May 22, 2024 - 7:00pm

→ Trump fever dominates the swing states

Donald Trump fever is taking hold across nearly all swing states.

A new Morning Consult poll has found that the former president is leading in five of seven swing states, tying in Nevada and losing to Joe Biden in Michigan. The addition of third-party candidates has not meaningfully impacted their margins.

Biden, one must assume, is not discouraged. He and his Democratic colleagues have made it clear that they don’t believe the polls. His consistently poor polling is surely unrelated to his sudden announcement about an early presidential debate in a few weeks. There’s still time…

→ Poor Albanians snubbed by David Cameron

There may be an election coming in the UK, but spare a thought for Albania. Ahead of a visit by David Cameron, Tirana pulled out all the stops to greet the British Foreign Secretary. Replete with rows of Union Jack flags and a huge portrait poster emblazoned with the words “Welcome Lord Cameron”, the former PM was forced to cancel his visit due to Rishi Sunak’s surprise announcement.

Cameron was in town to discuss joint UK-Albanian efforts to tackle illegal migration after holding a press conference with Albania’s PM Edi Rama. But the fanfare was cut short by an announcement that appears to have taken everyone off guard. Watch out for the David Lammy portrait on the next UK visit… 

→ Amia Srinivasan leads mass walkout at academic journal

It’s not just beleaguered premiers who are on their way out: there was also an important announcement from the academic world this afternoon. The feminist philosopher Amia Srinivasan, best known for her 2021 essay collection The Right to Sex, today posted her decision to step down from her position at the journal Philosophy & Public Affairs, along with all “the executive, associate, and advisory editors and members of the editorial board”.

In a fuller statement, the journal’s staff explained the exodus by stating that key aims of scholarly publications are “not well-served by commercial publishing”, which exploits its “monopoly position to sharply raise prices, unduly burdening subscribing libraries and shutting out other institutions and individuals from access to research”. The editors are thus deciding to set up a new “diamond open-access journal”, a model which doesn’t charge fees for either authors or readers. Making academic publications more accessible is a noble aim, but cutting out some of the wordier bits of jargon might help too…