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Greta Thunberg throws in her lot with the anti-capitalist Left

Greta Thunberg at the Royal Festival Hall. Credit: Getty

October 31, 2022 - 11:00am

Last night, London’s Royal Festival Hall hosted a children’s crusade. The purpose? To “celebrate” the launch of The Climate Book, Greta Thunberg’s coffee-table manifesto which collects essays from climate scholars, interspersed with photography and doom data (the cover itself is a colour chart of global temperature, moving from halcyon blue to DEFCON red). London answered the call.

Greta was in conversation with a beaming Samira Ahmed (“You’re the coolest 19-year-old I’ve ever met!”), who gently quizzed her about life as the world’s most famous climate activist. The crowd adored her. They lapped up her awkward ingenuousness. It was the perfect middle-class day out, like a trip to Glyndebourne or Blenheim. Some had even brought their young children, clearly hoping to inspire them into the same breed of activism. And, belying her reputation for aggressive sermonising, Greta was perfectly charming. The fury of “How dare you!” Greta has given way to a likeable figure of exasperated passion.

But this isn’t the only thing about the Swede that has changed. Previously, she’d sold herself as a five-foot human alarm bell, a climate Cassandra. Her role was to warn, not to instruct: her most viral moments involved her scolding political leaders, not trying to supplant them. She strenuously avoided programmatic detail, saying such things were “nothing to do with me”. But now, on stage and in this book, she has found her political feet, specifically the Left-wing ideology of anti-capitalism and de-growth.

Interspersed among the usual directives about the need to pressure political leaders, her message was more radical and more militant than it has been in the past. There is no “back to normal”, she told us. “Normal” was the “system” which gave us the climate crisis, a system of “colonialism, imperialism, oppression, genocide”, of “racist, oppressive extractionism”. Climate justice is part of all justice; you can’t have one without the others. We can’t trust the elites produced by this system to confront its flaws — that’s why she, much like Rishi Sunak, won’t be bothering with the COP meeting this year. COP itself is little more than a “scam” which facilitates “greenwashing, lying and cheating”. Only overthrow of “the whole capitalist system” will suffice.

So now we are finally seeing the contours of Thunbergism. Run your eye down the contributors to The Climate Book and you can see who she’s been reading: Jason Hickel, Kate Raworth, Naomi Klein. For these people the climate crisis isn’t man-made. It’s made by capitalism, as are the other forms of social injustice which plague society. There’s no GDP growth — especially of the capitalist sort — without increasing carbon emissions. The only solution to this state of emergency is for rich countries to immediately abandon economic expansion as a social goal.

It is hardly surprising that Greta thinks this way given how closely tied environmental activism has become with the more experimental end of the modern Left. De-growth is surely not the only feasible solution to the climate crisis, but Greta appears to have no doubts. And, like the bulk of her generation, she has lost any faith in the gradualist, establishment Left’s power to change things. Her teens spent chiding national governments have made her one of the most famous people in the world — her twenties look set to be far more explosive, and even revolutionary.

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Laura Creighton
Laura Creighton
1 year ago

People may be interested in to know that in the recent ‘mock elections’ held in Swedish high schools every election year — which is a big thing around here — the Swedish youth are voting right wing. Moderaterna (i.e. mainstream right) got the most votes, with the Swedish Democrats getting the second most.
The new government (the real one) got rid of the Ministry of the Environment, and have a new Ministry of Climate and Business. It’s headed by Romina Pourmokhtari, who at 26 is the youngest Minister ever. She is from the Liberal Party, (which isn’t left wing here, though they used to be pro immigration) and used to head their Youth Organisation. (All political parties here have a youth organisation.) In her first after her appointment she said that in her opinion environmental issues “had been given too much weight” in previous governments. “If we want to solve climate issues, it’s about transforming industry and the transport sector.”This is a pro-growth, pro-export, and pro-lots-of-new-Swedish-technologies Minister talking.
So don’t believe it when the media starts talking about Greta Thurnberg as the spokeswoman for her generation. Around here, her generation mostly isn’t buying it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Laura Creighton
Johnathan Galt
Johnathan Galt
1 year ago

Children taught the principles of Classical Liberalism will overwhelmingly choose Liberty every time, which is why Leftists so diligently set about gaining control of global schools and eradicating it from any and all discussions. No form of totalitarianism, no matter what banner it hides under, can ever win the war of ideas on a level playing field.
Greta Thunberg is an unfortunate victim of child abuse, an autistic child indoctrinated to spew leftist propaganda.

