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Carl Goulding
Carl Goulding
2 years ago

Well done Mr Gutman for having the courage of your convictions.

Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago

“In the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), by George Orwell, the Two MinutesHate is the daily, public period”
Today I await the Two MinutesSelfHate becoming a daily school ritual. (those who are not White may do the Two Minutes Hate)

Emre Emre
Emre Emre
2 years ago
Reply to  Galeti Tavas

It may happen soon:

During one of these sessions, Flores hosted an exercise resembling Orwell’s Two Minutes Hate, in which minority teachers were allowed 90 seconds to berate their white colleagues. During the exercise, Flores denounced one of her white female colleagues by screaming, “You make me feel unsafe, you make me feel unsafe” repeatedly for 90 seconds.

Kathy Prendergast
Kathy Prendergast
2 years ago
Reply to  Emre Emre

I grew up with three sisters. I think if I had been forced to attend a session like that and been treated that way I would still be in jail for slapping that b**** into the following week.

Mark Preston
Mark Preston
2 years ago
Reply to  Emre Emre

The teachers should quit rather than face this abuse.

Dhimmitude Ishere
Dhimmitude Ishere
2 years ago
Reply to  Emre Emre

The link you provide is truly terrifying; West civilisation is rapidly building its own funeral pyre.

Mark Preston
Mark Preston
2 years ago

It is so heartening to hear from a parent who genuinely loves their child and won’t let them be subject to propaganda.

George Bruce
George Bruce
2 years ago

I left the UK for various reasons in the early 2000s. One reason was the children`s education.
I could see already the way it was going as I lived in London in a bourgeois area but with even then quite a lot of diversity. I do not really have the money without a struggle for the private sector, and anyway I prefer the state sector if it is run well.
I thought it would be a bad thing if frequently the children were to come home, tell me what they had been told about the world, and I would have to tell them that is not a fact, it is an opinion, and I believe it is wrong for the following reasons. It undermines their belief in authority at too early an age, and in fact it would be reasonable for a child to think the teachers were perhaps talking nonsense even about more factual matters like maths or physics.
I think I made a good choice – the country my wife was born in, where politics and ideology make little (although even here, a little) intrusion into the schools. I think they have had a good education – although no doubt many UK educators would be appalled at their lack of, or even opposition to, wokeness.

Last edited 2 years ago by George Bruce
Simon Newman
Simon Newman
2 years ago
Reply to  George Bruce

“I thought it would be a bad thing if frequently the children were to come home, tell me what they had been told about the world, and I would have to tell them that is not a fact, it is an opinion, and I believe it is wrong for the following reasons. It undermines their belief in authority at too early an age”
I never had a problem telling my son from a young age that his (London, state school) teachers could be wrong about stuff. Maybe that’s a bit aspergery, but he seems to have worked out ok – and he’s very adept at telling people what they want to hear. 🙂

Last edited 2 years ago by Simon Newman
George Bruce
George Bruce
2 years ago
Reply to  Simon Newman

I never had a problem telling my son from a young age that his (London, state school) teachers could be wrong about stuff.

It is a question of degree. To say that a teacher got a fact wrong or made a spelling mistake – fine.
To say that a large number of the teachers in a school are constantly repeating wrong things on important matters, and their views on life in general are valueless, nay harmful – that is different.
One memory my wife has was a primary school teacher telling her how lucky we were that the children in the school spoke lots of different languages – and of course, virtually daring my wife to disagree that there could be downsides to such a Tower of Babel. And that is just a minor example.

Jonathan Weil
Jonathan Weil
2 years ago
Reply to  George Bruce

Where is this promised land, please?

George Bruce
George Bruce
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan Weil

Sorry, Jonathan, people I know might guess who I am. I will merely say it is not in northern or western Europe – but then you probably knew that!
But you know, maybe it could be lots of countries outside northern and western Europe and the Islamic and sub-Saharan African world.

Last edited 2 years ago by George Bruce
John Gleeson
John Gleeson
2 years ago

Massive respect. Wonder if this got any mass press coverage over there as it should have. One of, if not the only, example of good people putting their foot down and having the integrity and decency to reject these quasi-religious fanatics and their grotesque, obscene, bullying BS. I dearly hope it’s the start of real substantial resistance. It makes me want to start a group to march against political indoctrination in the UK, which is the biggest threat to a stable, sane generation of people, and future ones after them that exists right now.

It’s not the old, fluffy liberalism we are facing. And we can all feel the hatred, malevolence, and toxic resentment of these despicable, damaged, anti-social nightmare group.

