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Jeffrey Shaw
Jeffrey Shaw
3 years ago

It is really unnecessary to publish such a pejorative commentary on the construction of an Orthodox Cathedral in Russia….”riveted together like a weapon of war”….seriously? Putin’s mother quietly raised her son as a Christian, and he maintained his faith even as he was a rising profile inside the KGB (as was the case with about 20% of the team). When he became President – he required that all of his appointed Ministers be Baptized into the church as a prerequisite to office. No doubt the author would find that action alone cause for a renewed war with Russia. What Russia has done is to reclaim their status as Russians. After all, the entire Soviet/Communist experience was neither established or controlled by Russians until the very end, but was rather the work of a migrating population that pulled off a coup.
“It is difficult even to feel certainty that the United Kingdom, or European Union, or United States will outlast them.” I think you can “feel” surety that they won’t.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeffrey Shaw

The mural of Christ carrying a sword? I don’t remember that in the New Testament. The author’s point is that the building serves as a glorification of Russian military history and that this history is aligned with (and endorsed by) Russian orthodox Christianity. The closest we have to anything like this are memorials/tombs of specific heroes (Nelson, Slim etc) and the laying up of regimental colours in Cathedrals. The cathedrals that house these objects were not built to glorify the military or our history. They exist to glorify Christ not our armed forces – this is even true of garrison Churches like the Guards Chapel. Outside of Russia I can’t think of anywhere else where state, military and religion are so aligned as a government policy.
Do you really think Putin is a sincere Christian? As for his old Mum being one I don’t know but doesn’t he come from a Bolshevik family? Wasn’t grandad one of Stalin’s cooks?

Jeffrey Shaw
Jeffrey Shaw
3 years ago
Reply to  johnofbahrain

What you are failing to recognize here is that the Bolshevik Revolution was not remotely Christian, but was at its core a Jewish coup d’tat. There were 66 seats of the original ruling Politburo, including the Chairman. Forty-seven members of that committee were Jewish – they promptly declared the state religion to be atheism. While the churches were promptly closed – synagogues remanded open, until the Commissar class double-crossed Stalin on the UN vote to recognize Israel. Only then did true Russians take control of the USSR and only then did life begin to turn south for the Jewish populations in the USSR. I don’t know if Putin is a true Christian, but I do know that Russians are a people of their history, as are the Chinese. In the west – we are allowing our “leadership” to destroy our own histories.

Sebastian Goldsmith
Sebastian Goldsmith
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeffrey Shaw

Hello Mr Anti-Semite. Your post is demonstrably incorrect and a disgrace to this website.

george pierce
george pierce
3 years ago

The truth is often anti “Semitic”.

Dan Poynton
Dan Poynton
3 years ago
Reply to  johnofbahrain

“Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Matthew 10:34
But hey, probably like you, I think Jesus was a cool sort of guy,so I like to think he was being more metaphorical when he said that one.

george pierce
george pierce
3 years ago
Reply to  johnofbahrain

So what has happened in your country? Your culture? You disconnected your religion from your nation, soil and race, and put it into an isolated theoretical space where it can do no harm to the schemes of the bankers and imperialists.

Of course the British Jesus would never hold a sword. He’s just like your version of his dad, a slightly effeminate, kindly old dude who just wants everyone to have a good time.

The Orthodox church has a Jesus that has not been changed or reinterpreted by various popes, kings, degenerates, and money changers.

Of course Christ was not depicted through a British lens in architecture or symbolism. The British speak with actions.

Their missionaries were at the front lines of the imperial projects when the colonies were stripped of their indigenous traditions and resources. Fancy that.

Before the great schism, church decisions were made only in unanimity and agreement of the seven churches. It was not the Byzantine patriarch that declared himself supreme. Rebellion breeds rebellion so naturally the West been broken up into a thousand protestant sects most of which have become completely Godless.

Oflaherty! Now that is an accomplished family. Dr. Michael, Oflaherty is the EU human rights lawyer famous for doing much internationally to enforce homosexual rights. Stalin’s cook can’t hold a candle to that.

Dougie Undersub
Dougie Undersub
3 years ago

And all built in less time than CrossRail.

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
3 years ago

I was thinking that if the Cenotaph had been in Moscow and the Russians had seen the desecration taking place just what would have then happened.
What the fate of the flag burner would have been. I can guess.
The concept of the Immortal Regiment is now part of the Russian world view.

Oliver McCarthy
Oliver McCarthy
3 years ago

If you want to know why they Left hate Putin… circvmspice.