I don’t remember when I first became aware of the choking craze: I’m pushing 70, am barely online and generally not paying much attention to other people’s sex stuff. But I dimly recall maybe five years ago seeing an online essay about dating sites which mentioned the prevalence of the act; the essay quoted some guy confidently broadcasting to the feminine universe the rhetorical question: “If you don’t like being choked, are you even alive?”
Since then, I have (without actively looking) casually come across a scattering of articles that mention it and/or worry about it, including a piece on this site by Kat Rosenfield, titled “The Death of Intimacy”. In the piece, Rosenfield declared that, in a dramatic shift of mores, women have “cast off the mantle of the sexual gatekeeper only to find themselves in a world where your boyfriend’s idea of first-date intimacy was to engage in a little light choking before ejaculating all over your face… oh, but consensually of course.”
“The Death of Intimacy” is of a piece with a number of articles on UnHerd, apparently written to call out the crisis state of our current erotic (or rather anti-erotic) landscape, for example: “Porn Will Destroy You” (Sarah Ditum), “How to Save Sex” (Blake Smith), and the mutually respectful conversation between Aella (OnlyFans advocate and Substack star) and Louise Perry, author of The Case Against the Sexual Revolution. In this context, sexual choking appears to be another aspect of the dehumanising, porn-influenced bad direction we are headed in, and/or a dangerous rebound reaction to a neurotic obsession with sexual safety and feminist overkill. Indeed, it’s easy for me to see it that way.
I came of age during the Seventies, a time of great permissiveness that segued into the even greater permissiveness of the Eighties. It was a very male-dominated time, but playfully so, in my circles anyway; feminism could be pretty playful too. Almost anything you could think of was okay. BDSM in particular came out to party in full regalia, and all flavours of queerness — including trans-ness — were celebrated at least in some communities; the word polyamory wasn’t in use, but people lived it, albeit more quietly. Of course, much of this depended on where you lived and who you spent time with; it was great to be young and queer in San Francisco or New York but not so much in small-town Texas or Michigan. I have the impression that this is still the case.
During this period I had many friends and acquaintances who spoke frankly about their preferences and experiences and in all that time I can only recall hearing a girlfriend mention choking once: in a mild, bemused tone she remarked: “So George strangled me a little bit last night.” (Oddly I don’t remember anything more of the conversation, just the matter-of-fact quality of her statement.) Of course, just because I didn’t hear of it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen; there must’ve been some couples who played with choking under the general heading of kink. And there were the occasional media stories about “strangubation” — that is, masturbation combined with self-choking, something young men seemed to do alone, and only made the news when it went fatally wrong. So: not exactly a popular pastime.
And now… it is? The aforementioned Rosenfield essay was not, despite the provocative mention, about choking but rather the datafication and commodification of sex. To illustrate her points, she featured a spreadsheet created by the (also aforementioned) Aella: this document featured “every sexual encounter” that Aella had experienced along with a myriad of details about those encounters. I had a look and found myself more interested in another of Aella’s charts: a sex guide purporting to help frustrated men achieve greater sexual success via a “data-based theory of vagina-kind”. This meant, basically, a flow chart revealing what a sample of 600 women like and don’t like in terms of positions, attitudes and acts. Or, as Aella put it: “A) how much they like the thing and B) how much they’ve encountered men doing the thing.”
The idea of such a chart made me roll my eyes (more on that later) but I perused it anyway. And, with my vague knowledge of the subject, I was surprised to learn that, along with the classics (oral, doggy style and general masculine dominance), “most women” love choking — love it! In fact, it was in the category of what Aella called the “land of the unfulfilled feminine”, meaning women want it more than men are doing it. Insert wide-eyed emoji here!
It just makes me sad.
It’s misogyny. No one choked anyone when I was young except murderers. Women need to tell any idiot who does this to get out and not come back, not act as if it’s all part of the slap and tickle frisson of normal sex. Porn has infected sex because that’s where kids sadly learn rhe demented rules. Schools and parents need to explain that it isn’t ok.
I could be wrong, but the impression I get is that this is female rather than male driven. In any case you are making a big assumption.
Same applies to a**l sex…. Why or how can women enjoy it is beyond me… no orgasms to be had there just pain and discomfort… But we are told it’s wonderful and so many women absolutely love it. I just don’t believe any of it. I agree with you, immediately available porn has infected sex – it has debased it and none of it is good for anyone. Tragic really.
What’s puritanical lot we are on here.
Back in 1959, my best friend’s mother was killed by her lover. (As a 9 year old, this really traumatised me as such things as murder were unheard of locally).
It later transpired that he’d strangled her with a scarf during sex and, as he didn’t get the death penalty, one can one assume that it was understood her death was unintended.