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 month ago
Reply to  Johnathan Galt

Oh please. This is an adult responsible for her own actions.

chris Barton
chris Barton
1 year ago

Her and her lot would have us all back in the middle ages as serfs if they could. Anyone ever seen her attempt to answer questions without a script? – she doesn’t have a clue.

Chris W
Chris W
1 year ago
Reply to  chris Barton

I disagree. She does have a clue. Those who write in the comments on Unherd have a lot of knowledge, both historical and scientific. I am a scientist of the old school where science was funded by the government and, so, was less amenable to taking bribes. I have many ideas and thoughts about a huge number of subjects. But nobody listens to me.
Greta has basically one thought about one subject and she is known all over the world. She is a celebrity – more than a celebrity. Therefore, she knows a great deal more than me and more than anyone who contributes to these columns.

harry storm
harry storm
1 year ago
Reply to  Chris W

She is a celebrity — more than a celebrity, therefore she knows a great deal more than anyone….
Because of course celebrities know more than the rest of us little peons.
Logic fail.

Mark Gregory
Mark Gregory
1 year ago
Reply to  Chris W

I appreciate your sarcasm, too many have missed the point.

Thomas Wagner
Thomas Wagner
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Gregory

Fifty-six more than caught the irony, at current levels.

Johnathan Galt
Johnathan Galt
1 year ago
Reply to  Chris W

Her propaganda message certainly resonates with you, Comrade!

Sue Sims
Sue Sims
1 year ago
Reply to  Johnathan Galt

IRONY, folks!

Steve Lester
Steve Lester
1 year ago
Reply to  Sue Sims

so is this https://www.instagram.com/p/B9qPMhUHCvo/ and it was aimed at many influencers exposing them as hacks, shills and charlatans.

picture sarcasm with a dangerous ring of truth to it.

Konstantinos Stavropoulos
Konstantinos Stavropoulos
1 year ago
Reply to  Chris W

So very misunderstood..!
These 55 dislikes (at the time of writing) ought to be read as 55 likes for sure..!

IRONY folks.. wrote another comment.. so rightly..!

I have an impression that people are so angry about Grettaisms, that even a hint of a supposedly support lights a red signal..!

So let us see a positive side to this strange effect..!

Last edited 1 year ago by Konstantinos Stavropoulos
Stephanie Surface
Stephanie Surface
1 year ago
Reply to  Chris W

You can‘t be a scientist, if you think a celebrity knows more than anyone who contributes to these columns. How do you assume what people do for a living or how informed they are about this subject. Greta is a puppet, who reads the scripts of certain scientists, especially those of the Potsdam Institut in Germany.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stephanie Surface
Shale Lewis
Shale Lewis
1 year ago
Reply to  Chris W

Of course, government ministers are well known for their incorruptibility, just as government programs are famous for efficiency and cost control.

senior winki
senior winki
1 year ago
Reply to  chris Barton

Middle Ages for you and me.. Good Greta will be part of the ruling class and enjoy all the comforts of modern society.

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago

Oh for heaven’s sake why do we care? This woman isn’t even an idiot savant, just an idiot.
‘Growth’ can just as easily mean doing more with less, FFS.

Frank McCusker
Frank McCusker
1 year ago
Reply to  Hugh Bryant

Could do, but doesn’t

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank McCusker

Could do, but doesn’t” he writes, whilst performing in seconds a task that, 100 years ago, would have required several man hours of labour.

