In his inauguration speech four years ago, Joe Biden declared his determination to ‘”restore the soul of America”, later insisting that his “galvanising mission” was to show how our democratic system of government, rooted on liberal ideals of freedom and justice, could still deliver for ordinary people in a turbulent world. So how sad and utterly shameful that on his last day in the job, he stained this noble cause by doling out a pre-emptive pardon to a figure who has done so much to destroy faith in both politics and science.
The departed President’s bid to throw a ring of legal protection around Dr Anthony Fauci, his former chief medical adviser, reeks of elitist arrogance, displaying shocking contempt for ordinary citizens. Biden defended this deeply anti-democratic measure — announced only after he entered the Capitol to watch his unwanted successor Donald Trump’s restoration to power — on the grounds he had to protect public servants who were facing “baseless and politically motivated investigations” that might “irreparably damage their reputations and finances”.
Given the dark political climate in the United States, such an argument might be sustainable for General Mark Milley, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who called Trump a fascist after serving under him before in the White House, or for Liz Cheney, the ex-Republican congresswoman who took such a bold stance over the January 6 insurgency. Perhaps it was even understandable on a personal level, if unforgivable politically, that he tried to protect his own family members. But there is no defence for offering clemency to the central figure in a scientific scandal of epic global significance.
Fauci is the veteran infectious diseases expert and physician who was famed for his calming presence and constant urging to follow the science during the pandemic. Put aside, however, his stance on divisive decisions such as mask mandates, public safety rules and vaccinations. Controversial in many nations, they became toxic tribal issues in the US, fuelling the societal fissures that Trump exploited with such intuitive skill on his return path to the White House. Ultimately, though, these were policy decisions taken, rightly or wrongly, during an unprecedented, rapidly evolving health crisis that engulfed the planet.
The most noxious stench hanging over Fauci’s head relates to his central role in the clandestine efforts by a cabal of top scientists to stifle debate over the origins of Covid-19 that appeared so mysteriously in Wuhan. This central Chinese city was hundreds of miles from the nearest wild bat colonies carrying the most similar coronaviruses. But suspicions were aroused since it is home to one of China’s two maximum bio-security labs. It had known safety concerns. And, clearly, the initial outbreak was covered up by Beijing’s communist dictatorship, which inflamed the disease’s impact as it spread its deadly tentacles around the world.
Fauci spent almost four decades as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the world’s biggest biomedical research agency. Early in the pandemic, it emerged that Wuhan Institute of Virology was funded by this body to carry out high-risk, gain-of-function research into bat diseases. This work, it transpired, was sometimes performed in dangerously low biosecurity conditions. But it emerged Fauci played a pivotal role in pushing the idea that it was conspiratorial nonsense to suggest Covid might have leaked from a laboratory in tandem with his friends Francis Collins, then head of NIH; and Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust, another major research funding body.
This trio promoted an orthodoxy of natural zoonotic transmission that prevailed until it became impossible to ignore all the circumstantial evidence suggesting a lab leak. They pulled together a group of loyal scientists, some with close links to China or compromised by close ties to Wuhan, who wrote influential papers for prominent journals ridiculously praising Beijing for transparency and dismissing “any type of laboratory-based scenario”. Despite private concerns over “Wild West” biosecurity in Wuhan, and the possibility of lab leakage, this group managed to focus media and political attention onto a Wuhan market selling wild animals, ignoring how this idea had been dismissed by Chinese public health leaders and scientists alike.
This scandal — which implies deliberate and self-interested obfuscation over the cause of this century’s biggest public health catastrophe — involved some of the most influential figures in global science. Though all three central players have since left the posts they held at the time, Farrar has moved to the World Health Organisation as chief scientist, despite his central role in trying to clamp down debate on the cause of a pandemic. (This is one more reason why it is tough to shed any tears over Trump’s decision to end US funding to this mismanaged UN organisation given it has kowtowed to China, pumped out misinformation and failed to probe the origins of Covid properly.)
Details about the activities of Fauci’s gang had to be pieced together from scraps of evidence gathered through leaks, freedom of information requests and Congressional inquiries by a small but tenacious group of online investigators, dissident scientists and determined journalists. Now even Tim Spector, the professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, who advised Downing Street in the pandemic, freely talks about “the trail of shredded documents” and fear there was a cover-up. As Spector stated two months ago: “The most likely source of this was a lab leak from Wuhan.”
