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Why we need the Great Reset It's Davos Man — rather than conspiracy theorists — you should be worried about

Crisis, what crisis? (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

Crisis, what crisis? (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

June 16, 2021   5 mins

It’s always awkward when a mad conspiracy theory turns out to be not so mad. Take the idea that Covid leaked from a Chinese laboratory; what the experts were dismissing as crazy talk a year ago has become a plausible explanation.

Perhaps, then, we should be more open-minded about other conspiracy theories, particularly those about the so-called “Great Reset”. On one level, the Great Reset doesn’t count as a conspiracy at all — because it isn’t a secret. Rather, it’s a very public initiative by the World Economic Forum (better known as “Davos”, the usual location of its highly-exclusive annual conference).

Last year, the WEF launched the Great Reset as a response to the Covid pandemic. “To improve the state of the world,” it announced, “the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.”

It was, in effect, a desperate attempt to keep itself relevant in the middle of a global disaster that years of Davos-style prognostication did little to prevent. Still, having carefully considered the situation, the various Great Reset authors — including WEF chairman Klaus Schwab — clearly believe that what the world needs now is even more of Davos and everything it represents.

Indeed, according to Schwab, the pandemic is “a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.” Likeminded politicians such as Justin Trudeau have also described the pandemic as an opportunity — further arousing the suspicions of conspiracy theorists.

In its most extreme form, the imagined conspiracy is that mass vaccination is being used to do something truly horrible to us — mass sterilisation, for instance. The less extreme form of the conspiracy is that those in power are exaggerating, or at least exploiting, the dangers of the pandemic in order to advance an ideological agenda. For instance, in the US, the right-wing Heartland Institute claims that “global elites are using the ‘existential threat’ of climate change to advance socialism under the guise of a Great Reset of the economy.”

Might these critics have a point? Is the vision set out by the WEF in 2020 now translating into a programme of interference by big government and big business?

According to Klaus Schwab, the Great Reset has three main components — the first of which is to “steer the market toward fairer outcomes”, for instance by governments improving their coordination on “tax, regulatory, and fiscal policy”. And guess what? The leaders of the G7 countries have just agreed a deal to impose a minimum level of business taxation on multinational corporations.

The second component is to “ensure that investments advance shared goals”. This includes major public sector spending programmes — which are now underway in Europe and America. As for private finance, that’s swinging behind Great Reset goals in a major way — with companies like BlackRock making huge investments in the low carbon economy.

The third, meanwhile, involves harnessing new technology “to support the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges.” On this front, we’ve seen dramatic developments over the last twelve months — not only the mass roll-out of new vaccines, but also the use of technology to control the spread of the virus by controlling the movement of people.

The notion, held by some extreme conspiracy theorists, that vaccines are being used to inject tracking technology directly into our veins is, of course, nonsense. As per usual, the conspiracists have put two and two together to make five. Nevertheless, the two and two do exist. Indeed, we already use sub-cutaneously injected microchips on our pets.

Even the most nightmarish conspiracy theories contain a grain of truth. For instance, I feel confident in stating that vaccines are not being used to sterilise the population; however, lockdown has accelerated an already worrying decline in birthrates.

A collectively experienced nightmare is pretty much what a conspiracy theory is. The dream itself might not make any sense, but the anxieties and insecurities that cause it are often very real. In other words, you don’t have to believe a conspiracy theory to take it seriously.

Consider the news that investment companies are now piling into the property market, buying up housing en masse in order to rent it out. What is the ordinary aspiring homeowner to make of that? What chance do they have against corporations that have billions of dollars at their disposal — not to mention privileged access to market information and tons of political influence?

In that position, how would you feel about the World Economic Forum video that starts with the statement that, by 2030, “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.” To be clear, this was presented as a possible scenario, not a stated goal on the part of the WEF, but the optics are horrible. It doesn’t help that one of the institutional investors active in the housing market is BlackRock — whose CEO, Larry Fink, is a prominent WEF participant.

For someone facing the prospect of renting a pokey flat into middle age and beyond, this is what the Great Reset looks like.

The irony is that when Klaus Schwab says that “we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism”, he’s absolutely right. But that’s not primarily because of the pandemic, but because the system was already in a state of decay. Over the 21st century, we’ve seen capitalism lurch from one crisis to another and we need to remember who’s been in charge during that time — not Herr Schwab, but the political and business leaders who attend his annual jamboree.

If we do need a new capitalism, the last people we should ask to reset it are the architects of the present-day variety. Why on Earth would we entrust those who have grown so rich and powerful from the status quo with the task of reform?

The Great Reset might sound like a new commitment to real change, but at Davos the only thing that gets reordered are the ingredients of that year’s word salad. Just look at a list of themes for all the annual conferences since 1988: In 1991, the theme was a “new direction for global leadership”, in 1994 “redefining the basic assumptions of the world economy” and in 1997 “building the network society”. 2007 was about “shaping the global agenda” and “shifting the power equation”. In 2009 it was “shaping the post-crisis world”. In 2012, Davos was still “shaping” things, in this case “new models” for something called “the great transformation”. In 2014, it was “reshaping the world” and in 2019 “shaping a global architecture” (whatever that is).

