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Robert Pruger
Robert Pruger
2 years ago

Well done! Wow, a real discussion with real differences of opinion. Loss count how many times in 64 minutes I agreed and disagreed. What a delight! Bob Pruger, an American dissenter to the lockdown.

stephen archer
stephen archer
2 years ago

Maybe my expectations of this event were too high, but I felt the discussion was far too intellectual for my taste and brain power. Mary Harrington was excellent and articulate and had some interesting and valid viewpoints. I thought I had a reasonable grasp of the english language but I found Aris difficult to follow and hadn’t a clue where he was coming from. I felt it a pity for those online subscribers to have the event combined with a pub evening for those present in the “studio”. I’d forgotten what central London office/pub culture was like.

Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago
Reply to  stephen archer

I turned it off shortly after 40:30, the point where Freddy says that ‘My guess is this panel will be in favor of increased spending’ ‘Is there anyone here that would say its gone too far?’

Only if you believe that the destruction of the world’s economy and millions of lives destroyed and killed matter, and possibly the end of society as we know it because of the “covid” spending. 50 trillion spent on the ‘Response’ globally, that is after a huge asset bubble had been building for decades, and debt higher than ever in history…
Helen Thompson (Political Economics) “Political economy is a branch of social science that studies the relationship that forms between a nation’s population and its government when public policy is enacted.” addressing Freddys question rambled about the ‘Bond Market’, ‘I don’t like it’, and that QE saving the bond market March 2020 caused something, but does not say what, and that taxes cannot pay it back, and the point of no return is crossed but no one can say what it means, and bla, bla, bla….and drops the topic.

Here it is as I see it
1) massive deflation, and the Great Depression II (depression was deflation) (youtube Jeff Booth, Harry Dent, and dozens of others). Tech is Deflationary as it makes manufacturing and software automated, boosts productivity, so drops prices. The Fed must print 5-8% free money just to get 2% inflation because the deflationary effect of tech. Deflation means debt is unaffordable as money is expensive and debt becomes too expensive to ever pay off (Globe holds $200,000,000,000,000 debt public and private) so BOOM! Economy dead if printing slows (UBI will have to be handed out just to keep deflation from happening and the printing presses humming – but that will not work very long)
2) Inflation is needed in our economic system to absorb the excess debt and money printing, 2% is thought ideal, (inflation is a tax on everyone to fund government redistribution) but then….Hyper Inflation. By definition Inflation IS THE INCREASE OF MONEY SUPPLY WITHOUT CORRESPONDING PRODUCTION, AND TRILLIONS OF PRINTING MONETARY AND FISCAL $ IS THAT. THEN WAGE INFLATION IS COMING. CPI, and industrial input inflation is running 5.%, wages inflating, – – real assets inflation, commodities, housing, and Equities, energy (12% – 200% so far, in one year)… Once inflation begins raising interest is normally used to hold it – this is IMPOSSIBLE because the debt, so it has to remain ZERO. If spending ($150 Billion/month + 3.2 Trillion, plus 4 trillion ‘Green’) is ‘Tapered’ (reduced) the entire mess collapses into default. Hyperinflation is like Wiemar, Argentina, Zimbabwe… Peter Schiff, Rickards, Dalio, and others on youtube….

But Unherd does not do Money, but it is like watching Germany in 1932 – 38, just waiting for it to get going, and all the MSM is blithely taking of celebrities and social issues. Covid was not a illness issue, it is an economic issue, and the lockdown may have destroyed us – or not, maybe Tech will keep productivity exponentially rising so we can not produce, but still spend, like in 2020, and we all can retire on UBI soon – or not…..

“””It’s the economy, stupid
“The economy, stupid” is a phrase coined by James Carville in 1992. It is often quoted from a televised quip by Carville as “It’s the economy, stupid.” Carville was a strategist in Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 presidential campaign against incumbent George H. W. Bush”””

Last edited 2 years ago by Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago
Reply to  stephen archer

Stephen, it was all just word salad they were serving us, just vaguely rambling on trying to express how they felt about something they have not reflected on. You note the vast numbers of umm, er, hmmm, and so on as every second word – that means they had not done the very obvious and necessary step of being given the questions days early to prepare so they could say something thought out and useful.

Galeti Tavas
Galeti Tavas
2 years ago

Oh, are they finished droning on yet? Because I had to pause it or be forced to gnaw my own leg off to escape that sensory deprivation chamber.

There was one moment in the discussion where they discussed of how,when fallowing the bellwether sheep, they used its tail as an indication of direction to take, or if they preferred to fallow its comforting bell, and in the end all agreed it did not matter so long as it was leading them to where they needed to be going.

One caller mentioned how ‘All us sheep live our life in fear of the wolves, yet end up being eaten by the shepherd’. This was derided as Post-Neo-Liberal claptrap by the panel, unanimously, and said the caller must be a F* scist and hung up.

Well done Unherd, and Freddy, bring us this stimulating debate.