In a recent appearance before the National Association of Black Journalists, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump caused a furore by questioning the racial “identity” of Democrat Kamala Harris. “Is she Indian or is she black?” Trump wondered. “I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t, because she was Indian all the way, and then all of a sudden she made a turn, and she became a black person.”
Lost in the days of press attacks that followed was the fact that both Trump and his critics were stuck in an outdated American electoral calculus of identity politics grounded in race. In fact, the key to a Harris win in November won’t be the support of black Americans or Indian Americans or even “brown Americans” — though she has identified at various points in her political life as all three. Rather, Harris is a flesh-and-blood avatar of a much more numerous, powerful, and radically dissatisfied demographic: never-married and childless American women between the ages of 20 and 45.
Aside from mass immigration, the most striking demographic development of the past decade is the large cohort of American women who have embraced the helping hand of the state in place of the increasingly suspect protections of fathers, brothers, boyfriends and husbands. In doing so, they have become the Democratic Party’s most enthusiastic and decisive constituency. According to a recent Pew survey, these Brides Of The State (BOTS) support Democrats over Republicans by a whopping 72-24%, providing the Party with its entire advantage in both national and most state elections. Married American women, by contrast, support Republicans by 50-45, which more or less matches the pro-Republican margin in every other age and gender demographic. Without the overwhelming support of BOTS for the Democrats, in other words, America would be a solid-majority Republican country in which Trump would win a likely electoral landslide.
The Democratic Party’s political engineers first sensed the centrality of BOTS to the Party’s power base during Barack Obama’s re-election campaign in 2012. The Obama campaign then duly rolled out a storybook ad called “the Life of Julia”, which explained how Obama’s policies, from Head Start to Obamacare to contraception coverage to Medicare reform, would care for Julia from graduation through motherhood and finally to the grave without her needing to form a human relationship with anyone outside the government.
Julia’s life was defined by her interactions with the state, with each step of her life tied to a particular government programme. She is able to pursue her chosen career as a web designer because, at age 27, “her health insurance is required to cover birth control and preventive care, letting Julia focus on her work rather than worry about her health”. At age 31, Julia changes her mind about birth control and “decides to have a child” — a decision that apparently involves no partner aside from the state. The resulting progeny, Zachary, attends a Race to the Top Federally-funded public school — which allows Julia to start her own business. At age 67, Julia retires with the financial support of Social Security and Medicare, and spends her partner-less golden years volunteering in a community garden.
While the Julia campaign was a subject of some mockery in 2012, the Obama campaign was in fact ahead of the curve. When Joe Biden was elected in 2020, he made the fictional “Linda” the avatar of his “Build Back Better” campaign. More blue-collar than Julia, in keeping with Biden’s lunch-pail Democrat persona, Linda earned $40,000 annually working at a manufacturing facility in Peoria, Illinois — an income that was a little more than $10,000 short of the city’s median salary. However, Linda had no need for a second income in her home, thanks to the government — which gave her $3,600 annually in the form of a Build Back Better tax credit. Her son, Leo, who like Zachary appears to have been fathered by an anonymous bureaucratic sperm donor, began universal pre-K by age three and enjoyed a free educational ride subsidised by the state — all of which enabled Linda to keep working and Zachary to obtain a “good-paying, union job as a wind turbine technician”. The saga wistfully concludes by describing how, later in life, Linda needs home and hearing care. But fortunately, help is at hand: “Thanks to President Biden’s plan,” it adds, “Linda can access affordable health care through Medicare, and Leo is able to afford at-home elder care for his mom.”
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SubscribeThe Lefts religion is rage.
Yes….plus self-pity. So perhaps Tears of Rage (to borrow a song title)?
You will have to add a dollop of resentment to get a truly tasty Leftie.
Best piece on Unherd in some time.
Exactly what I was going to say. This article hits the spot. I often consider unsubscribing because of the clickbait headlines then an article like this comes along which is as good if not better than you can find anywhere else.
Agreed, a perceptive piece of analysis with much more meat on it than most articles.
