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Simon Denis
Simon Denis
2 years ago

Typically shameless of the left to start using Chavez as a bad example long after the rest of us realised what a monster he was. Even more brass-necked of them to use him against Orban, when for years they either sang his praises or offered him muted support. But what completely takes the biscuit is that whilst Orban is a democrat, Chavez – quondam hero of the bien pensant – was a dictator; whilst Orban fosters healthy economics and social contentment, Chavez reduced his people to beggary – and not a squeak of protest to be discerned among the many flatulent noises of the Guardian or the New York Times. They may slap each other on the back and snap up each other’s joyless tomes as much as they please, but the idiot Left is just talking to itself in an otherwise deserted room. Who else would want to spend time with such crazies?

Julian Farrows
Julian Farrows
2 years ago

There’s no reasoning with current crop of Leftists. If you so much as step an inch out of line, you are a right-wing extremist. While it seem to work in their favor for now, it will eventually become their undoing. Inevitably, much like the Soviet Union, they will fall to their own lack of internal consistency. Its these inconsistencies we need to focus on in order to push back against the mind-rot. Publications like Unherd do much good in that regard.