Coleman Hughes

Ta-Nehisi Coates misunderstands Israel

October 8, 2024
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Emily interviews Coleman Hughes on the controversy over Ta-Nehisi Coates’ latest book, which includes a lengthy and polarising mea culpa on Israel and Palestine.

Watch the full interview above.


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Unwoke S
Unwoke S
6 days ago

Coleman is a rare and wonderfully articulate intelligence. Would that there were more of him around.

Robert H
Robert H
5 days ago

This was an incredibly thoughtful and provocative interview and is a must see for people that want to learn more about how to tell a balanced story, even if you are taking one side vs the other. Something Ta-Nehisi Coates has no interest in doing.

Terry M
Terry M
6 days ago

Ta-Nehisi Coates is a race-hustler of the first magnitude, on a level with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but even more delusional and dishonest, and, unfortunately, accepted by MSM outlets.

Essais Online
Essais Online
7 days ago

‘Stopping short of that critical point of honesty is anything but brave’ — it’s delusional and indeed nihilism.