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Simon Denis
Simon Denis
2 years ago

The tragedy for the people of Cuba is that they might be thirty years too late. Had they managed to shake the Castro compound in 1990, the whole western world would have sympathised; but with squeaky, non-binary, bald headed, vegan nutcutlets running the western show, they’ll get more support from a rice pudding.

Ethniciodo Rodenydo
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
2 years ago

Calling out the left for lies and hypocrisy is like calling out a leopard for having spots. It is not just pointless it is counter-productive. They know they are liars and hypocrites. It is their stock in trade. All you do by calling them out is to waste time and effort which should be spent hounding them night and day. You may congratulate yourself that you are winning the argument, but they do not give a toss. They do not care what you say or what you think.

Andrew Fisher
Andrew Fisher
2 years ago

Well, it is always useful to broadcast this hypocrisy, with evidence, as widely as possible. Otherwise I am not exactly sure what this ‘hounding’ at least in a democratic society with rule of law might consist of. Do you have any practical suggestions – that is an open and genuine question?

Last edited 2 years ago by Andrew Fisher
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
Ethniciodo Rodenydo
2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Fisher

Do what they do. Compile a list and wait. When one of them puts their head above the parapet come down on them hard. Go to their employer and anyone giving them a platform. Make them the news story. Get up a mob. Why is Paul Mason employed by Channel 4 when it is in receipt of public money and how can the BBC continue to give him a platform

Christopher Barclay
Christopher Barclay
2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Fisher


George Glashan
George Glashan
2 years ago

i wouldn’t underestimate the lefts ability to talk out both sides of their mouth. Saint Biden’s regime is both progressive, stainless and pure and an irredeemable racist imperialist oppressor depending on what benefits Guardianland the most at the time

Last edited 2 years ago by George Glashan
Lesley van Reenen
Lesley van Reenen
2 years ago

I believe sleepy Jo has also been doddering around this issue. Must check to see if he has woken up. Did see that the Chinese control the internet in Cuba and the internet has been ‘switched off’.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lesley van Reenen
Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago

He is scheduling Harris to make a visit as we type. No one is holding their breath.

Brendan O'Leary
Brendan O'Leary
2 years ago

Guardian today:
News: Racist football fans, Evil Tories, Covid deaths up.
Sport: More racism by racists
Foreign news: USA Climate crisis ; Evil Tories cut foreign aid, Zuma “unrest” – and a snide story about Miami’s assassination-plotting , Trump-voting, Cuban, Venezuelan and Haitian expat communities.
Buried amid the guidance memes about Bay of Pigs (No mention of JFK’s approval though), Trump (alleged Haiti assassin allegedly recruited by a mercenary group that had an office “near Trump’s golf resort”!), you might find a brief reference to the “threat” of expat Cubans helping the protestors.

Cuban exile militias trained in the Everglades ever since the 1959 revolution, coming under the control of Jorge Mas Canosa, an exile who became a major force in Florida politics and in Washington. This week, Cuban Americans are threatening to set sail in a flotilla of small boats from Miami to bring aid to protesting Cubans, despite warnings from the US Coast Guard.

“If one of those Florida Cuban American vessels goes into Cuban waters, the Cuban border guard could overreact, and then that puts the United States in a very, very difficult position,” said Vicki Huddleston, former US ambassador in Havana.

The Cuban and Venezuelan diaspora vote played a significant part in swinging Florida to Trump in 2016 and 2020.

There is no link to their couple of stories about the protests deeper inside, which are mostly well-written until the one about shortages descends into blaming (former US President) Trump. Apparently Biden can’t do anything about it because … Trump.

because more than 60% of Cuban Americans in south Florida voted Trump – the Biden administration is cautious about doing anything that will alienate this voting bloc

Brendan O'Leary
Brendan O'Leary
2 years ago

So far, so predictable.
What about the non-Corbynite left?
Are they saying anything about it?

George Glashan
George Glashan
2 years ago

the lefts completely predictable silence on Cuba

Martin Smith
Martin Smith
2 years ago

There is nothing remotely curious about ‘the left’s’ silence on this issue. Anyway, aren’t all Cuba’s problems caused by US sanctions tightened recently by Trump? And aren’t the recent protests got up by groups encouraged by US interference? It’s all as usual.

Roger Inkpen
Roger Inkpen
2 years ago

I don’t recall ‘the Left’ being too enthusiastic about the Arab Spring. After all, the post-war settlement in North Africa and the Middle East left a bunch of dictators more anti-Western than anti-Communist, so willing to get involved with the radical left in Europe. So the usual doctrine – your enemy’s enemy is your friend – applied.