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Oliver McCarthy
Oliver McCarthy
3 years ago

This is slightly perverse. The biggest threat to the “rule of law” is always going to be that the public lose trust in the probity of the police and the judiciary. (And that the former head of the Crown Prosecution Service in the UK is now the Leader of HM Loyal Opposition is hardly encouraging!) Surely Netanyahu’s prosecution – on what sound like surprisingly trivial charges (his friends gave him cigars and champagne – shocking!) – comes just a little bit too hard on the heels of Olmert’s fall from grace to feel entirely comfortable. Trump’s impeachment in the Senate like Clinton’s was of course a piece of largely pointless and discreditable political theatre. But proper judges are supposed to be politically neutral.

3 years ago

Oliver you trivialise his corruption by inferring it was just gifts from friends…it was gifts for favours and on a par with our own money for questions scandal…you point out that judges are supposed to be politically neutral but aren’t political leaders supposed to be honest and ethical? l was going to say like Boris Johnson but perhaps not lol

Peter KE
Peter KE
3 years ago

Maybe we could change the analysis and rather than looking at Israel return to the UK and look at the failure of the judiciary, police and the crown prosecution. Use the examples of assumed complaint is always correct and the presumption of guilty until proven innocent for sex assault cases, ECHR as the basis for dealing with illegal immigrants etc. Our legal system is already in a questionable position.