'One swallow — or indeed, one spit — doesn’t make a summer.' hay_welch/Instagram
There’s a new weapon in the culture wars and its assets are considerable. In America, Republicans have become obsessed with the “conservative hot girl”: an unreconstructed, curvaceous and unashamedly flirty young woman who counts as Right-coded simply in virtue of not dressing like a children’s TV presenter or identifying as asexual.
Avatars of the genre include film star Sydney Sweeney making jokes about her boobs on Saturday Night Live, or Haliey Welch — aka the viral “Hawk Tuah” girl — joyfully simulating expectoration during oral sex in a vox pop on the streets of Nashville. The actual political commitments of these women remain unclear, but either way it turns out that the enemy of your enemy can be your friend with benefits. Or at least, that’s the fervent hope.
Commentators are understandably taking the popularity of old-school heroines like Sweeney and Welsh as a delicious provocation for those who have sapped the fun out of relations between the sexes, with their chilly scolding about the impropriety of people’s actual desires. Though on the face of it, this resembles the sort of complaint a Midwestern teenager might have made about his Republican parents in 1965, we all know who the new morality police are. They are the ones treating “intimacy” as a commodity that should be redistributed for the sake of fairness; putting up posters on trains telling you that staring might be a criminal offence; and writing policies governing adult sexual relations that equate an absence of consent with a lack of constant anxious checking that everything is fine.
And true to form, the progressive media is taking the bait. Earlier this month, Vox’s sneery take on the phenomenon of the sexy MAGA-coded female contains compensatory ego-mending about how it’s the Left that is the true “sex-positive” side, insofar as it is “the home for politicians and activists who agitate for access to birth control and abortions” and “who support LGBTQ rights” (smokin’ hot, amirite?). Newsweek, meanwhile, wheels in “an associate professor at the University of East Anglia”, no less, to inform us from a great height that the conservative hot girl “isn’t a particularly new phenomenon… Women have been positioned through the lens of the masculinist imagery in conservative, populist politics for a very long time.”
This much is true. But then again, I’m not sure how red-bloodedly “masculinist” it is for a Trump-loving young man’s pupils to dilate at the sight of an unabashedly sexy female, almost entirely based on the thought that she must really be pissing off the libs. Last time I checked in with the Zoomer manosphere online — the source of material for this story, presumably to be distinguished from the average Republican voter — they seemed busy rating various women well out of their league as “mid”, and arguing over whether Daniela Melchior from Suicide Squad has Western Hunter-Gatherer genetics, hardly thereby cementing an impression of unalloyed sexual vigour. On this basis then, it seems a bit early to announce that Dionysus has returned. One swallow — or indeed, one spit — doesn’t make a summer.
Though you shouldn’t expect people to tell the truth about sex, there is in fact even more unreality in this particular bit of tarted-up X/Twitter discourse than is usual. For just over the virtual wall at Instagram there are literally millions of women, of both celebrity and civilian varieties and all political persuasions, doggedly adopting come-hither expressions and showing off fleshy parts to good advantage. Glorious as Sweeney is, neither her décolletage nor her righteous pride in it seem like much of a departure from the norm here.
But more importantly: as every sex therapist knows, resentment kills the libido. Progressives arguably started this dance of anger, willing to celebrate objectively dysfunctional body shapes for women — breasts chopped off, morbidly obese, testosterone-poisoned or Ozempic-thin — as long as they constituted a satisfying revenge upon the low-status fecund archetypes beloved of political opponents. In the process, they were perfectly happy to drive a wedge between what Lefty men actually wanted in the privacy of their own psyches, and what they felt they ought to be seen to want in public.
In this matter, they were not helped by the radical Left’s rejection of the existence of something called “nature”, seeing the very idea as a sinister plot with patriarchal and capitalist overtones. Since, as Schiller once told us, “beauty is a playful mediation between nature and freedom”, this gave them only freedom to play with, as they tried to construct a sexually attractive woman out of various cultural bits and pieces left lying around: lipstick, a sassy attitude, a big glass of wine that engulfs your face, a PhD. In the end, of course, they had to cheat, which is why their preferred female commentators are often classically gorgeous though nobody is allowed to mention it.