Sam Hill
Sam Hill
1 year ago
Reply to  Hugh Bryant

Respectfully, I disagree. Those that champion Thunberg and those who detract from her both, I think overstate her agency. She is ultimately a classic social movement activist and little per se is new about her – that much is I think true.
But she absolutely is a cautionary tale about activism in a social media age.
As she was seen at intergovernmental organisations and spoke with real politicians so she had a kind of media-legitimising effect. When I was young eco activists smashed up places to stop intergovernmentals meeting, now they applaud as Greta walks through the door.
We – we meaning institutions like society at large, newspapers of record and our officialdom – care because she has become something she should never have become: a source of legitimacy. That of course shows the extent of the decay in our politics and our leadership – that our leaders are reduced to lionising kids off social media. It is notable that Thunberg never found a receptive audience in China.
We should care not for her activism perhaps, but because she is a cautionary tale about decay in western politics and we should all take that dead serious.

Hugh Bryant
Hugh Bryant
1 year ago
Reply to  Sam Hill

I don’t think we disagree. You’re saying we should care about her because we care about her, and that’s a dangerous phenomenon. No argument with that – it’s terrifying. I’m just saying we shouldn’t care about her.

Sam Hill
Sam Hill
1 year ago
Reply to  Hugh Bryant

we should care about her because we care about her, and that’s a dangerous phenomenon.’
Indeed – I could not agree more.

harry storm
harry storm
1 year ago
Reply to  Sam Hill

RE: When I was young eco activists smashed up places to stop intergovernmentals meeting, now they applaud as Greta walks through the door.
Not just her. When we were young idiotic and/or racist concepts like “anti-racism,” “defund the police,” and “trans women are women” would have been laughed out of the room. Now they’re government policy in many places.

1 year ago
Reply to  harry storm

not in the EU…..The EU Commission itself is the most white middle class elitist group of politicians on earth. More akin to Rhodesia in the 60s or Germany in the 30s. When we hear talk of anti-racism it is often directed at – for example – Brexit voters in the UK. Demonised as some kind of bigoted neanderthals. The reality of course being the opposite.
The EU seem to welcome people from Africa but as long as its to low paid jobs and politics they are ok.

Anna Bramwell
Anna Bramwell
1 year ago

It was pretty obvious when she blamed Britain for starting dangerous CO2 emissions with the Industrial Revolution. ( which one when, I wonder). Most CO2 does not remain permanently in the atmosphere. Obviously if it was cumulative we would be seeing a very different climate niw, one similar to that before the Ice Ages. I would add that the climate got awfuljy cold between 1940 and the mid 1970s. Yet the war saw full industrial deployment after the warm Depression years. But she wanted to blame Britain, indhstrialusation, etc, and quotes Michael Mann and his totally discredited theories. The entire western elite could not stand up to an ignorant 16 year old.

Konstantinos Stavropoulos
Konstantinos Stavropoulos
1 year ago
Reply to  Anna Bramwell

Why would they ignore her..? She is a pure product of elite groups and they happily see her evolve as engineered and collect their profit..!

D Glover
D Glover
1 year ago

The population of England just before the Black Death has been estimated at about 3.7 million people. It now stands at 57 million.
A visitor from 1348 would be astonished at the density of settlement, the vast size of cities and the sheer number of people. If he went out into the countryside he would see fields being prowled by huge tractors and combine harvesters and sprayed with herbicides and pesticides. Even that doesn’t feed all those people; huge ships come every day to be unloaded at mechanised docks. Millions of tons of food are imported.
I quite like the sound of ‘de-growth’. I’m also attracted to ‘re-wilding’.
The only problem is; which 50 million people are we going to dispense with?

Last edited 1 year ago by D Glover
AC Harper
AC Harper
1 year ago
Reply to  D Glover

I quite like the sound of ‘de-growth’. I’m also attracted to ‘re-wilding’.”
I’d sign up to that… I imagine it would take a century or so of careful management to achieve. Unfortunately there are some who would want de-growth now, careless of the consequences. We see them blocking roads or vandalising buildings because they know what’s best for us and they want it now. Which is why I won’t jump on the de-growth bandwagon.