I agree….it is a well written analysis, weaving together several of our current ‘Progressive’ discontents….. including its prizing of victimhood, ‘therapy culture’ androgyny and misandry. But on a more positve note: “recently (in a certain kind of feminist journalism) I keep coming across warm-hearted acknowledgements that Masculinity and Femininity are complementary polarities in any sane conception of The Good Life. An acknowledgement that the relationship between a man and a woman has the potential to be the finest fruit that life has to offer. And that when things go wrong, they are often better understood as resulting from a kind of Faustian tango between the sexes than as a simple case of one sex always doing wrong by the other. All just timeless truths and plain common sense you might say – and Yes perhaps these timeless truths have ever obtained in the kitchens and bedrooms of our Western society. But they are ones that have been conspicuous by their absence in the groves of academe and in the fourth estate in recent decades….”
Very much agree
I find it ironic that feminism has been better for men than women.
Probably not how it was intended.
If you look at the university professor feminists who have driven the movement it is no surprise at all. They are not typical women – they are often gay – universally hate men – hate traditional institutions – and usually also subscribe to the various other pathological ideologies found in the humanities. What is interesting is how many women believe their schtick and have been indoctrinated with their anti-life ideologies.
Useless women who will destroy society.
PS. “Leo is able to afford at-home elder care for his mom” – Who’s sure Leo will do it?
PPS. Igor Shafarevich in his book The Socialist Phenomenon identifies three persistent abolition themes in socialism: the abolition of private property, the abolition of the family, and the abolition of religion (mainly but not exclusively Christianity).He concluded that the success of socialism in destroying these three foundations of human society would inevitably lead to the extinction of humanity as a biological species.
In fact it’s socialism that will destroy society and this is how it’s done.
I’m afraid you didn’t pay attention. His book is named “The Socialist Phenomenon“, it’s about Socialism.
I was referring to the line “Useless women who will destroy society.” So I probably should have made it a bit clearer.
Thank you! Mea culpa
I don’t think anybody is trying to abolish “the family” and “religion”, but a lot of people are realising that the latter has nothing to offer in the 21st century, and that there are ways to live your life other than embracing the former.
Regarding the latter, it’s such a waste to live one’s life in a state of self-inflicted psychological trickery* (which is what religion is) whilst your honesty with regard the former is refreshing.
*Cue the downvotes from those who can’t bear to read that, or fail to appreciate how beautiful life is without it.
Life is what you make it. I know people who derive lots of support from religion and their families (both nuclear and extended), but my point is that there are other ways to live a life.
I appreciate that, though it’s precisely the “support” that makes religion so invidious. I’m sure their religion provides “support” for those who’d look to kill in the name of their particular brand. It really is all just psychological bolstering, which humanity would be better off without now
We can do good work and help others entirely independently of it.
Where is your evidence for that? You make sweeping statements without evidence. Please back up your assumptions.
I agree completely. Religion is a crutch.
Are you referring to Christianity or Islam, or both?
All forms of religious belief.
Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot – case against you proved. Interestingly, Christianity in the UK is growing fast, especially now among teens, 20s and 30 year olds.
Nonsense. Those ideologies are just as iniquitous.
Case dismissed, and a very poor response if i might say so.
No it’s not. Britain (or at least England and Wales) is now no longer a majority Christian nation.
How is it a “Waste”? If you make a statement like that please back it up. Particularly in light of the fact that people of faith are shown to be happier, more prosperous and generally more fulfilled.
Are they really? I mean really?
I’m sure children with a comfort blanket feel a bit happier, and i wouldn’t deprive them of one; but seriously, don’t you think it’s time we grew up as a species?
Adults hanging on to their comfort blanket really isn’t anything to shout about.
I do find interesting the parallels between the state’s security blanket, mentioned in this article, and religion’s security blanket. Both offer support, no doubt with an eye on gathering another follower to boost the cause.
So please tell us how well that’s working for us? I’m curious to know how we’re better off?
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m having a fabulous life. As we say in Australia, I wouldn’t be dead for quids.
You are probably correct about the prime movers not setting out to abolish the family and religion (apart from BLM that is). However, by creating perverse incentives in the name of compassion (“the state will provide you with an income and accommodation if you are a single mother”), undesirable outcomes ensue, as the article points out. If people want to find a basis other than faith and family for their lives, best to check that the chosen path genuinely does lead to human flourishing.
So, your preference would be “the State will let you be homeless and starve if you are a single mother”?
Haha, that is an unusual level of dooming even for UnHerd commenters.
