Biden supporters taunt Trump fans. Credit: Chris McGrath/Getty

If people thought that the last four years in American politics were divisive, then they’ve seen nothing yet. With Donald Trump off the scene, many seem to believe that the country’s political arena will emerge into a bright new future, but things are about to get a whole lot worse.
American polarisation pre-dates Trump by decades, but in the past few years it has intensified to such an extent that a paper on US tribalism from Cambridge University says it is now approaching levels of ethnic parochialism seen in Bosnia and Kosovo — two countries noted for their recent political stability. However, even before Trump’s election, a study of Democrats and Republicans showed similar levels of distrust as exist between Israelis and Palestinians.
Yet while many people recognise the symptoms of this American balkanisation, they do not recognise the cause. It is not just that people believe in different things, it is that they believe in different facts — there is no longer any agreement on what has happened and what has not. This applies from the most serious and major event to the most mundane, but it starts with the words people believe were said or not said
Take two of the claims about Trump that most enraged the Left in recent years: that he described all Mexicans as rapists and that he refused to condemn white supremacy. Both these are false. Neither accurately reflects what Donald Trump said, at the bottom of the escalator in Trump Tower on the day he announced his candidacy in June 2015, or in his response to the events in Charlottesville two years later.
Yet for four years the anti-Trump “Resistance” was happy to run with these claims. In the last couple of days, broadcasters on major American networks have claimed on air, on the basis of Trump’s Mexicans comment, that Hispanics have suffered more prejudice than at any point in their lifetimes. The same Hispanics who just voted for Trump in record-breaking numbers.
Meanwhile, Trump’s supposed failure to denounce white supremacy is such a part of the historical narrative that it came up in the presidential debates and was raised by Kamala Harris in her vice-presidential debate with Mike Pence. The transcript (what we used to call “the record”) shows that the claim is false; Trump condemned white supremacy clearly in his post-Charlottesville statement. As has been observed by others, Trump has not only said more lies than any other president, but he has also had more lies said about him.
And now the man who looks set to become the next president of the USA announces that he wants the country to heal?
This split version of reality extends beyond words. In the past month, American politics witnessed a scandal of potentially enormous proportions, a story that once would have exploded across the political scene to be met with the usual cycle of allegations and denials.
Hunter Biden’s laptop contained an awful lot of things, including photos of Biden Jnr allegedly smoking crack and exposing himself. But more damaging was the allegation that it contained emails suggesting not only that Joe Biden’s brother and son enriched themselves by selling their access to foreign powers, but that the man himself — “the chairman” — enriched himself through these means, too.
It may be said that the timing of the story was awfully advantageous to the Republican cause — and that would be right. Such a story emerging right before an election would have a major impact on a campaign; and obviously the Republicans wanted it to have such an effect. But in the end it did not — almost as if it never even happened.
Of course, the American public may well regard Hunter Biden’s personal life — quite rightly — as entirely a matter for himself. But these emails contained claims that in any healthy democracy would require serious investigation, implying monumental levels of corruption at the top.
The American Left, however, decided to pretend that the whole thing was either a Russian disinformation drop, that it was simply a matter of personal intrusion, or that there was otherwise nothing to see. With the help of social media, it smothered the story.
Twitter and Facebook decided to censor all references to the corruption scandal. It even locked the New York Post — America’s oldest newspaper — out of its own account and muted the Post’s story on their platforms. So except for the small number of people with unusual interest in hard-to-access stories, that portion of the country which gets its news from Twitter or Facebook did not actually know what the Biden laptop story was about. It simply doesn’t exist in that universe.
Half the country knows that the laptop scandal appears to contain questions about the Biden family’s search for funds. The other half either believes that the story is entirely fabricated or was content to pretend to believe that right up until the day of the election. Because whatever the Bidens may or may not have done, it was worth ignoring in order to see Donald Trump and his family leave the White House.
And now we have the biggest disagreement of all about reality. One portion of the country — some way over half — believes that Joe Biden won this election. Another portion — nowhere near a majority, but possibly a majority of people who voted Republican — believes that Donald Trump won. Trump himself is irresponsibly laying the groundwork for the next four years of his career by sticking to this claim. And while he may at some point say that he is stepping aside for the good of the nation — which would not entirely be in character — he and his many supporters are likely to hold to the idea that this election was stolen from them by a corrupt and rigged system.
The only counter that the Biden camp currently has is to pretend that this is wholly untrue and that there is no corruption in the US voting system, especially not when it comes to mail-in votes. And all the while, that crucial middle ground, those people who recognise that there certainly are voting irregularities in the American system and that, notwithstanding, Donald Trump lost the election, is vacated.
At such a moment, a society enters a crucially dangerous juncture. Because once we no longer share the same reality, we can no longer empathise with our opponents or compromise, and from that point on absolutely anything can happen.
The incoming president and vice-president will naturally state that they now seek to put an end to all this. In his first speech since the vote appeared to go his way Joe Biden invited the United States to end what he called the “grim era of demonisation”. The President-elect begged: “Let’s give each other a chance.”
And yet that is exactly what he and his party spent the last four years not doing. After the election of their adversary in 2016, the Democrats came up with a fake allegation about Russian interference in the election. They claimed that Trump and his family colluded with the Kremlin to get him into office, and when the official investigation into that bogus claim found it was indeed bogus, the same people then attempted to impeach the president on the basis of a phone call with his counterpart in Ukraine. And now they say that people’s families are off-limits and that it is time to come together? It is obvious that Biden and the Democrats only want the “era of demonisation” and divisiveness to come to an end so long as it does so on their terms.
What if the Republicans decide to do to the Bidens what the Democrats did to the Trumps, by delegitimising the election result and with it the democratic process. And why not? Since the Democrats spent four years pretending that the last election was fixed, why shouldn’t the Republicans spend the next four pretending that this one was, too? Even if they do not believe so — as many Democrats doubtless did not sincerely believe their own claims about 2016 — that’s the game now.
And if the Democrats can pursue Trump and his sons over claims of collusion with a foreign power, why should the Republicans not as a first order of business order an official investigation into Joe Biden and his family? Indeed why should they not announce (as Democrat operatives did after the last election) that they intend to impeach President Biden the moment he enters office?
All of this would be to play the game in kind — it would indeed be “fair” — and would have as much point to it as the Democrats’ Russian vendetta had between 2016 and 2020. It would also tear this country further apart.
The problem is that neither side is any longer dedicated to viewing the truth in neutral terms — and the Democrats are still at it. At the weekend, one former National Security Council spokesman for President Obama condemned Boris Johnson’s message of congratulation to Joe Biden. Calling the British Prime Minister a “shapeshifting creep”, Tommy Vietor said “We will never forget your racist comments about Obama.”
But Johnson never made any racist comments about Obama — the Prime Minister had remarked in 2016 that Obama’s far from warm attitude to Britain may have been influenced by his Kenyan heritage, something no one would find remarkable if applied to, say, an Irish-American like Joe Biden. Vietor had simply elevated his personal interpretation of Johnson’s words into the status of fact and then used them as a political weapon to use against the enemy. He does so at the moment of his own side’s victory and triumph, a lack of magnanimity that bodes ill for the future.
Trump has gone, but if anyone thinks the age of vitriol and division is over, then they are truly living in a different reality. If you liked the last four years of American politics, you’re going to love what comes next.