Spector suggested these efforts were intended to protect scientific credibility in the early months of the outbreak. Other experts believe that Fauci and his friends were protecting their own backs after they outsourced dangerous experiments to China, work that had already been banned in the US itself. It must be stated that we do not have conclusive proof either way on the pandemic’s cause. But the evidence of deceit, exposed on an issue of such seismic importance for the world, is a betrayal of both science and government — and this is why Biden’s pre-emptive pardon does such a sordid disservice to democracy.
Fauci claims — in a curious echo of Trump — that he is the victim of partisan threats of investigation and prosecution. “Let me be perfectly clear: I have committed no crime and there are no possible grounds for any allegation or threat of criminal investigation or prosecution of me,” he said in response to Monday’s news. Yet it was noticeable that the pardon is backdated to 2014. This is, coincidentally, the same year that the US three-year ban on gain-of-function research took effect and also the start date for an NIH grant to Wuhan that biosafety experts such as Richard Ebright, professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, believe is linked to the “reckless” research that sparked global pandemic. “The pardon is a travesty,” he told me.
Rand Paul, leading the Republican charge against Fauci, responded by saying the pardon “seals the deal” over who bears real responsibility for the Covid pandemic, adding that he would not rest as chair of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee until the truth was fully exposed. Fauci sneered that the senator did not know what he was talking about when denying to Congress that he had ever funded gain-of-function experiments in Wuhan. Paul’s efforts should be assisted by Trump’s choice of Jay Bhattacharya to take over the NIH, given that the Stanford University health economist and lockdown sceptic sees evidence for a lab leak as “compelling” and has been critical of elitist efforts to silence dissident voices.
Yet in a strange twist, there are suggestions the pardon might help expose the truth. Why? Because Fauci has lost Fifth Amendment protection if (or when) Paul’s committee issues a subpoena forcing him to testify under oath about his actions. Meanwhile, others such as Collins have been left unprotected as have assorted aides and scientist stooges. “These pardons will not stop Department of Justice investigations,” one adviser to the Trump transition team told the journalist Paul D. Thacker. “We expected this and look at it as a predicate to get truth from people who can no longer use the Fifth Amendment. Now we can bring every one of them in front of a grand jury.” Or as Professor Ebright put it: “This sets the stage for full exposure of Fauci’s activities through prosecution of his co-conspirators.”
The evidence has shown clear efforts to avoid such scrutiny. One memo disclosed that “Tony” had told David Morens, a senior adviser to Fauci, how to avoid requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), suggesting that he stop using government-issued phones for his gmail accounts. A leaked email indicated that Morens was coached on evasion of FOIs by Margaret Moore, Fauci’s long-serving assistant — who pleaded the fifth when asked to testify. “I learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear after i am foia’d but before the search starts, so i think we are all safe,” he wrote. Another senior aide to Fauci misspelled key conspirators, presumably to avoid searches intended to fulfil FOIA requests.
Fauci denied working closely with Morens when interrogated by Congress. But he also said “I’ve kept an open mind throughout the entire process” — which certainly does not seem to match the facts of some of his public statements, nor his secretive activities behind the scenes to clamp down on debate.
Despite Biden’s pardon, the disturbing saga of the slippery Dr Fauci and his Covid cover-up still has some distance to run.
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SubscribeExcellent summary of this disaster. Meanwhile, do we continue to fund gain of function research? After all, $millions of (U.S.) taxpayer dollars are, as we speak, flowing to Hamas and Hezbollah, since common sense and basic decency has abandoned our bloated governments.
Excellent summary of what happened if you like to read a report making serious allegations based on rumor and speculation and unconstrained by what is known for a fact. Poor summary if you are about reporting the truth and treating people fairly instead of politically smearing them.
Imagine if you took this kind of thing to a judge and tried to present a case of probable cause that Tony Fauci had done something wrong. The judge would tear you to shreds.
That’s rather over-dramatic. Judges aren’t there to “tear you to shreds” but to adjudicate according to the legislation deemed appropriate by the country concerned.
