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Have we passed peak trans?

May 31, 2022 - 7:15am

The number of people identifying as trans and non-binary may have peaked, a new report suggests.

Between 2020-21, the number of American undergraduates from the leading 50 universities identifying as non-binary fell from 1.5% in 2020 to 0.85% in 2021. This is, as the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology (CSPI) notes, a ‘substantial decline’ that is supported by two other data points.

Credit: CSPI

The first is data from Britain’s Tavistock Clinic, a specialist mental health trust in London. It shows that referrals for transgender surgery rose from 136 in 2010-11 to a peak of around 2,745 in both 2018-19 and 2019-20, before dropping to 2,383 in 2020-21. Elsewhere, Canadian census data, which is the first of its kind to report on transgender and non-binary people, shows that the share of trans and non-binary people is among the 20 to 24 population (0.85%), but then declines to 0.73% for those aged 15 to 19.

Researcher Eric Kaufmann notes that this decline is especially significant in light of the 1,000% increase in the share of American teenagers identifying as trans over the past 10 years. It also stands in stark contrast to other LGBT categories, identification for which shows no sign of slowing down. Since 2008, the number of people identifying as LGBT has tripled between 2012 and 2021, with Left-wing Americans far more likely to be LGBT than those on the Right.

Credit: CSPI

According to CSPI, nearly a third of American liberals under 30 are LGBT whereas less than 10% of conservatives record a non-heterosexual identity. Kaufmann attributes this ideological divergence to a ‘more sexually liberal and modernist transgressive youth culture’ which values difference. This has made the biggest impact on on young, female, and very liberal people in part because their sexual feelings are more fluid and open than those of others due to underlying psychological factors, but also thanks to ideological polarisation.

In light of this LGBT explosion, it is significant that gender nonconformity might have already hit its saturation point. Though it is important to not read too much into a year’s worth of data, the decline may indicate that trans numbers are slowly reaching an equilibrium.

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Albireo Double
Albireo Double
1 year ago

Well it’s easy enough to slap on a bit of lippy and a pretty frock. Maybe even a padded bra.
But cutting off your bits? Now that takes a little more courage – and there’s no going back.
Easier to just try to bully people into agreeing that you’re a woman, keep the aforementioned bits, and demand the right to hang around, leering, in ladies loos, while claiming to be a “lesbian”.
The most disturbing and disgraceful element of this entire charade has been the unquestioning acceptance of it by so many people who should have known better.

Aldo Maccione
Aldo Maccione
1 year ago

Have we reached peak trans activism ?
I don’t really mind more or less trans people, but I mind the ferocious ideological assault against anybody else..

Richard Parker
Richard Parker
1 year ago
Reply to  Aldo Maccione

Definitely. Activist groups clamouring for acceptance are most vitriolic in rejection of what they disagree with. Absolutely positively no acceptance of that. It’s all so very adolescent… and that, I suspect, is the problem.

Philippe W
Philippe W
1 year ago

Anyone with more marbles than a Halfords rattle can knows that gender nonconformity is the youth dressing up. A shame that the spineless dimwits we have for leaders together with today’s hypersexualisation of everything has made their little game popular and dangerous.
Worth noting that Chambers defines dressing up as “to make appear better or more interesting, etc than it really is” – and if you look closer at the unappetising, well-upholstered faces caught up in this fashion pantomime on social media, you’ll get a glimpse of what’s really going on.
P.S. We’ve also passed peak tattoo. See above.

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago
Reply to  Philippe W

I have composed verse on this very topic:-
From Bk4 of The Wokeiad, by Richard Craven
Behold the monstrous regiment of woke,
Science’s nemesis and but of joke.
First waddle past the squads of scowling smurfs,
With cardboard signs excoriating TERFs.
The sunlight bounces off each azure scalp
And dandruff glitters like a Switzer alp.
Above white knee socks, fat and dimpled thighs
Betray the sacrifice of untold pies.
Hotpants which emphasise the camel toe,
As Adam’s apple does the beard’s shadow.
O’er each fraying belt tremulous blubber juts,
On porcine face the lipsticked gob tut-tuts.
The cheesecloth working shirt with rolled-up sleeves!
The animosity! The petty peeves!
With pond’rous tread they stamp upon the ground.
Buildings collapse, and light aircraft are downed.
The birds fall silent and the dead revive,
It isn’t bliss that dawn to be alive.

Lillian Fry
Lillian Fry
1 year ago

Declaring oneself “non-binary” or even “bisexual” makes a white, heterosexual man or woman an instant attention-getting victim with no further action required. No longer a member of the oppressor class! You can get all the benefits with none of the downside.

R Wright
R Wright
1 year ago

Based anecdotally on my occasional lurking on certain parts of the internet like ‘detrans’ the bubble has burst. Soon the only people interested in the subject will be personal injury and medical negligence solicitors.

John 0
John 0
1 year ago

Given that gender identity is “a personal, internal perception” and “an innate sense” of what sex they are – which is based on what is perceived as maleness and femaleness (eg clothing, accessories, mannerisms, speech, interests and behaviours are all a means of expressing a gendered “identity”) that means that everyone is non-binary.
Who among us only likes our sexes stereotypes?

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago

Why is the Tavistock clinic treated as a provider of health services when it is really just a front for sadistic paedophilia?

Desirae Ellis
Desirae Ellis
1 year ago


Jerry Carroll
Jerry Carroll
1 year ago

My guess is disgust is regaining its traditional footing in society.

Richard Craven
Richard Craven
1 year ago
Reply to  Jerry Carroll

I really hope you’re right.

Nikki Hayes
Nikki Hayes
1 year ago

I was a tomboy as a child, more interested in playing with cars than dolls. I have a horrible feeling that, in the 21st century, people would be trying to convince me that I am really a boy in a girl’s body. This twisting of the normal hormonal chaos that is puberty is an abuse of our young people. How many of us were actually comfortable with our bodies at that age? I am particularly worried about the massive increase in girls thinking they are really boys in the wrong body – many of them are either lesbians, autistic or suffering from the usual mental health issues that go along with being a teenager and going through puberty. Having heard the heartbreaking stories of those who have either partly or fully transitioned and then seriously regretted their decision once permanent damage had been done to their bodies, I firmly believe that nobody should be allowed to make a decision of this magnitude until they are at least an adult, preferably over 21. I exhibit quite a few traits that would normally be ascribed to men – that does not make me a man in the wrong body, it makes me the female individual that I am.

Kirsten Walstedt
Kirsten Walstedt
1 year ago
Reply to  Nikki Hayes

I believe it is also a reaction to the increase in sexual harassment of girls as young as 11. If you’re no longer a girl boys won’t be (as) interested.

Fermented Agave
Fermented Agave
1 year ago

No distinction between L and G and B and T is the strategy of the “Allied” to implement their Extractive Preferencial Treatment agenda on society.
How absurd would it be for horny teenage boys to demand everyone acknowledge that they have natural urges so therefor must be publicly acknowledged as “horny teenage boys”? Perhaps all horny teenaged boys should be allowed to act horny everywhere they go with everyone they encounter? Perhaps Horny Teenaged Boys should be be given hiring and promotions preference?

Last I checked, NO ONE CARES if you are horny, just keep your pants zipped and mouth in check.