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Meghan and Harry are making us stupid Public sentiment is curdling from curiosity into contempt

They always did know what a good love story looks like (Patrick van Katwijk/Getty Images)

They always did know what a good love story looks like (Patrick van Katwijk/Getty Images)

August 11, 2023   5 mins

This piece was first published in August 2023

Ever since the cancellation of the Sussexes’ Spotify deal, it’s been unclear what they’d pivot to next. A Kardashians-style reality show? A wellness empire, à la Gwyneth Paltrow? A high-profile divorce with all the sordid trimmings (and, for Harry, perhaps a sheepish return to the royal fold)? But this week, the next chapter of the Harry and Meghan saga was finally revealed: the pair has purchased the screen rights to Meet Me at the Lake, the New York Times bestselling romance novel by Carley Fortune, with the intention of turning the story into an original film for Netflix.

In many ways, this is a logical next step for the couple — especially for Meghan, given her pre-marriage Hollywood career. The path from acting to producing is well-trodden in the film industry, and has been a particular boon for mid-career actresses who want to pivot away from being in front of the camera. Mila Kunis, Reese Witherspoon and Margot Robbie have all become powerhouse producers, with a sixth sense for finding under-the-radar content that’s ripe for adaptation.

And yet, within minutes of the announcement dropping, a negative narrative had solidified. Far from an unremarkable or even savvy move in an industry one of them already had strong ties to, this development was presented as just another example of the couple’s desperation to stay relevant (“Harry and Meghan ‘buy film rights’ to romance novel to ‘revive media careers’”) as well as their eternal depthless narcissism (“Six ways the book ‘bought by Harry and Meghan’ mirrors events in their lives”). Us Weekly quoted an “insider” who seemed to confirm the personal connection: “The story really spoke to the Sussexes and has a lot of parallels to their own life. Harry and Meghan both think it’s the perfect choice.”

But even if we take at face value the alleged and much-discussed similarities between this book and their lives (and more on that in a minute), this all seems fine. I am no particular fan of the Meghan and Harry Post-Royal Tour de Victimhood, now in its third year, but the fact remains that they do have a Netflix deal, and they have to do something with it. Channelling their efforts into scripted media, for a platform full of ridiculous but compulsively watchable romantic fare, is as worthy a project as any. Unless you were hoping to see the couple’s relationship with Netflix implode in the same spectacular fashion as their Spotify one, it’s difficult to see the issue here, let alone be outraged by it.

But there’s the rub. Weren’t some people clearly hoping for exactly this? At some point, the public sentiment surrounding the Sussexes curdled from curiosity into contempt, from critiquing their various choices to finding fault with every single one of them. This phenomenon was arguably visible long before their exit from the royal family — as Buzzfeed noted in 2020, the British press had, for years, been chastising Meghan and Harry for the very same behaviours that earned Will and Kate effusive praise. Looking back, it’s hard not to notice how thoroughly Meghan in particular was villainised. Everything she did, from touching her pregnant stomach (“Virtue signaling, as though the rest of us barren harridans deserve to burn alive in our cars”) to eating avocados (“a fruit linked to water shortages, illegal deforestation and all round general environmental devastation”) became evidence of her innately terrible character.

With Megxit, there was her ultra-memeable complaint that “not many people have asked if I’m ok”, and then came the Oprah interview, which was met with nothing short of fury. And while even the couple’s fiercest critics used to concede that whatever else you thought of the Sussexes, they did seem to be really and truly in love, that goodwill has lately vanished amid recent rumours of marital discord; now, every step Meghan takes outside her home without Harry is suspicious.

And when it comes to their latest project, every jab reads like the living embodiment of that joke about how, once you hate someone, even the most innocuous things they do begin to seem obscene and infuriating. (“Look at that bitch eating chicken. Why you eating chicken, bitch?!”)

Obviously, scapegoating people has been a part of the human experience since the dawn of time; obviously, there’s a certain amount of fun to be had in ganging up to hate on someone who has been deemed an acceptable target. But the feeding frenzy surrounding Harry and Meghan’s every move reveals the problem with this: not that it’s cruel (although it is that, too), but that being maximally uncharitable has a way of making you stupid.

Which brings us back to the much-hyped similarities between Meet Me at the Lake and the lives of the couple who want to adapt it, which have been foundational to the media coverage of this project, for better and for worse. Having actually read the book, I regret to say that these alleged parallels are absolute baloney, and that any attempt to make this into an example of Meghan and Harry’s desire to make everything about themselves is utterly contrived. The nadir of this is probably the allegation that one of the eerie commonalities between truth and fiction is, and I am not making this up, that the characters in the book at one point drink martinis together: “The Times previously reported that Harry’s favourite drink is a beer — while Meghan loves a martini or two.” Look at that bitch, drinking a martini. Why you drinking a martini, bitch?!