In some countries there can be an adjudication of “Not Proven” which, as this article suggests, might be much nearer the mark than your interpretation.
In the US a prosecutor has a great deal of latitude in opening an investigation into criminal conduct, and unfortunately, they shamefully use that latitude in some cases for political purposes. We saw that with the lawfare against Donald Trump. I hate to see similar charges being made against people like Tony Fauci.
There is a check against prosecutorial power. If the prosecutor wants a warrant to arrest somebody or conduct a search they need to go before a judge and present an affidavit that sets forth “probable cause” that a crime has been committed. Most judges, unlike many prosecutors, do not take kindly to political prosecutions not firmly based on fact, and will (figuratively) tear a prosecutor to shreds if they present a weak affidavit. (As I know from personal experience.)
That’s what should have happened when Alvin Bragg, Jack Smith and Fani Willis pursued their lawfare claims against Donald Trump, but sadly, politics trumped justice and the judges involved shirked their duty. I’m saying that in Tony Fauci’s case no judge in the country who takes their job seriously would issue a warrant based on accusations like these. A competent judge would reject the affidavit in no uncertain terms, and the case would end there.
Take this comment:
To my ear, this reporting implies that Tony Fauci might be criminally liable for shredding evidence and covering up his criminal negligence. But that’s laughable — Tim Spector has no proof of that at all. No one does. I think that kind of argument should be nipped in the bud. My comment tries to do that bud nipping.
He’s absolutely 100% guilty of perjury under oath while before Congress at the very least.
Not at all. Tony Fauci testified that the NIAID never provided any funds directly to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and that is true. He also testified that the funds from the NIAID to EcoHealth were not for gain of function research of concern, and that is true as Tony Fauci defined the term. Lying to Congress is only a crime if the person testifying knowingly tells a lie, and Tony Fauci clearly didn’t. He and Rand Paul were playing word games.
Your back must be broken carrying water for Fauci.
It’s drones like you that waste everyone else’s time.
Do not insult a person who is merely stating facts. He is not claiming Fauci’s innocence. This is about details. You’ve got to be precise if you want to be credible.
I’m glad you specified that Tony Fauci defined the term “gain of function”, because he changed what that term meant, so yes, I suppose he wasn’t guilty of lying if you accepted his new definition. No-one should have. I don’t particularly care if he’s pardoned or not, but I do hope that his role in the whole Covid debacle is exposed and that we’ve seen the last of him in any position of responsibility.
I imagine that just like when Ford pardoned Nixon, there is no implication that Fauci has done anything wrong 🙂
I just can’t understand why Biden would think Fauci needed a pardon if he is so squeaky clean.
Judges accepted hearsay when the state went after Trump and his allies. So one can imagine, if the politics is correct.
It is exactly this attitude that allows the Faucis of the world to do what they do. The evidence is clearly not based on “Rumor and speculation”. The article states as much since the evidence is there in Fauci’s own words in his leaked emails. Francis Collins is culpable in the same way. It’s always the cover up as much as the crime that implicates the guilty. You cannot seriously believe Fauci and his co-conspirators were simply acting in good faith. Why then did they find it necessary to silence any dissent, including smearing the heretofore excellent reputation of Jay Bhattacharya and the signers of the Barrington Declaration, whose sound and sage advice we now know with certainty should have been followed. Also Fauci’s personal worth would belie that in itself.
What do you expect? Fauci would have been the target of a raging with-hunt whether he is guilty of anything or not. The Trumpists have promised as much. And Trump with both his words and his pardons established the new normal: that the president and his friends are immune to prosecution, and his enemies had better beware. If you can mount an insurrection and try to steal the election without getting prosecuted for it, what is so wrong about a few misleading statements?
Biden’s pardons did not ‘shame’ America, because the shaming has already been done. He just followed the new politics that a majority of the US electorate have just voted for.
You are so off base you’ve become a complete joke. You must walk around with blunders on and just believe the official narrative no matter the obvious staring you right in the face. Fauci is guilty as hell and deserves to suffer the consequences. No need to prosecute though. Just remove his US tax payer security detail and ban him and the institution he currently works for (Georgetown University) unless Georgetown fires Fauci, from seeking any federal grants for the next 5 years.
I think you meant “blinders”, but the typo might be closer to the truth.