But with online elements of the Right now lured into the same game, validating buxom country girls like Sweeney and Walsh only because their enemies officially revile them, there has been no improvement in the direction of healthy and uncomplicated eroticism. We still can’t tell what these men really want, rather than what they think they ought to be seen to want. Though superficially speaking, the championing of blonde bombshells may resemble a throwback to some prelapsarian unwoke past where we didn’t have to get so hung up on the politics of sexual desire, in fact we are not in Kansas anymore, and we can’t pretend we only just clapped eyes on Pamela Anderson in Baywatch. Porn has exploded in the interim, and the average user’s real turn-ons lie strictly between him and his incognito search engine.
Another difference between now and then is that there is no single hegemonic story about female sexiness or beauty anymore, nor even only a few. The discourse has fractured into a thousand niches, corresponding in almost every case to some million-pound money-making opportunity for someone else. Young women are using surgical and pharmaceutical alteration on an epic scale, and older film stars’ faces are becoming hallucinatorily uncanny as a matter of course — just look at 69-year old Isabelle Adjani in Netflix’s The Perfect Couple. In this context the “natural look” is just one more artificial construction competing with all the others, and none of them seem particularly connected to anyone’s nether regions.
While the Left pretend nothing is natural, the Right prefer to naturalise what is culturally flexible — think of trad wife discourse about honouring “the natural order”, or Charles Moore writing that actress Olivia Colman has a “Left-wing face”. And this is presumably why some are treating the arrival of Sweeney et al as if heralding a long-awaited return to the garden of Eden. But should the stock of the sex bomb continue to rise in the Zeitgeist, rest assured it will only be temporary. Pendulum swings never do make themselves known at the time.
For comparison, a telling moment in the Vogue documentary about the Nineties currently showing on Disney+ recounts how, after a relatively brief period of intense interest from the fashion industry in their extraordinarily symmetrical faces, models such as Linda Evangelista, Claudia Schiffer and Naomi Campbell were suddenly dropped by model bookers. Even the Golden Mean in fleshly form became boring to look at after a while. The hot new thing involved grunge and heroin chic, skeletal body types à la Kate Moss, and faces that were, in the words of Amber Valletta, “a little off”. Evangelista’s solution was to cut her fringe squint, which apparently worked for a while to keep her relevant. Later on she signed up for a catastrophic “fat-freezing” procedure, which famously didn’t.
Unlike changing hemlines, trying to keep up with passing ideological trends in faces and bodies can easily involve wrecking yourself. Those you were trying to please in the first place won’t care — they’ll just move seamlessly on to the new upvoted fantasy object. Sensible women on the Right should avoid trying to fit in with whatever sort of physicality is currently in favour among terminally online political comrades — whether that involves little platoons, or big ones — for the chances are it won’t be the truth in any case. Instead, I suggest they demand that any male counterparts truly committed to traditional gender roles join the army, or start feeding alligators pieces of raw chicken by hand like the new husband of Lana Del Rey. That should shut them up.
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SubscribeI’m sure they appreciate your words of wisdom. There are benefits being old.
Thank God I’m not young now, it all sounds horribly pretentious. My perfect girl was any willing to come home with me at 2am after a heavy night out
Well, I’m afraid there were so many girls willing to come home with me at 2am I had to be a bit more discerning than that. Of yeah, that was me. Or at least, that’s how I remember it.
Fussy means less!
I had to wait until 6am
I wasn’t much use at 2am, if I’d waited til 6 there was no chance of anything happening. Plus there was always a timeline sliding scale in my town.
10pm – The girls you want to take home.
Midnight – The girls you’ll settle for
2am – The dregs that are left outside the kebab shop. That was my time to shine!
Thats why closing-time glasses were invented.
Sounds like you are due a visit from the metoo mob
Nah. I spent half my yoof trying to drink my own body weight in Sambuca and Tequila so I think I was the one being taken advantage of on a good few occasions. I could probably join the mob myself
You’re just digging a bigger hole
I think that Dr Stock, who has genuine intellectual heft, should leave the articles about online crap to Ms Sowerby.
I realise that online crap can sometimes be revelatory of significant social phenomena, but mostly it’s too trivial and transitory to be worth bothering about, and I think that Dr Stock is working too hard to make a point here.
You don’t find sweating sexy?
Good one. Your humor can be pretty clever when it ain’t too mean and isn’t pointed at me.
I disagree. She gathered it all together and distilled it all down into a magnificently succinct piece that had me laughing out loud several times.
