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Chris Milburn
Chris Milburn
3 years ago

Canada is at the forefront of The Great Woke Purge. I myself have been removed from a committee because I dared suggest a more positive way to help increase “minority representation” in med school is to help those communities increase things like high-school completion rates in their youth, rather than by further ratcheting down the standards (they are already lower than for white students). I found out that is NOT an acceptable view for the modern age. We seem to be doing a poor job of being a white supremacist-racist-patriarchal medical school, as 60% of successful applicants being women, and a significant over-representation of asians, east asians, and immigrants.

Scott Carson
Scott Carson
3 years ago

While I agree with the thrust of this piece in it’s present day context, I do feel that it paints a somewhat rosier picture of the trade unions than is perhaps merited. Until Thatcher tackled their power base, (and I’m no Thatcher apologist, I believe she did great harm to the country,) my main recollection of the unions is of elected governments of both persuasions being held to ransom over ever more ridiculous wage demands, and strikes. Lots of them.

That said, I agree entirely with the author that free speech is an issue that the present crop of unions could and should be more vocal about. Any challenge to the concepts of white privilege or historical guilt are simply dismissed as racism, and rarely addressed or debated. Trade unions could become the collective voice so many dissenters to the current orthodoxy require.

David Parry
David Parry
3 years ago
Reply to  Scott Carson

You do realise that those wage demands were the consequence of an inflationary crisis?

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
3 years ago

Paul always talks perfect sense.

Dave Weeden
Dave Weeden
3 years ago

Excellent stuff. Trade unions need to work out that if this isn’t a deliberate “divide and conquer” strategy, it can certainly be exploited as one.

Stephen Follows
Stephen Follows
3 years ago

‘walk by on the other side’

Very apposite. The Good Samaritan would have been stuffed in our current culture.

charles scaife
charles scaife
3 years ago

Selective black male lives matter only seems to apply to males.
NO mention of females aborted in the womb as boys only wanted.
Young girls suffering from FGM
Others taken ” Back home ” On holiday to then be put thru a forced marriage. other young women from back home brought to the UK not able to speak English,Bringing up children born in the UK who turn up at school unable to speak English which puts them at disadvantage as well as a massive burden on teachers. Education needs to focus on facts instead of political correctness .

Neil John
Neil John
3 years ago

Most Trades Unions are in the thrall of the radical globalist left, those that they once represented are now ‘beyond the pale’ and have been broadly disavowed, as much for failing to revolt as for voting Tory to achieve Brexit. ‘Professional’ Trades Unions such as the UCU are now almost exclusively middle class and hard left, even trades Trades Union officers are now expected to have graduate qualifications, the workers and ‘working classes’ are just sheeple to be fleeced for membership fee’s.

Peter KE
Peter KE
3 years ago

Good article. We all need to start the push back against the woke intolerance. The unions but also politicians and us the normal British public.

David Jones
David Jones
3 years ago

“finally allowing a man uniquely unqualified to be president to win because Hillary Clinton literally couldn’t be bothered to travel to the state of Wisconsin to campaign.”

Come on. How is Trump the fault of the Democrats when the Republicans nominated and supported this “man uniquely unqualified to be president”?