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Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
3 years ago

They’re going to be like a dog with a bone until they get their precious independence and wee Krankie gets her lifelong ambition of going down in Scottish history anyway so why not just cut them off along Hadrians wall or wherever’s mutually convenient and leave them to it? Bring the UK armed forces/naval yards back south, all our businesses, infrastructure, finances/taxes, get them to cough up the market value of Holyrood House and wish them luck; maybe the EU will be able to bail them out when the schism hits the fan? I’d wager if we had the vote they’d be gone tomorrow anyway so it’s ‘Good bye from him and good bye from me’ Missing you already…….

John Munro
John Munro
3 years ago

Thanks for giving Scotland much of Northumberland and Cumbria.

JR Stoker
JR Stoker
3 years ago

Great. You just cut off the best part of England and gave it to Madam McGuillotine. Not a great argument for regional expertise.

Pete Marsh
Pete Marsh
3 years ago
Reply to  JR Stoker

Imagine the hard border slicing through the divided city of Carlisle, with SNP border guards glaring into England. A cold damp Nicosia of northern Europe…

Graeme Campbell
Graeme Campbell
3 years ago

Opening with an ad hominem ‘wee Krankie’ The ad hominem is always the sign of a lost argument. ‘Cut them off?’ Nice Patel like bully tactics like she advocated with Ireland re Brexit. You then descend into ranting. Holyrood is ours. Our taxes are ours. It’s a fantasy England is subsiding Scotland. Torres only care about money. If we were a drain you would have booted us long ago or encouraged us to go. We are also a handy garage for the nukes. There will be no appetite in England for moving those South Your entire post sums up why so many Scots want out. Typical Empire mentality. Sad.

Last edited 3 years ago by Graeme Campbell
Andrew McGee
Andrew McGee
3 years ago

It is not a fantasy. If Scotland were left to pay for itself, it would be bankrupt within 10 years. Then we could let it back into the UK, but only on terms of no devolurion, no Barnett formula, no separate legal system i.e. it would become a proper part of the UK, just like Watford, and with no more in the way of spcial treatment.

Last Jacobin
Last Jacobin
3 years ago

But isn’t the alternative argument that Tories in England are going to refuse to allow people in Scotland a referendum, no matter what the people in Scotland want, going to generate even more support for a referendum?
Even if you don’t particularly want something there’s nothing more likely to get you riled than someone else telling you you can’t have it.

JR Stoker
JR Stoker
3 years ago
Reply to  Last Jacobin

Maybe Boris would prefer to give the Scots independence? And this is his way of giving the SNP a little help on the way?
You are right, refusing a referendum would mean the SNP held their own, and it would show two fingers to English interference. But what are we (assuming “we” are English) so frightened of anyway. An independent Scotland would be no problem for us, and although one feels very sorry for the Scots initially, they would soon see how useless the SNP is at government and the Scottish political parties would realign, and Scotland would turn into the Republican of Ireland within a generation

Graeme Campbell
Graeme Campbell
3 years ago
Reply to  JR Stoker

Independence not equal to SNP. They have many faults but way more competent than Boris et al. By MILES. Typical Empire mentality arrogance re Ireland. It’s in better shape than UK.

Graeme Campbell
Graeme Campbell
3 years ago
Reply to  Last Jacobin

It’s not a sustainable argument and Boris knows it, if SNP get a majority.
UK may be many things, but it’s not Spain.

Pauline Baxter
Pauline Baxter
3 years ago

I would hope that Boris will continue to refuse a legal referendum. Except that his track record on just about everything else shows him to be a ‘wobbly man’, or a ‘string puppet’!
What Westminster Tories SHOULD be doing is continually remind the Scots that with independence they would lose the Bank of England as a Central Bank and Pound as their currency.
Plus the Barnet formula of course.
Would the EU and the Euro really be such a great gain? And is that Independence?
IF a referendum was granted it should include ALL Scots. I.e. those living in England as well as those in Scotland. Sturgeon doesn’t have a leg to stand on.