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Antisemitism stains the art world One year on, galleries won't risk platforming Jews

The closed Israeli pavilion at the Venice Biennale (Photo by GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP via Getty Images)

The closed Israeli pavilion at the Venice Biennale (Photo by GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP via Getty Images)

October 1, 2024   5 mins

Venice during the opening week of the Biennale is the epicentre of the art world. Dealers rub shoulders with artists, sharing champagne and taking speedboats to after-parties in decaying palazzos. It is, at once, glamorous and intoxicating.

In theory, this is because of the art — the hard-hitting, big-statement, generously-funded art. It’s supposed to be a celebration of excellence, an opportunity for countries to showcase the heights of their culture. But what happens when this is no longer the case?

With this year’s theme, “Foreigners Everywhere”, the cultural status quo of the last few years became crystallised. Identity politics and decolonisation ruled above all. The Spanish pavilion showed a Peruvian artist who spoke about historical colonialism; the American pavilion featured a First Nations artist who used Native American performative rituals as the basis for his work. Each was applauded more than the last — except in the case of Germany.

In the German pavilion, there is an artwork called “Light to the Nations” by Yael Bartana, an Israeli artist living in Berlin. It is an installation of a Sixties-style model spaceship, suspended at the top of a dark room, floating like a distant solar system in a mist of mesmerising light patterns. The title refers to the Book of Isaiah, when God tells the prophet that Israel’s outward mission will be led by the principle of light. It is about the future of the Jewish civilisation assuming the worst has already happened, posing the haunting question: where would Jews live if they were unwelcome everywhere on Earth? 

This was my favourite artwork of the whole Biennale; and, one night, over proseccos in Dorsoduro, I confessed as much to the Emerati pavilion gallerina. I watched as the blood rushed to her face: “That kind of artist shouldn’t have a platform,” she replied. “With everything that’s going on right now, how could any country promote an artist like her?”

Perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised by her response. Since October 7, art galleries across the West have faced criticism for spotlighting Israeli artists. And since the Biennale opened in April, there have also been anti-Israel protests outside not only the already-closed Israeli pavilion, but also the German one. 

What was peculiarly ironic in Venice, however, was that under the logic of identity politics favoured by the Biennale, Germany’s decision to spotlight a Jewish artist was entirely fitting. Isn’t the whole premise of this ideology to shift “the culture” away from those who have “held the power” historically? Why is a German attempt at cultural reparations to the Jewish people not valid, when most other pavilions were essentially a cultural apology to their oppressed peoples? 

The answer, I suspect, lies at the start of almost every artist’s career — at art school. Even before October 7, the popularity of the BDS movement in universities, particularly among the coolest art students, was obvious. After October 7, however, more overt anti-Jewish sentiment became firmly embedded in the universities, falling in line with the trends of wider society. 

At art school, this is even more pronounced because, on an educational level, the bare minimum is expected from you. I remember from my time applying to art schools how difficult it was to find a course that taught electives in both academic and practical subjects. I was lucky to find a course which doubled as a history of art degree, as one of the only things I was taught on the art side was “artistic research”. Here, lecturers told us that, as artists, walking around a park is as valuable as reading a book. More than anything, they prized transgression for transgression’s sake. Yet transgression has its limits.

For Ben, an Israeli artist and student at a London art school for the past year, the repercussions of this became all too apparent following October 7. Having lost a close friend at the Nova music festival, and one of the only Israelis in the school, Ben (not his real name) felt it his duty to have a conversation with a fellow student about the anti-Israel banners she was hanging around the university, including ones that depicted the state of Israel eliminated from a map of the Middle East and which called for an “end to our university’s research, commercial and institutional partnerships with the ‘Israeli State’”. Concerned by their presence on campus, Ben sent her a polite message, hoping to open up a channel of communication. The activist declined. Ben didn’t push, and assumed that was that. 

A few weeks later, however, Ben was summoned by the university. He was told that the activist had filed an official complaint against him for bullying, and was instructed to attend a meeting about his “harassing” behaviour. He was also warned that its outcome could affect his ability to graduate. Eventually, the claim was dismissed, though the university still issued Ben with an “official warning”: if he ever contradicted the student again, his time at the institution would immediately be terminated. Luckily for him, it was his last month before graduation, and he obviously has no plan to return for more. 