At this point, it’s hard not to be at least a little sympathetic to Harry’s insistence that he and Meghan have been treated uniquely unfairly by the media, even if the specifics of his complaints tend to err on the side of absurdity. Yes, the couple often behave like a pair of entitled jackasses, but they’re also invariably assigned the role of jackass whether they’re acting like this or not. Of course, it’s easy to understand how a narrative like this becomes so ubiquitous. It’s not even sinister: the people writing these articles have a job to do, and that job is to explain why any of us should devote a single brain cell to the continued, stateside saga of the former Sussexes. And the best way to do that, in a media landscape fuelled by outrage, is to convince people that there’s something bigger happening here than a pair of rich people making a lucrative investment that is basically guaranteed to pay out.

But the truth is that, with the possible exception of its Toronto setting, Meet Me at the Lake has no real parallels to Meghan and Harry’s own meet cute. It’s just a well-written romance that effectively employs all the usual tropes and has inspired an avid fanbase, which pretty much guarantees that any movie based on the story becomes a massive success — any of which would be more than enough reason for a pair of savvy producers to snap it up.

For all these reasons, I expect that Meet Me at the Lake will do well onscreen. It has all the upmarket Hallmark vibes of The Notebook with the sass of a Nineties rom-com: a little sweet, a little spicy, and just enough will-they-or-won’t-they tension to make the ending satisfying. But as for what it says about Meghan and Harry, it’s nothing all that exciting, and it’s something we already knew: they may be a couple of dilettantes when it comes to podcasting or memoir or documentary, but they’ve always had a talent for knowing what a good love story looks like.

Kat Rosenfield is an UnHerd columnist and co-host of the Feminine Chaos podcast. Her latest novel is You Must Remember This.


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Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago

The contempt for this couple is simple – they portray themselves as victims, yet they are amongst the most privileged people in the history of the world. But it’s more than that. They symbolize the victim culture that has gripped the west.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

Maybe you should open your mind and widen your reading before denying they are victims.

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

Everyone has a cross to bare. You could be born to poverty, to abusive parents, you could be born with disabilities. You choose to be a victim. Being born to royalty has downside no question, but in the scope of real life problems, it gross to play the victim. Everyone in the west is blessed to be born where they are. There are very few victims, when you compare our lifestyle to anyone born in a third world country.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
10 months ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

I disagree that “You choose to be a victim”. That’s blaming the victim, and when did victim become a dirty word?

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
10 months ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

I disagree that “You choose to be a victim”. That’s blaming the victim, and when did victim become a dirty word?

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
10 months ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

Perhaps one can be victimized without becoming a “victim’.One becomes instead a survivor.

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

Everyone has a cross to bare. You could be born to poverty, to abusive parents, you could be born with disabilities. You choose to be a victim. Being born to royalty has downside no question, but in the scope of real life problems, it gross to play the victim. Everyone in the west is blessed to be born where they are. There are very few victims, when you compare our lifestyle to anyone born in a third world country.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
10 months ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

Perhaps one can be victimized without becoming a “victim’.One becomes instead a survivor.

Victoria Cooper
Victoria Cooper
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

It depends on how you define privilege. I would put mental health and peace of mind above money.

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago

I agree. Being royalty isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. But it’s nothing short of contemptuous for royalty to play the victim role. Everyone has a cross to bear – at least they get to carry that burden in opulence and privilege.

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago

Privilege is not worrying where your next meal comes from, that you won’t be beaten and abused by deranged parents. Virtually everyone born in the west is privileged. Those born to royalty are the most privileged.

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago

I agree. Being royalty isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. But it’s nothing short of contemptuous for royalty to play the victim role. Everyone has a cross to bear – at least they get to carry that burden in opulence and privilege.

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago

Privilege is not worrying where your next meal comes from, that you won’t be beaten and abused by deranged parents. Virtually everyone born in the west is privileged. Those born to royalty are the most privileged.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

Maybe you should open your mind and widen your reading before denying they are victims.

Victoria Cooper
Victoria Cooper
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

It depends on how you define privilege. I would put mental health and peace of mind above money.

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 year ago

The contempt for this couple is simple – they portray themselves as victims, yet they are amongst the most privileged people in the history of the world. But it’s more than that. They symbolize the victim culture that has gripped the west.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
1 year ago

I disagree with much of this article I’m afraid. The coverage of these two was one of unrelenting positivity around the time of the wedding, with almost every paper commenting how having a mixed race yank join the Royal Family would drag the institution into the 21st century.
It was only after the hypocrisy and lack of self awareness came to light further down the track, such as lecturing people about climate change while taking private jets to parties or whining about how hard your life is while visiting a South African slum that attitudes towards them started to change and the coverage became much more negative.
Rather than keep a dignified silence and letting it blow over which has been the tactic if the Royals for as long as I can remember, they instead went on the attack and opened themselves up to more ridicule and lost most of the remaining support from the public.
I don’t tell they’ve been hard done by at all, in fact I think most of their problems are completely self inflicted

1 year ago
Reply to  Billy Bob

“most of their problems are completely self inflicted”
This is it in a nutshell. As you say, hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago

That is untrue.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago

That is untrue.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Billy Bob

Unless you knew what was happening behind the scenes at the Palace way before the marriage and after you can’t really judge. Certainly KP comms played a blinder and the Sussex’s didn’t stand a chance.

Alka Hughes-Hallett
Alka Hughes-Hallett
1 year ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

I’ve never understood the hate they’ve been shown. The baying mob chasing them has no brain, just a collective energy to hate. Is ridiculous.