Please reread Universe 25. I’m pretty sure these women’s behavior is driven by population-level biology. It never bodes well for the species.
thanks for the suggestion…
So a bunch of unhappy women with daddy issues turn the state into their father? And we’re all just supposed to go along with it?
They can vote for whomever they want, as can the racist morons who make up some of Trump’s constituency.
Truly amazing, and a bit disturbing, that a comment presses your TDS so easily.
How narrow minded and bigoted, not to mention boring, everyone is tired of your Trump Derangement. Tell us, who are all these “Racist” people again? How are they racist? If you can’t back up your bigotry then please stop insulting millions of decent people.
As to the millions, I said that some of them were racist morons. That’s observable from media interviews with some of them, and deducible from Trump’s rhetoric, e.g. about rapists, murderers and vermin.
As I don’t post here very often, and hadn’t for about a week and a half because I’d been ill, and not all my comments are about Trump anyway, I doubt that “everyone” is “tired” of my “Trump Derangement” (which incidentally is another cliche favoured by the intellectually lazy). But even if they were, while I pay my subscription and observe the rules I’ll post whatever I like, just as you can.
Well said.
Racist morons abound if you allow for a consistent application of the definition. You might be able to argue the left/progressive/democratic camp is built on a racist foundation.
Overstatement at best. For example Ibram X. Kendi is a racist moron and he does not support Trump.
Some more data would be good because my hunch is that most of the unmarried liberal women the author refers to would come from the middle-classes and up?? And I’ve read that it is those classes that have the least family breakdown. If that’s the case the fatherless theory doesn’t add up.
Can you give us the source for where you read that please, I’d be interested in knowing that information about the middle classes? A link would be good. Thanks.
I suspect it was from reading (or more likely watching) Rob Henderson, for example: “Most personal to me is the luxury belief that family is unimportant or that children are equally likely to thrive in all family structures. In 1960, the percentage of American children living with both biological parents was identical for affluent and working-class families — 95 per cent. By 2005, 85 per cent of affluent families were still intact, but for working-class families the figure had plummeted to 30 per cent. The Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam said at a 2017 Senate hearing: “Rich kids and poor kids now grow up in separate Americas … Growing up with two parents is now unusual in the working class, while two-parent families are normal and becoming more common among the upper middle class.”
I don’t have the exact figures overall on this. But I do know that when my two girls started at a tony private school on NYC, someone commented to me that by 8th grade half the parents would be divorced. And it turned out to be true; a few of the ‘divorced’ didn’t actually divorce but they weren’t exactly happy either.
The mentioned Gimbone study found that depression risk was “highest overall for female liberal adolescents with low parental education.” This might align with the fatherless theory.
Probably the other way round – not fatherless but rather fathers who were too nice, paid for everything, treated her like a princess…..
And she ends up being an ungrateful princess who looks down upon that father, and all decent men like him….
I thought the metaphor was nuns – brides of God.
Or is it Brides of the Islamic State? (Cf Wikipedia article on the subject.)
Brides of Christ, I think.
My read of the article is that it makes a coherent, reasonable argument, with some outside sources to buttress the argument that American culture sets a toxic level of individuality as the main goal for adulthood. It is a provocative argument, and that is the sort of essay I enjoy finding at UnHerd.
I’m not sure dependence on the State can be characterised as “a toxic level of individuality”
But that’s exactly the issue. The “invisible hand” of the state, supporting and providing the individuals needs, allows people to live isolated, atomized lives, pretending like they have all this independence and individual agency. Modern women have no problem relying on corporations and the state, but just don’t want to rely on a man.
It is a good piece, but how is support for Gazans any more a part of an “empathy-based social justice campaign” than support for Israel?
I can’t speak for women (given that I am a man), but as far as I can see, some people just aren’t suited to marriage and children (me included). I have been married a couple of times, but I came to the realisation that it isn’t my thing. Life is so much better now.
Sorry in advance. Are you sure this isn’t just an attempt to shirk responsibility?
No, it is an attempt to have a good time pretty much all the time. So far, it has worked perfectly (and I am about to turn 62, so I am having an excellent run).
That you want to have a fun life means not having children etc sounds so shallow.
Still more space for my children so maybe a good thing.
Sure, have as many kids as you like. I’m cool with it. Somebody’s got to, after all. I always had a (semi serious) deal with my oldest friend, to the effect that he could have my share of kids. That’s how it worked out too. He had four. I had none.