Ben’s experience is far from unique. Noa, a London-based artist who is exhibiting at Frieze for the first time this year, is also Israeli. A few months ago, a British friend she used to be close to told Noa (also a pseudonym) the reason she’d has stopped talking to her. “I was worried you might be a Zionist,” she said. Her evidence, she explained, consisted of the fact that Noa followed a Jewish art collector and actress Amy Schumer on Instagram — both of whom had posted about the Israeli hostages. Of course, this is something that works both ways. I felt a deep sense of betrayal too when artistic colleagues of many years, in the wake of October 7, started posting about the need for “Palestinian resistance”, or shared a conspiratorial infographic about the impossibility of being antisemitic because “Jews aren’t semites”.

In an industry where being trendy is the most precious commodity, galleries have been equally nervous about taking on Jewish artists. “It’s a big risk for any gallery to take on a Jewish artist right now,” says Sarah, a Jewish artist with gallery representation in London and also speaking to UnHerd anonymously. “As fucked up as it is to say, I feel lucky. It could be much worse.”

Even with Sarah, her Jewishness was a cause for concern. When she joined the gallery, she was asked if she planned “on becoming an online activist”, despite the fact that another artist on their roster is an active pro-Palestine protestor online. At one point during her induction to the gallery, she was told: “We’re going to downplay the fact that you are Jewish.” 

“We’re going to downplay the fact that you are Jewish.”

In such a climate, it’s perhaps not surprising that many Jews in the arts feel the need to hide their identity. It is striking, after all, that everyone I spoke to for this article insisted on remaining anonymous; all of them fearing the negative impact that speaking freely might have on their careers. One artist told me: “I would love to be open and use my name for your piece, but I can’t risk being dropped by my gallery.”

For some, like Maya, an emerging curator, seeing this has not only been heart-breaking but also discouraging. The pseudonymous artist decided to leave London and move back to Israel. “I miss my friends and family a lot,” she told me. She’d found it exhausting to deal with the relentless anti-Jewish sentiment during her MA in London over the past year.

I understand this. October 7 marked a change in my life, too: I was no longer able to live in a world with so many painful barriers in front of me, so I took several months out, returned home to Madrid, and focused on building myself in other ways. After overhearing artists in my studio talk about how the “Jews control the media”, I wanted to make sure I had skills beyond the art world. I needed to be prepared, just in case, like countless other Jews this past year and throughout history, I am forced to pack up and leave.

There is a broader tragedy here, too. Art dies when there is only one right way to understand and react to the world. It comes alive, however, when it touches on something we can’t quite understand, or something which remains unspeakable. And so, I am reminded once more of Bartana’s work. Standing in that dark room with pounding techno reverberating through the walls and inside my chest, with the plumes of gaseous CO2 unfurling onto the floor, I craned my head towards the light.

Michelle Wolodarsky is an artist and writer based in London.

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Samuel Ross
Samuel Ross
2 days ago

This is the kind of article for which I subscribe to Unherd. Thoughtful, deep, well-written, unrushed in its manner and form – a work of art all its own. My thanks to the author and to Unherd. More of such would be most welcome! 🙂

Douglas H
Douglas H
14 hours ago
Reply to  Samuel Ross

True, but so painful to read.

Brett H
Brett H
2 days ago

My suggestion is don’t go to university, don’t rely on an art gallery to legitimise your art, don’t bother with the arts community, stop believing in the idea of being an artist. They are not savants, they’re merely entertainers. If you think you’re something special and you want to live off it then you’re going to have to play the game. You don’t need them to create, but you do to make money. Art is the ultimate elite game. This story just confirms it. The arts community talk about AIs destroying art because it’s not human. There’s nothing human about the arts today. It’s a closed, suffocating shop ticking off the boxes and bending everything into some shape that satisfies their warped egos, including antisemitism, the latest “trend”.

Neil Turrell
Neil Turrell
1 day ago
Reply to  Brett H

Having spent a professional life encouraging students to develop their thinking skills and knowledge by attending university, previously known as institutes of higher learning (but no longer deserving of that title), I would counsel any youngster possessed of an independent spirit and a modicum of intelligence to avoid these conformist echo chambers like the plague.

Dylan Blackhurst
Dylan Blackhurst
1 day ago

It’s funny that art schools preach transgression but oddly seem to produce conformism.

I guess this is what happens when the traditional battle grounds of sexuality and politics have effectively been conquered.