Alka Hughes-Hallett
Alka Hughes-Hallett
1 year ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

I’ve never understood the hate they’ve been shown. The baying mob chasing them has no brain, just a collective energy to hate. Is ridiculous.

Dominic S
Dominic S
1 year ago
Reply to  Billy Bob


I also wonder whether they will personally do any work at all on this ‘project’, or simply moan and whinge at those who have been employed to do the actual hard graft.

1 year ago
Reply to  Billy Bob

“most of their problems are completely self inflicted”
This is it in a nutshell. As you say, hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Billy Bob

Unless you knew what was happening behind the scenes at the Palace way before the marriage and after you can’t really judge. Certainly KP comms played a blinder and the Sussex’s didn’t stand a chance.

Dominic S
Dominic S
1 year ago
Reply to  Billy Bob


I also wonder whether they will personally do any work at all on this ‘project’, or simply moan and whinge at those who have been employed to do the actual hard graft.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
1 year ago

I disagree with much of this article I’m afraid. The coverage of these two was one of unrelenting positivity around the time of the wedding, with almost every paper commenting how having a mixed race yank join the Royal Family would drag the institution into the 21st century.
It was only after the hypocrisy and lack of self awareness came to light further down the track, such as lecturing people about climate change while taking private jets to parties or whining about how hard your life is while visiting a South African slum that attitudes towards them started to change and the coverage became much more negative.
Rather than keep a dignified silence and letting it blow over which has been the tactic if the Royals for as long as I can remember, they instead went on the attack and opened themselves up to more ridicule and lost most of the remaining support from the public.
I don’t tell they’ve been hard done by at all, in fact I think most of their problems are completely self inflicted

Sharon Overy
Sharon Overy
1 year ago

Yes, but Meghan’s ‘Hollywood career’ consisted of a part in a soap on cable and pointing-at-things-whilst-smiling girl on a game show. She failed to do any actual work on her podcast, leaving it up to a bevy of people hired in by Spotify.

I don’t think you can produce a film or miniseries merely by saying you’re a producer – there’s work to be done.

It reminds me of when her and Harry got engaged. There was to be a big article in Harpers or Hello or somesuch, to introduce her to the public – a puff piece, lots of photos. Whoever was representing her told the magazine that Meghan would like the article to focus on her philanthropy. The magazine said they were happy to do so, but it turned out they couldn’t find any!

She really is one of these twerps that think saying the ‘right’ things, virtue-signalling, is the same as actually doing good.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Sharon Overy

That is grossly untrue and somewhat ignorant. Massively popular shows ranging from Game of Thrones to Ted Lasso and Bridgerton were made for cable for heaven’s sake ! People who have never worked in film or TV really do make ridiculous statements. There was nothing wrong with Suits and nothing wrong with her acting. And BTW your last sentence reveals more about you than anything valid about her.

Last edited 1 year ago by UnHerd Reader
Sharon Overy
Sharon Overy
1 year ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

I didn’t say there was anything wrong with Suits. I’m pointing out that her ‘Hollywood Career’ is minor.

Sharon Overy
Sharon Overy
1 year ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

I didn’t say there was anything wrong with Suits. I’m pointing out that her ‘Hollywood Career’ is minor.

Judy Johnson
Judy Johnson
1 year ago
Reply to  Sharon Overy

I don’t know how clever or otherwise she is but she certainly isn’t intelligent and/or wise.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
10 months ago
Reply to  Judy Johnson

I disagree, I don’t think her intelligence is in question despite what you might think about her personality.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
10 months ago
Reply to  Judy Johnson

I disagree, I don’t think her intelligence is in question despite what you might think about her personality.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
10 months ago
Reply to  Sharon Overy

Not that I’m a fan, but Meghan was into philanthropy and women’s empowerment in underdeveloped countries before she ever met Harry.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Sharon Overy

That is grossly untrue and somewhat ignorant. Massively popular shows ranging from Game of Thrones to Ted Lasso and Bridgerton were made for cable for heaven’s sake ! People who have never worked in film or TV really do make ridiculous statements. There was nothing wrong with Suits and nothing wrong with her acting. And BTW your last sentence reveals more about you than anything valid about her.

Last edited 1 year ago by UnHerd Reader
Judy Johnson
Judy Johnson
1 year ago
Reply to  Sharon Overy

I don’t know how clever or otherwise she is but she certainly isn’t intelligent and/or wise.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
10 months ago
Reply to  Sharon Overy

Not that I’m a fan, but Meghan was into philanthropy and women’s empowerment in underdeveloped countries before she ever met Harry.

Sharon Overy
Sharon Overy
1 year ago

Yes, but Meghan’s ‘Hollywood career’ consisted of a part in a soap on cable and pointing-at-things-whilst-smiling girl on a game show. She failed to do any actual work on her podcast, leaving it up to a bevy of people hired in by Spotify.

I don’t think you can produce a film or miniseries merely by saying you’re a producer – there’s work to be done.

