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Arkadian Arkadian
Arkadian Arkadian
3 months ago

“delegates at the party’s Scottish conference supported a motion demanding an “immediate ceasefire”.”
The inverted commas should be around “demanding”. That is such a ludicrous word in this context. Like a demonstration in Pakistan “demanding” that Britain did this or that.
This is such a pointless conversation given that we have zero input on the matter.
And anyway, what is Starmer suppose to deliver for Scotland that is not being delivered now? Yet more devolution? God forbid! Have men change into women? Wouldn’t that be good!
If all the change is just delivering nonsense about Gaza what is *really* the change promised/required?

Alphonse Pfarti
Alphonse Pfarti
3 months ago

My personal wish would be the delivery a referendum on binning that wretched ‘parliament’ at Holyrood along with all the Toy Town third rate grifters that go with it.

Arkadian Arkadian
Arkadian Arkadian
3 months ago

One can but dream…

Andrew Buckley
Andrew Buckley
3 months ago

Any ideas what Labour as the UK government could do for Scotland with the SNP in charge in Holyrood?
Other than more money of course?
Westminster has little input into the day to day car crash of the SNP management of Scotland.

Karl W
Karl W
3 months ago

I agree with the prescription: the Labour government, any incoming UK government, has to invest political capital in engaging with Scotland and has to deliver and be seen to deliver.
But how can any UK government reap political benefits from even the sincerest effort to work with an SNP administration that is adept at turning every overture into a snub. Whatever else you might criticize them for the nationalists are masters of the narrative and of news management.
When the UK government increased funding to Scotland after COVID, the SNP portrayed this as a cut in funding. It did this by treating the previous year’s supplemental COVID-related funding as if it had been a normal part of the budget. This should have been transparent. But the nationalists had quite a bit of success in dominating the narrative using this sleight of hand.
Given this operating mode, a new UK government, presumably a Labour one, would have to be not only sincere in wanting to work with Bute House but also agile in its footwork, so that it can stay one step ahead of the nationalists while avoiding the traps they are setting for it.
Is Starmer’s outfit up to the job? It’s going to need to work very closely with the Scottish Labour Party and with Scottish civil society, if it wants to pull it off.

David Lindsay
David Lindsay
3 months ago

For the second time, we must depend on the SNP to divide the House of Commons on a ceasefire in Gaza. So be it. Is that party being opportunistic, seeking to embarrass Keir Starmer? That’s politics. Starmer richly deserves to be embarrassed, and could not be if he did not.

0 0
0 0
3 months ago
Reply to  David Lindsay

Spot on David. The article headline is an typical SNP bad line, suggesting they are opportunistic. Patronising nonsense. The labour party don’t want to deviate in any meaningful way on a whole range of issues, both domestic and foreign, from their main competitor, the conservative party. . The SNP despite challenges are streets ahead in both policy and action, whether it is social justice, education, social care and democratic reform. Witness for example the Scottish Child payment of £25 per family per child for low income families. Where is the labour version in England. Disnae exist! says it all.

Arkadian Arkadian
Arkadian Arkadian
3 months ago
Reply to  0 0

Dear me… comments like this needs to be read to believe they exist.
At SNP central they are always busy at work, but don’t make it SO transparent, though.

David Lindsay
David Lindsay
3 months ago
Reply to  0 0

I carry no candle either for the Labour Party or for the SNP, but the latter is at least proving useful on this issue.

James Love
James Love
3 months ago

I confess that the pro-hamas protests are making me more open to far right politics. When the mainstream parties tolerate such open barbarism it makes me lose faith that they will do anything to suppress these groups.

A D Kent
A D Kent
3 months ago
Reply to  James Love

@James – I think you’re probably pushing at an open door there – your pro-Netanyahu comment certainly suggests as much. How Barbaric is it to open fire with tank shell & connon fire on your own civilians to kill them rather than have them taken hostage is it do you think?

El Uro
El Uro
3 months ago
Reply to  A D Kent

Look at the photo. They are not your own civilians, stupid

Dengie Dave
Dengie Dave
3 months ago

I’ve got any idea: why can’t we in England vote for independence from Scotland? Another option is that we keep Gibraltar and in exchange give Scotland to Spain. Problem sorted!

John Kirk
John Kirk
2 months ago

I’ll be voting Labour this year solely to get SNP out in Midlothian. I fear this article is on the money. The only skill the SNP have, and they sure do, is clever messaging. High-viz is good. Patient long term government has no backers. If Starmer could ensure we get a quick effective ferry service to the islands, now that might be high viz. on the other hand if the SNP thought it was important they might have actually done it. But it’s worth a try. And, by the way, the islanders need it.