A climate change initiative, spearheaded by London Mayor Sadiq Khan, is recommending against buying more than three items of clothing a year, privately owning a car and flying more than once every three years. The C40 Climate Leadership group comprises, in its own words, “a network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis”, and has commissioned a report making suggestions for how cities can halve their greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
Khan, who chairs the C40 group, has received backlash from Londoners following this month’s Ulez expansion. Though the C40 Cities initiative, under the guise of the Clean Air Wins campaign, has shared videos in favour of Ulez, the Wall Street Journal this week highlighted the less highly-publicised proposals in its report, authored in collaboration with the University of Leeds, such as “no meat, no dairy and no private vehicles”. Also suggested is travelling by plane only once every three years, which the WSJ compares to the policies of “climate lockdowns”.
The report prescribes various “consumption interventions”, without outlining how these measures would be implemented. Reducing meat consumption to zero by 2030 is a listed target, but there is little in the way of detail about how this intervention could be achieved.
C40 Cities employs 433 people worldwide, according to LinkedIn, with headquarters in London, New York and Rio De Janeiro. Its website, however, provides few concrete examples of what C40 is actually doing. Real-life activities are buried under idealistic calls for “action now” and essays detailing milestones achieved by member cities. Yet money is pouring into C40. The UK arm of the company alone received £11m in grants and other funding in 2022. More than £7m of that money was spent on its own staff.
In November 2021, the UK Government invested £27 million in C40’s Urban Climate Action Plan (UCAP). While the initiative’s site claims that from 2018 to 2021 it “provided technical assistance and resources to 35 cities to develop climate action plans that effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance climate resilience”, the nature of this assistance and resources is not expanded upon.
The cities involved in UCAP seem equally at a loss. A less-than-clear summary of Accra’s involvement in UCAP can be found on the Accra Metropolitan Assembly website: “the delivery of the programme has included technical assistance for regional and local convenings, the development of knowledge products and a policy framework, capacity building, and informal sector integration advocacy campaigns.”
C40’s financial backers include extremely influential organisations and corporations, including Google, the Clinton Foundation and the World Bank, as well as the businessman and philanthropist George Soros. This support network of ideologically aligned leaders gives the C40 group serious heft, even if its activities aren’t widely known among the broader public.
There is acknowledgement of this undeniable influence in the report, which states that “the network of C40 Cities can use their global spending power to speed up a transition to low-carbon production,” making use of “immediate and ambitious action”. This action won’t just be top-down, however: for the C40 initiative, “it is critical that large-scale behavioural changes occur as soon as possible.”
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SubscribeAnd thus the battle lines of the new religion are drawn! A religion that has no aspiration for the human beings beyond contentment with being locked up in a cage and “saving” the planet. All this whilst its high priests whizz around the world preaching their flat ontology of decline and reducing human being to the level of a beast.
whizzing around in his Chauffeur driven Range Rover fleet. Boris had his bike – Ken has the bus.
Don’t despair, ‘they’ will inevitably suffer the fate of.Girolamo Savonarola.
Hopefully and in great PAIN.
Ordeal by fire followed by hanging? Seems a bit extreme. Would defunding and disbandment suffice?
How long will we tolerate these anti-democratic quangos and their schemes to terraform the lives of Western citizens against their will? Why do we tolerate them?
I’m ready with the tumbril Xaven. Just say the word!
Congratulations again, for reaching an unprecedented 513! On the “Britain is turning into South Africa”, essay of a couple of days ago.
Cheers Charles.
i am offended personally what it happening in my country i work for the u s p s and this is disgusting for my career and lively hood.
Bonfire of Quangos used to be a popular election promise. Too bad the tories refused to implement it after the vote.
Today’s faux Tories MUST be the first to the ‘bonfire’ of vanities.
Scheme is the word, as that’s all it is. Kahn, like most of his peers has no power to enact legislation, let alone this crap.
Because people in large cities vote for them. If there is a civil war it will be between the cities and everyone else.
Khan, the mayor of London, a city with 5 airports to its name, one of which (Heathrow) and its home airline (British Airways) that are totally reliant of transfer traffic, and a West End economy totally reliant on international tourism. The mayor who is driven around in a Range Rover. Well it helps explain why London has become a national irrelevance at least. These people are insane.
London, irrelevant?
