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Mike Downing
Mike Downing
8 months ago

Unherd incredibly at the end of an article about the nanny state, cancels comments to what end? To preserve the sensibilities of the other users? Comments didn’t contain swearing, racism or incitement to violence. So are we trying to maintain ‘le bon ton’ rather like Macron himself. ‘Plus ça change etc’.

Steve Jolly
Steve Jolly
8 months ago

Most anyone that leans populist/libertarian dislikes Macron. He practically oozes that ‘we know what’s best for people’ casual condescension that has spawned populist movements across western civilization. That said, I have to believe anti-smoking policies are not even in the fifty most objectionable things he’s done. Even in rural America, there are policies that prevent smoking in public places, the vast majority of which are local laws passed by local voters. I agree that Macron and his ilk need to be called out on their seemingly pathological need to try to rule every aspect of human activity through policies like this, but let’s find a better hill to die on.

Mike Downing
Mike Downing
8 months ago

Salut mademoiselle Macron.

Mike Downing
Mike Downing
8 months ago

Bonjour Macron, la petite gonzesse.

Mike Downing
Mike Downing
8 months ago

Oops, no comments allowed (lol).

Alphonse Pfarti
Alphonse Pfarti
8 months ago

I was hoping that Ms Borne was nonchalantly tapping a cigarette from an iconic blue packet and sparking up as she flicked her hair back and shrugged at the security guard. Where’s the joy in vaping? Bof!

Coralie Palmer
Coralie Palmer
8 months ago

Hopelessly ill-informed fatuous article that doesn’t bother to distinguish between vaping and disposable vapes. The latter are ruthlessly targeted at children, have extremely high nicotine measures in the liquids which make them horribly addictive, and are an environmental nightmare.
I quite smoking painlessly with an ordinary vape. I bought the liquid online, where you have a choice of the nicotine percentage from the highest legal level to zero. I reduced the percentage with every purchase. Nine months later, I no longer smoked nor vaped. I might have a vape now and then with the occasional calvados digestif 🙂 and very nice too.

Jane Watson
Jane Watson
8 months ago

It’s enough to make you take up smoking again. I was nearly tempted last time I was in Switzerland and saw Gitanes and Gauloise in recognisable packaging. I’ve never been able to get a decent French tobacco flavour e-liquid.

Tom Hedger
Tom Hedger
8 months ago

Interesting how much that ‘Rightly’ as the ninth word of an article affects the way that one reads it.

Frank McCusker
Frank McCusker
8 months ago
Frank McCusker
Frank McCusker
8 months ago

Vaping companies are merely drug pushers. The author is clueless about vaping. Equating the legalisation of corporate drug pushing to kids
with French revolutionary principles / social freedom is certainly creative. Either that or, as with the now shut-down Public “Health” England quango (which had been completely captured by the Big Vaping lobby), he’s just another big Vaping shill. My blog on the vaping scam is a work in progress, but it’s pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain – vaping is smoking mark II, and all the usual tactics are at play:
 5 or 6 years ago, they told us vaping was “just water vapour and was good for you”, lol. Now:

Last edited 8 months ago by Frank McCusker