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SubscribeIt’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. Now that ‘their’ guy has won, and there is now a corporate puppet back in the white House will all those riots stop? The next time a black person gets shot by a cop, will it be blamed on Biden? How will they spin it when Biden launches the next war in the middle East? When he steps up the economic destruction to ‘tackle covid’ and more people lose their jobs, and this makes no difference to deaths, how will they reconcile this? Who will the insane left blame for all the world’s ills now their bogey man has gone?
Under Trump debt went up by 40% (before Covid); now Biden has to deal with it.
If he knows how to deal with it Boris and Sunak will need his advice.
Biden wants to put even more trillions on top of this. The Green New Deal won’t be paid by an organic Magic Money tree in the back garden of the White House.
And that will be the perfect time for Republicans/Conservatives to discover their “principled” opposition to debt.
Trump promised to balance the budget not blow it up.
If the demtards could have left him alone instead of wasting 3 yrs and billions of dollars on that russia conspiracy, perhaps he could have moved in the direction of balancing the debt
Utter tripe (as our British friends might say). Trump is a self-admitted “lover” of debt – as long as he is not the one left holding the bag – one of the few things he actually excelled at during his checkered “business” career. Trump bounced from bankruptcy to bankruptcy until his epiphany that he could actual make money simply pretending to be a businessman on TV and licensing out his brand/name to any suitable charlatan or grifter. The ultimate con… and a poisoned chalice from which far too many Americans willingly consumed (and continue to do so).As president, Trump’s profligate spending and unwarranted tax cuts (stealing from future generations) were a key part of the economic “success” during his presidency that few (on either side of the aisle) even acknowledged let alone seriously sought to control…. No I fear we are all victims of his grift and are all f@#ked (as our our future descendants with this increasingly crushing debt).Also Van, the Mueller “Russia” Investigation (which contrary to Bill Barr’s spin (and Douglas Murray’s – whom I otherwise generally admire) was not an exoneration of Trump and was around $42 million (not “Billions” as you inaccurately claim). Roughly the cost of 1/2 of of one a F-35A fighter jet. But I should have recalibrated my expectations of you as soon as I saw your “clever” use of the term “Demtards” it is always a clear giveaway ….
I’m glad you’re not my countryman.
Man, you’re awful. Really, really awful. Resentful, petty, bitter.
How does Russian investigation affects the budget?
Ha! Just wanted to add, that Biden also wants to, take away our second amendment, sensor our speech, raise our taxes, gut our military, and defund the police, just to name a few…
Where do all those ”Ungreen” Windfarms &Solar panels Go they dont seem to be recycled?..”planet of the Humans” by left michael Moore
After he and his girlfriend, Barry piled on debt more than every year of the nation combined? Yeah, woe is Pedo Joe.
No matter how unpalatable it may be. this election was “won” by hatred. Chiefly of a man who dared to utter the truth concerning the differences between the sexes……women have come to expect kid glove treatment in today’s woke society, losing touch with sexual reality in the process. All of the examples you pose will be ignored, we live in a world of “identity politics”
Trump is the hater in chief.
Did your sweetie pay you with special things to create that witty witty?
We are blessed with Trump. He’s a great human being. We love him, personally and professionally. We’ll fight to the death for him.
I won’t fight to the death for him, but I will watch him clean up what appears to be ballot disasters with joy in my heart. He’s so cute.
Don’t wear those kid gloves while grabbing women’s pussies. Is that what you mean?
There is a video of BLM threatening the Dems at the weekend as they party in “BLM Square”, accusing them in menacing chants of colonising the space. BLM didn’t seem to be celebrating. It was business as usual.
I thought they were both marxists.
It was raw class and race hatred being displayed, to their own side.
The Mighty Boosh?.
Yes, the riots will mostly stop. The infrastructure for them, provided by the likes of George Soros, will dry up. Most of the rioters will go home. Those who persist, will be arrested by the suddenly active police. As far as the next shooting of. a black by a white cop, it will not be blamed on Old Uncle Joe. It will be blamed on “systemic racism” and “white supremacy” and will result in further attacks on whites by Democrats.
A yes, George Soros…he is paying for everything isn’t he?
Not just George, Kamala and Biden staffers helped with bail money to get “mostly peaceful” protestors back on the street. A real team effort.
A lot of them are so consumed with hatred for their own country that they do it for nothing. They after all have jobs, graduate jobs.
I believe the US death tally on blacks killing blacks is hitting 700 for the year. No sign of BLM anywhere. Why? Because they don’t care. Black deaths matter only when the shooter is a white policeman because that’s where the money is. No riots, no broken windows, no destroyed businesses when a few blacks shoot their brethren. No money in it.
They will do the same thing they did when Obama took over from Bush. that is to blame everything on the Bush administration. They were even doing so 6 and 76 years into Obama’s tenure.
Now, everything will still be Trump’s fault.
The enemy will do as they are doing now: lying like Soviet Russians when confronted. I called a local “news” outlet and when asked why they referred to Slow Joe as “president elect” they reacted with the NPC monotone “we were told to report that at this time….” Over and over again. I asked “Do you believe it?” “We were told to report that at this time….”
Their parent, CBS told them to.
Nuremburg, anyone?
Theoretical musings, however. POTUS is still POTUS. And will be, once we get the silliness cleared up in court.
I assumed BLM was about black lives mattering, but it’s not. See their website. They are a Marxist fundraising group using ‘Black Lives’ as a marketing scheme.
The most laughable thing has been Biden talking unity, and his dogwashers posting things about the same on social media. As if four years of being called nazis, racists, and whatever else somehow gives the left the moral high ground. Sorry, that’s not how it works. You don’t get to pull stunts ranging from not a single Dem showing up for Trump’s inauguration to the endless Russian fixation to the enemies lists being sought by the likes of AOC, and then suddenly ask “can’t we be friends?”
No, we can’t. My friends don’t call me racist. They may disagree with me and we may have vigorous discussions, but there is no name-calling, let alone violence. At this point, we’re exes. It means we can be civil and polite in mixed company because that’s how adults act. Some exes manage to be friends but those relationships were more likely to flame out than be burned down by either side. It’s okay. The left hates people like me. That’s been made abundantly clear.
Alex, the article was about lies and facts… and you start right off with ‘not a single dem’ showed up for Trumps inauguration, while of course not only were the Obama’s there, but the Clintons were too… you know, the lady he beat by fewer total votes than those he’s losing to Biden by? That dem. As you have thus disqualified yourself from being taken seriously, I won’t bother with the rest of your nonsense, and it’s clear why “the left hates people like” you.
My fault for using an absolute. A large chunk of Congress stayed home. That’s so much more mature. For former presidents to show up, that’s a low bar.
it’s clear why “the left hates people like” you.
it’s who the left is. It hates anyone not 100% in lockstep agreement. Just look at how it treats minorities that dare to stray, or the occasional person in good standing who deviates on a single point. Funny how you skip right over the serial insults.
Low Bar? It’s one that I’m quite sure DJT will not clear, so I guess it’s looking a bit higher to you now. As to congressmen staying home, correct me if I’m wrong, but as I recall a certain Mitch McConnell was meeting with all the Republican senators at the exact time Obama was being sworn in… during which meeting they all swore to do everything the could to make Obama a one term president. That’s statesmanship for you!!
It wasn’t the ‘exact time’ it was the evening of the same day. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the general purpose of being a politician is to win elections. All politicians and political parties would wish to make Presidents from the party they oppose one term presidents, this is not unusual and not something worthy of censure – it’s the norm.
