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How Netanyahu duped Nasrallah Israel may rue the opportunity for peace

Fighting has escalated in the weeks following the breakdown of ceasefire talks.(Photo by PATRICK BAZ/AFP via Getty Images)

Fighting has escalated in the weeks following the breakdown of ceasefire talks.(Photo by PATRICK BAZ/AFP via Getty Images)

October 17, 2024   4 mins

On 27 September, Hassan Nasrallah was killed by an Israeli airstrike in Beirut. Barely had the bombs dropped than commentators were already describing Nasrallah’s demise as a transformational moment in Middle Eastern politics. And why not? Benjamin Netanhayhu declared that death of the cleric, a scourge of the Israelis for over 30 years alongside his Iranian sponsor General Abbas Nilforoushan, would change the regional “balance of power” for years to come.

But what if not every dispute in this blood-stained neighbourhood had to be resolved by force? Just a day before the attack on Nasrallah, the Foreign Office, State Department and EU issued a communiqué calling for a three-week ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel. Joined by a range of other Asian and European states, it would have paved the way to a long-term settlement between the warring sides, and allow displaced civilians to return home. 

More to the point, there’s evidence that Israel, Hezbollah and Iran had all agreed to the deal. But amid the rubble of south Beirut, that was soon forgotten. 

By any measure, Nasrallah’s death was a shock. But according to Dan Diker, there might have been more to the assassination than meets the eye. As the president of the influential Jerusalem Centre for Security and Foreign Affairs explains, allowing the world to believe that Israel was willing to sign a truce might have been an act of deception. One that led Nasrallah to meet Nilforoushan at Hezbollah’s headquarters — a very un-secret location he believed was safe. 

Yet until late September, all attempts to broker a ceasefire in the north had foundered on Hezbollah’s insistence that Israel impose a simultaneous ceasefire in Gaza. While Hamas remained in control of the strip, and Israeli hostages remained in its tunnels, this was a precondition that Israel could never accept. 

But in the closing “high-level week” of the UN General Assembly, which began on 22 September, the impasse seemed to shift. A range of world leaders including Keir Starmer and Emmanuel Macron, alongside Lebanon’s Najib Mikati and Iran’s Masoud Pezeshkian  were all on hand at different times. Netanyahu was in New York too, as was Anthony Blinken and other senior officials from the White House. Feverish talks aimed at securing a ceasefire ensued.

The key to the apparent breakthrough, diplomatic sources say, was a request by Western powers that Iran and Hezbollah agree to drop the Gaza precondition. The Iranians and the Lebanese then spoke, both directly and indirectly, to Nasrallah in Beirut. Long designated a terrorist organisation by most Western nations, including the United States, Hezbollah itself couldn’t join the meetings. 

Yet despite his non-attendance, Nasrallah had agreed to a deal by the morning of 26 September. Although Iran and Lebanon didn’t actually sign the communiqué, I understand that the final text had been drafted and circulated to the leadership of both nations. They were also told that key diplomatic players, including Britain and the US, were “on board” with the deal. For its part, Israeli sign-off was “pending” but expected soon. Indeed, sources tell me that the Iranians and Lebanese were then informed by the Americans that Netanyahu was ready to sign. 

The same day, Starmer quoted the communiqué almost verbatim in his UN speech, albeit without explicitly acknowledging it. It is fair to say that when Netanyahu himself spoke, on 27 September, he didn’t exactly sound dovish. Talking mere hours before the strike that killed Nasrallah, he warned that Israel would “continue degrading Hezbollah” until its objectives were met peace on its northern border and the safe return of displaced Israelis to their homes.

Nevertheless, the sources say, those who joined the New York talks believed these aspirations were compatible with a ceasefire, ultimately followed by a negotiated peace. Certainly, after the IDF strike finally happened, one European participant is said to have described it as a “slap in the face” to those who’d worked to stop the violence. Another claimed that Israel’s alleged duplicity had destroyed any sense of trust, noting that the commodity was already in short supply across the Middle East.

The following week, Abdallah Bou Habib, the Lebanese foreign minister, publicly claimed that Nasrallah had indeed agreed to a ceasefire just before he died. But amid the escalating conflict, with Israeli troops by now on the ground in Lebanon, his words didn’t resonate.

I asked the Israeli foreign affairs ministry whether it was true that Israel had encouraged its foreign interlocutors to think it was ready for a ceasefire. It declined to comment. I also spoke to Diker, whose thank tank has advised Israeli governments since 1976, and whose staff includes numerous senior figures from the country’s intelligence, security and diplomatic establishments.

“I think Israel outsmarted Iran and Hezbollah because it knew they were lying about their own desire for a ceasefire,” he says. “Israel beat Iran at its own game of psychological warfare, and made it seem it was ready to agree to a ceasefire while proceeding with a plan to eliminate Nasrallah and fighting on to win.” 

