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Daniel Björkman
Daniel Björkman
3 years ago

Yep. And if a man doesn’t try to show himself off from his best side, they’ll berate him for not making the effort to make himself attractive. There’s no winning.

I’m honestly a bit curious to see how this is going to end. With every man chemically castrated and all reproduction done by artificial insemination? It sounds like a ridiculous dystopia of the sort I usually roll my eyes at, but it really does seem like it’s the only thing that will satisfy them.

William Costello
William Costello
3 years ago

As soon as you layer the explicit goal of attracting women, which let’s face it is a huge motivator for most men, to any form of self development it gets labelled as misogynistic. One wonders what’s the correct way to convince women without being”manipulative?”

“Burden so often falls on men to initiate any potential romantic encounter with a woman.”
True. Men will continue to in clumsy trial and error efforts & due to evolutionary psychology we will overestimate women’s interest rather than run the risk of missing the opportunity.

William Costello
William Costello
3 years ago

I believe that the woke hate hierarchies and self development like Jordan Peterson, fitness and exercise and now even reading because they hate hierarchies in general. To engage in self development is to accept the inherently inequitable nature of hierarchies and as such you are complicit in oppression of someone. The idea that one should ‘improve’ themselves is the antithesis of the woke ideology that you are as ‘valid’ no matter what e.g. fat celebration etc. Hard work, aspiration and discipline are seen as values of “oppressive and patriarchal whiteness” or something.

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
3 years ago

Whatever…I read Obama’s first book and I certainly won’t be reading anything else he writes. What a fraud he turned out to be.

vince porter
vince porter
3 years ago

Evolution refuses to stay in the background.

Alex Lekas
Alex Lekas
3 years ago

Who thinks that people are interested in his “pick up artistry”? Obama struck me as asexual more than anything else, but even if he was a tailhound of rock star status, it’s a bit unseemly for a former president to be writing about that. The same people who lost their minds because Donald Trump said out loud what everyone knows to be true – that women behave differently around rich and powerful men than they do around regular guys – are now marching to an entirely different tune.

This isn’t about a value judgment that in modern society men and women can freely exercise their liberty, whether for a hook up, a passionate tryst or even an affectionate but chaste friendship, because no one is arguing otherwise. Men and women in free societies have always exercised their liberty for those things; most just had the good grace to not share the details with the rest of us. At least Nixon in post-presidency, wrote weighty books on issues of the day that would inspire people to think; Obama remains stuck in the politics of himself.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex Lekas

Obama and his kin have a lifetime free pass from the woke mob and act accordingly. If one of Trump’s children had openly smoked marijuana at a music festival, or had Melania spent $8 million on a single two-day trip to Dublin, there would have been howling and gnashing of teeth from every corner of the Leftist universe. Yet, St Barack and The Mooch do and say whatever they like, even if it veers into outright racism or bare faced lies. Nothing is too morally bankrupt for them to exploit.

Andrew Baldwin
Andrew Baldwin
3 years ago

Whatever. Here’s a politician who writes nothing but autobiographies, morbidly obsessed with himself. And people call Trump a narcissist. Obama was born in Kenya until it became inconvenient to his political aspirations; he has composite girlfriends. I admire Ralph’s stamina if he could read this brick from cover to cover, but certainly won’t emulate him. Did he actually read it from cover to cover?

Dan Poynton
Dan Poynton
3 years ago

I marvel how it now seems necessary to be lectured on standard wisdom that we all knew until the day before yesterday. And that both Ralph Leonard and Barack Obama risk being cancelled for daring to even mention the emperor has no clothes.