May 14, 2024 - 7:00pm

→ WPATH blocked publication of its own gender research

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health commissioned a systematic review of existing research on cross-sex medical treatments in 2020, but found “little to no evidence” supporting these treatments for children and adolescents, according to newly unearthed emails.

Never one to be bogged down by reality, WPATH blocked researchers from publishing their findings, and went on to release updated standards of care in support of child medical transitions. The development comes after a deluge of evidence earlier this year revealed that WPATH and its members knowingly pushed irreversible and unproven interventions onto minors without being able to obtain meaningful consent.

Then, when the Cass Review similarly found weak evidence for child gender transitions, WPATH complained that this review was “rooted in the false premise that non-medical alternatives to care will result in less adolescent distress”. When in doubt, double down. 

→ Tory MP shrugs off Stalin gaffe

As a former soldier, one might think that Tobias Ellwood’s military knowledge is pretty reliable. Yet the Tory MP today deleted a tweet which suggested he struggles to tell the difference between the Kremlin and its Hollywood iteration. Ellwood posted an image of Andrei Belousov, Russia’s new Defence Minister, photoshopped onto the body of Second World War general Georgy Zhukov, as depicted in the 2017 satire The Death of Stalin. “He’s either borrowed the uniform or had a very good first day at the office,” Ellwood said of Belousov, whose background is as an economist.

After much mockery online — and a dreaded “community note” — the MP claimed his post was “tongue-in-cheek”. Whoever edited this image could use some tips from Stalin’s advisers

→ Joe Biden in denial about ominous poll numbers

The New York Times published polls this week showing Donald Trump ahead of Joe Biden in five of six key swing states. Yet it appears that the President is in denial about his impending loss, according to an Axios report today.

Biden is joined by his top advisers in ignoring the polls which, if heeded, might encourage him to make some changes to his campaign. Instead, the President is telling supporters that he’s gaining on Trump and that the media is lying.

The conventional wisdom for optimistic Democrats is that the country simply will not choose Donald Trump. Where have we heard this before?