That Fauci illegal pushed GoF and that Trump incited insurrection can both be true!
Perhaps watch fewer Hollywood films where every character is either all good or all bad
Explain how January 6tg was an “insurrection”?
Enjoy the 4 year shitshow, it’s only starting, you ain’t seen nothing yet
You’re likely one who swore Biden was fit as a fiddle, his “Best self” as you leftist falsely claimed for four years. By the way it was Trump who suffered under your lot through lawfare and the corruption of the DOJ. You’re a Mr Magoo if you can’t see the DOJ did Democrats’ bidding, they hated Trump because he disrupted their little Establishment games. The shame is all yours, but again, simply too dense to see it.
Honestly, you can’t fix dense.
It was only a few years ago that the US was hectoring us all on the efficacy of ‘Waterboarding’.
Perhaps Fauci should be put to the test (under strictly controlled conditions) and this tedious matter resolved once and for all?
It could even be televised on pay-per-view with the proceeds going to victims of the COVID pandemic.
I was rather hoping he might end as the late Thomas Cromwell did, and come before us to say:-
“I come here to die…NOT to excuse myself”*
*As the BBC would have it in the recent ‘Wolf Hall’ drama.
Two important names missing here: Ridley and Chan who did excellent work and showed courage exposing the Wuhan cover-up in the heat of the pandemic.
Thank you for keeping their names alive.
None of the preemptive pardons are acceptable. It’s an abuse of the spirit of the presidential pardon and sets an atrocious precedent.
Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon, which is the only precedent of a President pardoning somebody who had not even been charged with a crime.
When Ford pardoned Nixon, everybody knew Nixon was guilty.
Biden has basically trashed Fauci and called him guilty.
As the author stated, Biden has also pardoned Fauci for events from 2014.
But didn’t Covid happen in 2019?
You can imagine the conversation :-
Biden – I am going to give you a pardon from 2019 to date.
Fauci – You couldn’t make it 2014, could you?
Biden – OK, but why?
Fauci – No particular reason.
According to Associate Justice Joseph McKenna, writing the majority opinion in the U.S. Supreme Court case Burdick v. United States, accepting a Presidential pardon is “an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it.”
They should have to make a list of the items being pardoned.
The whole presidential pardon system is corrupt or corrupting, and undermines the rule of law including equality before the law. It was at least once used spareingly, but Trump and Biden have made a mockery of it.
I agree, but the left had already made a mockery of the rule of law in the first place when they decided to use lawfare against their political rival.
A bit like awarding Lordships I guess….
At least Evil has been removed from America in its formal sense now. But we do need to look at tech transhumanism too as it rolls out.
There is plenty of evil remaining, stick around, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
To point : until a grand jury, we can all have opinions based on shaky foundations.
Personally I follow the stench, and this parting pungent fart from a decrepit morally bankrupt a..hole is overwhelming.
Somebody please open the window!
Grand jury.
Now that I look forward to.
Go Paul !
All else equal, liars usually have something to hide, no?
“until it became impossible to ignore all the circumstantial evidence suggesting a lab leak.” Indeed, the “evidence” are “circumstantial” and “suggest” a lab leak. Hardly a proof…but a proof of the old Unherd tradition of anti-vax columnists.
Welcome to our post shame era, which isn’t really new. The left engineered a system where the few unruly students essentially run a classroom, criminals were elevated above the law abiding, women being erased, and the celebration of poor lifestyle choices.
Let me fix the title for you: “Anthony Fauci’s Pardon Shames the Democrats.” Those of us who spoke the truth all that time have no reason to feel shame.
Hear, hear, well said!
Now that the January the sixth rioters have been pardoned and militia leaders have declared support for Trump their will be no need for him to go through all these petty fogging legal procedures while pursuing vengeance against his enemies
I wonder how those “certain” people who believed all the official lines must feel about this news. As a sceptic I’ve always kept as open a mind as possible on every aspect of the Covid years but over time my levels of belief tipped more and more towards all kinds of foul play. This just adds to the probability that the whole thing was a huge conspiracy of extremely dodgy actors.
