily Mail was reaching almost one million readers. That same period also witnessed the arrival of cinema, radio and recorded music. Something utterly momentous had happened to culture, which now included the Mirror as well as Michelangelo. It had been integrated into the very mechanistic, profit-driven civilisation it was supposed to rebuke. Culture itself was split between high and popular. It could no longer provide a model of spiritual solidarity, if indeed it ever did.
There is also, however, culture in its more capacious sense, as a whole way of life. If there is high culture, there is also gay, Jamaican, Mancunian, police, beach, Geordie and pigeon-fancying culture. In our own time, the concept of culture has been pluralised. Far from representing a common humanity, it reflects a diversity of interests and identities. Culture has shifted from being an ideal of unity to a field of division. Some political quarrels are fought out nowadays as issues of cultural identity. Far from providing cohesion, culture has become part of the problem. It can be even more contentious than politics, since it involves the sensitive question of who one is.
So there are two major drawbacks with Simon Schama’s case. One is that culture in the narrow sense of the arts has never been much of a source of social cohesion. In any case, the function of art is quite as much to wound, confront and divide as it is to bring together. The other difficulty is that some social conflicts are simply essential, and can only be solved by one side winning and the other losing, which is not quite what liberals like to hear. Resolving the antagonism between slave and slave owner is known as getting rid of the slave owner. The same applies to democrats and tyrants or black bus drivers and white supremacists. It would be gratifying if there were some middle ground between them — semi-supremacism, perhaps? — but there isn’t. The truth doesn’t always lie in the centre. Bringing people together isn’t always a positive move.
And while culture may help to alter people’s awareness, it will do nothing to change the material inequalities and social exclusions which underlie so much political violence. Those things are part of a system, and liberals find the idea of a system rather distasteful. It smacks too much of rigidity and totalitarian thought. This is a pity, because without grasping social divisions in this context they will remain stubbornly unresolved, however much culture you bring to bear on them.
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SubscribeI refuse to believe Terry Eagleton is a real person at this point.
The heir to Eric Hobsbawm perhaps?
Who is this guy, Eric Frogspawn?
The Old Mr Grace of Marxism
He doesn’t get out much.
He was dithering in his way before AI came on the scene so he’s not that either. I see Terry in some sort of institution where he wears a robe and cloth slippers and has access to a computer an hour each day.
Art ( a long, long time ago ) was once about beauty and not politically motivated statements. I can’t define exactly what “Art” has become but it sure ain’t about beauty. Perhaps we should see to that.
Personally I’d say art has always made statements, even if they were conventional, say illustrating a biblical story. It’s just that it was also always beautiful (or at least tried to be). Now the statement is all, and skill and aesthetics secondary, or not present at all. Which is why most people ignore it.
The word culture, in it’s truest sense, alludes to growth. It’s a dynamic thing, like bacteria, which themselves are living things looking to survive and thrive. We need bacteria to survive; in our gut, our biome, is a living culture which enables our wellbeing.
Eagleton sees culture as some other thing, something that hinders, stifles and divides, one aspect of culture against another as per the socialist idiom.
Attacking Schama is such an easy target; straw man Schama, the Establishment’s idea of someone cultured. Listening to either of them (Schama or Eagleton) is like being transported back to a lecture theatre several decades ago.
The arts are diminished by seeking a didactic purpose within them, but it’s no surprise that’s all Eagleton can seek, instead of the essential communication (in whatever form) of how it is to be alive, one era to the next; thus, we can look back and envision the same common humanity of our forebears, which supports our way ahead.
Good post, it’s how we make sense of ourselves, gives us codes for how to function in the world, and isn’t something apart – it’s within us. You can see distinct culture (ways of being) in groups of animals, to mis-quote J. Peterson even in lobsters.
Thank you for taking a swing at that ridiculous poseur Simon Schama, and his latest BBC extravaganza!
Schama is hardly ‘one of us’*and David Starkey or David Reynolds would have been a far better choice.
*The clue is in the name.
Vacuous – I will not bother watching this programme.
‘And while culture may help to alter people’s awareness, it will do nothing to change the material inequalities and social exclusions which underlie so much political violence.’
I wondered what the causes of the stabbings in Germany and France were.
Knives. Just as Christmas market massacres are caused by cars – and sometimes trucks.
Obviously. Do pay attention.
Who is this twit?
Diversity is strength. Or if not always strength, inevitable.
Except when there is a need to confront a determined enemy who has a sense of unity, as in 1914 or 1939.
A Labour MP has proposed conscription as a means of engaging ‘disengaged youth’ to defend Ukraine. Does she mean something like the Pals battalions or the Post Office Rifles? The Brixton Jamaican Grenadiers. Tommy Robinson’s Own Light Infantry. The Knife-Wielding Berserkers.
Could they operate as a cohesive force? Would the Far-Right Lancers serve under a trans colonel? Put it to the test with conscription.