Given the obstruction Trump has faced, anything Obama faced is dwarfed in comparison.
Notice how when discussing ANYTHING the dems don’t agree with, they immediately resort to name-calling, their tempers flair, they forget where they are, and with whom their speaking to… Lol😂 They are completely unhinged; burning down our cities like a bunch of babies, who didn’t get their way… I mean, it’s laughable. And, then they have their weak, cognitively impaired, and so obviously coached, Biden say, “we need to unify the country.” It’s psychotic.
“….,not a single Dem showing up for Trump’s inauguration “
Why do you lie?
Because dozens not showing up makes it sound better?
60 members of the house (including senators) didn’t show up. The rest almost 200 did…so how is that dozens for you?
do you know how many are in a dozen? Because your numbers point to five dozen. As in more than one, making dozens. THIS is what you’re defending? It’s classless. And the same would apply to Repubs who engaged in a similar tantrum.
No dozens (200 and the last 3 democratic presidents) completely disproves your point.
You said “a large chunk of congress” – about 60 stayed away.
He is right. There is a media wasteland. Fox news has been okay but little else. I have to get my news from Youtube.
“I have to get my news from Youtube.”
And so can everyone else. You are not a pioneer.
Leave him alone. He has already explained.
And me as it happens. They don’t reason that just call you racist or homophobic or anything like that. It is pointless discussing with them.
Anyone who thinks for himself, knows how to do things, and loves liberty is in the crosshairs of the Marxists.
Which includes me.
Which is all true and, as ever by Mr Murray, beautifully stated. The question for any genuine leader of the US is how to stop the cycle. Do the Republicans act as the bigger persons here and not play up in the same way? If they did, would it be recognized as such? I suspect not. So, do they then loudly identify the issues and the parallels before backing off into reasonable behaviour? And, if so, how would they get that message across in the polarized media world?
My guess is that with a career politician in the White House, the swamp reestablishes itself fully and it loops back into low level grumbling and internal power games. If, that is, Biden can keep the more left-leaning sections of his party in check.
Republicans act as the bigger person….
Nixon 1960
That was Ike’s party (the last great American president). Trump is not Ike.
Dopey Nixon committed Watergate As he Was Paranoid after illinois was ‘Fixed’ by thousands of Votes going into Lake michigan in nov 1960 & Then Stuffing ballots in 1972 ….. Kennedy had enough electoral college votes but overall total was less than 100,000 in popular vote..
Nixon gave in to Kennnedy’s fraud for the sake of the country.
Nixon conceded for the good of the country and the US got Vietnam and the Cuban missile crisis
And, er…. the assassination.
Well if you are saying that had there been no fraud and Kennedy lost the election, he would not have been assassinated that must be right, but I do not see the relevance.
Adding to my list you could include the decline of public and moral and ethical standards in the 60’s and 70’s, the huge expansion of the state and so on up to and including the election of President Trump
Kennedy already had 303 Electoral votes .nixon 219 .Even if illinois was Reversed as it should have been.! Kennedy’s sex exploits and terminal Addisons’ were hidden until Watergate hearings by conservative news media..
Nixon 1974
This type of comment is exactly the problem in America. Blanket judgement and inflammatory provocation. Way to bring us together.
Yes, my comment here is pushing Americans apart.
It’s the supercilious sneering that most Americans object to. It’s that one last kick in the head when your opponent is down. Your comment on its own is just an inconsequential petty meanness – a tiny pebble. But it’s a tiny pebble in an avalanche. I fear that rather than learning to get along with people who think differently to them, the Democrat party and the institutions that support them will spend the next four years humiliating and further alienating the ‘other side’ until another Trump-like figure or worse comes along and plays to their resentment.
“..most Americans object to.” – you don’t know that.
When it comes to the American people (Democrats or Republican) I always refer to the H.L. Mencken. He got the measurement of the American people.
“The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.”
P.S. I am American and a paleoconservative.
It is pointless trying to imitate what the democrats tried to do in the last four years. Action should be for the good of the country and not some kind of revenge as the democrats showed when Trump was elected. It has come to the time that one cannot rely on America to do the right thing as they did in the past although I know that there is a minority who are as true as ever.
You have a very selective version of history.
Obama won the election (and Democracts controlled the House and the Senate).
Republican Senate position (a historical fact that no one questions it) was: we are not going to co-operate with Obama and try to make him a 1 term president.
I don’t think so Alex, Biden will step down within a year when things have quietened down and the door will be open for the real villains to take the floor. I only hope that the fraud is exposed and the true President reinstated
As far as being a career politician is concerned Biden’s career was finished with Obama’s
Your comment is based on both sides being mature, honorable, and putting the country first. We are in this dilemma because the Republicans shy away from a fight and would rather give in on principle and reach across the aisle to get along.
The Democrat party on the other hand is no longer the Democrat Party that my Mom and Dad belonged to in the 1950’s. The Cultural Marxist Left has infiltrated the government, changed education to anti-America Leftist indoctrination, and taken over the Democrat Party.
If Biden becomes President there will be no violent demonstrations and riots like the Leftist Democrats gave us for four years. Our resistance will be through the Senate and then we will vote to take back the House in two years.
“The Democrat party on the other hand is no longer the Democrat Party that my Mom and Dad belonged to in the 1950’s. The Cultural Marxist Left has infiltrated the government, changed education to anti-America Leftist indoctrination, and taken over the Democrat Party.”
You know what, I thought you were talking about the Labour Party in Britain.
Weird, isn’t it?
I really don’t think the Republicans, like the Conservatives here, can actually find within themselves the same measure of nastiness and hatred which has been displayed by the so called liberal left in both countries in recent years, it’s more likely the Democrats will continue their hate campaign against Trump and continue to seek his prosecution for whatever they can dig up, just as efforts continue here against cummings, hate campaigns and cancel culture have become the liberal left’s normal way of operating, Joe Biden’s success isn’t going to change that.
“…or whatever they can dig up,”
tax evasion is not a crime? Assuming that he is guilty.
He is being investigated (collaborated by his long time lawyer) for tax evasion.
And when that fails there will be another prosecution to take it’s place.
I don’t know! Do you ?
You pretend that the US justice system is the Russian justice system.
The justice system is able to be taken advantage of by those with political purpose, it’s how so many lawyers become politicians.
Lawyers become politicians because you have a legalistic process in place (aka GOVERMENT).
Drafting laws requires lawyers.
Powerful people (with money) always and anywhere can get a better deal. Should be no problem for Trump.
Isn’t it? It certainly looks that way from the top of a 38 bus.
Yes it does.
You realize, Bob, the guy you are defending was forced to pay $2m back for misusing charitable funds from his “Trump Foundation’s” bank accounts… (all frankly criminal acts) and was forced to shutter the charity (under court supervision) and agree (along with 3 of his children) to 19 admission of misconduct and misuse….
This is the guy (who continues to undermine our democracy with false claims of widespread and material voter fraud) who is totally without a moral compass…. Your (and the conservatives in general) tolerance of this immoral cretin man/child never ceases to amaze (and sadden) me….
While I truly abhor and lament the far left’s decent into “wokeness” and identity politics (and the serious damage it does to the laudable causes it purportedly seeks to uplift), the blinders you, Bob, and your ilk are willing to put on are no less clueless, ignorant, and lamentable…. God (or some A.I. Deus ex machina) please help us all because if this is the best level of thought and discourse we can do as educated, rational souls …. we are all (once again) f@#$ked.