Deni Sevenoaks
Deni Sevenoaks
1 year ago
Reply to  AC Harper

Those people know that de-growth is going to take time. They’re blocking the roads to get us to slow down enough to recognise that we have to start now, just because it will take us that long. It’s obvious that we humans are a creative lot. If we would face this situation without the detritus of distrust and violence, and grabbing and greed, and loss of community connection. If we sat together and sorted through what we needed as communities and what was the best way to make it. We would have started. And that’s all we have to do now.

AC Harper
AC Harper
1 year ago
Reply to  Deni Sevenoaks

Insulate Britain:


1) That the UK government immediately promises to fully fund and take responsibility for the insulation of all social housing in Britain by 2025.

2) That the UK government immediately promises to produce within four months a legally binding national plan to fully fund and take responsibility for the full low-energy and low-carbon whole-house retrofit , with no externalised costs, of all homes in Britain by 2030 as part of a just transition to full decarbonisation of all parts of society and the economy.

Expecting the Government to achieve a substantial building project within 3 to 8 years sounds like ‘now’; to me.

D Glover
D Glover
1 year ago
Reply to  Deni Sevenoaks

According to the Worldometers website the UK is 17th on the list of CO2 emitters, with 1.03%. Sweden is in 63rd place with 0.13%.
Top emitter is China at 29.18%.
What effect does a school strike in Sweden have on China? What reception would Ms Thunberg get if she tried to organise something similar in Beijing?
We could starve and shiver in the dark after turning everything off, and it would make only 1% difference.
Tell it to China, USA and India and perhaps they could make some difference.

kirk ryN
kirk ryN
1 year ago
Reply to  D Glover

Shocking: spontaneous underground coal fires in China release more CO2 each year than entire US transportation sector. So, yeah, that cold shower or two probably won’t move the needle too much…

D Glover
D Glover
1 year ago
Reply to  kirk ryN

Type ‘coal seam fire’ into Wikipedia and you’ll see that the US isn’t clean in this respect, either.
I’m angry about Australia, too. They emit 1.13% of the world’s CO2 for a population of just under 23 million people.
An Australian government website says;

Fossil fuels contributed 71% of total electricity generation in 2021, including coal (51%), gas (18%) and oil (2%). Coal’s share of electricity generation has declined from 83% in 1999-00 while the shares of natural gas and renewables has increased. Renewables contributed 29% of total electricity generation in 2021.

Brett H
Brett H
1 year ago
Reply to  D Glover

You’re angry about 1.13%? What does it matter about population numbers when the amount is inconsequential.
Renewables stand at 18.62% for 2022.

Last edited 1 year ago by Brett H
kirk ryN
kirk ryN
1 year ago
Reply to  AC Harper

Solid point made: sadly, however, “careful management “ has become an oxymoron as of late…

Gordon Black
Gordon Black
1 year ago
Reply to  D Glover

Stop immigration and the 50 million will die of old age in a century and a bit. Given present day reproduction rates in the mathematics of demography, England will have a stable population of 4 million in that time … fact.

D Glover
D Glover
1 year ago
Reply to  Gordon Black

That is mathematically true but it ignores the fact that much of the world is getting demograohically both younger and more numerous.
Do what you suggest and we wouldn’t have any young soldiers to defend our borders………………oh.

Last edited 1 year ago by D Glover
Paul Tyapkin
Paul Tyapkin
1 year ago
Reply to  D Glover

More than that: if country needs young soldiers to protect it’s borders then country needs not only just young men (brainwashed like Greta) but it needs young men who are sceptical to pacifism, humanism, leftism, multiculturalism … just to be able to serve in army, to defend borders, to shoot, to KILL actually (don’t you know that verb “kill” is absolutely personal unuthinkable to leftist youth like Greta?).
If you have youth which doesn’t believe in all this leftist bullshit and ready to serve in army and ready to kill outsiders to protect THEIR country then this country can hope to protect it’s borders… and probably with such a youth the LBGT ideas will fade and the birth rate of locals will rise and stabilise?
Some nations have such a youth. Poland, for example. Just look a short but brilliant video (15 min) made by one young Pole and feel how far the idea of that movie from the novadays obligatory humanism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAqgV9RDeR4