Agreed, “on-line weirdos are weird irrespective of their supposed politics” isn’t much of a premise, is it?
But then again, perhaps we should encourage that by leaving it alone ourselves?
I disagree, I thought it was an amusing article, deftly written as usual by KS, about some more strange, or perhaps not so strange, human behaviour activated by the internet.
I’d rather read Stock on this stuff than Sowerby.
I’d rather read Dr Stock on anything. Sowerby is a moron who could perhaps be usefully repurposed as dog food.
Would you take a bite?
The missus might kick up a stink if I did
Ha! Sounds like your “canine” days may not be all the way behind you.
Better yet, alone.
There was a recent US news clip in which a man was being interviewed by a rather glamorous female newsreader about free speech. He said that he had only two things he had found reliable all his life: the first ammendment and boobs. The newsreader’s disdain was so over the top and absurd that it showed how moronic modern feminism has become.
“In the process, they were perfectly happy to drive a wedge between what Lefty men actually wanted in the privacy of their own psyches, and what they felt they ought to be seen to want in public.”
Of course women should expect to be treated with courtesy and respect but when beautiful, playful young women seem like fun they’ll get a lot of (nearly always) delighted attention from men.
It’s so tiresome being scolded for the aspects of masculinity that are innate and, moreover, without men having these feeling, women wouldn’t get any sex either
I don’t think openly drooling over Sydney Sweeney is especially ‘traditional’ or socially conservative. It seems more in line with the dominant strand in America’s supposedly conservative movement, which is an unrestrained libertarianism characteristic of most of the GOP.
Well, now we know where you stand.
Does the tariff-first approach promoted by Trump—either endorsed or stayed quiet about by his minions that comprise most Republicans in office—somehow get stuffed in that characteristic bag? By the way, I agree that MAGA populism is not conservative in any true or robust sense.
Are some blonde babe’s abundant breasts now meant to symbolize “unrestrained” anything-ism? They do seem hard to restrain.
I really don’t think any point on the political spectrum has a monopoly on male horniness. Nor alpha males, wimps, etc.
Never heard of Sydney Sweeney before now. I’d much rather be looking at Loren Strawberry…
That was fun
Tale as old as time?
Step away from the Internet, Professor. Please. Just step away from it, down this road madness lies.
Woke is a complete passion-killer. Even otherwise attractive women are an absolute turn-off if infected by woke.
Thus the boom in cat ownership and the rise in shrillness
What is it about cat ownership that elicits derogatory remarks by you and JD Vance both? I had encounters with cat owning women, admitedly many, many years ago, and none of those women were priggish or prudish. I, for one, could not have divined their political views by means of their feline attachments. Have cats become political symbols?
They can’t get along with men or don’t want to so they get cats to fill their childless loneliness. They gravitate to other women like them and they often march for causes. There you go, cats and causes — oh, and shrillness
Wow, you sure understand these women. Like your political opponents you seem to know them better than they do themselves. Thank you for your service.
He’s never been with a woman has he!
To be fair I’ve lived with my missus for years and I still don’t understand half the things she says or does
Do men who are conservatives get dogs to fill their childless loneliness? Do men with dogs howl at the moon? Are un-woke men passionless turn-offs? Stop with the labels already.
I’m sure that if I was a poofter I would find woke men passionless turn-offs.
I don’t think JD Vance was implying that cat ladies were priggish or prudish in fact I expect he thinks that many are fairly free with their affections. Rather that they don’t want to grow up and become mothers and so keep cats in a pathetic attempt to feel like a carer and end up being bitter and unhappy, even if they are still free with their body.
Yes indeed.
Absolutely – couldnt agree more. Conservative, fun and bubbly and care free, over boring and pretentious liberals who say a lot but never real say anything and are often delivering very little to the word apart from their boring negative opinions.
Too true Richard. Due to age I am out of the mating game but woke women can be so much uglier people than normal women.
Dr. Stock even writes great fluff pieces.
Must be her sense of humor.
It’s quite clear why many young women (Gen Z) have moved towards Republicans. Both attractive and white women (as often demonstrated in short-hand by blonde hair) have been denigrated for at least 10 years by the leftist race-baiters. The same way black body types were sometimes denigrated (big butts, kinky hair) by popular fashion in the past has been adopted by the new racially-conscious right-thinking orthodoxy. Blonde, attractive, and heterosexual has prompted censure by these new social engineers. Different body types have always been appreciated by men, it would be gratifying if the race-obsessed apparatchiks attempting to set up a politically orthodox fashion today would appreciate that and quit with their racist and anti-beauty agenda.