If only…
There is no climate crisis.
Elvis lives
This shows how disconnected the political elite are from the people they represent. No one who lives outside a cloistered bubble would think any of this makes sense, or is even realistically possible. And we have yet another example of an NGO, funded by big business and govt, lobbying govt. It’s no doubt staffed by a bunch of university grads who couldn’t find productive work in the real economy. NGOs are a cancer on democracy.
It’s actually quite frightening that we have elective representatives of Parliament making bonkers demands. The Brighton MP Caroline “Looby Loo” Lucas demanded an immediate end to oil and gas exploration on the grounds that this would free us from the dependence on Vladimir Putin??. The other fruitcake Ed Miliband moved an amendment which would force the National Grid to get rid of all fossil fuels by 2030. My suggestion is that all the current MP’s in Parliament submit themselves to psychiatric evaluation. With the current Energy Bill moving its way through Parliament unopposed, they have clearly lost the plot.
I have never especially liked Khan, but I didn’t think he was a madman. Until now.
What took you so long?
Does flying once mean a round trip, or fly one way and walk back? Or, wait three years…
How to rate a triangular trip?
Does a pair of socks count as one or two article(s) of clothing? What if underwear comes in a 4-pack?
Do handkerchiefs count?
If I receive a gift, does it count against the purchaser or me? Or, both?
Do insects count as meat?
Do they provide a sample diet of 2500 kcal with no meat or dairy? Just so we can have some idea what they expect of us. Sounds like a lot of beans and nuts and bugs with soy protein powder. Making us all vegan.
How will we monitor the compliance of the Mayors, themselves, and their staffs and other governmental officials and Page and Brin at Google, and…
Funded by Clintons, Soros, Google, the World Bank. All of whom despise the people and think control of vast amounts of money makes them as Gods. Figures.
I don’t want to exaggerate, but after allowing for technological changes an Irish peasant under British rule in the 1800s may have been less separated from the ruling elite than this. And we know where that led.
When thinking of Orwell’s “1984” we focus on propaganda and thought control and lack of freedoms, but we should also look at the grinding level of poverty throughout the population of Airstrip One.
I used to think Huxley’s “Brave New World” was the more likely future, and while miserable at least it wouldn’t be as bad as Orwell’s vision. Looking like I as wrong… perpetual war, perpetual propaganda, perpetual surveillance, perpetual poverty. Given that Orwell’s model for 1984 was writing Stalin’s USSR, one might ask who really won the Cold War?
And, when the war starts, whom do they think will defend them?
You won the internet today.
So, effectively ban driving but also impose a 2500kCal limit on food consumption?
I only walk and cycle. Used to have a 6 mile ride to work and that was my daily intake as a fairly average sized and moderately fit man.
These days, it’s a daily 2 mile walk (each way). The calories for that weigh in at about 400 on top of the daily 2,000. If the weather is playing nice (not so much this year) evening 25 to 35 mile rides burn about 1000-1500kCal. This would effectively be an outlawed activity. In fact, any cardio activity outside of commuting will be outlawed, such as Sunday league football, rugby, rowing, hiking. Not allowed.
Of course, we’d also have to consider manual, labour intensive jobs. How exactly will they be nourished? Or is the thinking that they’d no longer be necessary because nobody is able to do anything other sit on the couch watching netflix and playing video games (without the alcohol, snacks and takeaways)?
I suspect that if you study the nutritional practices of the gulags, you’ll find the answer.
I’m sure they could find some handy tips in the Gulag records. An extra 100 cals a day for the shock workers!
Right then Mr Khan, war it is.
Please do not give him the respect of a title i.e. Mr!
He is a PUNJABI import, a left wing loony.
Of course, when he fills London with his own ilk, he will get elected time and time again.
However, as is happening now, there has to be PUSHBACK, if you don’t like what he says and rules, ignore it, or remove his tools.
P.S. I would love him to start his BS in Lahore and see how far he gets!
There is no other word for it.
There’s plenty of other words for it. Using an essentially useless one like “evil” isn’t in the least helpful, or even interesting.
No disagreement about “evil,” but there is another word, too, for use by the more secular among us.
It’s only evil if you define evil like George Orwell, “A boot stamping on a human face forever.” If you don’t define evil that way, then it’s called “Progressive”.