Also, the neck is an erogenous zone unfortunately.
My wife occasionally chokes me, but I don’t think there’s anything sexual in it.
‘Vagina-kind’. Didn’t there used to be a word for these people? Woman, something like that.
Excellent essay on a subject that I find most troubling, but less so now, thanks to this thoughtful assessment.
I love this essay; so glad it was reprinted. The minds of women have always fascinated me. And defeated me, too. Having re-read this essay I can honestly say that I’ve made absolutely no progress. But I did thoroughly enjoy it! Another sweet defeat.
The triumphant conclusion that it’s just dandy and “each generation” can find its way to its own “amazing experience” is a little too tidy. What’s next, feminists? Coprophilia? Voluntary cannibalism? It’s all been tried before, and healthy societies draw boundaries somewhere.
How about us? Is our society healthy?
“According to the National Library of Medicine (an official arm of the US government), fully 58% of female American college students have experienced and enjoyed (mostly) voluntary choking during sex.” Ms Gaitskill, why assume that these 58% of young women are mistaken? Do you just think that you know better because you’re older ?
Reducing the flow of oxygen enhances the sensation of other sexual activity for many, many people. Try it in a milder form. Next time you’re making love, french kiss.
And since when is doggy style a form of male domination? You do know that many women like it because they can masturbate while being penetrated?
I have yet to read of women being asked to choke their male partners and it is only women who are asking to be choked or being being persuaded to be choked. Those doing the choking seem exclusively to be men for some strange reason. Why might this be?
See the article. It’s a flavour of masculine dominance that many women like as part of of kaleidoscope of experiences. Not for everyone, but that’s ok.
The sad truth is any woman who submits to this sort of behaviour is being really, really stupid.
The only time I’ve every encountered this phenomenon personally was more than three decades okay when a new girlfriend asked to be choked. That’s right, asked. Not my cup of tea at all, and the relationship came to an end. So please don’t assume it’s all initiated by men.
Far too many are assuming that men are porn driven monsters willing to try anything, no matter how dangerous. In fact one of the biggest female complaints is that their men are unadventurous and dull. Female sexuality seems to vary far more than male – from not that interested at all to completely wild.
I actually think it’s the reverse – I think it’s mainly female driven, with men, for their part, seeing it as part of the repertoire of an advanced (ie female focussed) lover. I think some commenters are operating with an idea of female sexuality which is completely outdated.
It seems to me, looking back, that there were, essentially, two ways of being a young woman during the 1970s and 80s; edgy, politically aware and experimental (a minority), or, conventional, relatively virtuous and steady (the majority).
How to explain the choices we made ?
I had friends of both kinds and the distinguishing feature in the backgrounds of the more conventional ones was a secure family background where the parents had a harmonious, committed relationship and included their children in their social lives.
The more difficult and complicated the homelife, the increased likelihood of progressiveness and promiscuity, which makes sense; if you are uneasy or unsure about your place in the great scheme of things, your role in life, the more likely you are to be experimental in order to try and find a role. The whole trans debacle is an extreme example of this, but so are young women giving themselves up to per verse carnal experimentation, they are lacking a true sense of themselves as valuable, loved and cared for members of society.
I think it’s family breakdown, single-parenthood and the denigration of both fathers and mothers in their traditional roles which leads to behaviour like this.
Marxists and feminists have got the the new world they wanted, and it’s not pretty.
Interesting theory. Bit of a shame though if the only options are dull and healthy; or exciting and a mess. Is there no third way.
I’m inclined to agree with you over female promiscuity. The healthy seem to grow out of it – those who don’t are usually troubled in other ways.
Mmm, “dull and healthy” and “exciting and a mess” are your personal interpretations of what you call “the options”. If that’s the way you want to view my comment that’s up to you. I don’t think I was offering “options”, I was offering memories of my generation of friends, and I can assure you my more conventional, secure and well balanced friends were never dull.
Perhaps you might want to consider, your desire for excitement from a woman might not be what is in her best interests.
It wasn’t meant personally, and I’m to referring to sex life in general, rather than to your friends.
You also seem to assume this is about a man’s desire for excitement from a woman. In my experience it’s the reverse: women cheat on their husbands because sex with them is dull, unimaginative and repetitive – and they are looking for more.
Love and connection are important in long term relationships but so is excitement and a bit of adventure. Without it long term monogamy is hard to maintain. It’s a bit like eating the same meal every day.
Thanks, I’m relieved you did not mean it personally.
My assumption was that you, the person writing the reply, are a man and complaining about “options”, which as I have already said, was not what I was referring to.