It reminds me of when her and Harry got engaged. There was to be a big article in Harpers or Hello or somesuch, to introduce her to the public – a puff piece, lots of photos. Whoever was representing her told the magazine that Meghan would like the article to focus on her philanthropy. The magazine said they were happy to do so, but it turned out they couldn’t find any!

She really is one of these twerps that think saying the ‘right’ things, virtue-signalling, is the same as actually doing good.

Graeme Archer
Graeme Archer
1 year ago

Give them a break? No – as Mrs Sussex would undoubtedly say – way. They went out their way to make the last years of Her Late Majesty unhappy while spitting in the face of a UK which had bent over backwards to welcome their marriage. They deserve every atom of obloquy thrown at them. Particularly her, that grasping, grifting, avocado-destroying, chicken-munching, martini-swilling, narcissistic, lazy perma-victim horror.

Marie Jones
Marie Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Graeme Archer

I totally agree. They told bare-faced lies about their family, and their unfounded accusations of racism did enormous damage to the monarchy and to Britain’s reputation overseas. They helped to increase divisions along racial lines and they enabled the republican movement.
They deserve every negative word written about them.

Marie Jones
Marie Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Graeme Archer

I totally agree. They told bare-faced lies about their family, and their unfounded accusations of racism did enormous damage to the monarchy and to Britain’s reputation overseas. They helped to increase divisions along racial lines and they enabled the republican movement.
They deserve every negative word written about them.

Graeme Archer
Graeme Archer
1 year ago

Give them a break? No – as Mrs Sussex would undoubtedly say – way. They went out their way to make the last years of Her Late Majesty unhappy while spitting in the face of a UK which had bent over backwards to welcome their marriage. They deserve every atom of obloquy thrown at them. Particularly her, that grasping, grifting, avocado-destroying, chicken-munching, martini-swilling, narcissistic, lazy perma-victim horror.

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago

“as Buzzfeed noted in 2020, the British press had, for years, been chastising Meghan and Harry for the very same behaviours that earned Will and Kate effusive praise.”
Citing Buzzfeed as your source immediately destroys what little credibility you had.

Hilary Easton
Hilary Easton
1 year ago
Reply to  Richard Craven

True. I’ve replied to this assertion before, but Buzzfeed cherry-picked two particular occasions, out of thousands of articles about both women, when this seems to have happened. The truth is that the UK media, especially the tabloids, are up for any criticism of any royal personage, especially one that is young and female if they can spin something out of it that they believe will sell newspapers, and it usually does.
I’m pretty sure that an impartial trawl of the British papers over the last few decades would show that H & M did no worse than, say, Katherine, Camilla, Anne, Margaret, Sarah and even the sainted Diana. The policy of ignoring it all in a dignified way has generally worked well for them. Challenging it has generally backfired.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Hilary Easton

It wasn’t 2 occasions. The Buzzfeed article cited at least 20. You evidently never read it. The Tsunami of unfair criticism was appalling and unlike anything I’ve ever seen in 40 years in TV News. I’m amazed The Duchess of Sussex did survive and if it left her damaged, it’s hardly surprising. As a well wisher in life, I hope she succeeds as a producer. If she’s as awful as you say, she will fail.

Hilary Easton
Hilary Easton
10 months ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

You are right that I didn’t read the Buzzfeed article, but I did read most of the tabloid and other media coverage of M&H during those years, and the impression I got was that most of it was broadly positive.
I did in fact read the original article about the avocado and it was not exactly scurrilous, it was just the usual trivial carping. I don’t remember any real poison in any of the silly bits of clickbait.
These days, royals and other celebrities have to learn to grow a thick skin and take this silly stuff in good part. M&H didn’t have the character to do that and so they decamped. Good for them.

Hilary Easton
Hilary Easton
10 months ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

You are right that I didn’t read the Buzzfeed article, but I did read most of the tabloid and other media coverage of M&H during those years, and the impression I got was that most of it was broadly positive.
I did in fact read the original article about the avocado and it was not exactly scurrilous, it was just the usual trivial carping. I don’t remember any real poison in any of the silly bits of clickbait.
These days, royals and other celebrities have to learn to grow a thick skin and take this silly stuff in good part. M&H didn’t have the character to do that and so they decamped. Good for them.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Hilary Easton

It wasn’t 2 occasions. The Buzzfeed article cited at least 20. You evidently never read it. The Tsunami of unfair criticism was appalling and unlike anything I’ve ever seen in 40 years in TV News. I’m amazed The Duchess of Sussex did survive and if it left her damaged, it’s hardly surprising. As a well wisher in life, I hope she succeeds as a producer. If she’s as awful as you say, she will fail.

Julian Farrows
Julian Farrows
1 year ago
Reply to  Richard Craven

Completely agree. I don’t know how it’s managed to stay in business for so long.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Julian Farrows

It must be the Pulitzer Prizes or do you think the Pulitzer Prize Board awards the highest honour in Journalism to rubbish publications ? Or could it be that you have never read Buzzfeed but just want to discredit any source that speaks well of the Duchess of Sussex ?

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Julian Farrows

It must be the Pulitzer Prizes or do you think the Pulitzer Prize Board awards the highest honour in Journalism to rubbish publications ? Or could it be that you have never read Buzzfeed but just want to discredit any source that speaks well of the Duchess of Sussex ?

