Emily Jashinsky

What’s Kamala up to?

August 23, 2024
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Freddie Sayers and Emily Jashinsky discuss Kamala Harris’ speech at the DNC…

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Charles Fleeman
Charles Fleeman
4 days ago

Nahh. There are no prominent black Democrats who are credible on any political or social topic. Harris is counted among that group, and I did not tune in to this convention. President Clinton was the master of being all things to all people, not O-bore-me… who was an affirmative action candidate.  

J Bryant
J Bryant
4 days ago

On the slight chance that Emily or Freddie read these comments, I’d be interested in an episode of Undercurrents where Emily discusses the massive gaslighting by the Dems around Harris.
Harris is trying to portray herself as a moderate, but her very public record undermines this assertion. She is, indeed, a leftist. For example, she was vocally in favor of defund the police, but she now portrays herself as the candidate of law and order.
Does Emily think this gaslighting works? Will anyone in the press call her out on her volte-face? Does Emily think the average voter sees through this political opportunism and dissimulation?

4 days ago

Freddie, Freddie, Freddie…

Alan Tonkyn
Alan Tonkyn
3 days ago

I think Freddie and Emily have made a good case as to why Karmala might well make it to the White House. Just not being Joe Biden or Donald Trump gives her a big initial advantage. If her handlers can coach her in how to handle more hostile questioning on her past statements and current policy proposals (not much there yet), she could maintain her ‘feelgood’ presence and win. She’ll need to dodge difficult questions by reverting to her prepared script, and by focusing on her favoured issues, such as abortion rights and the undesirable features of her opponent. Trump will probably help her by being his usual egotistical snarling self in rambling speeches and ad hominem attacks that will remind undecided voters as to why they don’t want 4 more years of him. Harris and Trump are neither good options for the US and the world, and I suspect that the next few months will be a depressing display of the shallow unreality of debate in our western democracies.

Stephanie Surface
Stephanie Surface
3 days ago

Sorry UnHerd, this is a poor analysis of all the recent events, which occurred within the Democratic Party in the last month, especially Kamala magically becoming crowned the new candidate for the presidency. No question of what really happened to this DEI picked VP, who was not only the most left wing member of the Senate, but also was the first to drop out of the Primaries. As a VP she agreed and reinforced every Biden policy, including the ironically called Inflation Reduction Act, casting the tie breaking vote and also turned out to be a total failure, when he put her in charge of the border. Up to the last minute before her elevation as the candidate for the presidency, Harris told the country, that Biden remains as sharp as ever ,and there is nothing to see about his obvious mental decline.
Funnily after his disastrous debate, the Dems’ big beasts decided, as time was running out before the Democratic Convention, to remake Kamala into this amazing candidate for the Presidency and the “saviour of Democracy” against the monster Trump.
Is there really so little to report about this unbelievable undemocratic event? Also who is governing the US right now? Biden from his beach chair?
Kamala’s team gave her a decent middle of the road speech, which she basically was able to read from the teleprompter, perfectly handling her voice, stopping for applause and keeping back her annoying laugh. On this basis Emily thinks she has a 60% winning the election in November? Does she earnestly believe that the US public can’t see through this charade? Also I would like to know, if the puppet masters behind Kamala are the same as the Biden handlers?
All we hear from Emily and Freddy is the rechewed “answers” from MSM, no tough questions or insider info of what is really going on? Guess, nothing to see here like with Biden’s dementia, we only get told, that Kamala’s speech proves, that she is seemingly moving to the middle of the Democratic Party.

During COVID LockDowns Freddy’s interviews with “alternative” thinking doctors and scientists, who at the time were cut out of social and mainstream media, kept me sane and interested, but most of what UnHerd is reporting about US politics right now is uninteresting and one dimensional. You could read this anywhere, very little critical questions or depth analysis. I am not sure yet, if I will renew my subscription.

Nancy Kmaxim
Nancy Kmaxim
2 days ago

Kamala Harris has always been an empty vessel, so it’s no surprise that she’s good at it. She’s clearly intent on appealing to the purely emotional voter. If one thinks that the center of the American public has no value driven thoughts I guess it’ll work.