This reminds me of the iSAGE bigwig (Kit Something?) pivoting to climate change when covid fizzled out, in order to “keep the energy going” – i.e. keep the gravy train rolling.
Prediction: They’ll have to have frequent, in-person conferences in London, New York, Rio etc. Teams just won’t cut it.
And the loony Dame (only by inheritance) a member of the Commie Party fercrissakes (did Bo-Jo really have any say in the selection of this leftie power mob?), is NOW the Chairwoman of WHO Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Science. So another ‘Brown Envelope’ position. She screwed up the British Psyche with her BS, and will now do it worldwide with the next planned WHO pandemic!
C40’s financial backers include extremely influential organisations and corporations, including Google, the Clinton Foundation and the World Bank, as well as the businessman and philanthropist George Soros. This support network of ideologically aligned leaders gives the C40 group serious heft, even if its activities aren’t widely known among the broader public.
You forgot Computer Nerd and Medical Vax expert, Mr William Gates and his beautiful ex-wife, who it seems got fed up with him playing with Billy C, Jeff and the kids
These enviro-commissars will not be satisfied until everyone (except them) is living in grass huts.
Do you know how much carbon dioxide is emitted in constructing a grass hut?! Well, I don’t either, but I bet it’s a lot.
A world with clean air, but where it is not worth living in?
I saw some videos of a man who calls himself Brown Car Guy who tested air quality at various places in London. Perhaps surprisingly, the air quality on the Tube is far worse than on any road.
On the roads, if you were a few yards away from the blackspots – a bridge over the North Circular opposite IKEA, on the junction of Oxford St and Regents St, on the grass verge opposite Heathrow – the air quality was perfectly normal and healthy.
In other words the air quality justification for ULEZ is false.
If I’ve understood the table correctly, the ambitious target is that in 2030 there will be 0 cars in private ownership, but the cars will have a 50 year life expectancy.
So who do we think will be enjoying the use of these extremely durable and rare cars?
Clearly Khan and his rabble of deluded mates have entered the final stages of hubris, so inflated by their own hyperbole, that all sense of reason has departed.
As for the backers of this madness, they too have lost the plot so completely that they are now complacently funding a drive towards a highly repressive totalitarian world. “1984” had nothing on this lot.
Unfortunately for them the real authoritarian, would be masters of the world, do not share the tenets of this particular hair shirt climate change religion.
The appeal for an authoritarian thug like Khan is that none of these things can be achieved democratically, so if he can persuade us that they are necessary then he’s also half way to persuading us to abandon democracy.
That must not be allowed to happen.
D’accord. C’est la guerre.
Bring it on.
Ya gotta love UnHerd! Who else would expose this nonsense so decisively?
Most people I know are so besotted with their various computers that “local convenings, the development of knowledge products and capacity building” sounds like actual work; comparable to framing a house or raising livestock. Certainly worth many millions of dollars. I’d love to know where all that money is right now. We used to call such a pile a “slush fund”.
The grim question is “How much of this bull will people put up with?” If we made it clear at the polls that it was suicide for politicians, the whole thing would probably fade away.
Zero private vehicles by 2050? Who are they kidding?
Look again. Zero private vehicles by 2030!
The economy would shrink to nothing and the half of the workforce who still had jobs wouldn’t be able to get to work. Total batshit crazy.
Oh. My mistake.
In that case it becomes clear that this exercise is purely about the money, the slush fund. No one actually thinks this could happen, but it’s exactly what the activist/donors want to hear.
My guess is that most of the money will be spent on ridiculously high executive salaries.
Nice work if you can get it.
We should appreciate the benevolence of the C40 plan not simply asking us to die soon.
Khan – how the —- did we end up with such a deluded egomaniac as mayor of our capital?
He must go before he destroys much more. Time for ordianry people to start becoming active rather than leaving the goals wide open for the dangerous zealots.
Watch people vote wih their feet
next year – i hope people will vot with their vote! (and vote him OUT) – worst london Mayor ever.
Agreed, but don’t forget that the wretched Boris beast started all this green cr*p when he was Mayor.
Mentioning the wretched Boris…..he has been taking loads of flights through Heathrow and enjoying the excellent facilities of the Windsor VIP lounges. I suspect that the butlers in the Windsor lounges may serve genuine meat to their guests.