kirk ryN
kirk ryN
1 year ago
Reply to  D Glover

You have hit the nail squarely on the head! All of those “extra” souls above the minimal levels of subsistence farming made possible by the development of energy-on-demand technologies and the utilization of excess stored energy. With each advancement, the work-replacing devices get lighter and more powerful/capable. The energy density of gasoline is 80x greater than the very best batteries (compare curb weight of a Tesla to comparable Honda! Lugging that extra 1000lbs around will come at a cost…) If we collectively decide to abandon the use of excess stored energy, we also abandon all hope for all those extra souls who were born because of it.

1 year ago
Reply to  D Glover

The policy of the BBC and the wider UK media, and of course many activists groups, would be to dispense with white British Citizens. Apparently they are a problem.

Thomas Wagner
Thomas Wagner
1 year ago
Reply to  D Glover

To quote Ko-Ko-san, “I’ve got a little list.”

Tracy Jones
Tracy Jones
1 year ago

So we now follow the advice of a girl with scant basic school education, who has never actually done a proper days work in her life, but has happily taken all the benefits from those little people who worked and paid taxes, such that she could be brought up in a society which provided her with healthcare, a free (and wasted ) education, clean , and free from starvation and disease. No longer a child, just a very mouthy and opinionated woman, who has contributed zilch to the lives of others, and now seeks to dictate and impoverish those who provided her with the life she leads,
What a fine example

Paddy Taylor
Paddy Taylor
1 year ago

Anyone who thought this celebrity truant was somehow apolitical until now, wasn’t paying attention.
This Cabbage Patch Kid of Climate Catastrophism has always been the creature of people (her parents among them) with a deeply political and pernicious agenda.

Hamish Hossick
Hamish Hossick
1 year ago

I had hoped she had been quietly forgotten, as she deserves to be.

Mike F
Mike F
1 year ago

As Sunak and Starmer agree to meet in the middle on most major issues, there is a gap somewhere far left of the Greens that is waiting to be filled. I heard George Montbiot on the BBC this morning pushing a similar anti-growth polemic, which will be lapped up by the young and the naive trendy oldies.
With the Labour Party abandoning any pretence to be of the left – on the same BBC programme I heard the Shadow Home Secretary seeming to berate the Tories for not being hardline enough on illegal immigration – this is fertile ground for someone younger and more plausible than Corbyn.
How long until there is a new political movement, grabbing votes from all the major political parties on an anti-growth, redistributive platform that ignores the need for wealth creators? It will probably lead to economic disaster, but isn’t that kind of the idea? We all get to live in misery on an equal basis?

Deni Sevenoaks
Deni Sevenoaks
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike F

Is England not already in the midst of an economic disaster?

Ian Barton
Ian Barton
1 year ago
Reply to  Deni Sevenoaks

i don’t see sufficient evidence/data to support that view … so any link to an objective data source would be welcomed – as would a clear definition of “economic disaster”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ian Barton
B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago
Reply to  Ian Barton

OK heres a list: energy crisis, diesel crisis this is the basis of our whole economy we are in a crisis! Wake up!

Link here click to see UK gas price, select over 10 year period at the bottom of the graph, look at that spike https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/uk-natural-gas
Link here click bottom of graph to see UK electricity price over 5 years obvs same spike: https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/electricity-price
This is where our economic crisis is. Its just about to start catching up with us. Get your candles and your bikes ready.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago
Reply to  B Emery

More, supply chain issues equals economy issues, just saw this:
Commodity trader Trafigura warned that global copper stocks have fallen to record lows, with current inventories enough to supply world consumption for just 4.9 days. Freeport-McMoran was also vocal about shortage risks, stating that the current low prices do not reflect the tightness in the physical market…..
Source: https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/copper

One Whitehall source told the paper: ‘We need to think about how we can help people in advance. The fact they’re talking about it now means they have a real concern it could happen
I really don’t know how people can’t see this is very bad, and coming our way fast. Greta will be the least of your worries anyway.