Samir Iker
Samir Iker
1 year ago
Reply to  Richard Craven

If you notice the headlines, it’s the context that matters.

Kate has her hand on her baby bump coming out of one event – positive.
Megan has multiple photos at multiple places, with her hand posed on her bump. Seems artificial and show off – negative.

Both get an avocado, but only one of them keeps mouthing about the “environment”

Kate spends a Christmas with her family for the first time in five years – pass
Meghan goes AWOL for her very first Christmas without any reason – fail

Kate creates company to potentially bring out branded products – pass
Meghan actually does actively brand trivial stuff like tea mugs, to cash in on royal status – while treating the royal family and their responsibilities with contempt. Fail.

William blasts stuff upper lip culture – to defend his brother and his shows of emotion, and for his children (while maintaining a stiff upper lip themselves). Highly positive.
Meghan Harry ditch it for their selfish reasons, usually for self promotion. Highly negative.

Kate ordered scents for use of guests.
Meghan expected staff to go around spraying the queen’s chapel.

There is a difference in class, doing things for others, deferring to tradition, remaining private….versus what Meghan and Harry are up to.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Samir Iker

None of that is true. The Buzzfeed article doesn’t say anything remotely like your twisted version.

Samir Iker
Samir Iker
1 year ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

Really resent that mate, I wasted ten minutes of my valuable time going through that rubbish.

Samir Iker
Samir Iker
1 year ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

Really resent that mate, I wasted ten minutes of my valuable time going through that rubbish.

james goater
james goater
1 year ago
Reply to  Samir Iker

Yes, I noticed the main headline and was rather relieved as I immediately knew that I did not need to read the article although, as is always the case with UnHerd, many of the subsequent comments are of considerable interest.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Samir Iker

None of that is true. The Buzzfeed article doesn’t say anything remotely like your twisted version.

james goater
james goater
1 year ago
Reply to  Samir Iker

Yes, I noticed the main headline and was rather relieved as I immediately knew that I did not need to read the article although, as is always the case with UnHerd, many of the subsequent comments are of considerable interest.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Richard Craven

And not knowing that Buzzfeed was a Pulitzer Prize finalist and then a winner destroys any credibility you imagined you had ! Did you not read or watch the TV production of “Once Upon a Time in Londongrad” a Buzzfeed coup ? The Buzzfeed article cited above that compared coverage of Meghan and Catherine for the same things was a masterclass in exposing toxic manipulation by the mainstream media.
In 2018 a BuzzFeed news team were finalists for a Pulitzer Prize in their international reporting category for their articles that “proved operatives with apparent ties to Putin have engaged in a targeted killing campaign against his perceived enemies on British and American soil”. BuzzFeed later won a Pulitzer Prize in 2021 in the international reporting category for an investigative series about the Xinjiang Internment Camps. I love the fact that your post confirms you can be led by the nose to believe anything the media wants you to believe and yet you are convinced you know the truth !

Hilary Easton
Hilary Easton
1 year ago
Reply to  Richard Craven

True. I’ve replied to this assertion before, but Buzzfeed cherry-picked two particular occasions, out of thousands of articles about both women, when this seems to have happened. The truth is that the UK media, especially the tabloids, are up for any criticism of any royal personage, especially one that is young and female if they can spin something out of it that they believe will sell newspapers, and it usually does.
I’m pretty sure that an impartial trawl of the British papers over the last few decades would show that H & M did no worse than, say, Katherine, Camilla, Anne, Margaret, Sarah and even the sainted Diana. The policy of ignoring it all in a dignified way has generally worked well for them. Challenging it has generally backfired.

Julian Farrows
Julian Farrows
1 year ago
Reply to  Richard Craven

Completely agree. I don’t know how it’s managed to stay in business for so long.

Samir Iker
Samir Iker
1 year ago
Reply to  Richard Craven

If you notice the headlines, it’s the context that matters.

Kate has her hand on her baby bump coming out of one event – positive.
Megan has multiple photos at multiple places, with her hand posed on her bump. Seems artificial and show off – negative.

Both get an avocado, but only one of them keeps mouthing about the “environment”

Kate spends a Christmas with her family for the first time in five years – pass
Meghan goes AWOL for her very first Christmas without any reason – fail

Kate creates company to potentially bring out branded products – pass
Meghan actually does actively brand trivial stuff like tea mugs, to cash in on royal status – while treating the royal family and their responsibilities with contempt. Fail.

William blasts stuff upper lip culture – to defend his brother and his shows of emotion, and for his children (while maintaining a stiff upper lip themselves). Highly positive.
Meghan Harry ditch it for their selfish reasons, usually for self promotion. Highly negative.

Kate ordered scents for use of guests.
Meghan expected staff to go around spraying the queen’s chapel.

