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Adrian Smith
Adrian Smith
3 years ago

WRT to the govt acting on precise predictions, it is more likely they were following what was happening anyway as people modified their behaviour naturally in response to growing fear, having seen pictures and figures from Italy. The great transport graphs that show how well we have complied with govt instructions both in locking down and opening up, actually show that we were slowing down before we were told to and have been getting going again before we have officially been allowed to.

The predictions I loved the most were the comparative predictions of what GDP would be over 10 years if we voted for Brexit and if we voted to remain. I think a lot of leave voters did actually believe this nonsense (when have predictions of GDP growth in just 1 year actually been accurate?) and voted leave anyway as a price worth paying.

Alex Camm
Alex Camm
3 years ago

The recent publication of a prediction that despite the recent increase in polar bear numbers they are facing ‘extinction’ by 2080 is surely one example that illustrates the point made here.
Who will be around then to challenge it? It can only have been made to make a political point not a scientific one.
If you make a prediction beyond the lifetime of the current generation you are free to say pretty much anything you like