Good for you that you’re finding happiness, long may it continue. But your way of life is not a prescription for everyone or we’re doomed.
I never said it was for everyone. I don’t have the right to judge anybody’s life other than my own.
The philosophy of the age. Have a good time pretty much all the time.
I share it with Viv Savage of Spinal Tap.
People are entitled to make their own choices except they have a duty towards their children.
For whatever reason, children are not being cared for by both their parents in too many cases.
You can’t speak for men either. You can only speak for yourself (and those who have chosen you as their representative).
From reading this article, and the other one today about women freezing their eggs, I suspect I am not the only man to hold the views I do.
Marriage isn’t a hobby. It’s a serious commitment to the person you love and a covenant between yourselves and God.
I hope the women you married found men who took the institution more seriously than you, and that life is better for them, too.
It is not my place to say whether their lives were “better”. Only they can speak to that. However, I should point out that there wasn’t any “God” aspect to either of my marriages. Other than the legal formalities, the only “ritual” observed was visiting the grave of Jim Morrison in the following days.
I should point out that I don’t ascribe any religious function to the late Mr Morrison. It’s just that visiting his grave is a cool thing to do if you have a free afternoon in Paris.
So I guess they are a bunch of cat ladies.
JDVance definitely hit a nerve. The chorus of ‘meows’ in response was deafening.
Yeah! If the guy had an ounce of charisma, he could be President!
The biggest underlying factors for depression (significant psychiatric issues aside) are ingratitude and having a victim mentality. Feminism has done a grave disservice to generations of women.
Yes. But victimhood also is – along with greviance and entitlement – the bitter fruit of the crushing human rights and progressive credo/ideology adopted by the Blairite State in the 90s. This is wreaking havoc on women men all; feminism is not the problem.
I agree that the victim attitude is damaging men as well as women. And I also am coming to see that it is a feminine perspective.
The ultimate cause, however, appears to be the rise of industrial capitalism in the 19th century, which required a large number of urban factory workers. I think that did enormous damage to traditional extended family culture. People were made appendages to the machinery, as shown (with comedy) in Charlie Chaplin’s “Modern Times”.
And I believe that modern feminism, which is also a 19th century phenomenon, arose as a reaction to the dehumanizing social damage caused by the industrialization of society.
True. But remember too that getting women out of home and into the workforce has been a key tenet of Communism and Socialism for well over a century. The Bolsheviks were into free love, easy divorce and equality in the workplace. Our post 80s society seemed to be creating a ‘Have It All World’ for women. But no one is talking about the twin Mega Crises that have impacted us especially post 2008. First, our society has allowed property to be unaffordable to all bar the wealthy – and almost every family needs two incomes to survive. And then with young children, comes Crisis Two. We do not have adequate child care!! But the feminsation of the public sector and especially NHS (80/90%) still accelerates – even when their own trade unions declare that health work is so arduous it is systemically ‘anti women’. Guess what is at the root of the WFH phenomenon in our post Lock crashed economy and public sector?? Guess why a 24/7 Weekend Hospital service will never happen? This is a car crash for working women and an identity/rights obsessed Labour will pretend the problem simply does not exist and shove Rosy to the Rivets. Feminism in 2024 has to confront these awful new realities if it is to be relevant.
So I think you are saying we would all be happier without cars, phones, TVs, computers, kitchen appliances, and electricity generally?
That’s a big leap.
The unionized workforce of the 50s, 60s and seventies would have provided all of that and comfortable, secure single earner life-styles.
It was Thatcher and Reagan who put an end to that.
Women’s portion of earnings almost exactly mirrors the federal tax burden. Problably more than a coincidence.
So, to sum up, you blame Tony Blair for the current state of the USA?
I agree that younger women have been poorly served by messaging, but Feminism isn’t all to blame. Not being dependent on men for security and purpose is good. Failing to value the importance of decent men and fathers in general, relationships, partnerships, children etc is not.
I think a lot of feminism was trying to make women more like men. Promiscuity, childlessness, deferred marriage, focus on careers – the negative aspects of this are all harder on women than men.
“Not being dependent on men for security and purpose is good.”