There is a difference in class, doing things for others, deferring to tradition, remaining private….versus what Meghan and Harry are up to.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Richard Craven

And not knowing that Buzzfeed was a Pulitzer Prize finalist and then a winner destroys any credibility you imagined you had ! Did you not read or watch the TV production of “Once Upon a Time in Londongrad” a Buzzfeed coup ? The Buzzfeed article cited above that compared coverage of Meghan and Catherine for the same things was a masterclass in exposing toxic manipulation by the mainstream media.
In 2018 a BuzzFeed news team were finalists for a Pulitzer Prize in their international reporting category for their articles that “proved operatives with apparent ties to Putin have engaged in a targeted killing campaign against his perceived enemies on British and American soil”. BuzzFeed later won a Pulitzer Prize in 2021 in the international reporting category for an investigative series about the Xinjiang Internment Camps. I love the fact that your post confirms you can be led by the nose to believe anything the media wants you to believe and yet you are convinced you know the truth !

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago

“as Buzzfeed noted in 2020, the British press had, for years, been chastising Meghan and Harry for the very same behaviours that earned Will and Kate effusive praise.”
Citing Buzzfeed as your source immediately destroys what little credibility you had.

Aphrodite Rises
Aphrodite Rises
1 year ago

Initially, the U S press were pro Meghan and Harry but even they have tired of their blatant hypocrisy. I have been trying to figure out why the author has chosen to defend them. The only reason I came up with is that she is hoping Meghan and Harry will pay her a substantial amount for the right to turn one of her novels into a film.

Aphrodite Rises
Aphrodite Rises
1 year ago

Initially, the U S press were pro Meghan and Harry but even they have tired of their blatant hypocrisy. I have been trying to figure out why the author has chosen to defend them. The only reason I came up with is that she is hoping Meghan and Harry will pay her a substantial amount for the right to turn one of her novels into a film.

Right-Wing Hippie
Right-Wing Hippie
1 year ago

Random thoughts:
*Meghan and Harry are making us stupid
They’re dragging us down to their level
*and, for Harry, perhaps a sheepish return to the royal fold
Is there any other manner of returning to a fold besides sheepishly?
I’ve always preferred “Sussexit”.
*to eating avocados (“a fruit linked to water shortages, illegal deforestation and all round general environmental devastation”)
It’s also linked (though not causatively) to guacamole
*A wellness empire, à la Gwyneth Paltrow?
Vagino Royale.
*they’ve always had a talent for knowing what a good love story looks like.
And they’ve modeled their own after one of the greatest: the Duke of Windsor and Mrs. the Duke of Windsor. Seriously, I think there is ample precedent by now that for British royals, marrying an American divorcee is at best a, shall we say, career-lateral move. At best.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
10 months ago

British aristocrats usually marry wealthy heiresses to shore up the crumbling Downton Abbeys.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
10 months ago

British aristocrats usually marry wealthy heiresses to shore up the crumbling Downton Abbeys.

Right-Wing Hippie
Right-Wing Hippie
1 year ago

Random thoughts:
*Meghan and Harry are making us stupid
They’re dragging us down to their level
*and, for Harry, perhaps a sheepish return to the royal fold
Is there any other manner of returning to a fold besides sheepishly?
I’ve always preferred “Sussexit”.
*to eating avocados (“a fruit linked to water shortages, illegal deforestation and all round general environmental devastation”)
It’s also linked (though not causatively) to guacamole
*A wellness empire, à la Gwyneth Paltrow?
Vagino Royale.
*they’ve always had a talent for knowing what a good love story looks like.
And they’ve modeled their own after one of the greatest: the Duke of Windsor and Mrs. the Duke of Windsor. Seriously, I think there is ample precedent by now that for British royals, marrying an American divorcee is at best a, shall we say, career-lateral move. At best.

polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago

I must live in my own bubble, but I have not watched nor listened to anything that this pair have produced. Plenty of headlines of course, as these are unavoidable.
Perhaps someone would be so kind as to give me a glimmer.

Ian Barton
Ian Barton
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

Kind enough ?

Katharine Eyre
Katharine Eyre
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

Nah, stay in your bubble! I think sticking pins under your fingernails is a more fulfilling pursuit than watching/listening to any more guff from these two.

james goater
james goater
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

With articles like this, go straight to “comments”; invariably entertaining.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

You can google.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
10 months ago
Reply to  polidori redux

May I suggest you Google to find the information you’re looking for.

Ian Barton
Ian Barton
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

Kind enough ?

Katharine Eyre
Katharine Eyre
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

Nah, stay in your bubble! I think sticking pins under your fingernails is a more fulfilling pursuit than watching/listening to any more guff from these two.

james goater
james goater
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

With articles like this, go straight to “comments”; invariably entertaining.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
1 year ago
Reply to  polidori redux

You can google.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
10 months ago
Reply to  polidori redux

May I suggest you Google to find the information you’re looking for.

polidori redux
polidori redux
1 year ago

I must live in my own bubble, but I have not watched nor listened to anything that this pair have produced. Plenty of headlines of course, as these are unavoidable.
Perhaps someone would be so kind as to give me a glimmer.

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
1 year ago

We make ourselves stupid by paying attention to grifters like these talentless scroungers.

james goater
james goater
1 year ago
Reply to  Martin Smith

100% true, yet here we are.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
1 year ago
Reply to  james goater

Exactly, here we are. It’s irresistable.

Last edited 1 year ago by Clare Knight
Clare Knight
Clare Knight
1 year ago
Reply to  james goater

Exactly, here we are. It’s irresistable.