Seems like global temperature increase trends have been incorrectly calculated as they include ‘urban’ temperatures as well as rural. Therefore the ‘average’ global temperature increases are invalid and non representative.
Goodness! You may be right.
A perfect example of how the modelers could express their biases; accidently/on purpose, the old thumb-on-the-scale.
I have a brilliant idea. Instead of meat and milk, whose production involves a lot of icky beasts producing eve ickier waste, we should learn to drink gasoline (petrol).
One liter of gasoline contains 8168.53 kCal, or about 3.26 times the daily allowance or 2500 calories our overlords would allocate us. So drink a third of a liter of gasoline a day, and both the emission problems of all those animals and the problem of human waste is solved. And best of all, it’s fat-free!
Sorry. Fossil fuels are banned. I think you’ll have to insert a windmill somewhere uncomfortable!
But you’ll have to replace it every 15-20 years!
You don’t understand. It isn’t fuel, it’s food.
We could kill two birds with one stone and eliminate all ra*ists from London – move all of the white people out. Where would they go? We could build camps for them so that they are concentrated in one area.
Having these people in camps would provide a rich source of cheap labour to help to grow the crops in the fields. Another advantage of the plan is that their houses could be sequestered to make room for more boat people.
But there are just as many, if not more, non-white racists!
I imagine myself going home on the bus, because there are no private cars. What shall I have for my supper?
I could have toast, but no cheese on it (dairy is out).
I could have boiled rice but not rice pudding (dairy again)
I will wonder why I ever went to work or saved any money, since my standard of life is now this low.
Ah well. Might just as well not have bothered.
I think you may unaware that vegans, especially in the UK, have a high quality of food and living. We do not eat dry toast or boiled plain rice. You can use plant milk, butters and creams, delicious cheeses made of cashews etc try La Fauxmagerie at Waitrose. Without the suffering of animals.
These foods are full of protein, but low in saturated fat and cholesterol unlike the mother’s milk meant for baby cows, that grown humans do not need to consume. Have you seen Dairy Is Scary on YouTube? How about Dominion? Don’t respond unless you have. Open your eyes to the suffering of others and think further ahead. These are natural advancements in our human evolution – we have scaled up a cottage existence to feed 80 billion people and the suffering for these animals, as sentient and feeling as your cat or dog, is unimaginable, the destruction huge. Did you know we can feed 800 billion land animals slaughtered every year but we cannot feed or provide water to just 80 million humans? Do you know how many rainforests are being cleared for cattle and cattle feed globally? Did you know we kill trillions of sea life each year and if we carry on there will be nothing left in our oceans? Perhaps you should start wondering why people are making changes to their diet instead of the lazy ME ME ME hard done by mentality, I’ve always done it this way, and I’m not going to change etc. It’s quite apparent that as the global population grows, we have to make more sustainable changes to feed everyone – and meat and dairy farming is an archaic and wasteful,
method of getting the nutrients we need.
Watch DAIRY IS SCARY and DOMINION on YouTube free today. Have a great Saturday
Spoiler alert: You are Retarded
The fish aren’t going anywhere, they have been here since God created earth, as are the trees!
God gave me the right to choose what I want -He even gave You that right!
You choose to be vegan, I Choose to eat meat.
You can eat your FAKE dairy and your Nuts(no pun intended) and if you choose-the lab created meat they are talking about. But I have the choice to eat what I want as God extended to ALL human beings that HE created. Even YOU.
Some people don’t deserve to breathe the air we do have- clean or unclean.
Shame on you for pushing your way of life on me.
I have noticed that lately some people like to shove their life choices down my throat…
Oh and btw you said have a great saturday, my reply to that is DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
The fish aren’t going anywhere, they have been here since God created earth, as are the trees!
God gave me the right to choose what I want-He even gave YOU that right!
YOU choose to be vegan, I choose to eat meat.
YOU can eat your FAKE dairy and your nuts, (no pun intended) and if you choose- the lab created meat they are talking about. but I have the choice to eat what I want as God extended to ALL human beings that HE created. Even YOU
Some people don’t deserve the air we do have clean or unclean.
Shame on you for pushing your way of life on me.
I have noticed lately some people like to shove their life choices down my throat…
Oh and btw you said to” have a great Saturday”, My reply to that is DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
It would come as no surprise that those advocating such measures are never subject to the ramifications of their own ideology.