Since when does a dislike of the modern liberal left amount to a defence of Trump?, my comment should obviously be read in context to the article.
Hi Bob,
Sorry if I mistook your presumption that any prosecution of Trump’s “tax evasion” would “fail” and be quickly replaced with what I supposed you were inferring was yet another “trumped” up charge (pun intended) – as support for Trump. It just rubs me the wrong way when I see folks go into contortions to defend or excuse a man who from all actions – appears to be amoral, draft-dodging, low-IQ, narcissistic, grifter, and bully. Apologies….
As I noted, I too find much to fault with the modern left – who aren’t without their own set of charlatans and hypocrites – especially in the “woke” realm (see e.g., Robin D’Angelo, Ibrahim Kendi, etc) though I do still believe that most on the left are motivated and sincere in their laudable desire to advance a world where all people are accorded respect (unless their individual actions merit otherwise), fairness, and equality regardless of their race, sex or sexual orientation, etc. – even if they are currently grossly misguided to such an extent that they actually do a disservice to the values and people they purport to advance…. Cheers.
“tax evasion is not a crime” – if the IRS accept your tax returns how can it be tax evasion?
IRS can accept your tax returns and come back to you with questions…you are not supposed to lie in your tax form.
No, that is not how it works. Once accepted, the return is fixed unless there is some illegality. Not even the NYT is suggesting Trump did anything illegal.
“Assuming that he is guilty” – yes, that is the sum of it.
There is zero chance that Trump and Cohen took the lead on Trump’s taxes. Multiple pass through entities, complex depreciation and other issues — please. Not to mention some of the related entities may use different accounting firms than Trump himself depending on ownership, control and other issues associated with the venture.
My favorite fake Trump tax scandal was evidenced in an in depth article (by the NYT I think) questioning his family’s estate/gift tax planning, going back decades and decades. It was a literal tour de force of basic, run of the mill estate tax avoidance methods (like generation skipping transfers) used by people with potential estate tax liabilities across the country every single day, even more so in the latter part of the 20th century based on the exemption amount at the time.
EDIT: Link to the NYT article:…
Like the “secret Chinese bank account” (lol), this is all complete BS.
70 million Americans will beg to disagree with your verdict
I dare say the results more reflect a vote against
Many of whom voted against Trump rather than voted for Biden.
Wont happen All trump has to do is make sure All By elections,Mid terms &future Election ,Postal Voting is Limited To shift Workers,The Infirm &those on holiday ..& counted 10-14 days before the US election…I can’t see Donald T running in 2024 he’ll be 78 & should concentrate & News &business channel to rival sky &bloomberg both Democrat bias..
With Democrats embracing divisive identity politics and the blood libel that is Critical Racial Theory, it can only get worse. They are openly kulak-ing a group of people and promising to disarm them. You know, because 4% of gun deaths each year are due to the very scary looking AR-15. For the safety of the children, you see. It has absolutely nothing to do with rubbing the deplorables faces in it by taking away their most treasured firearm. No, nothing at all…
I am not exactly sure what the end game for the Democrats is, but uniting and governing a wounded country does not seem to be a priority.
‘They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.’ Obviously, it’s the Democrats embracing divisive identity politics?
Thanks for demonstrating Douglas Murray’s point. You fail to point out that Trump was talking about illegal immigrants, not normal immigrants or those already resident. He is also arguably talking about a subset of illegal immigrants – that is “the ones sent ” to the US.
I believe this is the quote in full:
“”When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best,” he said during the announcement. “They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.”
“He is also arguably”
Yes, arguably.
Trump was running for president of USA and not for sanitation commissioner in some small town rural America.
With the long track record of Trump can you truly ARGUE ?
I think it was a statement designed to stoke anti-Mexican feelings among Americans. I think an expert in management of the message like Trump was well aware of that.
Why do you think that? Are you, as they say, projecting?
I hope not. I’m someone who thinks all people are of equal value and worthy of respect – whether they are American, Mexican or neither. If a Spanish person in Spain said ‘When England sends its people, they’re not sending the best’ I’d think that was wrong (and I’m not English).
I think you are wrong.
It was a statement meant to appeal to the majority of ordinary people – but not the rich elite – who think that a country should guard it’s borders and keep illegal immigrants and foreign criminals out of the country.
What rich elitist wants to let foreign criminals in the country?
The UK for one.
When A Home Secretary has to Announce ”now we can Keep out EU criminals ie People traffickers,terror suspects,drug cartels” I think trying to say ”This is racist” shows Sanctomonius ignorance..
When Trump’s says ‘Mexico sends’, the only possible interpretation is some sort of state encouraged migration. You have evidence of this? In any case, there are an estimated 5 million illegal Mexican immigrants in the US. This is who Trump is describing. Tarring with the same brush rather a large number of people, don’t you think?
Tarring with the same brush rather a large number of people, don’t you think?
Sure, but it’s funny that tarring all white people with being privileged oppressors and innately racist doesn’t create such a storm.
Yes it does, that is why a candidate for US president should be careful how they use language.
At whom is that directed, Trump or Biden – or maybe Hillary with her “Deplorables and Irredeemables” speech?
Everybody that runs for president.
Trump as a president tweeted that his predecessor (Obama) had Team Seal 6 killed and faked the death of Bin Laden.
Surely you can see the difference?
Well, that’s something we agree on.
A lot of us white people were not born priveleged but had to work hard to overcome the odds. Some did not manage it. It’s a fallacy. People who talk about white privelege only look at certain people. We do have a good country that millions want to come to but it was the people of the country who made it like that. As an orphan I slipped through the cracks but I still see that the country is basically fair and compassionate.
Quite right. But some people are unable to admit or accept that the country is generally decent, because that would mean there’s no need to reimagine society entirely.
I believe that the Mexican government has published pamphlets and broadcast videos demonstrating how their people can evade US border security. So yes, if my understanding is correct, it is state encouraged migration, or at least it was at the time of this education on the breaking of US law. And Peter Kreff, you make an excellent point about the varying responses.
It’s never stopped the left in the UK from selectively quoting part of Mrs T’s ” They are casting their problems at society. And, you know, there’s no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look after themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then, also, to look after our neighbours” speech.
And what’s more, they have no intention ever of putting their six-word “precis” into context.
You’ve left out “They don’t send their best…”
BTW, the President of Mexico has refused to join the stampede to congratulate the corrupt fraudster before the legal processes have been completed.
“…legal processes have been completed.”
As of now Trump’s legal cases have been thrown out in GE, AZ, NV. 1 case has been approved in PEN.
Judicial activists. There will be appeals to higher courts and eventually they will get to judges who are not judicial acitivists but constitutional lawyers who uphold the law and the constitution.
“Judicial activists. ” How do you know that? I am pretty sure that you DO NOT understand anything about law or the Constitution.
Your default position is “I don’t like it so it must be wrong”.
In the same club as Russia, China and Brazil, in that regard.
So has Putin and China as it happens for the same reason. The Legal must be sorted first.
The last four and more years of politics in the USA can be summed up in one act, Nancy Pelosi ripping up the State of the Union speech in January 2020. It sent out a very clear signal, “we only accept democracy when we win”.
It is clear that a Pelosi House of Representatives will want revenge on Trump and his family and anyone who worked with him. Expect endless hearing into Trump, his business, his tax affairs, his family connections, etc. No stone will be left unturned in the search for dirt to throw at him.
