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Jim R
Jim R
1 year ago

Imagine the howls of outrage if the exact same study methodology was deployed against a ‘protected’ group to justify de-platforming them.

Buena Vista
Buena Vista
1 year ago

Anything authored by Taylor Lorenz is tripe. I don’t believe she’s capable of writing a straight grocery list.

Tom Watson
Tom Watson
1 year ago
Reply to  Buena Vista

“Democracy under threat as far-right conspiracy buys the last carton of oat milk off the shelf just before I got there”

Adam Bartlett
Adam Bartlett
1 year ago

Thanks for coming out to bat for incels so strongly Naama.  What I find most galling isn’t the overstating of their case which is a flaw most have. Its how SJWs often show zero sympathy for the suffering incels experience due to their social isolation. They could do that and still argue for the censorship. Whats the point of being progressive if you lack compassion for those with the least fortunate start in life.
Good to see a study suggesting no +ve correlation between online incel activity and real world behaviour.  Possibly even there’s an inverse relationship. It’s a common view among social scientists that the Internet is a causative factor behind the fall in violent crime many countries have experienced since the mid 90s (violent crime having risen for decades before then.) It’s possible that despite the alarming posts, the online forums have a moderating tendency on the propensity for violence from the well studied “angry young man” syndrome.

AC Harper
AC Harper
1 year ago

A think tank searching for justification and recognition will overlook data for drama. Surprise.

Matt Hindman
Matt Hindman
1 year ago
Reply to  AC Harper

Hey, it keeps the SPLC in business.

Brendan Ross
Brendan Ross
1 year ago

If it’s from Taylor Lorenz, it’s immediately suspect at best. I have no great love for self-styled “incels”, but concerns about these unfortunates seem beyond overblown.

Aaron James
Aaron James
1 year ago

The MSM get more insane by the day, but in this mass formation truth or lies are believed exactly the same – all which matters is their source, and as it is mostly the lying media – the MSM and Social Media, and all the rest censored – then all is lies, as the truth feeds no Global Agenda.

Hardee Hodges
Hardee Hodges
1 year ago

Taylor Lorenz – pointless story given that byline.

Elizabeth Pickett
Elizabeth Pickett
1 year ago

“The attack is characterized as misogynist terrorism because it was motivated by revenge for perceived sexual and social rejection by women. At the time of his arrest, Minassian described himself as an incel to the police and in prior social media postings.”

Ralph Wilsin
Ralph Wilsin
1 year ago

We need equal redistribution of sexual rights! We Democratic Sexulism! #incelsmustunionize

Frank McCusker
Frank McCusker
1 year ago

Who gives a fluck about incels? Spineless losers, the lot of them. Cut off their internet completely and it might force the loser oddballs to get out into the real world and, y’know, talk to an actual woman without preconceptions and without all the mummy-boy whinging and crying these po-faced creeps routinely indulge in. Kick up the ar$e / spot of military service is what most of them need. As for “no consideration of whether these posts about rape or violence might be ironic or absurd”, do me a favour would you? I appreciate irony as much as anybody, but I’m struggling to see what’s ironic about rape or violence. Those lads have zero sense of humour; that’s the main problem with them – an utter inability to laugh at themselves.  

D Walsh
D Walsh
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank McCusker

you got a lot of down votes, yet I suspect most of what you say is true

If a large % of incels followed your advice they would no longer be incels