Long story short, the times are a-changin.
But not necessarily for the better.
The Left claims it wants to reduce inequality. How does it intend to reduce the inequality in looks and character between women?
Sophia Loren was born in a Naples slum . How does one reduce the inequality caused by beauty, grace, elegance, sophistification, wit,charm ?
The song ” Where did you go my lovely ” appears to be based upon the life of Sophia Loren. How does one reduce the inequality between a woman who is born beautiful and then goes on to cultivate elegance, grace, wit, charm, sophistication and one who does not ?
In summary, how does the Left intend to reduce the inequality caused by genes and cultivation ?
According to Sophia Loren “everything you see I owe to spaghetti”. So there’s your answer.
God bless sphagetti.
I think there are big points there. Perhaps she didn’t make them explicit enough. Such as the pathologising of normal behaviour, the left wing denial of what is natural by claiming this is always a cover for vested interests, oppression etc.
It is because these things manifest in ordinary everyday life that they are significant. If they were just subjects of university chat, who would care.
It is remarkable that if children take part in physically demanding sports, learn to play an instrument, taught to dance, taught manners and for girls taught ballet, they become graceful, elegnt and sophisticated. If they over eat, do no exercise and spend their life watching a screen they become, fat ungainly ill mannered slobs.
At least the communists supported ballet, classical music and sports.
The effort to glamorize obesity should give you an idea.
Peter Sarstedt was often asked whether ‘Where do you go to my lovely’ was about, or alluding to, Sophia Loren. He always said that it wasn’t.
Very similar to her life story. Why chose “Naples ” and not Liverpool or Glasgow ?
The subtext of the criticism suggests that any trace of masculinity has no place among the beta males who populate the left, that they neither have an interest in attractive women or are capable to noticing one.
When the definition of sex positivity is access to birth control (which no one opposes) and free and easy abortion for those too lazy or stupid to use birth control, you are doing it wrong. No wonder social media is full of 30ish women who were thoroughly propagandized, earning their degrees, establishing careers, but having no one to share it with.
I think that you will find plenty in the USA who are opposed to access to birth control. Also plenty who oppose abortion on any grounds whatsoever, fecklessness-related or not. Social media is “full” of such persons.
No contraception is 100% effective, and the hormones in the most effective contraceptives can cause terrible side effects for many women. May I suggest that men take some responsibility with birth control ? Like maybe keeping their zippers up?
Thin gruel. What is it all about, Kathleen?
The dance of sex begins with the woman presenting herself. Because, as a racist-sexist-homophobe white patriarch once wrote: “All the world’s a stage…”
And all the men and women merely players.
“. . . the radical Left’s rejection of existence of something called nature, seeing the very idea as a sinister plot with patriarchal and capitalist overtones.” “The Left pretend nothing is natural.” Okay, I’m the Left, but not radical or progressive, but still left of center. I read a lot, but I’ve never read anything about the Left’s rejection of nature. Nature in what sense? Are the woods sinister, as the Puritans believed? How can nature be patriarchal or capitalist? “ . . . . nothing is natural.” What is natural? An apple? A spider? A tiger? These aren’t rhetorical questions. I need to talk to a radical leftist. Anyone here a radical leftist?
Fantastic writing, bravo. Excellent references too
Had to look up Sydney Sweeney as I had never heard of her nor seen her. She is okay but not what I expected based on the article. Hot? Not. Moderately attractive? OK. Needs a breast reduction? Absolutely. My ideal woman has always been Audrey Hepburn. Beautiful, elegant and classy in the little black dress, or the safari clothes she wore while volunteering in Africa. I think Sydney Sweeney is just a poseur.
I think the article makes some good points about the Leftie neurotic feminist types but I think is rather overcritical of the MAGA women, telling them not to get pigeon-holed and a bit snide about how they dress etc., which is basically saying “dress more modestly”. This interview is backing up the attitude of the journalist by describing what are some of the changing trends in Sweden as regards how women should be dressing with so many Muslim migrants etc.
MCC Brussels: Deep Dives: Sweden: Multiculturalism in flames? (YouTube)