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Peter B
Peter B
2 months ago

Fake Tories. Fake tax cuts. Fully deserve the P45s soon coming their way.

Albireo Double
Albireo Double
2 months ago

Never mind the budget, scrap the government!
This budget shows only that the Conservatives have bought in to every socialist lie going, and are completely on board with the Great Blairite Consensus of the two main parties.
They’ve swallowed the “underfunded NHS” lie, the “big state” lie, the high taxation lie, the anti-business” lie, the “big bad oil” lie, and the “tax and spend” lie. They’ve even forgotten the basic truth that reducing taxes often increases the tax take.
A few months before they meekly pass the reins over to Starmer and Co, Jeremy Hunt has obligingly provided them with their first labour budget. What a bunch of sad losers this government is!

Samuel Ross
Samuel Ross
2 months ago

Import 16 million migrants, build 3 million more housing units. Am I dumb, or is this a recipe for rocketing housing prices, an NHS that struggles and works overtime ALL the time, and a nation that is poorer than before? Answer: Yes, it IS possible to be an educated idiot. The leaders of Britain are dumb and getting dumber. Book learnin’ don’t add up to real-world smarts.