Last edited 1 year ago by Clare Knight
james goater
james goater
1 year ago
Reply to  Martin Smith

100% true, yet here we are.

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
1 year ago

We make ourselves stupid by paying attention to grifters like these talentless scroungers.

Eric Mader
Eric Mader
1 year ago

Actually writing an article about these two counts as strong evidence that, yes, they’re making you stupid.

Alan Osband
Alan Osband
1 year ago
Reply to  Eric Mader

Or Kate hopes to invite Meghan on to her ‘female chaos’ podcast . She may be short of clicks .

Savvy rather than stupid , possibly .

Last edited 1 year ago by Alan Osband
Alan Osband
Alan Osband
1 year ago
Reply to  Eric Mader

Or Kate hopes to invite Meghan on to her ‘female chaos’ podcast . She may be short of clicks .

Savvy rather than stupid , possibly .

Last edited 1 year ago by Alan Osband
Eric Mader
Eric Mader
1 year ago

Actually writing an article about these two counts as strong evidence that, yes, they’re making you stupid.

Dougie Undersub
Dougie Undersub
1 year ago

Not sure what Harry, with his B in A-level Art and D in Geography, will bring to the project.

Dougie Undersub
Dougie Undersub
1 year ago

Not sure what Harry, with his B in A-level Art and D in Geography, will bring to the project.

1 year ago

They may have made my phone stupid, since when I open it, there’s a slew of mainly Australian TV clips about them.

No idea why, I don’t recall having ever clicked on anything to do with them.

But, I guess this comment is going to make that worse.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dumetrius
1 year ago

They may have made my phone stupid, since when I open it, there’s a slew of mainly Australian TV clips about them.

No idea why, I don’t recall having ever clicked on anything to do with them.

But, I guess this comment is going to make that worse.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dumetrius
Louise Henson
Louise Henson
1 year ago

It’s just a well-written romance that effectively employs all the usual tropes and has inspired an avid fanbase, which pretty much guarantees that any movie based on the story becomes a massive success.’
Not now the markles have got their hands on it. Everything turns to dust in their hands. Just wait and see.

Louise Henson
Louise Henson
1 year ago

It’s just a well-written romance that effectively employs all the usual tropes and has inspired an avid fanbase, which pretty much guarantees that any movie based on the story becomes a massive success.’
Not now the markles have got their hands on it. Everything turns to dust in their hands. Just wait and see.

Allison Barrows
Allison Barrows
1 year ago

If you want to put me off, you can reliably cite these two odious exhibitionists.

Allison Barrows
Allison Barrows
1 year ago

If you want to put me off, you can reliably cite these two odious exhibitionists.

j watson
j watson
1 year ago

Look anyone got much time to be worrying//worked up about the Sussexes can’t have enough to do or much else to worry about. Proper 1st world privileged problem.
But Author also states ‘ being maximally uncharitable has a way of making you stupid’. How v true and one for reflection.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
1 year ago
Reply to  j watson

And here you are having read the article and commented on it!

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
1 year ago
Reply to  j watson

And here you are having read the article and commented on it!

j watson
j watson
1 year ago

Look anyone got much time to be worrying//worked up about the Sussexes can’t have enough to do or much else to worry about. Proper 1st world privileged problem.
But Author also states ‘ being maximally uncharitable has a way of making you stupid’. How v true and one for reflection.

Jonathan Nash
Jonathan Nash
1 year ago

I despise the Sussex grift as much as anyone, but the panting anticipation of a separation and divorce in some parts of the media (yes I’m looking at you GB News) is unpleasant and unchristian.

Jonathan Nash
Jonathan Nash
1 year ago

I despise the Sussex grift as much as anyone, but the panting anticipation of a separation and divorce in some parts of the media (yes I’m looking at you GB News) is unpleasant and unchristian.

Mark Goodhand
Mark Goodhand
1 year ago

UnHerd is making us stupid by running articles about Harry and Meghan.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Goodhand

It is stupid to comment on things you haven’t read as so many of the comments here today bear witness.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
1 year ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

On the contrary I think the negative commenters actual did read the piece. That’s the hypocisy

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
1 year ago
Reply to  UnHerd Reader

On the contrary I think the negative commenters actual did read the piece. That’s the hypocisy

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Goodhand

It is stupid to comment on things you haven’t read as so many of the comments here today bear witness.

Mark Goodhand
Mark Goodhand
1 year ago

UnHerd is making us stupid by running articles about Harry and Meghan.

Tom K
Tom K
1 year ago

Churnalist to ChatGPT: Generate 1500 words in favour of Ginge’n’Whinge.
ChatGPT: You can’t do that Dave. Data not availble.
Churnalist: That’s what I pay my subs for. Go!
ChatGPT: Ok but don’t expect anyone to be convinced.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tom K
Tom K
Tom K
1 year ago

Churnalist to ChatGPT: Generate 1500 words in favour of Ginge’n’Whinge.
ChatGPT: You can’t do that Dave. Data not availble.
Churnalist: That’s what I pay my subs for. Go!
ChatGPT: Ok but don’t expect anyone to be convinced.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tom K
G. Kaminskas
G. Kaminskas
10 months ago

Very poor performance,  KAT ROSENFIELD. Defending those, what misplaced sympathy. They are not victims, they are privileged pampered brats.

r ll
r ll
1 year ago

I could care less what happens to this couple. Harry let Meghan twist his mind and manipulate him with her charms and other things, it must be lined with platinum, or she thinks it is. Its all about her, and playing victim to the harsh realities of being in the royal family, she knew or should have what she was getting into. Harry should have shown loyalty to his family other than bailing out and writing books about his victimhood. Bit both have burned all bridges back into the royal family, and the UK. They want to have all the money they can muster and live the life they had in England without the responsibilities. Meghan is playing her ultimate role.