We, the peons, have one message for the so-called G40 “leaders”: Who the hell do you think you are? Your climate diktats sound like the infamous Marie Antionette’s cruel epithet to the starving population of France: “Let them, eat cake”. ( Even if she didn’t actually say that. ) When we see the “leaders” implement these asinine recommendations in their own personal lives…we’ll laugh our heads off and continue to live our lives as rational human beings with a measure of self-respect. These people are risible.
We, the peons, have one message for the so-called G40 “leaders”: Who the hell do you think you are? Your climate diktats sound like the infamous Marie Antionette’s cruel epithet to the starving population of France: “Let the, eat cake”. ( Even if she didn’t actually say that. ) When we see the “leaders” implement these asinine recommendations in their own personal lives…we’ll laugh our heads off and continue to live our lives as rational human beings with a measure of self-respect. These people are risible.
In common sense language… THANK YOU
not sure why you do not have more thumbs up,i agree and is everyone else on this site liberals??
In discussing the 27 million pounds spent on the C40’s Urban Action Plan, the author writes: “…the nature of the assistance and resources is not expanded upon.” The answer may lie in the previous paragraph where it was observed that on one occasion more than 7 million of the 11 million pounds allocated to C40 was spent on staff. If the proportion spent on staff remains the same, then 14 million pounds should have been spent on staff on this occasion as well. That leaves a mere 13 million pounds to account for, surely an easier task?
Of course the changes won’t be ‘top down’. The lifestyles of the people at the top won’t change.
As we anxiously stare at our calendars, counting down the years until we can get our Citizen Diversity Cards stamped, allowing one short propeller plane flight, we can distract ourselves by watching the world’s elite descend on Davos in individual private jets, where they will lecture us about the need to stop flying.
Eeking out our ration of soya milk and meat flavoured tofu, we can watch them enjoy a feast of the finest meats, washed down with champagne.
Greta Thunberg will stop by to shout at them. And nothing will change. Repeat on a yearly basis ad infinitum.
Why is he not embarrassed to make such ridiculous suggestions?
The universal characteristic of people like that is that they cannot be embarrassed. Ridiculed, yes, but not embarrassed. Let us unite in ridiculing them.
This is very interesting. I’ll be watching to see if he survives politically (or advances!). Based on what I have seen here in the US, he’ll be just fine. The progressive left is all-in on this stuff. People with really bad ideas and plans that seem to be causing grief for the proles keep getting elected here in our big cities. I’m betting a lot of Londoners are quite happy with his plans.
What concerns me so much now is that, in the past, Government and Parliament was supposed to be a buffer between these unaccountable, undemocratic organisations. Nowadays they are in thrall to them and end up as their playthings. It is a bad time for democracy and I am starting to feel increasingly disenfranchised.
“it is critical that large-scale behavioural changes occur as soon as possible.”
i.e. that entirely new human race that does, and wants to do, everything it is told to by self-selected clever people.
Life in a city without meat or dairy would be unbearable. I do not have a car, but a minority will still need them. These proposals are idiotic.
Australia (over 20? years & 5 Prime Ministers) has signed up to 7 UN agreements which have led to the referendum we’re having in Oct to change the Constitution & give our indigenous more power. Thankfully it looks like failing but the insidious pro green UN & WEF turds that want to divide countries by race, stop us travelling and eating meat have infiltrated Govts everywhere.
F—- the UN we should as americans be out of that, WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!
Why is the Mayor of London chairman of an organisation that employs hundreds of people to dream up visions of a dystopian future, which come with no framework for how to achieve the objectives and which, apparently, he has no plans to implement?
I see that Leeds University is a partner in this scheme and this illustrates the serious problem that the UK has with its education system. Passing through this system is now mandatory to gain access not just to officialdom and power, but even the most menial white collar work. Universities churn out young people with few useful skills, no concept of how you develop an idea through to implementation and no life experience beyond ‘being safe’. No small number of them end up in bullsheet quango or public sector jobs dreaming up crackpot nonsense such as this. They produce nothing and consume vast amounts of money.
On another note, I would be interested to see what the Muslim and Caribbean vote make of a compulsory veganised London, especially all the owners of restaurants, takeaways and Halal butcher’s shops. I imagine Brick Lane and Brixton would see some pushback.
Oh look. More comments deleted by the censorious thugs at Unherd. Shocker.