If Biden is truly serious about ending the division he needs to declare now that he will not assist in any house investigations into Trump and that he will pardon anyone who is investigated, no matter what is found. It will take an unambiguous act like this to start the process of constructive engagement. If he doesn’t he will go down in history as one of the most ineffectual Presidents of all time because the Senate will obstruct every legislative program he puts forward just for the hell of it!
It took Al Gore over thirty days before he conceded victory to Bush because his own legal challenges were being churned over by due process. Why is it the main media outlets are pretending it’s all over?
About fifteen minutes ago the BBC news channel ran some footage of Trump meeting Obama, within a week of the 2016 result. The implication was that Trump is doing something awful and unheard of by bringing the lawyers in.
For some reason the BBC isn’t mentioning Al Gore’s legal efforts in 2000.
Gore/Bush was about Florida ONLY.
And Gore had a case to make, NO ONE (certainly not BBC) is stopping Trump from going to courts and making his case. As of now judges in GE, AZ & NV have rejected his cases.
BBC not mentioning Florida 2000 is not deciding the vote.
I never it was deciding anything. I was wondering why the BBC is pretending that Trump’s lack of concession is unique. In addition, why all large media outlets are acting ‘as if’ everything is decided when it obviously isn’t.
they are calling it, they have legally not decided anything because they can not. For example media called Alaska for Trump despite only 50% of the votes have been counted.
I can not speak about BBC but Guardian, FT, NY Times all have referend to the Florida 2000 case.
I’m aware they are ‘calling’ it. This is strange. Why are they calling it when it isn’t over? I mean – it’s Florida which is the case in point. Not because it was one state, but because Al Gore was referred to as Mr President-elect for 30+ days before conceding he lost.
I would have thought the MSM would remember this and therefore not be referring to Biden in this way. Wouldn’t it be more sensible to ‘call it’ – but also to remind everyone what happened in 2000?
Is there any benefit from pretending Trump’s lack of an early concession is unique to him?
“I’m aware they are ‘calling’ it. This is strange. Why are they calling it”
Because they think it is a closed deal. You might not agree but you are entitled to do so.
Nothing new here BTW. That is what media does. Just like it called Brexit before the official count.
Yes – but you are not answering my question. I am aware the MSM is calling it. And yes – they are doing it because they think it’s a done deal. *Thats’s* the point.
Why do they think it’s a done deal when it isn’t? Have they forgot Al Gore being referred to as Mr President-elect for 30+ days before he conceded he lost?
I mean, the MSM could still ‘call it’ – as it looks done – yet remind people that things can change later. I’m just curious why, for example the BBC, is pretending that Trump’s lack of an early concession is unique to him.
If the BBC did mention, a – Al Gore’s lack of an early concession, and b – that 2000 shows how things could change, then Trump wouldn’t look so sad and stupid by calling in the lawyers. I’m suspicious that the BBC actually *wants* to offer a false picture of reality.
“..remind people that things can change later.” – media has not reported that Trump is taking legal action in certain states?
No, I’m referring to the 30+ days that Al Gore was described as Mr president-elect before he lost. I think that should be a lesson for the MSM – don’t you?
The problem is, by not learning how a candidate can be humiliated if it’s called for him too soon, Biden risks humilation, and so does the MSM. Usually the media outlets like to claim they were right.
I think it’s all very strange that the MSM is risking the wrath of many Dem supporters. they will certainly want to know why the MSM called it so soon – especially given the humiliation of Gore in 2000 when he was ‘Mr President-elect’ for 30+ days before conceding he lost.
And if you are right MSM will be humiliated. Get out the popcorn and enjoy the show.
Indeed. I have been enjoying it. I hope Trump fails in his attempt to win by legal goings-on. If he succeeds the howling at the sky from Biden fans will be almost too much to bear.
If he were to succeed, the military wings of the Democrat Party would burn the whole place down. What judge is going to risk that? First rule of the Law: there is no justice.
Is this the latest Q Anon theory?
There is no justice is what pupil masters teach their pupils on their first day in Chambers.
It certainly is not. The first thing taught is how to work the photocopier, the kettle and the Archbold index.
We have to accept it is a media coup. They made their announcement just as Giuliani was about to give his press conference. Before that the Dems had been telling us there would be no announcement until later this week. That press conference had to be drowned out. Just like the Laptop from Hell.
Media announce a win and countries congratulate Biden. Russia, Brazil and China have refrained until full legal process.
Surely that would be benficial to the Trump campaign?
How on earth was it an advantage to get no coverage at all for the allegations and the witnesses? It was a huge advantage to the fraudsters because it covered up their misdoings, again.
The media monolith was focusing on the announcement it had just made, not on Giuliani. That was the intention, and premature though the announcement was, and unconstitutional, they gambled on getting away with it and making it a fait accompli.
Not a single state has elected the fraudsters yet, and the Electoral Colleges have not met. But a few media billionaires have pretended otherwise, to cover up the fraud.
Have you only just discovered BBC fake news?
Really ALL Opinion polls said Remain had Won a Landslide,Even Farage fell for it..Psychologically everyone loves a winner,So why not destroy All Polls now are should be =6% either way not =3%
The BBC and Sky started saying “baseless” and “without evidence” far too soon to be credible. They have never before said that about allegations. More often than not they are reported with glee as fact. The Steele dossier for example.
Sky news Australia differ. They know what is going on.
Which is that Rupert is having an each way bet?
It’s the same in the US. It’s very doubtful to me that they even looked for possible evidence before declaring them baseless. And good point about Gore, Red Asp.
Well. We all know the BBC.
Al B/Gore has made Billions from Green new Deal & lying on ”Scientific data”
I am most struck by how quickly the idea vanished that American politics would have to change tack in response to the continued level of support for Donald Trump. In just a few days the Democrats and their media have decided they can just rewind four years and pretend it never happened.
One argument made is that Trump has a unique connection with the voters, and I think it is true – sad but true.
Would Trumpism survive without Trump? Especially since Trump was unable to deliver on his promises (Better and cheaper healthcare).
Trump delivered on more of his promised than any leader in living memory, with the possible exception of Thatcher. And he has actually brought down the cost of dugs and enforced the up-front pricing of all procedures by the insurance companies. (There is a name for this but I can’t remember it.)
Never upset Big Pharma or Big Tech or Big Money or Big Media. You will be toppled.
Trump delivered on more of his promised than any leader in living memory,
Did he reform the immigration systems?
Did he repeal and replace Obamacare
Did he balance the budget?
Did he release his tax returns?
Did he build the wall with Mexico’s money?
so not delivering on all means not delivering on any?
The tax cut was Paul Ryan’s policy not Trump. He simply signed the bill.
He boosted (and he did that) the economy with a massive tax cut paid by borrowing money.
I am still waiting for the tax returns to be published!
And? It was delivering on something he said would be delivered. I’m far more interested in the tax returns of veteran members of Congress, and how a salary of less than 200K in one of America’s most expensive cities creates multi-millionaires.
The tax cut doesn’t “borrow money.” Who’s it borrowing from? It’s people keeping more of what they earn.
I am not asking what you are interested in or not. You are entitled to that position. I am simply asking the president to honor his word. He promised the American people (that is me BTW) that he was going to publish his tax returns. 4 years later…nothing!
Surely a man like you that claims to be principled would demand the same thing?
“Who’s it borrowing from?” – Future generations of Americans. Do i have to explain you how fiscal policy (budget) works?