Can’t say that I agree with that. Wives should be dependent on husbands, just as husbands should be dependent on wives. Mutual interdependence – which sometimes in poetic circles travels under the name ‘love’ – is the keystone to the long, fruitful, mutually-edifying marriage that most people consider a central feature of a life well lived.
Wow sexist much? I guess men not hanging around for their partner and children have nothing to do with this increasing demographic?
Of course those men who desert their children should be held responsible. What’s unclear is why they are doing this. Some really don’t care and regard sex as fun without responsibility. Are there others? Men surprised by a pregnancy but keen to be part of their child’s life but denied the opportunity?
Sexist? How, where?
How do you get a down vote for asking a question?
There you go, again, Amazing.
Why are you worried about how your comments are perceived/voted on?
Why do you think I’m worried?
I find it interesting that someone down votes when nothing’s been said. What’s the down vote for?
Well, a lot of them are because you took issue with the first one.
No, I asked a question. Sometimes a question is just a question. I was interested to see where the sexism was in the article because I couldn’t see it.
Women having sex and children outside of marriage is likely the real culprit. Why buy the cow if you get the milk for free?
Do you really think that men leaving their families has become more prevalent over the years?
Or has it become more prevalent for women to have children without men? Among other developments.
Mary Harrington’s research matches up nicely with this fascinating piece. The idea of the US (and US feminism) leading the transhuman transformation of Western life (and for 60 years now) should be given more pertinence in political discourse today.
A sobering read. It’s only a matter of time before strong men put a stop to this madness.
Humans live in patriarchies. That is, men are always the ones who are the ultimate enforcers and guarantors of rights. We are currently living in an illusory state where women’s position is being underwritten by acquiescent men.
When enough men get sick of this arrangement, as they will when society continues to unravel, feminism will come to an end. And it will be in the best interests of everyone: men, women, and children.
And that will happen how exactly? By physical violence on the part of the men?
Violence is a part of life in a baboon troop. It is as necessary as grooming.
You are very naive if you think that a human troop is much different from a baboon troop, no less naive than these nice lonely ladies who poison our life.
Speak for yourself. They are not poisoning my life.
Looks to me like radical Muslims are already sick of it. It probably wont be an uprising of modern feminized Ritalin-soaked men.
How very Christian of you.
Are you aware of St. Paul’s teachings on marriage? They’re not California progressivism, I can tell you that for free.
I am not familiar with those, but St. Martin M’s teachings on marriage are to the effect of “Be very careful. Marriage is not for everybody”.
You’re right. The other path is monasticism. Did you opt for that one?
I gave marriage a couple of goes, found it wasn’t for me, and I now live alone. Not sure about monasticism though. That term implies a level of religiosity that is not present in my life.
Thomas Sowell mentions the issue of broken families especially among African Americans. According to him this began to increase massively with the new government programmes in the wake of the civil rights movement in the 70s, which made it possible for women to bring up a child by herself, without the need for a father with an income. There used to be a system where men supported their wife and kids, being involved in the family itself. Now men have been cut off from family life and are forced to support mothers and children indirectly through taxes without getting anything in return. They got cucked by the government. All of that of course kills the need for personal responsibility in a society as well.
As you say this is an issue Thomas Sowell picked up on in respect of the black population a long time ago and that it was bleeding into the white population but governments of all political stripe have done little to address.
And Daniel Patrick Moynihan before him but that has been memory holed for a long time
Did Thomas Sowell (or anyone else) ever ask WHY African American fathers exited the family scene in the 70s ?
I am genuinely curious.
Elaine, I am no expert, but I believe that the welfare state provided (still provides?) more money to unwed or single mothers than the women might receive if they were part of an intact two-parent family. It’s my understanding that there was a financial incentive to being a single mom. That can’t be the one-size-fits-all answer to your question, but it was likely a part of it.
Sowell–and Moynihan–argued that they were replaced by the government.
Yes, that was exactly it. Under these new welfare programs, single women were paid money for each child they had, thus incentivizing them to have more children, also making them unable to work. So the single mother had welfare benefits for herself and each child. This led to a whole generation of people raised entirely on welfare, which, in turn, led to more generations of people subsisting on welfare, which continues today. In political terms, it should be obvious that people relying on welfare will vote for the party that provides it.
The key remains that mothers lose some, or all, of their welfare benefits when a father lives in the home. Consequently, many men are technically homeless, as they move from household to household, siring more fatherless children.