From your last paragraph it does sort of sound as if “excitement” is important to you personally. Some people of both sexes are simply grateful to ‘get their end away’ with someone willing and equally enthusiastic. And a good square meal everyday is not to be sneezed at.
This! 1000 x
You gave away a lot here in terms of the problem with modern females and their worldview, by equating “dull” to something negative and undesirable.
I have a dull life. Work, take care of my child, meet the occasional friend, some interests.
It’s a much better, satisfying life than certain others who are more “exciting”.
Well I’m flattered that you think I might be a ‘modern female’ as I approach 70, that made me smile.
The OED definition of dull is,
1. slow of understanding, obtuse, stupid;
2.(of person, animal or trade) sluggish, slow-moving, stagnant, listless;
3. Tedious, monotonous.
I think it was perfectly reasonable for me or anyone else to view “dull” as “negative and undesirable”, those are its connotations.
I am sorry if you find your life tedious and monotonous, if that’s what you meant, but perhaps it was simply that you had misunderstood the meaning of ‘dull’.
Replying to myself here with another thought.
For most of history men and women did not have the luxury of time, or conditions, for the erotic play that we in the West have had increasingly since the 1960s. Wealth and ease seem to be bringing about decay and decadence of which this erotic game is a part.
That’s a bit puritanical Claire. I think that wherever civilisation has allowed, people have developed a sense of the erotic. It’s part of what makes us human. I don’t think that it’s decadence that drives this – it’s human imagination. Whether it’s the Uruk described in the epic of Gilgamesh, the Kama Sutra, or the Japanese Floating World, the walls of Pompeii or the writings of Aristophanes it is there. It is perhaps we who are odd.
There’s a bit of a muddle there, human imagination is always part of our cultures whether they are rising, the Renaissance, or decaying, the Fall of Rome.
I don’t think it is puritanical to view the trans phenomenon or choking games as decadent and destructive. The erotica you refer to was mostly intended for the entertainment of the privileged few, not the struggling to survive many, and as far as I am aware it did not involve violence.
The last two sentences are incontrovertible, but the sad part of what the whole piece is about is – new practices on the edge of comprehensible – would be far less prevalent were it not for so many people now seeing themselves as part of a socially mediated school of fish swimming in synchronisation to the hidden message of the group. Who knows how the message gets passed along in fish or murmurating starlings, but in the case of the kiddies, it’s the constant screens, poor fools.
For me it’s as simple as this, women, above anything else sexually, want to be desired, I would argue that’s where the bulk of their sexual pleasure comes from. Fake moaning, oral sex, a**l and now choking are all instances of this fundamental need to be viewed as an object of her ideal man’s desire, independently of any physical pleasure she gets from the act. For men, sex is straightforwardly a physical act with a clear cut object; sexual gratification. For women, it’s more a matter of ‘how much does he want me right now’.
I doctor friend of mine likes his wife to choke him because it increases *rgasm. This can go wrong when auto-erotic.
My neighbour was found hanged from a tree in the garden with his trousers down. Christopher Hutchence ditto in his hotel room.
Will my comment go live ?
Im afraid it has little to do with domination
It would be interesting to hear the male perspective on these encounters. Unless this was part of an ongoing relationship, I doubt very much this is how the men thought of it.
Women seem to have an overwhelming desire to feel special, even in sexual situations where it is clear as day that sentiment isn’t reciprocated. I’m sorry ladies, but if he didn’t hang around after it was over neither you, nor the experience, were very special to him.
This is a sympathetic and open minded article, which I appreciate. My partner and I engage in choking sometimes as part of a kaleidoscope of emotional connections during lovemaking. It feels like one of the many flavours available in exploration and it’s done with love and adoration, as a tone of submissiveness. We’re not the very young but we’re open minded and explorative, and I think that’s the quality required to experience the pleasure involved.
Just a random thought:
Could it be that repeated casual sexual encounters are a bit disappointing – perhaps especially for women – unless you either up the excitement level with outré activities or up the emotional level by behaving in ways that would fit better in a committed relationship.
Choking would fit either of these. It’s a risky activity, increasing the excitement; but also an activity you really should only be doing with someone you really trust. The latter is perhaps a carnal version of “pray and you will believe”.
I found it off putting when, many years ago, a girlfriend of mine asked to be choked. A hand on one’s throat can be tender and intimate, but actually compressing the trachea to block respiration seemed really dangerous.
I’m sad to say that young woman didn’t fare well, later in life. She was kind, intelligent, attractive, and funny, but also self destructive and deeply neurotic.
It’s so sad isn’t it. I’m always reminded of Mishima – I was handed a full menu of the troubles of my life before I was old enough to read it.