“Who’s it borrowing from?” – Future generations of Americans.
Uh, no. Me keeping more of what I earn is just that. Future generations are no more entitled to my income than is the present generation.
Since you don’t understand fiscal policy, you’re not going to be able to explain it well. In a nutshell, though, money in has to be equal to or greater than money out. No one ever looks at the money out, which is always rising. Every home and business knows to cut spending when necessary, yet the federal govt acts as if it’s exempt from that.
“yet the federal govt acts as if it’s exempt from that.”
Trump is the president, he signed the bill. He could have demanded the cuts. He did not. Therefore Trump is responsible.
So Obama is responsible for the debt doubling on his watch, right? I did not realize that presidents were basically emperors.
Of course he is, did I say he was not? But there is a difference. Obama had to deal with the crash. Trump has to deal with C19. That is WHY i keep pointing out the deficits pre-C19 – not the current one.
The crash was not an eight year event. Besides, this began with Trump and the number of promises delivered. No president delivers on all; he’s delivered on quite a few. Obama delivered on health care, for better or worse.
I gave you the list of things he has not delivered. He can deliver the tax returns…and still nothing.
Each government in the ”Great Reset;;(Davos 2020 on youtube) has mortgaged Not Just our Grandchildren,but Our great,great grandchildren..
Alex Lekas, that’s a good point. But it would be helpful to know how many of them entered as multimillionaires. Probably quite a few did, and so they would have to be separated from those who entered as relative paupers, and became very rich while “serving” in Congress.
The battle is basically between good and evil in the USA. Same as the UK.
That’s how sociopaths respond, exactly.
1) It’s quite clear that the amount of Democrat voter fraud has been shocking, and enough to sway the (yet to be determined) outcome. How the country that produced Microsoft, Apple and Google has the voting mechanisms of a third world banana republic is unbelievable (not that the UK is any better, with our pencils and black/Muslim (not Oriental) postal fraud).
2) I’ve been saying that I think the US need to partition, as India and Pakistan did, into the Republic of Woke-istan and the United States of America… and I’m not joking. Also, I’d be very surprised if this election didn’t excite talks of Texas secession from The Union. Already there’s gossip about federal mask mandates – that’ll drive the wedge further.
1) it is not clear at all. Trump has provided (in court not Twitter) no evidence for that.
2) Woke-istan pays the bill, it is not Montana that contributes to the Federal budget or US technological dominance.
Big Tech has been to the fore in rigging the election through censorship. They are still at it. The voting mechanisms have also been manipulated by technology – “glitches”. It isn’t all manual tampering with the ballots.
The lesson we must learn is that postal voting is open to widespread fraud – we already knew from Birmingham, Tower Hamlets, and Peterborough etc – and we must do away with it except for seriously disabled people.
Postal Votes for Shift Workers,Infirm,people on holiday or business.. I think i got 24 Postal votes out of 389 in 2019 GE ..even though i’d said Postal fraud is a danger in mulitiple occupancy
For views on American politics, in fact on anything, I turn to Thomas Sowell. He said of Obama that he prevented Jimmy Carter being the worst president ever, but I think that was before Trump. He said of Obama and Trump that he reached for the off switch when either appeared on TV.
He said recently: “If the election goes to Biden there’s a good chance that the Democrats will then control the two branches of Congress and the White House. And considering the kinds of things that they’re proposing, that could well be the point of no return for this country.”
“What is frightening is how many people in responsible positions are caving into every demand that is made, repeating any kind of nonsense that you’re supposed to repeat. I do believe that we may well reach a point of no return. I hope that, of course, will never happen. But there is such a thing as a point of no return. The Roman empire overcame many problems in its long history but eventually it reached a point where it could no longer continue on, and much of that was from within, not just the barbarians attacking from outside.”
He also said that Democrats pushing the concept of systemic racism in the U.S. reminded him of the propaganda tactics of the Nazis.
Nobody gets to the true like Dr Sowell and at 90 he has experienced more than most.
Yes, Thomas Sowell is a great man. Everyone should check out his interviews. For those who don’t know, he is a black academic who was among the first to see through all the progressive lies and nonsense, many decades ago.
“Point of no Return”- Maybe thats why, a few days ago, a vision entered
my mind. My memory brought up the picture from years back when Krushchev banged his shoe on the lecturn at the UN and told the USA that their grandchildren will live under communism.
1960 Archive krushchev response to harold Macmillan.
macmillan ”I think I have annoyed the Soviet Leader” ..laughter when UN wasn’t full of nitwits..
I thought it was impossible to be more evil than Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld. But over the last few years the Democrats have achieved this sickening feat.
Yes, they are eating conservative babies.
Indeed we see the same here with the left constantly accusing the Tories of wanting to starve children, introducing tax cuts for the rich etc., and as for their opinion of Brexit voters!
What, like not extending free school meals for Christmas break at a cost of a poxy £20M after spunking £1.5B on our “world-leading” test & trace programme that was in effect just a huge corporate welfare splurge to party donors and their companies? That sort of thing?
I honestly don’t think the Tories want to starve British children – it looks so bad at election time. I do think they’d be quite content to starve foreign children.
Another extremely well written article by Douglas Murray. I always enjoy reading his point of view in which I find agreement almost all the time.
Something Douglas seems to disregard is the possibility that the election was corrupt, rigged, and manipulated. There are now allegations, which trust worthy named sources say will show involvement of CIA operatives and CIA software and equipment used to manipulate the election results.
What we Deplorables and Trump voters want is assurance that the election results reflect the will of the people. That investigation is underway as we speak. If the outcome is in Bidens favor then we will simply say “God Bless America” and carry on for the next four years as best we can. If it is in Our favor we will smile and say “Thank You President Trump for saving us once again from the anti-America Left”.
‘There are now allegations, which trust worthy named sources say will show involvement of CIA operatives and CIA software and equipment used to manipulate the election results.’
Quite plainly there was mail-in ballot harvesting/laundering/fraud on a large scale. I guess it’s entirely possible that the CIA was involved as they are part of the swamp that Trump was challenging. Thus far he has got off lightly. The last President to ask questions about them was JFK…
“Quite plainly there was mail-in ballot harvesting/laundering/fraud on a large scale.”
It should be very easy for Trump team to prove you right.
Ironic The Demagogues sorry ”Democrats” have learnt from putin,Erdogan &several Sudan Elections?..
Trump hasnt gone. If he does Trumpism isnt going anywhere. Its interesting to note that those in the UK denouncing Trump for his resorting to law have spent four years reverting to law to bring down democracy here. Its still all the same thing. A battle lost . The war remains the same since 1642.
Mr Murray is an asset to this country and to the west for his astute observations based on the truth. Jordan Peterson is another one who exposes lies and corruption without judging but keeping to the facts for the good of society. The real criminal in this matter is the fake news media and press who instead of reporting the facts of news have their own biased agenda. Under Communism or Nazism a free press was the first to go. It appears now that a lot of the press and media are already corrupted all or their own without any dictator pulling the strings.
Yes Tony, and bizarrely I have been called a “nazi” by the “left” and a “communist” by the “right” for even discussing Peterson’s ideas, let alone agreeing with any of them. Perhaps thankfully most of the punters haven’t heard of the priceless Mr Murray yet so I am at least able to mention his name in polite circles.
This is such unoriginal, lazy journalism, suggesting there is a moral equivalence between what the Democrats have done and continue to do, and the predicament the Republicans now find themselves in as a result.