Because Black women received rather less money from being married than White or Hispanic women – ie, Black men earned less than White and Hispanic men – the inducement to head a fatherless household was greater.
The fact that what you wrote is deeply troubling at so many levels doesn’t make it less true.
All I can say is thanks for nothing feminists of the last few decades.
This is one of the most thought provoking pieces I’ve read in a long while. The erasure of women, a theme made more pronounced by the trans movement, is to my mind a feature of this article as well. The idea that we now have a proliferation of BOTS is pitiful and unnerving. This iteration started long ago with LBJs Great Society which made ousting husbands and fathers from their own families an economic incentive for women. I know it’s hard to believe, especially on an intellectual platform such as this, but it is still is possible for a man and a woman to experience a Great Love for one another along with the challenges and conflict inherent in all human relationships, and to experience the beauty of biologically bringing children into the world. Along with the Dialectical Materialists, the LGBTQ etc etc agenda has for nearly 50 years been a powerful misogynistic force that despises this spiritual dimension of human love.
If someone was trying to destroy the family then destroying women would be a good beginning. As for children; people without children have no investment in education, except as a tool for Capitalism. I’m not against Capitalism but we’re not work units. Their are many things that childless people have no interest in or care for. Public health; private insurance is their choice, the rest get what’s left. The cost of living for childless people; not a problem. These games have consequences.
Im sorry but this piece comes across as glib and mean even with a touch of cruelty. As someone who has moved politically in the last few years ( from socialist to centrist/conservative ) and started a family, this comes across as callous towards those who maybe havent been as lucky. I do feel.lucky to be able to have a family – the economy is screwed – i wouldnt want my single friends ( male or female) to read this. Its grossly reductive of our human lives and the choices we make. A little kindness goes a long way
You have a valid point but I think you overestimate somewhat the negative feelings of a reader who may be single..!
I found this article a little one-sided as I tried to describe in a comment. My point is that conservatives are supporting the well-fair state by endorsing unlimited increasing of wealth of certain individuals and special interest groups..!
Have you looked at the Left and Democrats lately? They’re the party of the elites and the wealthy. They’re the party of “Special interest groups”. I think you should update your thinking.
“conservatives are supporting the well-fair state by endorsing unlimited increasing of wealth of certain individuals and special interest groups”
I don’t understand this. How does an increase in wealth support social welfare?
Unlimited increasing of profit via a constant lowering of production cost is killing small people’s salaries. No space for a family. The progressive then come to offer the solution that we experience..! Immigrants with minimum salary and a benefit-state for both immigrants and citizens of the west..! We barely survive.. they harvest..!
Ex middle class and lower middle class people are divided into progressive and conservative, according to various reasons that have to do with personal background and experiences, a more traditional or a modern philosophy on life, plus.. deeper psychological reasons. While the ruling elites of both mainstream political forces are gathering more and more of the wealth, obstructing a fairer distribution..!
I want the conservatives to win..! Only because progressives are near to lunatic and there is no better choice on the sight..!
That’s a good point, I misunderstood your comment about where the wealth went.
Thank you..! It was not sharp-clear obviously..!
I agree with your comment. The statistics in the article are reductive and misleading as they may mask a myriad of reasons as to why women may be single or unhappy. It is remarkable that except for the sole woman respondent…most are men! I am particularly incensed about the comment that Harris’s career was launched by an affair with Willie Brown. The inuendo implied by this is disgusting really. I guess the author really wants a President who’s moral turpitude is legendary and who is already a convicted woman abuser, a corporate cheat, a convicted felon, 6 times bankrupt, and a man who has ~90 indictments against him. While the author does not explicitly promote Trump, he surely falls into the category of white males who do. Intellectual snobbery mixed with misogyny…what a toxic brew!
I do feel like she is very unfairly being shamed there. I find it hard to believe that she put in literally zero work and just slept around and suddenly found herself in the VP chair. But that is the narrative that I hear in most of these articles. Not to mention that many men have surely done despicable things to advance their political careers.
Too much kindness can also blind people from their situation and rob them of the opportunity to do something about it.
The poor state we are in is the result of the disintegration of the family, to propose that we should seek to continue in the same course that has led us to this sorry state is akin to the alcoholic that believes that one more beer will cure his troubles.
