June 17, 2024 - 4:20pm

Why did Reform UK choose Merthyr Tydfil for the launch of their manifesto? Technically, there’s nothing Red Wall about this part of the world: the Valleys have been solidly Labour since 1922.

But for Nigel Farage, that seems to be the point. He barely bothered with the Tories in his remarks, but rather set out a two-election strategy to establish Reform as the true opposition to Labour — and then storm to power in 2029.

Is this remotely realistic? Well, perhaps he’s inspired by the example of the populist Right in France which has displaced the Left across large swathes of the Gallic rust-belt. However his manifesto — or “contract“, as he insists on calling it — owes rather more to Liz Truss than Marine Le Pen.

Its main plank is a tax giveaway. This includes raising the threshold on inheritance tax to £2 million, which he sheepishly conceded might be of more relevance to south-east England than south-east Wales.

Admittedly, some of the promised tax cuts have greater retail appeal than Truss’s politically toxic mini-budget. For instance, in Farage World no one will pay income tax until they earn more than £20,000. Sounds great, but how is this generosity to be paid for? Having raised the question, Farage — referring to himself as “Mr Nice” — introduced “Mr Nasty” (a.k.a. Richard Tice) to answer it.

Unfortunately, Tice would have been more accurately described as Mr Flaky. It wasn’t just that he confused billions with trillions, but that his financial master plan falls apart on inspection. He began his speech with a scheme to save £30-40 billion a year by no longer paying interest to commercial banks holding deposits with the Bank of England. How clever of him to spot this enormous free lunch. It’s almost as if there must be some sort of catch — which, of course, there is.

Basically it all comes down to the hangover from quantitative easing (QE), which, unsurprisingly, isn’t nearly so cost-free as it was cracked up to be. But though the central bankers have badly screwed up here, the costs we’ve been lumbered with will diminish over time, meaning that Tice’s proposed savings are temporary and cannot pay for permanent tax cuts. In any case, his policy would go well beyond the conventional strictures of monetary policy, exposing the UK to another Truss-style meltdown. Say what you like about the inequities of global capitalism, but the world does not owe this country a living — let alone an unconditional line of credit.

Reform’s contract also promises to save £50 billion by cutting government waste. (Always best to pick a nice round number when pulling it from a sensitive area). And, of course, there’s endless dividends to be had from scrapping Net Zero, which apparently is “crippling our economy”. Quite right, who wants all that wind and solar power when we could be relying on European gas prices?

Furthermore, as Richard Tice reminded us, junking renewables means that we won’t need to build electricity pylons across the British countryside. Though how he intends to transmit power from the “fast-track clean nuclear energy” promised in the Reform manifesto, he didn’t say.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with providing a workable alternative to both Labour and the Conservatives. But, sadly, this isn’t it. Like all dubious contracts, the small print doesn’t add up.

Peter Franklin is Associate Editor of UnHerd. He was previously a policy advisor and speechwriter on environmental and social issues.