Though in line with Mr Eagleton’s assertion about black bus drivers and white supremacists, the Hunting Fraternity Light Dragoons would have to be disbanded. (On second thoughts, wouldn’t the solution be to just have bus drivers and passengers?).
Indeed, as if to validate Mr Eagleton’s observations about the democratisation of art, the Labour MP’s proposal is to military affairs as pie and chips is to haute cuisine.
Cuthred, King of Kent, wouldn’t have thought of his recently-arrived ancestors as British. No one arrived fully formed as British on the shingle at Dover.
Rhododendrons were introduced into private gardens and now flourish free on Welsh hills as rhododendrons, not heather. The small enclaves of kinship groups in Rochdale and such places are transplants from elsewhere, breathing the air from somewhere else. As Mr Eagleton owns, ‘Bringing people together isn’t always a positive move’.
It is understood why Mr Eagleton has put together this, not entirely worthless, piece. Kemi Badenuff has declared that not all cultures are equal. There might be proposals to have an immigration policy based on shared or similar culture.
So what , or do you actually want more ‘Rochdales and such places’ with their transplanted kinship groups ?
CD was being ironic.
Divide and rule or divide and conquer is one of the oldest strategies in the book.
“Divide and rule, or more commonly known as divide and conquer, in politics refers to an entity gaining and maintaining political power by using divisive measures.”
I believe the evidence of my own eyes and, as we are witnessing, division makes the state, those who control, stronger while weakening the power of the people.
Divide and Conquer is also a foundational principal in computer science algorithm design. It clearly works, even in incredibly disparate domains.
His use of slavery is a really terrible example from his own point of view. Slavery did not end in Britain and its dominions because of Spartacus style slave uprisings ( which he approves of) , but because it was legislated our of existence by a moralising upper class anti -slavery movement and the slave owners were even compensated .
Can’t help feeling his inner northern Irish nationalist is always rather gleeful when the oppressor state ( Britain ) endures social discord .
More rewriting of our language. “Divisions in a society are a good thing!” Divisions mean a society is divided into opposing groups. You could make a case for separate groupings being good in some way. That was the hope of multiculturalism. Somehow all those cultures would combine to form something greater than the parts. Unfortunately it has not happened.
So what does this writer do? Hide the truth. And change the meaning of words. Very Cottee. Very Unherd.
What divides a country more than anything else? Religion.
No mention of Islam in this article. Again. Very Unherd.
There is a lot of truth in this article, though this bit annoyed me:
“It wasn’t, for example, as though there was a coherent entity known as the British nation which began to fall apart not long after the first immigrants arrived on its shores. Immigrants have been arriving on our shores for centuries, including the British.”
Historically there was a vast difference in the living conditions and cultural focus of rich and poor in Britain. Their interests often stood in opposition, and to the extent the British nation was coherent, it was often exploitative.
Despite that, there is an “us” and we have a “story”. Our story, unlike the American one, is not a story of immigration.
For over a thousand years there was no significant ethnic change on the British Isles, besides some intermingling of Irish, English, Welsh and Scots. Even the Vikings and Normans had relatively little genetic impact.
It is only since the Second World War that Britain’s foreign-born population has relentlessly climbed, with sudden upticks under Blair and Johnson.
According to the ONS, “Of the 1.2 million people who came to live in the UK in YE June 2024 … around 86% (1.0 million) were non-EU+ nationals”.
Ancestry isn’t everything, but replacement migration at this pace shatters culture too.
If the result was a more beautiful, secure, peaceful and prosperous Britain, few would care, but I don’t see any upsides to the fresh divisions.
It’s not as if poor-but-talented-and-honest-and-hard-working immigrants united with poor-but-talented-and-honest-and-hard-working natives to end exploitation while respecting native traditions.
Instead, the ruling class has used productive migrants to undermine the wages of the native working poor, while also importing a large number of unproductive migrants who compete with natives for the scraps handed out by a collapsing welfare state.
Well said.
When the pub culture is smothered by Islam in favor of chewing khat we will know Olde England is gone for good.
I think it is extremely valuable to bring people together; it is counter-productive to force them together. This is why, in immigration matters, encouragement to integrate works and pressure towards multiculturalism fails.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
That would make a good starting point for an article.
Excellent article! Essentially, Eagleton is attacking the concept of “British values” – you know, the thing ethnic minorities are supposed to sign up to. Quite right.
There’s no such thing as “British values”, but there is a thing called the British way of doing things. We eschew revolution, civil war and burning things down. We prefer debate, compromise, and evolutionary change.
We learned our lesson in the seventeenth century. We’ve stuck with the principles of the Glorious Revolution.
It is such a lie this article. Divided you fall. We all know that. We all have experience of that.