There will be people who will not be happy with any situation, but to claim that therefore the entire project should be scrapped because some people don’t want a family or relationships is to condemn all of humanity to please those that wish to reject the fact that connection and belonging are the most vital elements of happiness and well being.
A thorough article but seems to neglect the conservatives’ contribution to the current state of women’s (and men’s) behavior. The established societal process of the maximalisation of profit describes an ideal that has been flourishing among conservatives for long. Ever increasing profit and productivity, may lead to unprecedented prosperity and “progress”. The thing is that this is also ever consuming of resources and of everything “slowing” back the speed of “progress”..! Living a natural life is very “unproductive” in such a universe. Women, very naturally are following the trend of this “progressive” method to destructive “prosperity”. This fallacy is an ancient sin of humankind that today gets magnified indeed to a fearful extreme. The conservatives have yet to propose an actual slowing down of that process. Meanwhile the progressives are being the “pioneers” harvesting the “overproduce” of our self-denial..! Until the day that either the progressives or the conservatives, or even better someone else, take the lead to a progress that makes sense and at the same time conserves what needs to be preserved, we will keep sliding towards chaos.
Until that day that either progressives or conservatives, or even better someone else, takes the lead to a progress that makes sense and points towards conserving what needs to be preserved, we will keep sliding towards chaos.
Who will decide what is a progress that makes sense and points towards conserving what needs to be preserved. Until now, everyone who has proposed solutions, from Greta Thunberg to Pol Pot, has only caused sane people to be stunned.
I never said that the left is doing the job. I am trying to say that conservatives aren’t either and that they are much into hard core business that maximize profit and that’s against women and is destructive to families.!
That is why there is a shift to harder line right-wing parties. The progressives are at the moment terrible, but had the conservatives really supported women and family things would have been deferent..!
What way would you have liked to see Conservatives support women and family?
Do you really think that working women are to be attributed to conservatives? Did conservatives want women to work?
Not the small people who may be conservative. The big money conservatives profit more when a family needs two salaries to make a living…!
Conservatives are still preferable, but they are not delivering..! If they really supported women and families they would still be in power in the UK..!
Last week, when asked about affordable housing, Trump said he’ll bring the energy price down to make house maintenance cheeper. That may lower house prices a little but is it really a big step to support young people to make a step into creating a family..? Not to my opinion..!
A very long way to explain what we all know: progressives believe they are making the world a better place, while actually making it worse.
Zachary and Leo are 100% voting for Trump.
Is that supposed to be an argument, a simple assertion, or your way of avoiding having to explain your objections to the carefully offered explanation by the author of the miserable brides? Suppose I flippantly declare that BM is voting for the twit the Democrats switched into the role for which she’s hardly qualified, except she’s a miserable bride? Does that do it for you?
Ironically, it is aspects of the sexual revolution, specifically that men are not culturally required to commit, which has landed women in this very difficult spot, and voting for the democrats because they are at least not mean about the situation is the best solution until republicans realise (as they should have long ago) that if anyone is to blame for decline of the family its men.
Of course its men, men who like to have casual sex without the responsibility of taking care of the children they sire. The normalization of premarital sex and abortions serves that purpose nicely. Before the sexual revolution both premarital sex and abortions–and fatherless homes–were rare. Men convincing women to have commitment-free sex created this environment where a whole class of women became sort of throw away sex toys. Is it any surprise that they’ve become depressed, angry cat ladies?
Who are these men having casual sex with? Women. Women with agency and far more choices than their mothers and grandmothers had. They took advantage of those choices, often created by schools in a zero-sum atmosphere that led to a vast cohort of aimless men, meaning these adult women have a much shallower mating pool from which to draw.
Yeah, women who now are depressed, unmarried and living with their cats. And voting Democrat.
In my experience which is not statistically insignificant, women have casual sex in the hope that it will lead somewhere – and men tend to take advantage of that. This is also the view of many people (including women) who I know and with whom I have addressed topic with. I accept that men who did not get the opportunity to have casual sex might be inclined to disagree.
What is the old adage? “Women use sex to get love, and men use love to get sex”?
“Of course its men, men who like to have casual sex without the responsibility of taking care of the children they sire.”
Do you think this is the case across all socio/economic groups?
Men are men.