When not shaping and reshaping, Davos is about “rallying”, “redefining”, “creating”, “sustaining” and “mastering”. Furthermore, they’re always doing it on some inconceivably vast scale: “the world economy”, “our global future”, the “post-crisis world”, the “new reality” and, my personal favourite, “responsible globality”.

Like the world’s dullest Bond villain, “Davos Man” is forever trying to remake the world in his image. But, of course, this never amounts to a true “reset”. Rather, our stagnant version of capitalism goes on and on, making the minimum adjustment required after every crisis. And, despite the conspiracy theories, this time is no different.

The terrible truth about the Great Reset is that there is no Great Reset.

Peter Franklin is Associate Editor of UnHerd. He was previously a policy advisor and speechwriter on environmental and social issues.


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Lesley van Reenen
Lesley van Reenen
3 years ago

Just remove some of the fringe waffle and a whole lot of conspiracy theories are sounding and proving evermore credible.

Chris Wheatley
Chris Wheatley
3 years ago

This essay echoes an oft-repeated contrast between two possible theories – either the idea that everything continues as normal in a sane way or that things follow ‘loony’ ideas of government conspiracies.

As always, the middle ground tends to be more likely – the governments want to push something forward and use fear to persuade the public to go along with them. This is not so much a conspiracy as oiling things to help them to move more easily.

I have always believed that the British government wanted to get away from dependence on Russia and The Middle East for its future energy requirements and had conveniently latched on to global warming to help things along. Although people seem convinced that AGW is a fact, this has been done by means of teaching programmes in primary schools and removing funding from deniers. It is definitely not crystal clear.

Alan Thorpe
Alan Thorpe
3 years ago
Reply to  Chris Wheatley

Margaret Thatcher seemed to fall for the AGW fraud, and some say she used it to close our coal mines. If this is true, she put the UK at greater dependence on other countries for energy.
My father and his father were coal miners, and he did everything possible to ensure that I did not follow them into the mines. No amount of money would get me into any mine, so I have some sympathy with Arthur Scargill, but we live in a global economy and if we had paid our miners a higher wage, we would have become far less competitive.
Thatcher’s policies allowed gas to be used in power stations and so we did have a period of lower energy prices, but now the gas is running out and any coal looks to be in the ground for ever. Renewable energy is completely useless without storage, and we have not developed a cheap storage system, and that is before the huge cost of renewables is considered and the as yet unmentioned problems of recycling it all at the end of its short life.
Our nuclear industry has been disaster with safe, but expensive and unreliable designs which we had to abandon in the end. New nuclear stations are complex and extremely expensive. It will be interesting to see how Hinkley turns out.
We now have the ridiculous situation where Bill Gates has become an expert on vaccines and nuclear power stations. This is the man who could not prevent his computers being infected with viruses.

Brendan O'Leary
Brendan O'Leary
3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Thorpe

Gas is not running out.

Giles Toman
Giles Toman
2 years ago
Reply to  Alan Thorpe

Well, on the bright side, we still have hundreds of years reserves of quality coal left, so if “push comes to shove” in terms of us being able to produce or buy in enough energy, we can always start mining it again.

Alan Thorpe
Alan Thorpe
3 years ago

All the people who lecture us on change, from Meghan Markel to Schwab, have one thing in common. They want to force change on us but will never accept that it applies to them.
However, we have seen governments forcing a new and untested vaccine on healthy populations which has succeeded by generating fear about a virus that has a death risk on slightly higher than influenza. It normally takes several years for a new vaccine to go through rigorous animal testing before human trials and this has been completely ignored with the coronavirus vaccines. Who knows what the long-term effects will be?

Fran Martinez
Fran Martinez
3 years ago

It would be quite sad if by rushing vaccine testing it ended up having some unitended long term reproductive side effects. The Japanese have taken a look at the bio-distribution in rats of the vaccine over time and they see that it accumulates in the ovaries and the bone marrow. Will that cause infertility? We hope not, but we do not know….

Cheryl Jones
Cheryl Jones
3 years ago

It’s not capitalism per se that’s the problem, it’s globalised, technocratic, neoliberalism. Big brother is watching and wants it all. And it’s all for our benefit of course…

jonathan carter-meggs
jonathan carter-meggs
3 years ago

The likes of the WEDF should be disbanded. The liberal intellectuals are disconnected from the real world lives of the global population and yet sit in judgement on us all. Their solutions are always interventionist and top down originating from a position of arrogant superiority. Capitalism is not broken and does immense good, but the purchasing of influence it enables (eg Bezos, Zuckerberg) in governments and over all of our lives is where its value to humanity is corrupted. Solutions to real world problems are rarely discovered by group initiatives or governments but come from a near infinite number of people trying something different. Let people get on with it unhindered by government, taxes, activists, do-gooders, billionaires, and everyone else who thinks they know best how I should live my life.

Christian Filli
Christian Filli
3 years ago

“Like the world’s dullest Bond villain, ‘Davos Man’ is forever trying to remake the world in his image.” – what a great line. The only problem, however, is that villains are usually anything but dull. Some are quite charming and charismatic, and they are surrounded by incredibly skilled enablers who ensure their vision is realized.

Simon Coulthard
Simon Coulthard
3 years ago


Last edited 3 years ago by Simon Coulthard