We have witnessed the Democrats mounting three coups against the President, and this, the final one, may succeed. There is no moral equivalence. That the fraud has been botched, and done in full view of the world, only serves to rub it in: this is an exercise of raw power, and the Republicans had better remember its lesson: they will never, ever be allowed in again.
It isn’t journalism. It’s an opinion piece. The difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party is that the the Democrats manage to disguise their hypocrisy whereas, with the Republicans, what you see is what you get (or at least the disparity is a whole lot narrower).
Inevitably, that kind of hypocrisy leads to dirty tricks. I sincerely believe the Democrats would stop at nothing to win this election and the media has helped them do so by suppressing tough questions and creating a near-consensus where practically no one dares to raise comments or questions, such as …..
1) Compared with live votes, there has been an unexpected surge of postal votes on this occasion, double that of previous elections (for various understandable reasons not easy to pin down).
2) As in previous elections, there has been a significantly higher Democrat percentage share of posted votes than of live votes
3) In this particular election the above-average percentage of Democrat posted votes, within an already much enlarged share of posted votes, has had the effect in several states of reversing what was a consistently stable lead for Trump gained from the live votes and which would have most probably have prevailed, albeit by a reduced margin as the postal votes weighed in.
4) Both types of votes (live and postal) have to be received by the voting time deadline. Yet the process of counting the postal votes begins after or lags behind the live votes. This alone destroys what ought to be a random distribution of votes across all voters in that specific voting area. It is statistically unhealthy to allow potentially biased lumps to appear in what should be a natural random representation of voter granularity.
5) The identity of the postal voter is detached from the paper showing the actual vote and from that moment on it is impossible to re-match. This detachment of voters’ identity from their actual vote is to preserve the democratic golden rule of an anonymous vote. Unfortunately this detaching also removes the safeguard of checking that the vote itself is not counterfeit, duplicated (if Democrat), lost, disposed of or placed “accidentally” an in an already-counted pile (if Republican). The idea to separate postal voters’ identity from their voting paper was made and implemented by the Democrat Party
6) In short, once detached, there is no way of checking the authenticity of the vote. Consequently, there is no way of checking the checker. The postal checker’s identity could easily be stamped on the voting paper but it isn’t. If it was, it would be a way to determine whether one postal checker’s batch of votes has yielded a significantly above average percentage of Democrat votes.
7) Surveillance or video-streaming cameras are popping up in some states but not others and are mostly theatrical rather than purposeful, to reassure voters, although quite of what is unclear, lots of blathering about voter privacy, but nothing of much substance about voter fraud.
8) Overseeing the counting by both parties is supposed to be permitted but this time there were incident(s) where Republican Party’s campaign staff members were barred from overseeing the process.
9) To cut a long story short, quality control of the voting process is poor, patchy and varies across the 50 states from conscientious to a bad joke. This from a country that likes to see itself as the cradle of democracy. I don’t know one way or the other whether Trump is a victim of an electoral-counting process contaminated by fraud, corruption or functional stupidity. But there are some suspiciously bad smells. And I do know that justice has to not only be done but be seen to be done.
All my life Republicans/Conservatives told us (us as in Americans) that character matters. And then DJT took over the party and aside from Never Trumpers (I include myself in that group) the rest of the party (conservative movement) embraced DJT. How is that for hypocrisy.
In relation to your comment about voting it should be no problem (especially in conservative states like GE, AZ) for Trump and his supporters to go to court and provide evidence.
As of now Trump’s cases have been thrown out in GE, AZ and NV.
What about the Pennsylvania Case he just won ?
Yes, a small number of votes have been (even before Trump legal case) quarantined. But that is not fraud it is a constitutional question that i partly understand.
1 out of 4 (GE, AZ, NV) doesn’t look good!
Yes partly constitutional where the elecoral officiates seem to have been acting inappropriately. It raises the question of why were they ? I think Trumps lawyers will use it as evidence of Impropriety rather than fraud but which also carries legal consequesces.
“Yes partly constitutional where the elecoral officiates seem to have been acting inappropriately.”
It is a unresolved conflict about constitutional authority between Pen Supreme Court and Pen Legislators.
Look, you have already admitted
“ it is a constitutional question that i partly understand.” Whilst I agree it is not fraud but rather Impropriety and wont affect the outcome, given the margin. The Penn. Supreme court ordered them to change procedure so something was amiss. I argue for elecoral integrity not for for narrow partisanship of which you are an example. Your candidate won. Calm down and try to be objective.
Q1 Is quarantined a euphemism for not counted?
Q2 Were they almost all votes for Trump?
Q3 What do you mean by small number?
Q4 Do you realise that a “small number” in Penn can flip the result?
1) Yes
2) no one knows because they are not opened
3) don’t know the number – a few thousands as I understand it.
4) Biden is up 45,000
Trump has to provide evidence (and he has not in any case as of today) that fraud took place.
And then DJT took over the party and aside from Never Trumpers (I include myself in that group) the rest of the party (conservative movement) embraced DJT.
so the better option was Hillary? Really? A woman who sold the influence of her office as SoS is superior character to Trump. Yeah, go with that.
Trump, in office, did things conservatives historically cheer, from tax cuts to reduced regulations to originalist judges. There comes a point when the NT bit starts to look like a tantrum for no good reason. He wasn’t my first choice, either. But she was the last option, right after leaving that spot on the ballot blank.
1) tax cuts and massive budget deficits
2) originalist judges – those judges were found and nurtured by the Federalist Society (the Swamp as he says) and were shepherd through the process by McConnell while Trump was tweeting and watching Fox News. he would have appointed Judge Judy if she said something good about him on TV.
Let me quote Trump: ” Russia if you are listening”
We live in truly paranoid schizoid times -to borrow a term from psychoanalysis.
The splitting is ferocious. Things are either all good, or all bad; one side idealised; the other denigrated. No nuance, complexity or ambivalence allowed or tolerated.
An example: a person, otherwise broadly supportive of gay rights happens to disagree with gay marriage. S/he is instantly condemned, by those who are splitting, as all homophobe -with no accounting for that part of the person who generally supports freedom of sexual choice. The whole person is denigrated.
In another case, a hitherto considerate, sane and normal person tweets something which disagrees with some aspect concerning race -they are all racist suddenly.
This is largely what is going on now on a massive scale.
The basis of paranoid schizoid behaviours is usually overwhelming fear and anxiety for one’s survival in the face of perceived existential threat, suffering and discomfort. Under such a perceived threat, the paranoid schizoid mind cannot cope with the overwhelming sense of painful truth; it creates splits as a defence.
Why are so many now resorting to such primitive and infantile responses? All adults split, but the ferocious splitting we are witnessing in the States seems out of all proportion. On the whole, we have never been more comfortable, nor so safe in terms of our capacity to continue existing.
One answer might be that we have been steadily infantilised over a period of some decades by those who wish to manipulate us to be increasingly dependent on whatever it is they are selling? This has stripped us of our human dignity, and our valuing of real freedom; and in many, the wish to keep striving for it. Have we become so demoralised as a consequence that we now cannot cope with pain and suffering so we split and project it all away?
I think Covid is not so much a disease but a symptom of these processes.
Quite correct, any opposition to homosexuality is now completely forbidden, even discussions regarding the severe sexual health problems associated with male homosexuality. This is in the interests of no one, neither homosexuals, or wider society.
