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Jacqueline Walker
Jacqueline Walker
2 years ago

“Populists in government in Italy” is a bit of a stretch at this stage. Certainly M5S and La Liga were elected as populists, but they’ve been transformed in government into just more of the same and with Draghi in charge as the nth unelected presidente del consiglio (PM) they are de facto ruled by the EU.

Jacqueline Walker
Jacqueline Walker
2 years ago

I was just pointing out that Italy is hardly run by populists even if they were elected as such …M5S and Lega …they are not any more

AC Harper
AC Harper
2 years ago

The EU is the gravy of the gravy train. Whether you spoon a bit off (Brexit) or vigorously stir it (Greece, Italy, potentially Le Pen) the gravy settles down and quickly smooths out.

Jacqueline Walker
Jacqueline Walker
2 years ago

They just do what they are told by Draghi who is about the 5th unelected PM that Italy has had in the last decade

David George
David George
2 years ago

Surely Le Pen’s plans to nationalise the motorways would run foul of EU laws – as did J Corbyn’s nationalisation plans.

Ferrusian Gambit
Ferrusian Gambit
2 years ago

Not to mention her agenda would likely be stymied by the recalcitrance National Assembly, like pretty much everyone other occupier of the Presidency in France in recent decades.