JR Stoker
JR Stoker
1 year ago

Of course she has. She always was. Now she is after fame power and money. Lord help us all

harry storm
harry storm
1 year ago
Reply to  JR Stoker

Like all good champagne socialists.

Caroline Watson
Caroline Watson
1 year ago

How long will it be before she ‘identifies as non-binary’ and becomes ‘they’?
Using a plural pronoun implies a ubiquitous, all-seeing presence that using a singular one does not.

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago

What? How is that even relevant to anything in the article or greta?
Pretty sure the kids more hung up on saving the world tbh. Shame the same can’t be said for you, its pretty easy to sit in your arm chair and slag off a 19 year girl instead of offering constructive conversation though I suppose. Right or wrong at least she is trying, better role model for kids/teenagers than most celebrities I would say, improvement on Britney and the spice girls anyway.
She is not going to cop27. Everyone saying she’s after money power etc. Tbh if she was surely cop is the place to be?

harry storm
harry storm
1 year ago
Reply to  B Emery

It’s perfectly legit to “slag off” a 19-year-old knownothing who has helped turn even governments into knownothings advocating idiotic and dangerous causes, including, but not limited to, reversing the industrial revolution and thereby also removing all the benefits to humanity of modernity.

Last edited 1 year ago by harry storm
B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago
Reply to  harry storm

Oh my days, really? Which government policy here has she actually influenced then? Pretty sure trump shrugged her off. Our own governments are doing a pretty good job of sending us back pre industrial revolution, see my post above, only 5 days supply of copper left, Europe will suffer blackouts this winter is a question of when, not if. The climate debate is now nearly irrelevant compared to the energy crisis tbh so don’t worry yourself about gretas influence too much. Just seriously guys do we need to descend into namecalling and nastiness? She’s just a kid. That’s written a book with some new ideas. Wow, what a crime against humanity.

Lancastrian Oik
Lancastrian Oik
1 year ago

Smash the system! (Book launch at the RFH).

London’s middle class lefties in a nutshell.

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
1 year ago

She was always one of them.

Carlos Danger
Carlos Danger
1 year ago

Greta Thunberg may be one of the most famous people in the world, but I don’t know anyone who takes her seriously. Her thoughts are fatuous. The young woman has nothing to add to the world, but thanks to her fame, seems to be able to get past her mental illness to live in the world. Thank God at least for that.

John Dellingby
John Dellingby
1 year ago

That’s a shame, I was beginning to have hopes that she’d found some common sense when she said that nuclear should be used rather than fossil fuels when needed. Still, she is very young and a bit more life experience may help there.

1 year ago

When the media say ‘left’ here, its fair to say they mean ‘far left’ but wont actually say it.
This girl has been pictured in a violent extremist organisations t-shirt – as were her parents. She is a far left activist, and it would be disingenuous not to put her on the extreme left.
She was recently at the BBC with a ‘team’ of people. So the climate activist actually has an entourage that travels around the world with her telling people not to travel around the world.
That is perfect far left behaviour “Do as we do, not as we say”

harry storm
harry storm
1 year ago

Saint Greta meets Che Guevara: Who’da thunk it?

no way
no way
1 year ago

Yes let’s all listen to a creepy uneducated school drop out to solve all our problems. Makes perfect sense.

Last edited 1 year ago by no way
Perry de Havilland
Perry de Havilland
1 year ago

How is this new news? That has been obvious for a long time, like all the other green aristocracy who imagine themselves presiding over a Net Zero’ed class of car-free energy rationed hoi polloi.

dan douglas
dan douglas
1 year ago

You think she swam from Stockholm, then up the Thames to this event? Nah… me neither.

Johnathan Galt
Johnathan Galt
1 year ago

The author acts as if this is somehow new or a revelation. Thunberg has been a leftist puppet from day one.