Political indoctrination and 1984 social engineering, domestic abuse, child abuse, those are critical things people should be striving for to change. Instead, we’ve got Antifa headcases in far too many positions of influence, and they’re utterly unable to keep themselves from abusing the minds of kids as soon as they get the chance. They only care about people using the right pronouns they demand be used for them and idiocy like that.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Gleeson
Emre Emre
Emre Emre
2 years ago

Wokeism is a secular counter-Enlightenment movement. It’s the first time a secular critique of Enlightenment went mainstream and I think this took many by surprise.
There’s also the political angle. It helps Democrats cast the widest net for minority vote at a time of right-wing populism in US. It looked like it was working in pushing the Right back for a while.
But now, a valid question is whether this will all backfire and strengthen right-wing populism after all, by potentially providing confirmation for some of the things far-righters had been saying about the establishment (e.g. political correctness gone mad) for large parts of the population (e.g. trans rights movement, defund police, white fragility, …).

Last edited 2 years ago by Emre Emre
Peter Kaye
Peter Kaye
2 years ago

I have a family member in the state school system in a Republican state. Every subject, somehow or another, has to include Wokeness, from computing (you must acknowledge how others feel) to geography (oppression is everywhere), by my estimate 20% of teaching now is Woke, in every subject. I shudder to think what they teach in Oregon, California, etc.
I wish Mr.Gutmann well, and I do, truly, hope it works out. I suspect that it will be massively over-subscribed.

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
2 years ago

In Australia they are teaching very young children that Jesus was non-binary and wore a dress. We learned this from a video of a bewildered Aussie mum on Alex Belfield’s Voice of Reason podcast this morning. Notwithstanding the fact the religion should not even be taught in schools, this is crazy even by the standards of what passed for education in the West today.

Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago
Reply to  Fraser Bailey

“Notwithstanding the fact the religion should not even be taught in schools,”

Religion SHOULD be taught in schools! To say otherwise is like saying history should not be taught in schools as people disagree on its meaning. Or literature should not be taught as there are too many viewpoints so some must be wrong, and those could hurt innocents…..

As religion has been mans greatest accomplishment in arising from the savanna – grubbing roots and clubbing zebras – into forming structured societies with philosophical concepts, agreed morality, and set organizations of educated leadership.

I did not know you were one with the modern cancel culture, or a knee-jerk atheist.

Jim Jones
Jim Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Galeti Tavas

Am I a reactionary atheist if I object to creationism being taught in schools?

Last edited 2 years ago by Jim Jones
Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago
Reply to  Fraser Bailey

Awaiting approval above for word j ** k, so repeated below with offending letters redacted:
“Notwithstanding the fact the religion should not even be taught in schools,”
Religion SHOULD be taught in schools! To say otherwise is like saying history should not be taught in schools as people disagree on its meaning. Or literature should not be taught as there are too many viewpoints so some must be wrong, and those could hurt innocents…..
As religion has been mans greatest accomplishment in arising from the savanna – grubbing roots and clubbing zebras – into forming structured societies with philosophical concepts, agreed morality, and set organizations of educated leadership.
I did not know you were one with the modern cancel culture, or a knee-*e r* atheist.

Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago
Reply to  Fraser Bailey

“teaching very young children that Jesus was non-binary and wore a dress”

My guess is they will not go into explaining Mohammad wearing a dress as well, but keep him in his dishdasha. Purely to be culturally sensitive, and to avoid any inconvenient beheading.

Adrian Smith
Adrian Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  Fraser Bailey

What the major religions purportedly believe should be taught in schools (would be nice to catch some of the minor ones too) alongside a historical analysis of whether followers of those religions have practised what they preached.

Margaret Tudeau-Clayton
Margaret Tudeau-Clayton
2 years ago
Annette Kralendijk
Annette Kralendijk
2 years ago

Gutmann seems like he would have been fine with actual anti racist policies. But that isn’t what Brearley was implementing. Its policies were distinctly racist. Just calling them anti-racist when they were, in fact, the very opposite, is designed to squelch dissent against racist policies. Bravo to Mr Gutmann for standing up to them.

Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago

I also think mr Gutman would merely trim the extreme, but set up a school which would still be way Liberal/Left for a typical, Non-NYC-rich guy. That ‘Thanksgiving will always have a foot note to dead Native Americans, and Imperial India history be about British exploiting the natives., with some bits of architecture, and their religion, and civil rights (and maybe even the millions killed during the partition, but maybe not, depending who is made to be the bad guys.) so much better than normal schools, but Liberal.

Not that it will matter as he clearly explains the entire function of the $54,000 a year school is to feed into $70,000 a year universities and so into $1,000,000 + per year jobs amongst the right sorts of people.

In the Daily Mail today is a NYC liberal school teaching kindergarten children about master***ion using sexual correct cartoon characters. I would have the person presenting this class charged with pedophilia to be a lesson to all adults to not get weirdly into this kind of situation with children.

