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Why is the NHS still following WPATH regulations?

'It's as if the Cass Report never happened.' Credit: Getty

October 17, 2024 - 10:00am

It’s as if the Cass Report never happened. Six months on, an NHS trust is advertising for a clinical psychologist who will offer support to young people “on the gender affirming medical pathway”. That’s exactly what Cass warned against, pointing out that no one knows which children will persist with a trans identity as they get older. The risks involved in prescribing cross-sex hormones to young people who will almost certainly change their minds are obvious.

Not to Nottinghamshire NHS Healthcare Trust, it seems. The job advertised involves working with children as young as 11 who are waiting for or have already been prescribed puberty blockers by the NHS, a treatment for which Cass found no clinical evidence. Even more astonishingly, the job specification insists that the successful applicant should “practice in a gender affirming manner in line with WPATH SOC 8”.

The uninitiated may not immediately realise how big a red flag that is. The impenetrable initials stand for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health and version 8 of its treatment recommendations. It was widely regarded as the leading authority on the subject until earlier this year, when leaked files revealed that ideology had long ago trumped best practice.

The files demonstrate that the organisation “is neither scientific nor advocating for ethical medical care”, according to a highly critical report. It claims that WPATH is a proselytising organisation which promotes dubious medical practices, “including hormonal and surgical experimentation on minors and vulnerable adults”.

Back in April, Health Secretary Wes Streeting said he wanted the Cass Review to be a “watershed moment” for NHS gender services. “We just can’t have this free-for-all when people decide when they are or aren’t going to cooperate with an NHS England review,” he said.

Yet that seems to be what’s happening if an NHS trust thinks it’s acceptable to publish a word salad of fashionable terms, clearly belonging to an era that predates Cass. The job advert also has a section on the trust’s “Equality and Diversity principles”, a phrase that strikes fear into anyone who believes in genuine equality — the old-fashioned kind that doesn’t prioritise airy-fairy notions about gender over everything else, that is.

You might think that doctors, of all people, should have been more resistant to pseudo-science, given its capacity to do permanent damage to vulnerable patients. But that’s to underestimate the influence of a determined bunch of “queer theorists” and trans activists. They were quietly working away, characterising nonsensical ideas as progressive, long before most of us had even begun to grasp what was going on.

The extent of institutional capture was confirmed when the BMA initially rejected the findings of the Cass Report, plunging the doctors’ union into a hugely damaging row with many of its own members. It was a warning of how much pushback is needed. A good start would be for Government ministers to tell public bodies to leave Stonewall’s Diversity Champions Scheme, of which Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust is a proud member.

What we’re seeing now is the long tail of gender ideology, lighting up the sky before fading into obscurity. Too many people, however, are still dazzled by its pyrotechnics.

Joan Smith is a novelist and columnist. She was previously Chair of the Mayor of London’s Violence Against Women and Girls Board. Her book Unfortunately, She Was A Nymphomaniac: A New History of Rome’s Imperial Women will be published in November 2024.


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2 plus 2 equals 4
2 plus 2 equals 4
1 hour ago

What we’re seeing now is the long tail of gender ideology, lighting up the sky before fading into obscurity. Too many people, however, are still dazzled by its pyrotechnics.

Unfortunately I think this is overly-optimistic from Joan Smith. This is a forever war.
Just as “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance”, so will be the price of defending vulnerable children and women’s rights from the insanity of the trans idealogues.

Evan Heneghan
Evan Heneghan
25 minutes ago

If you think the transgender madness is really passing you’re a more optimistic person than I.

Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden
18 minutes ago

Of course a socialist state bureaucracy is going to enthuse about modern Californian transhumanism. Modern socialism is nothing but identity politics.