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Graham Stull
Graham Stull
4 months ago

I really find this report quite illuminating. It puts in clear perspective the rank intelligence failures (supporting Ukraine in a failing war, deploying aircraft carriers to fight guerrillas in tunnels) and rogue behaviours (bombing Nordstream) that too many blinkered analysists have excused away, or attempted to ascribe to 4D chess play no of us can understand.
The reality is depressingly more pedestrian and terrifying: No one is steering the ship right now. It chugs along because of its sheer weight and momentum, crashing into little fishing boats and perfectly able to hit an iceberg.

Jerry Carroll
Jerry Carroll
4 months ago
Reply to  Graham Stull

It is to be expected when you have a president suffering from brain rot.

Buena Vista
Buena Vista
4 months ago

“…Republicans have already seized upon the incident….”
I didn’t realize Unherd linked to the New York Times.

Jerry Carroll
Jerry Carroll
4 months ago
Reply to  Buena Vista

The left’s media arms, usually called the mainstream media, favor the use of “pounced”. The word “seized” is an outlier at this point, but I don’t discount its potential.

Mike Doyle
Mike Doyle
4 months ago

Russia might still win, but given that it only holds about 18% of Ukraine, and doesn’t even control all of the territory that it claims to have annexed, things ain’t looking good for it. Slava Ukraini!

Johann Strauss
Johann Strauss
4 months ago
Reply to  Mike Doyle

Unfortunately, I think you’re living in la-la land. Ukraine can no longer win this fight. They will never reoccupy the portions of Eastern Ukraine that they have lost, and the longer the war continues, the more the Ukrainians will lose both in terms of people, materiel and land. Right now, the Ukrainians would do well to negotiate an appropriate peace settlement and agree never to be part of NATO. And incidentally had they agreed never to be part of NAO in the first place, this war would never have occurred.

Dominic A
Dominic A
4 months ago
Reply to  Johann Strauss

and what of the long-term? You think the war will ultimately strengthen Russia and weaken the Ukraine? I suspect that it’ll further poison their credibility, to say the least; just as the the Vietnam/Iraq II wars did for the Americans. Unlike the Americans, I’m not sure that they can afford the loss.

Like Rasputin, strange, potent Russia can take a lot, but only so much.

Dougie Undersub
Dougie Undersub
4 months ago
Reply to  Johann Strauss

That’s nonsense. Putin has repeatedly stated that Ukraine, all of Ukraine, is part of the Russian patrimony. Supposed NATO expansionism is just his way of teasing the credulous.
And why would you imagine that a peace agreement would last any longer than it takes Putin to rebuild his army and restock his arsenal’s?

Alex Lekas
Alex Lekas
4 months ago
Reply to  Mike Doyle

Russia has already won. It also has no designs on the remaining 82% of Ukraine your math alludes to. The only question left is how many more Ukrainians must die to satisfy the keyboard warrior class.

Dougie Undersub
Dougie Undersub
4 months ago
Reply to  Alex Lekas

You’ve clearly never listened to any of Putin’s speeches or read his writings. He has explicitly and repeatedly stated that all Ukraine is part of the greater Russia.

D Walsh
D Walsh
4 months ago
Reply to  Alex Lekas

The Russians clearly want Odessa, and some other regions. Leaving the Ukraine landlocked is logical from a Russiaian point of view

Tom Condray
Tom Condray
4 months ago

“Coming at the start of an election year, such a revelation is likely to leave voters concerned that Biden is not at the helm of a well-functioning administration.”
I always like to start my day with a good a humorous story. The above statement sufficed such that my loud laughter scared the cat.
I’d suggest to the author that many voters in America, a surprisingly strong majority of whom already don’t want Joe to pursue re-election, came to that conclusion about the time of the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, and only had their opinion reinforced since then.
The current administration is a disaster, and the only bright spot is that the U.S. economy–at present– is still managing to recover from the ravages of the mismanaged COVID pandemic despite the best efforts of President Biden and Congress to ensure the opposite.

Yvonne Hayton
Yvonne Hayton
4 months ago
Reply to  Tom Condray

I do hope your cat has recovered but I fully appreciate how it happened.

Michael Lipkin
Michael Lipkin
4 months ago
Reply to  Tom Condray

The botched Afghanistan withdrawal was the military’s way of kicking the politicians for cancelling their gravy train.
So Biden is supposed to micro-manage every aspect of the withdrawal strategy?

Steve Murray
Steve Murray
4 months ago
Reply to  Michael Lipkin

Let’s be clear; he’d struggle to manage a microwave.

Do let us know why you believe otherwise.

Erik Hildinger
Erik Hildinger
4 months ago
Reply to  Steve Murray

What a marvelously astute and pithy barb!

Alex Lekas
Alex Lekas
4 months ago

Team Biden puts the fun in dysfunction and let’s ease up on Joe. He’s not running anything and everyone knows it. He’s barely up to the task of figurehead, able to do little more than blather on about “saving our democracy” and warning about “extremist MAGA” people.
Decades ago, Ronald Reagan more or less won election with one simple question: are you better off today than you were four years ago? Outside of the plutocrats and insiders, a vanishingly small number of Americans can say that. But that’s what happens when an administration enacts a series of policies that are antithetical to the self-interest of the public it allegedly serves.
None of this means that re-electing Trump will cure everything. The ship of America has taken on more water than any single candidate or administration can bail. Responsible governance is hard. It requires making tough choices and sticking to them. It requires accepting that life involves trade-offs, not solutions. And it requires more than the tribal, blinkered red/blue, right/left thinking that clouds the nation’s vision.

Frances Burger
Frances Burger
4 months ago

Is it possible that nobody mentioned it because it was “complications following a recent elective medical procedure” and no one wanted to talk about a face lift or tush tuck?