Annette Kralendijk
Annette Kralendijk
2 years ago
Reply to  Galeti Tavas

Yes, one of my daughters attended a university which was about $48k tuition and room and board. The first year all parents got a letter apologizing because some fraternity on campus had a cowboys and Indians party with some questionable dress on the part of the “Indian” attendees. And they were serious. I guess the administrators never attended college themselves. She found it amusing that anyone would apologize for this and any “offense” it caused and so did I. As Jerry Seinfeld famously said…..”if I like their race, how can it be racist?”
They are college kids, showing up at parties inappropriately dressed is what they do. I’m fine with liberal beliefs and my kids were all armed with an explanation of what they might see and how not to over-react. How not to walk around with a huge chip on their shoulders.

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
2 years ago

A good and brave man. One can only hope that he manages to establish his new type of school in New York, and that this leads to more such schools across the US.

Robert Hochbaum
Robert Hochbaum
2 years ago

I think the idea of a parallel school system for people who want to avoid the rapid shift in the woke direction is a terrific idea. I’m happy to hear he actually has some momentum and money behind the idea. I applaud his initiative. I’m very worried, however, that what we’ll end up with is 20% of kids getting a decent education while 80% are in public schools getting the indoctrination. I’m just guessing at the percentages. But, even if it was 50/50, it seems like there is a dark future ahead for these kids and our country. I don’t see ‘a more perfect union’ in the future if CRT and all its baggage is allowed to be taught. It is inherently divisive. Its goals include basically tearing down the government and educational structure of the nation and starting over. I applaud parents getting their kids away from this ideology, but there are still going to be millions of kids being indoctrinated. This isn’t going to end well.

Last edited 2 years ago by Robert Hochbaum
Lesley van Reenen
Lesley van Reenen
2 years ago

A courageous and principled man. Just a question…. I thought that Biden had signed off CRT for all schools at the beginning of the year?

Annette Kralendijk
Annette Kralendijk
2 years ago

Biden doesn’t have the power to do this. In addition, some states have banned CRT in public schools. Presidents aren’t monarchs.

John Mack
John Mack
2 years ago

Raised Catholic but never believing in original sin, I see here a repetition of that obnoxious doctrine: born white, you are born more or less a psychopath, or vicious oppressor, etc. I later learned that the Eastern CHurch has a different and older definition of what is called the sin of Adam and Eve: we all bear the consequences of that sin (the cruelty and inhumanity we so easily inflict on each other and, yes, class and racial oppression) but we bear no guilt. We are only guilty of the sins we ourselves personally commit.
We are only guilty of the wriongs we ourselves commit. And those wrongs can be repaired by a non-ego focused acknowledgement of them, a resolution to do those wrongs no more, and action to perform what reparation we can.
Racism certainly exists and is deeply ingrained in our society. So is the easy assumption of superiority by the class of one’s birth, or by “meritocracy.” The wrongs of society need to be explored with a view to advancing justice. A medieval theological approach does not advance justice or challenge the priviliged to stop fcusing on themselves and their guilt and instead focus on social and class realities with a commitment to advance solutions to the wrongs that are there. I favor ecomnomic security for everyonne and access to certtain resources for everyone. in other words, a well regulated social democratic form of a capitalist economy and democratic governance. But other approaches can be discussed, especially ones that assure economic security and the right to govern one’s own life without hectoring form preachers (religious or secular, right or left) within an orbit of relationship and civic obligations.
Dwelling on one’s guilt is a form of egoistic focus on one’s self. Focusing on shared problems and solutions is one way we escape the human dilemma and harm of egoism.
I am sure there are good aspects of critical race theory. But a far better way to confront and work out solutions to our race (and class) problems are avaiiable. Parents need to discover what has been emppiricalluy proven to solve poverty, class, race and police problems and demand that these solution oriented approaches be taught. A good resource, one that catalogs proven effective solutions, is the Shriver Center at the University of Maryland.
We all remember Martin Luther King’s, “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” This humanistic approach, respectful of people of good will from all backgrounds, did not prevent him from seeing the injustices perpetrated on working class people, especially blacks and other not mainstream white populations, and aiming for radical economic reform as a result.

Patrick White
Patrick White
2 years ago

Due to their lack of achievement, complete reliance on White people, and their own general unattractiveness, only blacks are racist. Only blacks could be.

Paul Ansell
Paul Ansell
2 years ago

It certainly seems as though the advance guard of the Woke are adhering to the supposed Jesuit maxim : …give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man…..
I applaud Mr Gutmann but Iam appalled that it should come to this. This Woke movement is innately stupid, being unable to see that it represents a most illiberal, racist body of people all proclaiming their egalitarian credentials…….irony does not begin to describe this…..
The next hurdle of course will be what University will these well educated young people attend. I cannot imagine a university that would accept them unless they were prepared to conform…….