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James Joyce
James Joyce
2 years ago

The radical left and radical feminists have brought this on themselves. Think of a young male teen coming up–sexuality is more of a minefield than it was for previous generations, and the stakes are very real. If a girl texts a pic of her breasts and he sends it on (yes, teens do that), in the USA he could be arrested for child pornography and placed on a sex offender registry. If he tries to kiss a girl and she’s not ready or doesn’t want it, he could be guilty of a sexual assault, a potential rapist.
Isn’t it much easier to stay in the bedroom or basement and watch porn and play video games? Relations between men and women, boys and girls, have deteriorated beyond belief. There’s no longer courtship and dating rituals, replete with errors that hopefully one learns from, it’s now a blood sport with real consequences. It’s a shooting war between the sexes.
To those who say that a 15 or 16 year old girl texting a pic of her breasts is “child porn,” grow up! A pic like this, nothing more, is simply not pornography, and this is simply life for current teenagers.

Ian May
Ian May
2 years ago
Reply to  James Joyce

When I was a teen, there was no easy way to send or receive such photos, but I think it’s often natural curiosity at that age and certainly shouldn’t be seen as anything sinister. Then again, most countries have an age of consent, and for a good reason.
Again, as a teenager, the only thing I ever saw was a glimpse of such magazines as Playboy or Penthouse. Would I have looked at anything more explicit? No doubt, but while I think sex education should be available, I don’t think it’s a good idea for all the mysteries of the adult pleasure that is sexual discovery to be available to those of such a young age.
Even putting legalities aside for a moment, is it such a good idea for teens full of raging hormones to be able to spend their evenings in their bedrooms watching hours of explicit pornography that isn’t real sex at all? We can perhaps blame parents for allowing junior unbridled access to the Internet on their laptops in their bedrooms, but if it’s out there, they’re going to find it and see it somewhere. In any case, it’s accessible from any smartphone too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ian May
Ray Hall
Ray Hall
2 years ago

One aspect of the debate is that those in favour of pornography typically argue that on screen behaviour does not influence the behaviour of those who watch . But the advertising industry is predicated on the opposite case.

ralph bell
ralph bell
2 years ago
Reply to  Ray Hall

I think we have already heard a similar argument with violent videos in the 90’s.

Perry de Havilland
Perry de Havilland
2 years ago
Reply to  ralph bell

Indeed & it was rubbish then too

Geoffrey Simon Hicking
Geoffrey Simon Hicking
2 years ago

I just wish people would spend a bit more time weighing up the negative consequences of closing these places down (Churchill’s first political speech was in defence of prosti tutes after all). Less one-sided evangelizing, and more preparing to deal with the consequences of onlyfans shutting down.

That way, we can have the monogamous utopia Mary Harrington wants, having prepared for and dealt with its uglier side.

Last edited 2 years ago by Geoffrey Simon Hicking
2 years ago

Although this is certainly a step in the right direction, I am not hopeful about pornography’s future in society – I believe the past decade or so have engrained it too heavily into our culture to be easily eradicated.

Simon Denis
Simon Denis
2 years ago

There is, I suspect, a massive correction taking place in society and not before time. Many delusions arose from post-war prosperity, accentuated by the victories of 89, including the over-confidence that leads to a collapse in moral standards and taboos. This has cratered out into a social landscape of increasing indifference, ugliness and brutality and people will naturally seek to rein things in. This must not, however, be entrusted to any of the Marxist groupuscules currently discombobulated by the shenanigans of “woke”. They are themselves every bit as mystical, extremist and intolerant as their youthful progeny and opponents. Many of them are as filled with hatred for men as the “woke” are for “whites” and will naturally seek to abolish so-called “adult” entertainment, when the most fruitful way of coping is a combination of censorship, regulation and age restriction. The lesson of the last twenty years is not “no enemies on the right”; but it is certainly, “no friends from the left”. They are corrupt, authoritarian and unreasoning.

Christian Moon
Christian Moon
2 years ago

What is the exploitative power imbalance in OnlyFans?
Are you saying we are trying to protect the subscribers who are forking over their money to a girl under whose spell they have fallen? Really?
There are good arguments against OnlyFans, but it’s very hard to make out one based on power imbalances except those that acknowledge it’s the women who are the exploiters.

Christian Moon
Christian Moon
2 years ago

What is the exploitative power imbalance in OnlyFans?
Are you saying we are trying to protect the subscribers who are forking over their money to a girl under whose spell they have fallen? Really?
There are good arguments against OnlyFans, but it’s very hard to make out one based on power imbalances except those that acknowledge it’s the women who are the exploiters.