August 1, 2024 - 7:20pm

→ The anti-Trump case for platforming Trump

Journalists are defending the National Association of Black Journalists’ decision to platform Donald Trump this week. While CNN’s Natasha Alford expressed dismay that the former president “insulted and was hostile to a Black female journalist in our own communal space and was unchecked”, others are viewing the event — in which Trump questioned whether Kamala Harris was really black — as a win for both journalism and the fight against the Republican candidate.

MSNBC’s Tim Miller said: “The people who demand that we deplatform Trump are wrong. People should see this!” Sarah Longwell, publisher of The Bulwark, said deplatforming the former president only serves to protect him. What will voters think?

→ Former police officer claims smearing civilians is MI5’s job

The Undercover Policing Inquiry was set up by Theresa May in 2015 to look into the conduct of undercover officers who spied on more than 1,000 political groups between 1968 and at least 2010. So far, it has cost £82 million.

But taxpayers definitely got their money’s worth today when a former police officer blurted out something he shouldn’t have. When asked whether he knew anything that would suggest undercover officer Peter Francis had been tasked with smearing the family of Stephen Lawrence, who was murdered in 1993, Trevor Morris said no.

He stressed: “We’re about gathering intelligence not smearing individuals. That’s a security service job. Let them do that…” He then added: “Sorry, I shouldn’t say that.” Shocked giggles broke out in the room while a wry smile came over the lawyer questioning Morris. The broadcast was then immediately suspended. Still waiting on an MI5 response to the claim…

→ Ballerina Farm tradwife hits back at critics

The “trad-life celebrities” known for their idyllic set-up on a 328-acre ranch in Utah, Daniel and Hannah Neeleman, have responded to the viral interview published by the Times this week.

As UnHerd’s Mary Harrington put it: “In the Times interview, author Megan Agnew describes Neeleman’s home life with a clear insinuation that something is off.” Now Hannah Neeleman has hit out at Agnew’s portrayal, which she said was “an attack on our family and my marriage, portraying me as oppressed and my husband as the culprit”. Neeleman alleged that Agnew’s angle was predetermined as the interview went well.

She went on to say that her and her husband’s priorities are “God and family” and that “everything else comes second,” adding: “We are co-parents, co-CEOs, co-diaper cleaners, kitchen cleaners and decision makers.” Most importantly though, with their eight children, Hannah Neeleman said they are not done having babies. The trad life rolls on…