Certainly, the Israelis have aggressively pursued their interests elsewhere. That includes a massive cyberattack on key Iranian institutions on 12 October, including its nuclear facilities. According to Abolhassan Firouzabadi, a former secretary of Iran’s Supreme Council of Cybersecurity, “almost every sector of the Iranian government, the judiciary, the legislature, and the executive, has been affected by these cyber-attacks”.

“The Israelis have aggressively pursued their interests elsewhere”

This does not, however, make Iran any less dangerous. When analysts consider worst-case scenarios for expanding conflict across the region, they sometimes cite the potential closure of shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf. That would immediately cut off oil supplies to Europe, and trigger rampant inflation.

Yet the sources I spoke to, who also took part in the New York talks, suggested things could escalate even further. One possibility is that Yemen’s Houthi terrorist group, armed and directed by Iran, might launch a drone or missile against a landmark in the United Arab Emirates. An obvious target is the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, thereby smashing the “Dubai dream” in an instant. 

Earlier this week, Iran’s foreign minister Abbas Araghchi went to Oman to meet Mohammed Abdelsalam, a key Houthi leader. Their meeting was held expressly to discuss a possible Houthi response once Israel has retaliated to Iran’s recent missile strikes. Further down the road, the Islamic Republic could also try to foment an uprising in Jordan by its Palestinian majority, overthrowing the Hashemite monarchy that’s enjoyed peace with Israel since 1994.

The abortive diplomacy in New York, in short, stands in stark contrast to the Israeli vision of a victor’s peace. Yet given Iran’s ability to respond, even in its weakened state, it remains to be seen if Netanyahu’s gambit wasn’t a huge miscalculation.

David Rose is UnHerd‘s Investigations Editor.


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Johann Strauss
Johann Strauss
1 day ago

The author is a Hezbollah apologist who clearly wants Israel to sit back, lie down and wite its own death warrant. Sorry but the author is living in cloud cuckoo land. Negotiations with Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran are simply not possible. You cannot negotiate with parties whose clearly stated aim (and they make absolutely no bones about) is to wipe you off the face of the earth.

David McKee
David McKee
1 day ago
Reply to  Johann Strauss

Hezbollah apologist? Whoa, that’s a bit strong. Mr. Rose does not advocate or recommend anything. It’s a great piece of reporting, which explains why things happened as they did.

Benjamin Dyke
Benjamin Dyke
1 day ago
Reply to  David McKee

He’s no apologist but he sure tries hard to make Israel look bad when we all know who the real bad guys in this story are…about time people like Nasrallah, Hizbollah and Hamas leaders etc got their comeuppance after spewing hatred and firing missiles and killing Jews for a few decades…but people don’t seem to like this simplicity and have to portray Israel as ‘deceptive’ without wielding the same pen against the true deceivers…

Mike Fraser
Mike Fraser
18 hours ago
Reply to  David McKee

Having read David Rose’s Wikipedia page shot through with allegations of false reporting, and if that page or a substantial part of it is true, then it should fall to Unherd to explain his position with them.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
18 hours ago
Reply to  David McKee

Great? It’s full of speculation about future events! (Like the U.S. stealth strike on Yemen in last 24 hours.)

Last edited 17 hours ago by UnHerd Reader
Michael Clarke
Michael Clarke
16 hours ago
Reply to  David McKee

Yes it is. The endless fighting is postponing Netanyahu’s court case in Israel, which is the bottom line here.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 day ago

The meaningful cease fire is when Hamas and Hezbollah surrender to Israel in defeat and Iranian imperialists are kicked to the curb.

Last edited 1 day ago by UnHerd Reader
Raccoon Whisperer
Raccoon Whisperer
1 day ago

Every call for a ceasefire is a call for Hezbollah to be given the time and space to reorganise, rearm, reoccupy territory the UN was supposed to keep them out of, and to plot its next attempts to annihilate the Jewish people. How can any observer of events going back decades not see this? Worse, how can they pretend the solution is for Israel to back down?
There is no political outcome that will satisfy Hezbollah. There is no desire on the part of Hezbollah to respect Israel’s right to exist and let the Jewish people live in peace. Hezbollah will say what people want to hear so they can buy time for themselves to resume their objective of genocide driven by religious imperative.

Bret Larson
Bret Larson
1 day ago

Why would Israel care what the Houthi do to the uae? As to, Israel missing out on an opportunity to make peace, you don’t make peace with terrorists.

martin ferera
martin ferera
1 day ago

An absurd article – no sources, just speculation. Everything else I’ve read is very clear that Israel has repeatedly asked Hezbollah for a cease fire since Hezbollah attacked on 8th October 2023 in support of Hamas: no mention of this. Furthermore no mention of the pagers, decapitation etc. and its effect on Hezbollah. Why, when they are so compromised, would Israel seek a truce? Finally, its clear that Europe’s (all the “sources” quoted) chief concern is more refugees from the Middle East (at least UnHerd’s writer Tom McTague understands this clearly) – again no mention of this. Any reader hoping to understand what’s happening shouldn’t waste their time on this.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
18 hours ago
Reply to  martin ferera

Exactly! All speculation, quickly demolished by a single busy day for USAF!