Wasn’t the first C40 gulag supposed to be … Warsaw? Didn’t anyone stop to think ..?
I can’t believe he’s not a member of the loony deluded green party
Even if (God forbid!) all the C40’s proposals were realised, it would not “save the planet”. To make a significant difference in the truly terrifying trajectory of global warming it will be necessary, first and foremost, to reverse the steady huge increases in coal-burning, deforestation, and similar practices in China and India and (to a lesser degree) in other non-Western economies. Any savings in carbon emissions (or other contributions to environmental degradation) which are made in Britain and Europe in the next 10 years will be dwarfed by the massive increases in these other countries. What is C40’s plan for dealing with this little discrepancy?
me no understand _ what the hell does that have to do with what is going on TODAY?????? trying to do away with our dairy and meat????? please respond , I am curious to know your SMART INTELLECIAL RESPONSE
“recommending against buying more than three items of clothing a year, privately owning a car and flying more than once every three years.”
As a rural dweller with a small family, next to no bus service and the nearest train 60 miles away, I need a car (several times a day in fact), so that is urban-biased nonsense (no tube service outside London – who knew!) as far as the car goes.
As for the clothing, no problem – it must be 5 years since I bought an item of clothing anyway, so am fine with that.
As for flying, 3 years is a bit much, but I agree one flight a year, 2 max, for hols, is fine, the rest can be done by Teams or Zoom:
Where do you stand on compulsory veganism?
Teams is a poor substitute. Attended my first in person work jolly since 2019 recently. Meeting with my peers and professional friends friends face to face made for a far more engaging conference than everyone sitting in their kitchens in their pyjamas.
For many societies in less wealthy countries (most of the world) these policies would be received with a shrug of the shoulders, since it is normal life.
And they aspire to live in the manner that we do.. You presumably advocate us all returning to their status, in the name of the fabricated climate emergency?
What a peculiar notion. This initiative is really about humans consuming less and being in balance with global resources. I take it this is a very difficult subject for the boomer generation.
More than 1,600 leading scientists from around the world have signed a “World Climate Declaration” stating there is “no climate emergency.” Calling themselves the Global Climate Intelligence Group, scientists from around the world, including Nobel Laureate Professor John F. Clauser from the United States and Nobel Laureate Professor Ivar Giaever from Norway, signed onto a letter claiming there is no climate emergency in contrast to a narrative portrayed by popular mainstream media. Climatologists, meteorologists, geologists, engineers, and physicists from a wide range of Universities, private, public, and government entities, including NASA, the USDA, and the U.S. Navy, signed onto the document which can be read in its entirety here: There is No Climate Emergency.
Thoroughly debunked. Why do you believe this stuff? https://www.thenational.scot/news/20676882.there-no-climate-emergency-clintel-declaration-debunked-experts/
Why do you believe that drivel, a better hatchet job would be hard to find!
While people in these societies risk their lives to escape and immigrate to the west, the west wants to become more like those societies. Strange disconnect there.
Our leaders have listened to the masses and have concluded that they will lower immigration. The strategy they have chosen is to make our countries decline so significantly that nobody would want to live in them by 2030.
It’s a bit like those wishes/pacts where the desire is maliciously complied with by the genie.
That’s the whole problem with Leftish thinking: it’s easier to make everything crap than to make things better. The problem is that those advocating such a lifestyle never seem to follow their own advice.
Khan certainly won’t be flying once every three years. There will be exemptions for him. Here’s a painless way to reduce CO2 emissions – ban private planes. It affects maybe 1% of the population.
It’s not leftish thinking, that’s the whole problem with folks who cannot understand this is not a political issue, it’s a human one.
Your original post was about policy. Of course it’s political. Trying to dodge that reality is rightly seen as an attempt to avoid accountability.
Another clickbait article which has obviously worked given the BTL comments. I won’t hold my breath waiting for the one about right wing think tanks in the UK which have the ear of ministers and even the BBC being funded by US climate deniers and fossil fuel companies.
Who are the US climate deniers (sic) and fossil fuel companies funding the BBC?
A badly constructed sentence. My point was that right wing tanks funded by US climate (change) deniers and fossil fuel companies have the ear of ministers and even the BBC in that they get TV time.
Do they?
All the ones who pay their TV licence fees I guess.
all my my replies are waiting approval