He’s 84 years old, and the pandemic is over, luckily it wasn’t worse than it was, the Spanish flu killed over 50 million people. The man did what he could, and he dedicated his life to disease control, like aids and ebola. If there was a lab leak in Wuhan, so be it, it’s not his fault, it’s laxity in China. He didn’t carry the virus on a plane to the US. All this ideological anti vax nonsense does not prevent disease, it makes it worse, the rise in measles cases is one example. There will be more pandemics and it may be much worse next time, so are you going to persecute the next director or advisor when it happens? The Spanish influenza killed healthy young men within 5 days by the 10s of thousands, consider ourselves lucky this time around.
The only logical solution is NUKE China now.
It has been the source of every virulent pestilence since the dawn of time. This may be humanity’s last chance.
Lab leaks are preventable, perhaps Fauci should have been insisting on better bio security measures in order to be blameless, rather than covering up the lab leak with talks of wet markets.
Not sure preventable lab leak causing pandemics can be compared with naturally occurring pandemics. Not to mention the impact of the measures that were forced upon us. You’re right that the pandemic wasn’t as deadly as it could’ve been, however that didn’t stop the over reaction of governments advised by Fauci and his ilk with led to economic devastation, spiking mental health issues, spikes in domestic abuse and child abuse, cancer treatments falling behind leading to preventable deaths. Developmental issues in children.
I didn’t like Biden’s pre-emptive pardons either, but for a totally different reason: no such legal concept exists. A president can only pardon a prisoner who has been tried and convicted, not someone who might be acted of a crime in the future.
I for one will be delighted to watch Fauci squirming before grand jury. Certainly the heroic Jay Battacharia will be key in exposing the truth, but the author has omitted one other significant player in the drama to come. RFK Jr wrote the definitive account of Faucian corruption “The Real Anthony Fauci”. I suspect the schadenfeude will be delicious.
From the emergence of Covid in late 2019 I never for one second believed that it came from bats and meat markets. I always suspected that it was a lab leak. Until the truth came to light, I had no idea that a high-ranking USA disease expert might have been involved in initiating dangerous research then using his influence to cover up his and his country’s input into that programme.
Criminal actions on a mind-boggling scale. Far worse, given the enormous worldwide impact of the pandemic that ruined everyone’s lived around the Planet, than Trump’s alleged attempt at insurrection or his alleged attempts to camouflage hush money payments to a money-grabbing Bee With An Itch.
Rapidly evolving health crisis that engulfed the planet with deadly tentacles? My diagnosis is you have drunk far too much Kool Aid! The tragedy of the “crisis” is that safe, effective treatment was withheld, voices of science & reason were silenced, and people demonstrated a level of fear-driven self-interested behavior that disgusts me to this day.
I’m hopeful that between Sen. Rand Paul and AG Pam Bondi and FBI Director Kash Patel Justice will be rendered.
In any event, he will burn bright in he//…
I suggest that, as a journalist, your lack of scientific education is showing badly. This arricle does a disservice to Fauci and to science as a while. It also endangers the life of someone who did his best to protect the US population from Trump’s crackpot promotion of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and bleach.
Avenues to hold him accountable still remain, not just in the court of public opinion, but in actual courts as well. A pardon is federal, law suits can proceed at the state level and in civil cases. “Whenever it issues, a pardon will not interfere with any rights a third party has to recover damages for another’s criminal behavior even if that behavior has been forgiven by a pardon.” The below article by Brookings, written to highlight the ways in which Trump’s last term of office pardons could be circumvented, now ironically tells us how the same applies to Biden’s pardons. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/presidential-pardons-settled-law-unsettled-issues-and-a-downside-for-trump/
Many individuals will justifiably feel that Fauci’s deceptions caused them harm, and many states were not on board with his diktat. Lawyers, to your stations!
Ever heard the word “scapegoat”? This piece is nothing but vindictive, partisan conspiracy-mongering, beneath contempt. You cannot hang the millions of COVID deaths round Fauci’s neck. The pandemic had many causes, aspects, stages, effects and personal tragedies. In my opinion, masks, distancing, vaccination and working from home were all absolutely correct and effective mitigating strategies, especially in 2020 when no one knew what might happen. Good for Fauci – he saved many lives and demonstrated exemplary calmness, unlike today’s self-righteous inquisitors.
I never thought Biden would sink so low.