Emre S
Emre S
1 year ago

There is no “back to normal”, she told us. “Normal” was the “system” which gave us the climate crisis, a system of “colonialism, imperialism, oppression, genocide”, of “racist, oppressive extractionism”.

These are the sins of the liberal empire. The Left says capitalism, but specifically it’s liberalism and what came out of historically liberal thought that gave us all these gifts.
Ironically in this sense, it’d seem the reason Rishi Sunak avoids COP is the same reason Thunberg discredits it – they don’t believe that (Woke) liberalism will provide the answers – just looking at it from opposite ends. It’s telling how Sunak got an ambivalent reaction for clearly not being Woke from the likes of BBC yet being a minority.
Wokeism is liberalism adapted to its past sins and ready to take the responsibility once again to move the world forward, to gain the trust of people exactly like Thunberg. Therefore it’d be a big loss for Wokeism if it failed to attract and retain her, given Wokeism put so much energy to create her persona in the first place.

Last edited 1 year ago by Emre S
harry storm
harry storm
1 year ago
Reply to  Emre S

Rubbish 100%. True liberals don’t — and shouldn’t — buy into woke nonsense. The two are mutually exclusive.

Emre S
Emre S
1 year ago
Reply to  harry storm

Is that an actual argument or just wishful thinking?

Bob Smalser
Bob Smalser
1 year ago

Gone full commie. And in other news, Peewee Herman announced he is gay.

Robert Heath
Robert Heath
1 year ago

Whatever she is, she is clueless about any science related to the climate. The rest is blah blah blah. Hur vågar hon?

Peter Underwood
Peter Underwood
1 year ago

I know this is a contra to most people’s views, but please hear me out. Greta has gone off on this tack because she is a puppet of the WEF Globalist cabal and dances to their tune. She is talking the Great Reset but what is missed is the rising alternative – not by challenging them – let them introduce CBDCs programmable cash – localised economies will be superior in every way, and will allow those that wish to – living ‘Off-grid’. I write about this concept every week:
AND here is my archive: https://www.theburningplatform.com/author/austrian-peter/

senior winki
senior winki
1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by senior winki
Thomas Wagner
Thomas Wagner
1 year ago

…her twenties look set to be far more explosive, and even revolutionary.

And profitable?

Methadras Aszlosis
Methadras Aszlosis
1 year ago

She is a tool, nothing more, and a very ineffective one. No one cares about her other than the fact that she espoused her faux righteous anger at Trump walking by and not acknowledging her while she was in the middle of her tantrums has become a meme. Oh and the “How dare you!!!” tirade. This is what she’s been reduced to.
Gaiaism disguising itself as AGW/Climate Change is a scam. Always has been. Reject these twerps and keep them from achieving power at all costs.

Teodor Romanio
Teodor Romanio
1 year ago

If she takes a step towards the Communist Party, she can be respected!

Hank Brad
Hank Brad
1 year ago

It is hardly surprising that Greta thinks this way given how closely tied environmental activism has become with the more experimental end of the modern Left. 
Is anyone sure that enviro activism isn’t the triumphant product of the more experimental end of the modern Left?

Sean Farley
Sean Farley
1 year ago

I’m surprised that anyone would be surprised. It’s axiomatic. Capitalism Kills. I see no hope in achieving any of the COP targets untill either war over fossil fuels or diminished water and food supplies hits the capitalist system so hard they have to change. Greta is right in all she says. She is still the alarm bell, our Cassandra. It’s just that those addicted to capitalism will not listen and will dismiss her now she forces us to look more closely in the mirror.

Todd Kreigh
Todd Kreigh
1 year ago

A look at that face .. those eyes, that posture, that smirk … and it strikes me she must immediately identify as non-binary if she ever wants to get laid.

Ethniciodo Rodenydo
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
1 year ago
Reply to  Todd Kreigh

She resembles Chucky (the doll from the horror film)

harry storm
harry storm
1 year ago

also tacky.