Last edited 1 year ago by r ll
r ll
r ll
1 year ago

I could care less what happens to this couple. Harry let Meghan twist his mind and manipulate him with her charms and other things, it must be lined with platinum, or she thinks it is. Its all about her, and playing victim to the harsh realities of being in the royal family, she knew or should have what she was getting into. Harry should have shown loyalty to his family other than bailing out and writing books about his victimhood. Bit both have burned all bridges back into the royal family, and the UK. They want to have all the money they can muster and live the life they had in England without the responsibilities. Meghan is playing her ultimate role.

Last edited 1 year ago by r ll
Doug Damoth
Doug Damoth
10 months ago

From The King’s Speech: “In the past, all a King had to do was look respectable in uniform and not fall off his horse. Now we must invade people’s homes and ingratiate ourselves with them. This family’s been reduced to those lowest, basest of all creatures. We’ve become actors.”

Hilary Easton
Hilary Easton
10 months ago

I tend to agree that what was at one time valid criticism of the highly privileged, pampered and attention-addicted couple, has morphed into a degrading spectacle of sneering hate. It’s time to just leave them alone.
However, I take issue with the view that ‘for years’ before their defenestration they were criticised for doing things that W&K were praised for. These two examples of the stomach touching and the avocado eating are always cited as examples of this because they are the only examples. I dare say we could find examples of Katherine and Camilla being criticised for very ordinary everyday things, from being ‘too thin’, ‘wardrobe mistakes’ and so on, especially in the early days of their public appearances.
Meghan was given a pretty easy ride in comparison with ‘waity Katy’ and the ‘bunny boiling home wrecker’ Camilla, and the ‘kept woman’ Princess Margaret. For some unknown(?) reason the males seem to get off more lightly.

Right-Wing Hippie
Right-Wing Hippie
1 year ago

Edited to remove duplicate post.

Last edited 1 year ago by Right-Wing Hippie
Right-Wing Hippie
Right-Wing Hippie
1 year ago

Edited to remove duplicate post.

Last edited 1 year ago by Right-Wing Hippie
Clare Knight
Clare Knight
1 year ago

I’ve read so much negative copy about the Sussexes that I find myself unable to join in. Some of the criticism is valid, but I do think it’s taken on a life of it’s own and has snowballed to the point that H&M can do no right and W&K can do no wrong. It’s much easier to view life in black versus white terms and that’s what has happened here.

Clare Knight
Clare Knight
1 year ago

I’ve read so much negative copy about the Sussexes that I find myself unable to join in. Some of the criticism is valid, but I do think it’s taken on a life of it’s own and has snowballed to the point that H&M can do no right and W&K can do no wrong. It’s much easier to view life in black versus white terms and that’s what has happened here.

Lang Cleg
Lang Cleg
1 year ago

If they were to employ some actual producers, be the figureheads of a production company and otherwise just stay out of my line of sight, that would be just fine and dandy. Mind you, that’s pretty much my view of most “celebrities”.

Gordon Arta
Gordon Arta
10 months ago

No, a small army of parasites are making themselves stupid. The ‘royal watchers’, journalists and authors, ceaselessly trawling the gutters of the tabloids and social media for any allegation, supposition, or innuendo they can cobble into a ‘story’, inventing ‘insiders’ to hide the fact that it’s cobblers. The editors of failing newspapers and magazines, desperate for copy and clickbait that might stave off financial ruin for another year or 2. Life’s losers, riddled with envy and bitterness, who can only make themselves feel better by making others feel worse. And, of course, the hard of thinking, who somehow contrive to believe the utter trivial tosh they’re being fed.

Maansson Hansen
Maansson Hansen
1 year ago

Seems like Rosenfield hasn’t followed the saga.

Last edited 1 year ago by Maansson Hansen
Stephen Quilley
Stephen Quilley
1 year ago

Don’t care. Won’t care. bored.

Alan Thorpe
Alan Thorpe
10 months ago

They are only making the people who bother to read about them stupid.

Hilary Easton
Hilary Easton
10 months ago
Reply to  Alan Thorpe

That seems to include you and me. Oh dear!

Cathy Carron
Cathy Carron
10 months ago

Harry & Meghan must be ignored if anything because they are tedious.

1 year ago

If you don’t focus on a thing, it has less chance of making you stupid.
Pro tip : don’t write a one hundred line article about it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dumetrius
1 year ago

If you don’t focus on a thing, it has less chance of making you stupid.
Pro tip : don’t write a one hundred line article about it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dumetrius