I’m trying to remember my own art school days and what agitated us back then. As I remember it was ban the bomb, anti Thatcher and the after shock of the AIDS epidemic. I genuinely think we still had boundaries that needed to be crossed.

What we have now, some 35 years later, is a borderless, valueless society where everything is relative and nothing is sacred.

Maybe we are doomed to repeat cycles of hate and conflict. All that remains is for the people to decide which group of others to go to war against.

Dana G
Dana G
1 day ago

Hi Chris, it’s the same. Israel is not just a Jewish state, but the land of the Jews (the Jewish people), and its name is Israel. It’s easier to say “Israeli” than “Jew” to cover up hate, and people use “social justice” arguments to denounce one country. Go check the number of deaths and refugees in Ukraine/Russia. Where is the venom there? You start calling the Jews “Semite,” then kill them all and start saying “antisemitism.” And the Jews start using this to explain the hate. So what do you do? Start saying “Zionist” – a movement that ended 75 years ago. I’m waiting for the next name.

Alex Lekas
Alex Lekas
1 day ago

how could any country promote an artist like her?
Ah, the ever-present desire to silence, stigmatize, and scapegoat people of a certain identity. What are the odds of the woman quoted saying the same of a black artist, a Latino, a gay, or anyone else from the congregation within the church of the aggrieved and offended?
Art has become another word for another institution paralyzed by mind-numbing groupthink that mistakes itself for wisdom. Voltaire was right in saying that the people who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit (or accept) atrocities.

Sophy T
Sophy T
1 day ago

It’s appalling this antisemitism is allowed to continue. There’s a post on another forum from a concerned Jewish mother whose child is being subjected to anti-semitic bullying at her school which has 30% Muslim pupils. Quite a few posters have either disbelieved her or asked ‘why are you surprised?’

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 day ago

Some day historians will write about this time the same way they described Europe in the 1930s and 40s: the Jew-haters who wanted to kill us Jews because we’re Jewish, and those who fought that medieval barbarity. We live in such a time again.

Matthew Freedman
Matthew Freedman
1 day ago

100% solidarity with the innocent victims of the hypocritical anti-jewish, leftist arts world.

Jeremy Bray
Jeremy Bray
1 day ago

“Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.”
More Levites and priests around nowadays than Good Samaritans. Pious hypocrisy is much in vogue. Not much mercy.

mac mahmood
mac mahmood
1 day ago

Zionists like talking about ‘light’ while obscuring it as much as possible. When they talk about art, it is invariably about the artifice of conflating Judaism with zionism and Jews with zionists. Such subversion of language is not artistic.

Chris Whybrow
Chris Whybrow
1 day ago

The reoccurring theme here with the artists mentioned isn’t that they’re Jewish, it’s that they’re Israeli, which isn’t the same thing. Of course no one should blame each and every Israeli citizen for the actions of their government, that’s absurd, but assuming all criticism of the Israeli state is motivated by hostility to Jewish people is also absurd, especially when many of Israel’s staunchest critics are themselves Jewish.

Daniel Chalkin
Daniel Chalkin
1 day ago
Reply to  Chris Whybrow

Sorry but as a British Jew I can tell you that while you think this to be the case, it isn’t. If you are Jewish there are parts of this country that will shun you unless you are on ‘their’ side. We are guilty by association unless we denounce – sounds eerily familiar.

Dana G
Dana G
1 day ago
Reply to  Daniel Chalkin

Answered as a new comment

David Mayes
David Mayes
1 day ago
Reply to  Daniel Chalkin

Just to be clear, it is eerily familiar of the authoritarian left (Stalin,etc). A Jewish artist who is explicitly and resolutely anti-Zionists and denounces Israel will be lauded by the art world which is overwhelmingly dominated by the left.
This is exemplified by the open letter published in July 24 by Artists for Palestine UK, the signatories, including more than 100 Jewish creatives, decrying as “shameful” the Royal Academy’s removal of a photograph of a protestor holding a placard that reads, “Jews Say Stop Genocide on Palestinians. Not In Our Name.
More than ever, the West’s art world is a leftist propagandas machine. Jews and non-Jews alike will be exhibited if they keep to the left.

Alex Lekas
Alex Lekas
1 day ago
Reply to  Chris Whybrow

assuming all criticism of the Israeli state is motivated by hostility to Jewish people is also absurd,
did you read the article? Did you get to the part where the author speaks to a particular piece and is told “how could any country promote an artist like her?”