Schama bemoans the Trump presidency on the grounds that “Trump doesn’t read books”. He seems oblivious to the fact that we’ve had intellectuals in power since the ‘nineties and the consequences have been catastrophic. Maybe it’s time for a bricklayer.
But he isn’t a tradesman either*. In fact, he tried to stiff his builders whenever possible. He is a shady businessman, who treats the most powerful job in the world as a combination of 24/7 reality show and real estate opportunity.
*Nor is he workmanlike or humble. He thinks and behaves in a way that oughta make both sons of privilege and actual working men ashamed of him. Soon, many more will be. Or not. Just pay attention and try to resist the virulent strains of TDS that rage among his supporters. It doesn’t only target one side of the divide.
In fact, he tried to stiff his builders whenever possible.
Evidence? I never met a builder who didn’t think his clients were cheating him. And I’ve met lots of builders.
The author misses some real if not politically important aspects of “culture”.
For instance in the Anglo-sphere it has long been the way of things that the shopkeeper names a price and then the buyer decides whether or not to buy. In many other cultures the price is haggled over.
While in Britain itself there’s still some residual sense of respect for the upper classes, at least to their faces, in the US there is none of that. It’s every man for himself. anyone will speak their mind. It’s a bit rude, but no one cares.
Also, in some cultures the traffic rules are generally respected for the sake of safety and efficiency. In others…not.
These examples, and many others like them, are quotidian aspects of culture that are more significant for most people then the paintings in the Museums or the works of the great writers.
Most English drivers will reverse and pull over without fuss to allow others to pass in narrow roads or roads with parking on both sides. In some other cultures there seems to be some sort of masculinity issue at stake in these situations.
“Immigrants have been arriving on our shores for centuries, including the British”.
What does this sentence mean?
It’s palpable nonsense..
Certainly AI in hallucination mode.
This kind of thing is OK for rugby but most of us want the UK to return to being an Anglo-Celtic country.
Division is strength!
I am trying my best to justify why mass invasion of ‘immigration’ are positive thing!
I am trying my best to cling onto my stale and stagnant ideological framework as it crumbles around me!
I am trying my best to troll the hypothetical Daily Mail reading bigot because I think I am higher status than they are!
Antonio Gramsci argued that social.cohesion – or the reason why Western Europe didn’t follow Russia into Revolution after the First World War – was because of cultural hegemony, which is how the ruling class holds political power through a dominant widespread and pervasive social belief in established institutions, such as the Monarchy, the Church and Parliament. That might be a far better argument than some vague idea of ‘culture’ – as a story of us.
Cultural hegemony is despised and seen as an obstacle by both communists and globalists (who appear to have struck up some kind of alliance) and is, therefore, something that must be destroyed. The globalists saw/see mass immigration as the ideal means to that end (See UN Migration Chief Peter Sutherland’s speech to the House of Lords 2012) and the communist’s, infiltration of institutions. “Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. … In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.” Gramsci, 1915
Expect nothing less ; stronger divided my Rs. The division is a detachment from reality. Lies dressed as truth. Christian morality replaced by human rights. Majority culture inverted and demonised. Dissent, free speech and objective truth castigated as racist, extreme right wing and repressive. Keep going peddling lies and alienating the majority, keep on insisting that gender is a matter of fiat……..serious change needed, and now, or else…
‘Low-paid workers who strike against companies which could easily pay them more stir up trouble, and so they should.’
I don’t know the first thing about economics but it seems I still know more than Terry Eagleton. He believes that if a company can easily pay more to its workers then it should. Therefore wages are dependent on how much profit the company makes rather than the market rate for wages.
So does he also think companies should sell their products cheaper if they can afford to do so? Let’s say a company that could sell its watches for £1,000 decides instead to sell them for £500. Is that how he thinks the market should work?
From this silliness you can see Eagleton’s Stage One socialist thinking, a way of thinking that never moves onto the longer term consequences.
Whenever I see an article in Unherd by Eagleton I know to avoid it but I thought I’d at least give this one a chance. I shouldn’t have bothered.
The low paid have suffered disproportionately from large scale importation of cheap foreign labour, making the strikes which Terry approves of so fullheartedly totally ineffective. But the professional classes have suffered too: from high-status high-value independent authorities treated with great respect, they have become in their turn wage slaves, better paid ones than the oiks maybe but wage slaves nonetheless, assessed by targets, directed by guidelines laid down from high above, overly regulated, overseen and replaceable from immigrants of a higher class but who will still do the work for less and under ever stricter conditions. That’s why teachers, university lectures and even medical doctors, lawyers and KCs now go on strike. Their industrial action maybe more successful than that of the Amazon warehouse workers or Starbucks batistas, but not so long ago such things would have been unthinkable, not just because of decorum but because they would have been entirely unnecessary.
black bus drivers vs white supremacists.
i can think of a few examples which might illustrate the current war about multiculturalism more honestly.