Unwoke S
Unwoke S
1 day ago

“…a three-week ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel… would have paved the way to a long-term settlement between the warring sides…” My experience both with lottery tickets and with reading history is that the phrase “would have” should never be employed.

P Carson
P Carson
1 day ago

Then there’s taqiyya. There can never be a truce with religious fanatics whose religion endorses lying to your enemies. Look at the history of Hezbullah and Hamas.

Alex Lekas
Alex Lekas
1 day ago

Just a day before the attack on Nasrallah, the Foreign Office, State Department and EU issued a communiqué calling for a three-week ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel.
And? Hamas and Hezbollah alike have had a long time and ample opportunity to get past their genetic need to wipe Israel off the map. Yet, here we are. Doesn’t matter what British, American, or European diplomats with no dog in the fight think. Sure, a cease fire would be nice. Until the next H&H attack. When someone wants you dead, what is your negotiating strategy?

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
18 hours ago
Reply to  Alex Lekas

With Nasrallah and Sinwar dead, nothing like victory on the ground to unmask the ‘journalists’ who can only think laterally in a single dimension. Israel is now playing 3-dimensional chess against a world that that’s still playing checkers!

Mike Fraser
Mike Fraser
1 day ago

This post is wholly circumstantial and has no solid evidence whatsoever. It is a good example of the oxymoron, responsible journalism, and is complete conjecture.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 day ago

Chalk up another journalist in the ‘The Middle East would be fine if it wasn’t for those pesky J̶e̶w̶s̶ Israelis!’ camp……..

J. Hale
J. Hale
1 day ago

“Just a day before the attack on Nasrallah, the Foreign Office, State Department and EU issued a communiqué calling for a three-week ceasefire between Hezbollah and Israel.”
And why didn’t these entities call for a cease fire on October 8th, 2023 when Hezbollah started launching rockets into Israel in “solidarity” with their terrorist comrades in Gaza?

John Tyler
John Tyler
22 hours ago

Would the UN monitor any potential ceasefire? They’ve been doing it for decades, with loudly publicised reports of any Israeli breathing within two miles of the ‘border’, and a studious silence when Hezbollah rockets regularly fly overhead on their merry way to Israel.

Mark Cook
Mark Cook
20 hours ago
Reply to  John Tyler

Totally agree about the absolute lack of reporting from the UN and western media on the simply massive numbers of rockets .. it’s as if they are just the accepted norm for challenging these terrorist states .. Isreal has the Iron dome, so it doesn’t matter ? These supposed destitute states are spending millions on offensive arms rather than supporting their populations ..

Last edited 20 hours ago by Mark Cook
Naren Savani
Naren Savani
1 day ago

After reading the article and comments. Maybe UnHerd should consider advertising for a new investigations editor who is less biased

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
17 hours ago
Reply to  Naren Savani

With all due respect I think your comment refers to these somewhat pesky comments and certainly not the article. (Mr. Rose was formerly the politics and investigations editor at The Jewish Chronicle no less…)

Danny Kaye
Danny Kaye
19 hours ago

The absolutely massive arms caches that the IDF keeps finding in underground tunnels dug under Lebanese villages less than a mile from the Israeli border (and under the nose of UNIFIL) belies any notion that an agreement with Hezbollah would have enabled the secure return of Israeli civilians to their border communities. That the author fails to even mention this important information constitutes journalistic malpractice.

Roddy Campbell
Roddy Campbell
18 hours ago

The author is either blinding naive or doesn’t like Israel.

Danny Kaye
Danny Kaye
18 hours ago

Now waiting for Rose’s piece where he explains how Sinwar was on the brink of signing a cease-fire and hostage-release deal when the IDF killed him.

Rafi Stern
Rafi Stern
9 hours ago

After seeing what IDF is fining and destroying in southern Lebanon, thank God, the Israeli government didn’t agree to any of the ceasfire proposals. It is frightening to think that even after 7/10/2023 many commentators and “experts” still counsel the government to sue for worthless peace agreements.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
18 hours ago

With the U.S. stealth strike on Yemen today, so much for the elaborate analysis that concluded that the Houthi’s were a present danger. Another ‘analyst’ eats crow!

Charles Hedges
Charles Hedges
14 hours ago

Khomeini wanted Israel destroyed and no Iranian Shia has disagreed since, unless the author can prove otherwise.
Perhaps Israel is using khod’eh,taqieh, tanfih, ketman to weaken Iran.

thomas dreyer
thomas dreyer
12 hours ago

This is what victory looks like