Ethniciodo Rodenydo
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
1 year ago
Reply to  harry storm

But true

Deni Sevenoaks
Deni Sevenoaks
1 year ago
Reply to  Todd Kreigh

That’s very ugly Todd. And sadly typical of a lack of anything more intelligent to say.

harry storm
harry storm
1 year ago
Reply to  Todd Kreigh


Torbjörn Andersen
Torbjörn Andersen
1 year ago

Greta is attacking the psychopathic entity at its heart, the vampire that runs our society and makes us behave like cannibals. Its just too painful for us to admit she is right

Brett H
Brett H
1 year ago

Right about what?

Deni Sevenoaks
Deni Sevenoaks
1 year ago

Greta is a wonderful young woman with guts and passion. I applaud her. Her country is headed fully far right. Far right and far left end up being the same. Counter productive, counter intelligent, anti-freedom, and anti-life, and in the end very destructive. Greta speaks truth and people are afraid of that truth. The truth is that we’re heading right back into the times of WW11 only potentially worse. This time we already have the Atomic bomb, and maniacs willing to use it. We are a divided and divisive world. Fear and hatred, distrust, greed, abuse, accusation, despair are rife within communities. And we are being manipulated to hate each other. And shooting the messenger is always the first response in times like these.
How dare a young person tell us that we have to change! How dare she see clearly what we refuse to see at all! I don’t think any of us could know anything absolutely, but she has spent a huge amount of her short life, educating herself about the realities of the situation we’ve got ourselves into. And she hasn’t resiled, even when she receives hatred and denigration, and accusation, largely from people generations older than she is. But she doesn’t look away. She faces it all with valour.
Keyboard snippers, sadly, willing to look away, waiting for things to return to ‘normal’, unwilling to even be curious about what our world would like like if we stopped fighting and accusing each other, and distrusting each other, and started to appreciating the the beautiful and unique planet we live on. Which appears to be the only planet we could survive for more than a minute on, let alone thrive on.
Yes, I know. Chirp Chirp Chirp

B Emery
B Emery
1 year ago
Reply to  Deni Sevenoaks

Hello, really great comment especially liked the part ‘Her country is headed fully far right. Far right and far left end up being the same. Counter productive, counter intelligent, anti-freedom, and anti-life, and in the end very destructive’
This is what I’m worried about too, and it’s evident on this forum that things seem to be creeping way potentially.
I think we do need a major rethink on the way we are going about things, and I think there’s not enough people who realise just how badly things are going for Europe at the moment, so many are so stuck in their comfortable ruts and hung up on arguing old ideology, just like you say. I don’t mind greta bringing something new and radical to the table, why not? Do you down voters all really think capitalism is the answer forever more? You really think the endless stream of plastic and sparkly crap is what we should aspire to? I’m not sure it is. Please feel free to smote me down! Obviously it would have to be done in a way as to not stop everything over night I hate the just stop oil lot just to be clear (funded by American elites and oil barons and this is where it gets sooo murky on these issues this is part of the problem too) . If the energy crisis doesn’t finish capitalism as we know it the fourth industrial revolution will so maybe its time to start talking new ideas. Maybe she has some good points, maybe there’s some really awful ideas but until we discuss them and hash them out who knows? Isn’t that how democracy is supposed to work? Through the power of intelligent non nutter gone too far either way sensible debate? I bet every single person on this thread that has slated her hasn’t read her book. I haven’t so I can’t really pass an opinion.
I was homeschooled for part of my education I cannot tell you how much more time you have to study things you love really in depth in a way that is impossible at school. So I can’t slate her on that either.
I don’t know much about her to be honest but why not let her talk if people want to listen, I do know shes turned my very old skool conservative voting dad from a massive climate change denier that used to swear at green peace adverts into a tree hugger after he heard her on radio 4. Not sure what that says really….but I’ve typed it so it’s going out there 🙂
Just had a Google her reason for not going to cop is pretty legit I would say: The Cops are mainly used as an opportunity for leaders and people in power to get attention, using many different kinds of greenwashing,” she said.

The Cop conferences, she added, “are not really meant to change the whole system”, but instead encourage gradual progress.

Last edited 1 year ago by B Emery