July 18, 2024 - 7:00pm

→ Nigel Farage defends TikTok

The “TikTok sensation” that is Nigel Farage has come out batting for his use of the controversial Chinese app, saying that “TikTok is what Gen Z do.”

Speaking to journalist Michael Tracey at the Republican National Convention today, Farage said he was “reaching out to young voters” and “it’s working”. He told Tracey that “everyone’s jealous of me.”

Farage said he was “deeply conflicted” about using the app that stands accused of being a tool of Chinese espionage, and which could be banned in the US soon. He must be really hating all the newfound attention…

→ You did it, Kamala

In an unlikely turn of events, the wildly unpopular Vice President — whose low ratings have been a key justification for Joe Biden staying in the race — is currently more popular than the President.

Kamala Harris is beating Biden in favourability by 43% to 38% and her unfavourability score, 48%, is 10 points lower than the President’s in a new AP-NORC poll. And his disastrous debate performance doesn’t even appear to be the key issue driving his unpopularity. The same poll in January found Biden doing only a few points better, at 57% unfavourability and 40% favourability. Harris’s unfavourability is on a slight decline after staying above 50% for more than two years.

This reality — that Biden is getting his clock cleaned by one of the least popular vice presidents in American history — appears to finally be setting in. Biden reportedly asked aides this week whether Harris could win, before he reported having tested positive for Covid and jetted off into the sunset (or Delaware).

→ Napoleon beats Macron in popularity contest

“A leader is a dealer in hope,” Napoleon Bonaparte once said. And France’s current leader, President Emmanuel Macron, is struggling to give his people any hope at the moment.

The recent snap elections saw embarrassing rejections of Macron’s centrist platform in favour of both Right-wing and Left-wing parties, and the French are starting to wonder if he lives up to his historical predecessors. A new poll shows Bonaparte beating Macron 62-38 in a one-on-one electoral bout, and that if Napoleon were to come back to life today 47% would be ready to vote for him. Apparently St. Helena is nice this time of year, Emmanuel…