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4 years ago

Andrew Breitbart famously taught us that politics is downstream of culture, that the battle of cultural values in everyday life is what most determines and limits political debate and policy. Those who regularly read Breitbart news, Gateway Pundit and similar too independent news sites will see how the left is constantly using the pandemic to intensify its attacks on western culture and values, not pause them. Breitbart was born precisely to expose and fight back against the left’s unending struggle for power and supremacism.

Andrew Baldwin
Andrew Baldwin
4 years ago

Great post by Mary. I watched the whole webinar she provided a link for. It’s tangential to the points she was making but I was particularly struck by the assault of Eddie S. Glaude, Jr., professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, on President Reagan’s economic policies, in particular identifying him with monetarist policies to fight inflation. This was obviously a reference to US Fed Chairman Paul Volcker’s heroic and successful effort to choke inflation in the US economy. One of the proudest moments of Reagan’s presidency was when he reappointed Volcker to a second term in spite of strong criticism of Volcker’s policies. However, Volcker, who was a registered Democrat for a while, was appointed Fed Chair by Reagan’s Democratic predecessor, Jimmy Carter, not by Reagan. And as anyone who has read his splendid memoirs will know, he was somewhat critical of Milton Friedman’s views, and he was only a monetarist in a loose sense of the word. In any case, the monetary policies of the Reagan administration didn’t strike out in a new direction. Because of Volcker they were basically a continuation of policies started when Carter was president. The misinformation and outright disinformation about Reagan’s presidency from the left has not died down much as it recedes into history.