Yes, it is Alex. You do not have the right to oppose someone else’s sexuality. It has got absolutely nothing to do with you or your opinions.
The same tired old excuse for an argument.
Most people have no problem in trying persuade people to give up smoking or gambling, in fact legislation has been formulated for that purpose. I do not oppose their “sexuality”, I oppose their behaviour which is undeniably dangerous and unhealthy.
My personal view is that homosexuality is closely related to addiction a condition which is as yet unexplained by medical science…….as is the existence of the “gay” gene.
Another great Article, to go along with your books.
The trouble, as you have pointed out so many times, people of the left are unable to read your article in the spirit it is intended. Look for instance at Andrew Harman’s comments below who immediately denounces your piece by saying it is full of ‘hyperbole’ and that ‘anyone who believes Donald Trump is the answer is seriously misguided’. Andrew, why don’t you re-read the article and say when Douglas said he was the answer?
The one reason why so many people voted for Trump was because of the corruption of the Democrats. Why he got in last time was because of the cynical manipulation and corruption of the Clintons. And here it is again with the double standards of the left wing press over Biden!
As Douglas says you can’t expect to kick someone in the teeth for 4 years and expect that person and his followers not to want some revenge; unless of course you are a liberal left winger because of course then you would be so wrapped up in your own entitlement that you would believe you are always right, the other side always wrong and therefore you are justified in telling others what to do and scarily what to think!
I was not referring to the article, I was referring to some of the comments below. Apologies if that was not clear. However, it seems you did not read the first part of my post if you are implying that I am of the left! I would also point out that I do not fall into a neat pigeon hole: I think lockdowns are a bad idea, I am extremely sceptical regarding masks and I think the modern left is hugely intolerant of dissent. As it happens, I like may of DM’s writings, although I think this one was not his best. The problem is so many are trying to present false dichotomies now. A plague on both their houses.
You state the dilemma as elegantly as ever: should the right shrug its shoulders and try business as formerly usual, thereby handing an unfair moral advantage to a corrupt and unscrupulous left? Or should it do as it has been done by, at the risk of further fraying an already threadbare social peace? Into this should enter calculations of advantage and weakness, of course – and the moment you get into detail a way forward emerges logically. The right in today’s America is hamstrung by the alliance of Big Tech, social media and deep state. In a position of weakness, one plays the Fox, not the Lion. This was perhaps Trump’s essential mistake: he roared too openly and united his enemies. Therefore, the right should be focussed on going through the motions of democracy with measured language and principled well argued stands, whilst busily setting up new, alternative networks of communication. It should reframe its rhetoric in such a way as to hang on to its loyal voters from various communities and use whatever power it has to block, stymie, scrutinise and amend the Biden programme in Congress. Only once the chickens of left wing profligacy have started coming home to roost should it begin moving in with the more aggressive tactics. As Baden-Powell used to say: Be Prepared. Alas, poor Trump was not prepared; hence his defeat – whether by hook or by crook.
Significant that you refer to Baden-Powell’s advice to boy scouts. Your advice on the best way for the right to regroup and carry on the struggle displays all the naive honesty and good intentions of the caricature boy scout.
“…measured language and principled well argued stands…” (?!) Do you really believe that the electorate have the patience for that?
As for the “…the chickens of left wing profligacy…” coming home to roost ““ that has been going on for decades. The right fondly imagine that the people will be shocked and outraged as the damaging effects of socialist policies become apparent ““ yet it never seems to happen.
In fact the left become ever more extreme in their demands and denunciations. The public, cowed by moral bullying, grudgingly aquiesce ““ they just want to be left in peace to get on with their lives. How many people voted for Biden in the hope that with Trump out of the way the left would “lay down their arms” and let America go back to normal?
The prospects you indicate are all more than possible. But as you will see, if you peruse my words again, I allow for this. The problem then confronts us: have we the sheer muscle to rebel? Look at it another way – at the Battle of Bosworth, Richard III, suddenly outnumbered by the defection of Stanley, charged directly at Henry Tudor, hoping to knock him out and win against the odds. Alternatively, he could have beaten a hasty retreat – conceding the battle but prolonging the war. In a way, Trump has tried – is trying – the Richard III tactic. It seems perilously likely that he has suffered a similar fate – politically – and that, like the last Plantagenet, his reputation will be trashed. There are already rumours circulating in the press that he faces gaol. The new regime will be foul to its leading opponents, just as the Tudors were. So again I put it to you, in Machiavelli’s language – Fox? Or Lion? The Fox knows how to play “Boy-scout” when the dangers loom; much in the way that Robert Graves’ Claudius plays the fool – before becoming Emperor. Above all, those of us aware of all that is going on: the “great reset”, the climate change scam, the political use of migration, the advance of Marxist “social constructivism” and the smelly fiasco of this latest election, should prepare the ground for our next moves and do so in a spirit of patience and unity. Impatience, disunity and recrimination – you will recall – were the greatest enemies of resistance movements in occupied Europe. With the left in control of so much, we need to develop the same virtues – and fast.
“climate change scam”
Yes, policies that deliver cleaner air and water are terrible right?
I am a paleoconservative (google its meaning) but the problem with “us” is not the left is “our” INCOMPETENCE.
Were you drunk when you wrote this?
I should ask you that quesiton…Tudor history, occupied Europe, Claudius
So knowledge is inebriation, is it? In which case I advise you to stop being teetotal.
It has nothing to do with the article. Why not bang on about Bismarck.
Don’t you understand analogies?
I do, and yours are completely pointless.
Oh? How so?
1) Your original comment is half a conspiracy theory and half stupidity
2) Analogies are pointless because see point 1
Are you Donald Trump? Or rather, are you the Donald Trump of the left’s perfervid imaginings? You fit the bill perfectly.
So why behave in the same coarse, ignorant, unintelligent way?
Why do you write conspiracies (deep state)?
I think you mean “write about”. And a deep state is not a conspiracy, it’s a mentality, a disposition, a shared body of assumptions and ethics among a number of people, working together. It requires no conspiracy to be mobilised in resistance to any government policy of which it disapproves.
It is a conspiracy! Obeying Federal Law is their legal duty. What LEGAL government policy did the Deep State oppose?
Left Marxists Piers Corbyn & Left Wing Michael Moore have clearly shown.climate is not warming,Carbon is vital for life to exist..& Scientific models have been falsified….Univ of east anglia in 2008/9 ..If you have Weather Apps on your phone after 3-4 days their Forecasts ARE inaccurate….Its Taxpayers that deliver Cleaner Water,Not Left or Right.. Forest fires have been made Worse in USA and Australia by ‘Green” Policies not allowing Firebreaks..
Where’s the fox?
Does the main force of the conservative right consist of an army of keyboard warriors preparing the ground for the next move by grumbling about George Soros, cultural Marxism, woke lunacy, the MSM and (inevitably) “the long march through the institutions”?
Conservatives waste their days longing for a return to a world preceding the one which began with the social upheavals of the late 1960s. Meanwhile, the left wing forces they fear have taken the institutions not with a march but a stroll (so little resistance did they meet). Even Britain’s Conservative party now seeks woke approval.
The forces of the left will only be successfully countered by forward-looking political movements which offer a realistic chance of a better future for the young. Do you have a fox working on that?
Can you be more specific in your prescriptions?
In a simple world competence! You don’t respond to the left wing biased in MSM/Academia with Fox News (and talk radio) insanities but with hard facts and planning.