But obviously women can chose to avoid getting pregnant. If there’s a reason they can’t then they’re a vulnerable section of society. So who might they be?
Very much this, although men who are not at least moderately marriable will tend not to agree. Alphas would tend to agree but fill their boots anyway.
When govt policy provides an economic incentive for having children WITHOUT fathers in the home, please explain how the decline is men’s fault.
When the education system engages in moronic gender politics by elevating girls, at the expense of boys, please explain how men are to blame.
Perhaps you have missed that women have agency and it began with the pill, which empowered them to be as promiscuous as men. Add to that the normalization of abortion plus a tremendous expansion of economic opportunities that allow women to be financially self-sufficient, and blaming men reads more like self-hatred than analysis.
I think this is a loser man perspective and I do not mean that the man who holds the view is a loser but that the view will tend to make him a loser because he does not understand women at all.
That said, I do accept that the culture of narcissism which fully embedded in Wester Civ has made women and men worse, but for biological reasons women’s window to be selfish/narcissistic, if she wants to have children, (and the vast majority of women do) is far shorter.
And why would women prefer to have children WITHOUT fathers in the home ? You seem to imply that for women to want to raise children with a man, they have to have no other choice, seems like it’s the less desirable choice in a range of options… Why ?
An electoral base consisting of barren harpies (dixit Peterson) on the verge of a nervous breakdown? That is very cynical, and the last sentence of this article contains the key. It is all about power, even if it means condemning half of the population to a miserable life. And strangely enough, many women are happy to go along with this scheme.
It brings to mind the saying about burning a place down in order to rule over the ashes.
Conservatives are pro-family, as the author himself points out again and again, so what are the “myseries caused by anti-family social policies” he cites without example? He contradicts the entire article with this one line.
I saw that too. Must be a typo?
Agreed. He became a less reliable source because he fell into the trap of appeasement with that statement.
“…the resultant depression and anxiety into anger, which it then utilizes as political fuel for empathy-based social justice campaigns from Ferguson to Gaza.”
Hard not to notice that these women’s empathy only runs one direction. It never extends to understanding or tolerating any political disagreement.
Rather, Harris is a flesh-and-blood avatar of a much more numerous, powerful, and radically dissatisfied demographic: never-married and childless American women between the ages of 20 and 45.
That sounds very much like the cat ladies to whom JD Vance referred, except that Harris is married to a guy who had children in a previous marriage before boffing the nanny. Harris, meanwhile, was famously the side-chick of a political benefactor. That does not exactly scream “hear me roar” as the old-school feminists used to say.
Yes, that demographic IS dissatisfied, with scores of TikTok videos to prove it. These women benefited from the idiotic zero-sum game of gender politics that elevated girls but did so at the expense of boys. As a result, these women are professionally successful but personally empty, because a large portion of their potential mating pool was rendered impotent for the sake of a political score.
Don’t forget that as a man, it’s awfully hard to date some of these women. I’m a previously married 41 year old man, and it’s so hard to have even a light conversation about social issues, politics, anything like that, without feeling like you are being grilled or looked down upon because you don’t 100000% support every liberal policy or LGBTQ issue or whatever. Obviously, these topics aren’t usually part of a first date or anything, but after a few weeks, I sometimes feel like I’m being secretly interviewed to see if I’m a horrible trumper or whatever.
I don’t have a problem with anyone who has an alternate viewpoint (unless it’s straight up obvious bigotry or hate), and I don’t personally care much if a woman who I am attracted to has some different opinions or views. In fact, I often prefer to hear those views because sometimes I even learn something. But I don’t find that to be the case with many single women these days, sadly.
I can’t help feeling you’re mixing with the wrong crowd.
The terrifying results of absent fathers; the list is endless. In my experience in SE London, this was prevalent and the primary cause of teenage crime and mental illness.
It’s interesting that commenters on here who say society doesn’t need religion, it’s a “Waste” as one put it, are oblivious to the premise of the article. When a vacuum is created it must be filled.
We removed all meaningful motivation in life for young women, finding a loving partner and getting married, having children, being in an intact family and enjoying exploring a spiritual life and it got replaced with the Democratic Party. That’s the point of the article. What a paltry swap.
Women are extremely gullible, we have a tendency not to believe in our value to society. Some of us allow a political party to tell us what our value is instead.